It's that time of year again!

Phineas was sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for Ferb to show up. He checked his watch, "He's late. It's not like him to be late. I spoke to him this morning and he assured me he'd be here."

Phineas finished his coffee and ordered a second cup for himself and a sandwich. He went back to his table and continued to wait.

After another half-hour passed, Phineas tried calling Ferb's mobile. The call went straight to voicemail. "Hey Ferb. It's me. I thought we were meeting up at the coffee shop for lunch. Well, anyhow, call me back."

Twenty minutes after Phineas left the voicemail on Ferb's phone, he still hadn't heard anything. Worried, Phineas decided to call his father. "Dad?" He said as his father picked up the phone with a cheery 'Hello'. "Have you heard from Ferb? He was supposed to meet me at the coffee shop over an hour ago."

Phineas listened for a moment as his father spoke. "I was talking to him this morning. He was going out for breakfast with Gretchen. You don't think anything happened to them do you?" His father assured him that if something had happened he would be notified. "But Dad, what if Ferb couldn't call?"

Phineas sighed as his father received information from someone else at the house. 'It would seem that you're correct. Something did happen and Ferb is at the hospital with Gretchen.' Lawrence passed the message along. Phineas went into full panic mode. "What happened? Do you have any further information? Can I go see him? Are you going to go see him?"

Lawrence, calm as ever, replied, "Linda and I will check on them in a little while. We were told no visitors at the moment."

Phineas thanked his father for the information as he disconnected the call. He grabbed his coat as he got up and pulled his car keys out of his pocket. "I don't care what Dad says, I'm going to visit my brother." He opened the door to the coffee shop as Buford and Adyson entered, the former dragging him back into the coffee shop.

"I can't stay." Phineas insisted. Buford wasn't listening. "Just sit down and have a drink. You look like you could use one." Adyson collapsed into one of the overstuffed chairs. "The roads are horrible. I'm glad we made it." Phineas' eyes went wide as he realized that Adyson was expecting. "Gretchen." He uttered. Adyson laughed, "I'm too tall to be Gretchen. I'm Adyson, remember?"

Phineas blinked, "Yeah, but you're expecting… Gretchen's expecting and now they're in hospital due to an accident." Adyson sat up straighter. "Excuse me?! They were involved in a car accident? Who told you this?" Phineas pulled out his phone and looked at it, willing a text to come through from his brother. "Dad told me."

Adyson adjusted her position, "Your father told you Ferb was involved in a car accident?" Phineas nodded, "He said that Ferb was at the hospital with Gretchen. He was supposed to meet me here for lunch, but never made it and he's not answering his phone."

Adyson accepted the glass of water Buford brought over. "What's going on?" Buford demanded and Phineas re-told the story.

Buford guffawed, "Maybe Short-stuff's had her kid." Phineas couldn't accept this, "No. He'd tell me." Adyson looked at her boyfriend, "Not if it happened quickly. Ferb was probably caught off guard." Phineas was still not accepting this explanation, "That would make the baby a week early."

Buford laughed, "A week early and on Beanpole's birthday."

Phineas was trying to digest this slim, but possible explanation when his phone buzzed a text. He read it and tapped out his reply. When he looked up Buford and Adyson were curious to learn any news. "You were right guys. Gretchen had her baby. A little girl, Samantha."