A/N: Sorry about this chapter. A close friend is slowly dying of organ failure so this is going to have one last chapter before I start hardcore focusing on something she asked me to do so she had something to read in bed and at the hospital. I am sorry if my writing isn't up to what it should be. But keep a lookout for the new story.
Thorin woke in pain. It was excruciating to breathe and he could barely open his eyes. His mind reeled what he was thinking about right before he was knocked out. Panic started to take him.
"Bilbo." Thorin tried to shout but it only came out no louder than a whisper.
When the dwarf kind tried to stand his body merely crumbled to the ground from pain. His panic about Bilbo subsided when he looked forward and noticed he was in front of a mirror. What he saw in the mirror made his insides grow cold and his heart quiver. The dwarf looking back at him in the mirror did look like him, but he was horribly twisted. His clothes bloodied and his skin painted black and blue and cuts littered his body. Most horrifying was his beard and hair had been removed.
Thorin with a trembling hand reached up watching the hand on the mirrored dwarf move too. When his hand fell onto shirt locks of hair Thorin let out a wail in anguish. The pain of his wounds and of the humiliation at the loss of his braids and beard was too much. The dwarf king curled into a ball as the pain he felt dulled his senses and he finally passed out.
Warmth, Thorin could feel warmth and something pushing up against him. The dwarf was glad his injuries stopped from fully reacting the way he wanted, when he felt hairy feet.
"Bilbo!" Thorin said with a hoarse voice.
"Hush Love, I am here." Bilbo cooed into Thorin's ear.
Bilbo reached up to run a hand over Thorin's now short hair.
"Don't!" Thorin cried halting Bilbo's hand, "Don't touch it."
The hobbit frowned. He knew all too well what Thorin was feeling. Cutting his hair like this and removing the beard he had started to grow back, was like being raped to a dwarf, it might even be considered worse.
"Thorin…" Bilbo started. Was this how everyone else felt when they tried to comfort him? This overwhelming feeling of helplessness.
Thorin turned and noticed there were others in the room; Kili, Fili, Balin, Dwalin, Dain Oin, Gandalf and his sister. The dwarf king felt sick and quickly as his battered body allowed, hid himself under the covers. He didn't want his family and friends to see him like this.
"I want everyone out!" Thorin shouted from under the blankets.
Bilbo rested a hand on Thorin's arm, "Thorin they were worried about you, we all were. Please Love; we need to know what happened."
"Tell us Uncle, who did this?" Kili pleaded.
"So we can skin them alive!" Fili added.
Bilbo shot the boys a slightly menacing look. Even though he agreed with them, Frodo was in the room.
The young hobbit walked over to the bed and gently tried to lift the covers.
Thorin stopped resisting when he felt the small hands moving the covers. Moments later a small head appeared before his. Frodo kept the blankets over both their heads.
"You know when I was little one of the neighboring boys cut some of the hair on my feet off." Frodo began.
Thorin looked at his adopted son with sorrow, "You poor boy."
"I thought the world was going to end. We hobbits are sensitive about our feet," Frodo started, "But my mama said it would grow back and I would be stronger for it. So you will be super strong, because you are really strong as it is."
Thorin managed to smile, "You think me strong?"
"Yep, even without your beard and braids. Someone must be really scared of you." Frodo replied.
"He is right about that." Bilbo added.
The dwarf king kissed Frodo's forehead before he removed the blankets from their heads. He turned to look at everyone. It was hard; he wanted to hide again, but what would that show Frodo? He didn't want to disappoint the boy who thought he was tougher than this.
"I don't know who did this. I was told Bilbo was sick and needed me. I was taken to a room and knocked out." Thorin said slowly.
"Then whoever poisoned Bilbo must have been working with whoever attacked you." Gandalf said.
Thorin almost came flying up out of the bed with a roar of anger, if it wasn't for his body's condition, "Poisoned?" He looked at his lover with distress, "Are you okay?! What about the babes?"
"We are all fine. They just gave me enough to make me sick and to pass out." Bilbo reassured Thorin.
"I will end whoever did that to you." Thorin said through his teeth.
"We all will." Dis spoke up. "No one hurts my family and gets away with it."
"I have an idea who did this and if I am right I will bring my army to his halls." Dain said coldly.
Before anyone could respond to what Dain said a messanger came rushing into the room panting, "Sorry my King, but Farin is demanding to see you in front of the Council."
Dwalin scoffed, "Seems he is making his move already."
Thorin though in pain forced himself to sit up and get out of bed.
"Thorin." Bilbo said almost pleading.
"No my Love, I must go face him." Thorin said as he gritted his teeth. The pain working on him.
Bilbo only nodded and helped his love up. He knew Thorin's pride called him to do this, both as dwarf and king. He knew Thorin had to do this and he was going to be there for it.
Kili and Fili helped their uncle to the meeting room with everyone else trailing behind them. When they entered the room where the Council was waiting, whispers started up to the point they sounded like quiet roars. Farin looked on with a wide grin, like he had already won.
"Farin!" Thorin growled.
"What's wrong Thorin? Can't control your subjects?" Farin asked smugly.
Farin looked around at the nobles present, "See what I have told you was true! This man can't even keep the lowers down and under control. He only cares for his gold. He couldn't even keep hold of the Arkenstone."
Thorin lowered his head, "The Arkenstone wasn't as important as I thought it was."
Farin pulled something out of his coat pocket and Thorin almost passed out again. There in his hand was the Arkenstone, " See I was able to save Erebor's most value treasure. Unlike Thorin I will put this place before myself. He even took to bedding some small creature that isn't even dwarf."
Whispers started up again and Thorin could feel stares on him with great intent.
"You got it back, did you? I hope you will elaborate how." Said a voice from behind everyone.
Bilbo looked to see Gandalf smiling.
An elf who looked like Thranduil but he seemed much more earthly.
"What are you doing here elf?!" Farin demanded.
Thorin thought he might be sick; he didn't want an elf to see him like this.
"I am glad you made it Prince Legolas." Gandalf said with a smile.
Legolas walked over to where Thorin was being held up by his nephews and bowed deeply.
"I am sorry I am late King under the mountain. You see I was charged with bringing you a precious gift from my father, when our caravan was attacked by mercenaries. Dwarven ones."
"What does this have to do with you being here? This is a dwarven matter!" Farin huffed.
Legolas turned to face Farin with a cold and hard glare, "It became my matter when the Arkenstone was stolen from my caravan and it turned up in your hands."
Whispers turned into outcries.
"What do you mean?" Thorin managed to ask.
"I convinced my father to give it back; I was personally to give it to you, as an offering for better relations. This Farin didn't take it back; he stole it by cowardly means." Legolas said as he turned to face Thorin once again.
Before anymore could be said Bilbo spoke up, his eyes cold and hard and they were focused on Farin, "You come into my lover's home, belittle him speak down to his family, and now this?!"
"You do not scare me little man." Farin shot back trying to keep his composure. Though, Bilbo's glare was unnerving him.
"You have no idea who you are talking to. I have fought spiders the size of horses. I have fought a dragon! Defeated a monster unlike anything I have seen or heard of. I will make you pay for this. It won't be now, no I will wait and when you least expect it I will strike."
All eyes were on Bilbo, even his tone was the coldest anyone had heard, it was like he was a whole new person, even Farin didn't dare speak up.
"I have snuck past a dragon, and you don't hold a candle to him. Leave that damn stone and leave and know that I will come for you in time, me a small creature that bested a dragon."
Dwalin and Dain moved forward and grabbed Farin and dragged him off. The Arkenstone laid in front of everyone like it was some simple stone that could be easily forgotten on the stone floor. The nobles looked on wondering what was to happen next. Legolas walked over and grabbed the stone before he walked back to Thorin and bowed once again.
"Thorin, King under the mountain. I Prince Legolas present you with the Arkenstone."