A/N: I'm going to be a father!

I was soooo looking for a story with Mina/Kushi/Naru and didn't really find one. Most of those I found were one-shot or not as I expected so I decided to write my own Naruto story. I like writing so it's a pleasure for me to have new ideas.

Enjoy~ :)

"Minato... I'm going to be a mom!"

That's how it started. I was cooking when she came back from her visit with her doctor and I seriously wasn't expecting this. My heart rate went to normal to super high. I felt butterflies in my belly and I was almost speechless. The only thing I could say was; I'm going to be a father!

Yep... I said it like three times before to hug my wife. That day, we went to Ichiraku's ramen to celebrate the news. Some people would think going there is cheap and not romantic but that's the place I asked Kushina to marry me so it is a romantic place for us. Every important event has to be celebrated at Ichiraku's. Knowing she was now carrying our baby, I treated her with two bowls. One for her and one for the baby. I think we spent the whole meal talking about the baby. What should be the name of the little Namikaze baby or what would we do if it was a girl or a boy. Then Kushina started thinking about her body changing because of the growing baby but I reassured her that she would be the most beautiful woman in Konoha. When women are pregnant, they look so charming and lovely. She smiled at me and kissed me giggling like a little girl.

We walked for about an hour, looking for baby's supplies and the most important, a new home where to live. Kushina and I live in an apartment with only one room. We never really thought having children so we didn't think about the place where we would live but now, this is a problem. Little baby will need a place to sleep and be sent if she or he throws a tantrum. Oh jeez... I'm already thinking of my child being a little spoiled brat. Bad thing, bad thing. As the fourth Hokage, I have to raise my child properly. I will not accept tantrums, a picky child or a brat wear the name of my wife or mine. I clearly understand children have their moments but I can assure you my child won't be hard to handle.

We found a place, a small house, perfect for the three of us near the Hokage's building. Great for me since I'm from time to time called by the third Hokage. We will have the keys in a week so no time to waste. Time to pack up all our things and get ready for the adventure of being parents. Well I will have to wait nine months before to definitely be called 'dad' but I am patient so "baby Namikaze, you take your time ok?" Kushina places her hand on my hand and murmurs something to my ear. I start rubbing her flat belly happy to know a baby is slowly growing up inside.

"You know your hand is tickling me?" She says with giggles. I kiss her and take my hand off her belly.

"Time to sleep my girl." I say carrying her on my arms. I walk to our room slowly dancing with her.

"Don't you think it's too early to sleep Minato?"

"Nuh-uh, not for a woman carrying a baby. You need to rest and keep your energy to help our baby to be strong and healthy."

"Alright... but I can't sleep without my man ya know? And baby need you too."

"Be a big girl now and sleep. Both of you. I will continue packing up." I kiss her good night and turn off the light.

I love her. My red-haired kunoichi. As I pack all sort of things, I find pictures of us when we were young shinobi. She hasn't changed at all. After some years of being together, sondaime-sama allowed us to have missions together. That's how I knew her more. I thought I would be happy forever just the two of us but being parents is maybe the greatest thing that can happen to a couple. With help of some friends, we start piling boxes in the rest room and in less than three hours, we finish to pack up. I haven't told them why we are packing up. Well Shikaku had his suspicions about Kushina sleeping earlier since he also experienced taking care of a pregnant woman but he doesn't have enough traces to come to that conclusion. After drinking hot tea with the guys, I thank them and let them go to their house.

"Congratulations Yondaime-sama." says Shikaku with a cheeky smile. He is confident about his spoken words.

"Wha-what? What a-are you talking about?"

"Father. You are going to be a father." he says smiling.

"Ho-how did you-"

"Pacifiers? Blankets specially for babies? Diapers? Ring a bell?" He places his hand on my shoulder and winks before to leave me amazed. "Don't worry, I will keep it secret." he says slowly walking, hands in his pockets.

No doubt why he is the one who organise plans when an enemy approaches Konoha.

I close the door and suspire. Did the others found out I was going to be father? Well in a matter of time, they will know. So I don't think I should worry. I stretch out my fatigued body and take a bath before to join my beloved wife. She is sleeping so quietly. It's time for me to sleep as quietly as she is doing.

This was just the intro of this amazing adventure! :)

Have a nice day!
