Nick walked through the front door of Aaron's house, putting his keys back on the key rack just inside. "Honey, I'm home!" he hollered.

"It's about time! My arms hurt!" Aaron shouted as Nick ascended the stairs.

Leaning against the doorjab, Nick just smiled at him, hands in his pockets. "But you look so sexy laying on the bed in handcuffs just waiting for me."

Aaron grumbled, "You've now gotten laid twice within a few hours. You can't possibly still be horny."

Nick just shrugged. "I didn't say I wanted to fuck you right now, but I might just keep these handcuffs around for later."

"Well until then, take me out of them," he said, squirming on the bed. "My shoulders and arms are numb."

"Aw, poor baby," he snickered, walking over and straddling the nude body. With a quick click, Aaron's arms were released. He stretched them and rolled his shoulder a few times, glowering at the younger man. "Whatever, you enjoyed it. Roll over."

Aaron rolled onto his stomach, sighing contentedly as warm hands rubbed over his shoulders. "Hold on, I left my massage lotion at Zak's," Nick mumbled, getting off the bed. He returned within the minute, throwing a bottle of lotion from the bathroom down on the bed next to Aaron's body. Rubbing his hands together vigorously, he warmed the lotion in his hands before returning them to the pale shoulders beneath him. Aaron groaned as the strong fingers worked into his muscles, loosening them gently. Nick watched as the eyes of the elder man closed, his body relaxing under his touch. Taking a breath, he said, "So I went to go see Derrick at the bar before I came back here."

Aaron just grunted his response, eyes still closed.

"Zak apparently didn't break up with him."

His brow furrowed and he felt the muscles tense slightly under his hands.

"I told him that I was dating Zak now."

Aaron's eyes flung open and he tried to sit up. "You did what? Does Zak know you went there?"

Nick tumbled off to the side, facing the startled Aaron. "No… I left him asleep in his bed. Apparently I wore him out."

Running his hand over his face, Aaron stood up, stretching his arms and shoulders before grabbing his boxers and shorts from the floor to put them on. "Fuck, Nick. I didn't know that was your plan. What did Derrick say?"

Nick shrugged. "He was okay with it after a few minutes. We agreed that Zak is a diva bitch."

Still standing on the side of the bed, Aaron looked down at him with the fatherly look he had perfected over the years. "So you haven't told Zak you talked with him yet?"

Nick shook his head, looking up and down the still half nude body before him, casually running his hand down his own chest. "You look so good."

Aaron just rolled his eyes and grabbed his shirt from the floor. "Come on, we have to go to Zak's."

Nick slid in behind Zak after he declothed beside the bed. Wrapping his arms around the torso, he nuzzled into the hairline at the base of his neck, his body warm from sleep. With soft feathery kisses being placed along his spine, Zak woke up slowly, a small smile on his face. "You wore me out," he mumbled.

Nick smiled against the tanned skin. "That's a shame. You did promise you'd make dinner."

Zak rolled over onto his back, stretching his languid body. "I did... So where did you go? Did you see Aaron?"

Zak's question snapped him from his thoughts. "What do you mean?"

"I woke up and you weren't here. I figured you went to see Aaron."

"I'm right here, Zak," Aaron said from the chair across the room.

"Oh… hey" Zak said, suddenly self conscious, pulling the sheet up to hide his nude body.

Nick quickly snatched it away, ripping it off his body completely. Rolling back over, he straddled Zak's body, feeling the strength of his thighs against his own. "I went to see him first because I didn't know if I'd get kicked out of your house. I knew with him I'd have a place to sleep."

Hurt etched deep into the age lines on Zak's face. "You know I'd always welcome you here. Dating or not. You never have to be afraid to show up here, Nick."

Leaning down, Nick's lips met the pale pink pucker beneath him, catching him in a slow, loving kiss. "I know, but I had my suspicions that you weren't being entirely truthful about Derrick," he said, sitting back up, placing his hands on Zak's chest.

The familiar blue eyes casted away from him and over to Aaron at the mention of the other man's name. "I don't know how to break up with him. I have no good reason to do it," he whispered, barely audible.

Strong fingertips brought his face back to center. His eyes drug up the muscular body atop his own. "You don't have to worry about it now."

"You… you didn't…"

Nick nodded, making sure he had Zak pinned down. "I went to go see Derrick. He asked me how Aaron was and I told him I was here to see you because you and I had started dating. We got into a small argument in the parking lot, but I think he knew it wouldn't last."

Zak's body deflated on the bed. He had no idea how he felt about Nick breaking up with Derrick for him. Or even about being broken up with Derrick. "You know, I actually liked him," he said, sounding only slightly hurt.

Nick's face scrunched up. "Are you saying you didn't want me to break up with him for you? Because I'm not interested in being in a four-way relationship. Three-way is already hard enough," he answered, rolling his body once along the warm muscle beneath him. He was getting hard again as he straddled the older man.

"And you're married," Zak groaned out, his hands flying to Nick's arms on either side of his body.

He glared down at him, his teasing stopped.

"You had no right to go and talk to Derrick, Nick." Turning to Aaron in the chair, he asked, "Did you know about this?"

Aaron cleared his throat, being snapped out of his thoughts as he watched the two naked men on the bed. "Uh… no. I was handcuffed to the bed while he did that."

Zak's eyes blew wide as he looked back up at Nick. "You handcuffed Aaron to the bed?"

Nick's grin lightened up his face. "Yeah, it was fucking awesome."

"Is that why you came here?"

"To handcuff Aaron? That was partly the reason…," he said, bending down, lightly grazing his teeth along the vein in Zak's strong neck.

Letting out a long sigh, Zak turned his head, looking over at Aaron as Nick laid his body down along his lover's, alternating between placing gentle kisses and harsh nips on his skin. The temperature in the room slowly rose as their bodies began to move against each other in careful, practiced motion. "To break up with Derrick, I mean," he asked, punctuating the question with a soft groan.

Nick's hand roamed between their bodies, encircling the turgid flesh. "Yes," he whispered. "I came to stake my claim on you… in you. Open for me?"

Zak's skin was on fire from the hot touches. It burned where he could still feel the trace of Nick's lips. Obediently, he spread his legs.

Nick sat up, grabbing the massage oil he had left there earlier and a condom, he quickly prepared them with a sensual glance over at Aaron. "Join in?"

The eldest stood, ridding himself of his clothing as he made his way over to the bed to kneel behind Nick. The massage oil and a condom was passed over his shoulder. Slowly, Zak felt the breach, never losing eye contact with the deep brown pools above him as he felt the head pop in before slowly feeling the hot slide of his shaft. Grabbing onto Nick's hips, he felt Aaron's hands cover his as eyelashes fluttered, hiding the browns from his gaze. "Fuck, he's in you," Zak groaned.

Aaron's hands tightened over his as he initiated the dance, forcing Nick's hips into Zak's body. A low guttural groan released into the room, its origin unknown. Fingernails dug into the pale skin at Nick's hips as he bent over a little more, resting on his elbows on either side of Zak's head, burying his face into his neck. Aaron's half lidded eyes looked down into Zak's blues as he rocked into them, quickening his pace.

Neither man could look away as Aaron's hands moved from the gyrating hips to roam up the muscular back, grabbing onto the strong shoulders for better leverage. "More," mouthed Zak up at him. With a crooked grin, he complied, driving faster and harder into Nick, making their youngest nearly scream. With a swivel of his hips, Aaron did make him scream as he thrust hard against the bundle of sensitive nerves, the sound muffled in the sweat-slick skin of Zak's neck.

Zak grinned as the man directly above him squirmed, pistoning his hips in deeper. Aaron gave him a wink before running a hand back down Nick's back, pressing his thumb against his sphincter as he pressed his hips back against him.

As if it were a button, Nick's body shot up with a loud, low moan, his eyes closed, face flush from pleasure. Over his shoulder, Aaron saw Zak's face change from a lustful grin to concern. He brought his hand up to touch the side of Nick's face, his features questioning.

Opening his eyes at the new touch, Nick took the hand from the side of his face, kissing the palm before sex-drunk mumbling, "He hit me."

"What?!" Zak groaned as Aaron's hips slammed extra hard into them before pulling Nick farther back so he could see.

"The fuck?" Aaron grunted, as his thumb grazed over the slightly swollen cheek. "I didn't see this before."

"Ugh, Aaron, fuck," he grunted as he was released, falling back on his hands on either side of Zak. Soft hands came up to rub the swollen bump.

"You got into a fight over me," Zak said, a shit-eating grin on his face.

Nick thrusted his hips hard into him. "Don't get used to it."

Grabbing him by the back of the neck, Zak pulled him down, kissing him hard, trapping his cock between their bodies. Aaron took advantage of the position, placing his hands on his lower back and driving home hot, fast, and hard, the force rippling into Zak's body beneath them both.

Releasing Nick, Zak groaned out, "I'm not gonna last," before anchoring his hands on Nick's arms.

Reaching a hand in between them, Nick grasped Zak's cock, pumping it furiously with the spilt precum and sweat from their bodies. "Then don't." The muscles in his stomach rippled slightly beneath his knuckles, as his body went taut, pearlescent streaks of cum glazing his body.

"You're next," Aaron whispered sultrily in Nick's ear. "Should we show him how it's done?"

Pulling him back from Zak, Aaron rolled the condom off of Nick's hard cock, tossing it over the side of the bed. Wrapping his arms under Nick's shoulders, Aaron started to thrust hard and fast into the younger man. Zak watched the bodies move in front of him, the pleasure etched on their faces with each thrust. Nick's hand went to his own cock, pumping it in time with Aaron's hips. A low moan with some sort of incoherent words escaped swollen lips as his cock erupted in his hand, his cum joining Zak's on his stomach.

Letting Nick's spent body fall forward through his spasms, Aaron thrust a few more times, his hips stilling as he spilled into the condom. Pulling out slowly, he pulled the condom off his cock, tying it off and tossing it over the bed with the other spent condom. Collapsing next to the men on the bed, he tried to regain control of his breathing and heartbeat. Nick pulled him closer, stretching his body over both men.

Zak grunted as Nick's large body wiggled on top of him. "I'm so not sleeping like this. You need to move your ass so we can clean ourselves up."

Nick grumbled, rolling off on Zak's other side and getting up off the bed. "Fine." He walked into the bathroom, coming out with a wad of toilet paper. Gently he wiped up the cum from Zak's stomach before tossing him his boxers from the floor. Aaron heard the toilet flush as he stood up from the bed, putting his clothes back on. Nick returned from the bathroom, grabbing his own boxers, stretching his body before climbing back in next to Zak. Aaron laid down on his other side, pulling the sheets up around all three of them.

"Cuddle time," Zak chuckled.

Nick yawned as Aaron's hand snaked over to rub gently against his swollen jaw. "You need ice."

Nick snorted. "I'll be fine."

"We can't film with you looking like you got your ass kicked," Zak said, taking Nick's jaw in his hand and turning his face so he could get a better look.

"I did not get my ass kicked. Whatever, man. I didn't even throw a punch. Dude hit me. I figured you'd be pissed at me if I hit his pretty face."

"I would be pissed at you, but I don't like that he hit you either."

Aaron, sitting up on his elbow, smiled down at Zak. "You must be something special, bro, for him to let a guy bust up his face like that for you."

Nick threw his hands in the air. "My face is not busted up, oh my God."

Zak turned and cuddled into his side, "You llooovvveee me."

Nick ignored him, staring at the ceiling fan turn round and round. "We are not starting this conversation again."

"What conversation?" Aaron asked, wrapping his arms around Zak from behind.

"Back in Chicago Nick told me he had always loved me."

"Awwwww. Hey wait…," Aaron said, peeking up at Nick.

"Do not start. You know I love you. And don't you owe us dinner?"

Zak sighed. "This relationship thing sucks. Can we just go back to sex?"

Nick pointed towards the door. "Your boyfriends are hungry after all that sex."

Zak grumbled, crawling over him to get off the bed. He escaped with a swift smack of his ass. With a last look at the two men in the bed, he sulked off to the kitchen. Nick rolled over into Aaron, enjoying the feeling of being cradled in his arms. Sighing he closed his eyes as he rubbed the warm arms around him. "I did miss this."

A soft kiss was laid to his forehead, and a whispered, "I love you" with the distant sound of pots and pans from downstairs echoing in the bedroom lulled him into slumber.