A/N: Noticed there weren't any of these so I wrote one. First Bones/Vocaloid fic! SUCCESS!
I wrote this while watching Bones.
Enjoy and I totally know where I'm going with this.
Brennan examined the remains on the table, they were of a young girl, probably about fourteen. The girl was short, about 4'11" but probably not short for the time era she was from. Brennan assumed she was from the Victorian age. From the looks of how well her bones were taken care of she must've been a daughter of a noble.
"Bones! I've got a new job for you, and it's urgent." Booth said as he speed-walked into the lab. "No, I just got these exciting remains from a lake in Austria." Brennan explained as she started to check the bones for possible causes of death.
"Yeah, well this is more important. The victim has some very interesting surroundings." Booth said as he grabbed Brennan by the arm "Let's go."
"Angela! I need you to come up with a face for our Victorian age victim!" Brennan called as Booth dragged her out of the lab and into his awesome FBI car and drove to Brennan's apartment.
"Be quick, you need at least a week's worth of clothes." Booth explained as he parked in front of the apartment.
"Why?" Brennan crossed her arms and stared at Booth, waiting for an explanation.
"Go and I'll explain on the way!" Booth pointed at the door. Brennan grumbled and exited the vehicle only to come back ten minutes later with a suitcase. She put it in the trunk with Booth's and got back in. "Explain."
"We're going to Japan. They had all of their squints look at these remains but couldn't decipher them so they called for you." Booth explained as he drove towards the airport.
"Japan?! You're taking me to Japan?" Brennan almost shrieked.
The room was dimly lit, only three light bulbs lit the entire room that was almost as large as the main lab at the Jeffersonian. The room was stark white, save for the blood stains on everything. There were towers of random computer monitors and other technological things. Lights flashed from the tall towers, hinting that the man had not been expecting to die. In front of the largest computer screen on the floor was the remains of the man. The air smelled of rotten corpse.
"Well, the man was about twenty-five to thirty at time of death." Brennan said as she looked as the remains, they were scattered about the large room but most stayed in front of the screen though.
"Well, how long was this guy here?" Booth asked as he stood off to the side, he hated this part of the job.
"I can't be certain until I check it out in the lab but I need Hodgins to look at these bug samples." Brennan said as she bagged up some of the maggots crawling inside of the remains. Suddenly there was a low moaning sound from the back of the room.
"Did you hear that?" Brennan asked quietly as she stood up slowly.
"What?" Booth asked, obviously not hearing it. Brennan shushed the whole room and as the seconds ticked by nothing happened.
After about what seemed like an eternity the sound happened again. Booth grabbed his gun and turned off the safety. He quietly moved to the sound. After a moment he called to Brennan. "Bones, you need to see this!" Brennan moved slowly on shaky legs.
When she got to Booth she opened her mouth to ask what was wrong when she saw how pale he was. Booth was pointing to the wall and Brennan followed his finger to see the most horrible thing.
Against the back wall were two children, early teens it looked like. They were covered in cuts and blood. They both had blonde hair that was clumped together in places with dry blood. One of the children was unconscious but the other was conscious, though just barely. The conscious one looked to be a boy with long hair that reached his shoulders. He was hugging the other protectively.
"S-stay back" The boy warned with a shaky voice that cracked at the end, suggesting that it hadn't been used for a long time.
"We aren't going to hurt you. My name's Agent Booth, I'm with the FBI and I'm here to help you." Booth said calmly.
"T-the FBI? Like American government?" The boy asked, still growling at them.
"Stay away! You can't take us away!" The boy screamed as he tried to push himself further into the wall.
"No one's taking you away. My name's Doctor Temperance Brennan, I'm a Forensic Anthropologist at the Jeffersonian in Washington D.C." Brennan said slowly.
"I-I don't need your help! It'll be fine when we find Master." The boy said as he hugged the unconscious child closely.
"Sorry, we don't have time to wait for this 'Master' of yours. You are being taken into custody." Booth said as he walked slowly over to the boy. "Bones, get the paramedics!" Brennan nodded and rushed off only to appear a few moments later with four men and two stretchers. They rushed over to the two children and set the stretchers down.
"No! Don't take Rin away!" The boy screamed as they pried him away from the unconscious child and strapped him to a stretcher, they then put the unconscious child, Rin, on the other one and carried them away.
A/N: So, like it? Hate it? Review and tell me!
So, yeah R&R my other fics because they need love!
Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloids or Bones or anything in this fic.
Have a wonderful day!
~I am the HERO AMERICA/ Usachan!