Author's Note: This is my first Johnlock fic so be gentle with me
(see what I did there) It's a Kid!Lock/Teen!Lock. I'll probably update within the next two or three days.

John was five years old when he held his father's hand and bounced up the steps of Sherlock Holmes' house. He had an invitation in hand, and even though he'd never met the little boy who lived inside he was excited to make a new friend.

John's father rang the door the door bell. They were answered by an extremely thin women with black hair on top of her head pulled up into a bun. Her face appeared dead at first, completely unemotional, but suddenly she had the most genuine smile you'd ever seen, and her blue eyes seemed to be twinkling in the sunlight. "Hello," She said in a beautiful voice.

Before John's father could respond John jumped up, "Is Shelock here?" He asked with a smile, exposing his missing tooth and holding out the invitation.

She bent down and ruffled his blond hair. "Well, you're just the cutest thing in the world aren't you," The way she said it almost seemed sarcastic, but her face looked truly genuine. John was suddenly frightened by . She stood up and turned her head, her face lost all emotion again when she shouted, "Sherlock!" She said it as if she were angry with him.

A well dressed six year old boy with curly black hair came running up to the door with a worried look. "Yes, mother?" He asked quickly sounding slightly older than he looked.

"Someone's here for you," she said as she sighed, she seemed rather bored. "He's turning six in a few days and wants to invite you to his party, he lives just down the street you might have seen him before."

Sherlock nodded up at his mother before looking at John, whose father was staring wide-eyed at Mrs. Holmes. "Hello," Sherlock said with a familiar bored look reaching out to shake Johns hand.

John handed Sherlock the invitation with a forced smile. "How did you know all that?" John's father asked.

"Oh, Mr. Watson," she smiled and shook her head, "It's all so painfully obvious." She started to close the door, John waved goodbye at Sherlock, who was slightly startled but waved back with a genuine smile.

As John rode home on his Father's shoulders he was even more excited for his birthday party then he was before.

Sherlock's mother dropped him off at the party a few days later. Sherlock was nervous and shy when he handed John his present. John said thank you with a big smile, happy to see Sherlock there as his father took the present and sat it on the table with the rest of them.

It was a small party with a few other neighborhood kids and children of family friends, but John didn't pay much attention to anyone else there, he spent a big portion of the party dragging Sherlock around the house by the hand, showing him his toys, and laughing at the silly things Sherlock would say. John had Sherlock sit next to him while they ate cake, even though Sherlock only ate a few bites and didn't say much around all the other people.

When it was time to open presents all the kids crowded around making Sherlock nervous so he moved to the back of the room. John ripped open all the presents clumsily, usually being more entertained by the boxes and the wrapping paper then by what was inside. When he got to Sherlock's he ripped it open happily and looked inside. It was a pirate's hat and a fake sword. John's face lit up as he put on the hat and slashed the air with the sword.

John looked around to find Sherlock and shouted thank you to the back of the room when he saw him leaning against the wall. Later Sherlock told John that he had his own Pirates hat and sword and liked to play pirates and asked him if he could come over and play one day. John eagerly agreed, and that's how it all started. For the next two years they played pirates together, had play dates, sleepovers, snack times, they were best friends.

It all ended though. When they were both eight, playing pirates in Sherlock's room John fell off the bed he had been jumping on and cut his knee on the dresser and hit his head on the floor. He didn't want to cry, but when he sat up and his head started pounding, and he saw blood streaming down his leg, tears started to pour from his face.

Sherlock didn't know what to do, he dropped his fake sword and rushed to kneel down by John's side. He turned John around so that he could lean on the bed and tried to whip up some of the blood with his sleeve. John was still crying, nearly whaling, and even though he wanted to, he showed no sign of stopping. Sherlock got up and ran to the bathroom and got a wash cloth wet and hurried back to John with it. He whipped up the blood on John's leg carefully and John started to calm down. Sherlock tried to get John to calm down even more, but he didn't know what to do or say. Finally he leaned down and kissed the redline on John's knee. Sherlock leaned back, and John stopped crying out loud and made eye contact with Sherlock, but tears still fell from his eye's. He whipped them away with the sleeve of his jumper. John and Sherlock just stared at each other for the longest time, Sherlock's eyes darted down to Johns lips before leaning forward and kissing him there as well.

John kissed him back. It was was a simple kiss, they were only eight, but it made John feel better and that made Sherlock feel better. John got up and they continued playing pirates until it was time for John to go home. Mycroft was forced to walk John home with Sherlock, it was just down the street, but mother was protective. Sherlock and John held hands this time, Mycroft raised an eyebrow.

When they got to John's house Sherlock kissed John's cheek goodbye. Then John hugged him and waved after Sherlock had ,started to walk home with Mycroft. John skipped into his house, where his parents and his sister were watching the telly in the living room. He excitedly told his parents about his day at Sherlock's and that Sherlock was his boyfriend now. His parents faces grew grimmer and grimmer as the story went on, Harriet was smiling and crying at the same time, she was proud of her little brother doing what she never could.

When his story was finished he smiled up at his parents expecting a congratulations or a giggle. His father stood up, suddenly looking like he did when John was in serious trouble. His mother started to cry. His father shouted at him to go to his room. John's eyes started welling up with tears as he ran to his room. He wished Sherlock had been there to make him feel better again.

He sat on his bed crying and listen to his parents shouting about how "he's only eight," and and, "he doesn't know how the world works," and "what are we going to do? Send him away?" John eventually tired out and fell asleep, waking up to his mother walking into his room. She smiled sweetly at him and bent down by his bedside, "You know boys can't have boyfriends, right?" She asked. John was confused.

"Yes they can, I have Sherlock," John said quietly, afraid to make his mother angry.

"Yes, but he's just your best friend," She said as if he were just acting silly, "You can't kiss him or anything."

"Why not?"

"Because that's just wrong, god made little girls for boys to kiss."

"I don't want to kiss girls, or anybody, I want to kiss Sherlock," John proudly stated.

Mrs. Watson was becoming frustrated, she stood up shaking her head and left the room. John cried again, until Harry snuck in his room to cuddle with him. For the next three days Sherlock came over asking if John could play, Harriet made sure to answer the door each time and told Sherlock John wasn't allowed to play. On the fourth day Sherlock was walking to the Watson house, and he saw John getting into a car while his father putting a trunk in the back. Sherlock started to run, but he didn't make it in enough time.

John saw him at the last second as the car started to pull away. He put his tiny hand up to the window and started to cry. He blew a kiss to Sherlock and that was the end of it.

John went to a private school, Sherlock's mother died later that year so him and Mycroft went off to live with their father. John moved on but he always remembered his first kiss and so did Sherlock.

Maybe they would find each other again someday.