Wishing Upon Gold Stars

Author: BlackInk-32

Chapter Count: 2,059

The Aftermath

Hanging between her legs was a seven inch piece of tan meat that seemed to be gaining length and girth by the second. The tip was a rosy color, leaking a soluble liquid from the head. Quinn averted her eyes, trying vainly to wrangle her fluctuating emotions.

"Got what you expected, Quinn?"

A bout of anger bubbled in her chest and she held onto it with a vice grip. Who the hell did Rachel Berry think she was? Taking care not to glance at the hardening member, she matched her hazel eyes with Rachel's chocolate ones and mustered the most scathing tone she could.

"What I expected? This is better than I expected," chuckled Quinn. "Think of it: McKinley High's Resident Loser Dawns Penis. I'm sure Jewfro could give it a better title though, but I think all that matters is the information, right?"

Rachel covered her member self consciously, rethinking her rash decision to one-up Quinn. Why hadn't it occurred to her that she was standing in front of Ohio's iciest bitch? Of course Quinn would tell the school.

"You're such a bitch, you know that?" she said before she could swallow the words down. And then it all came out like vomit. "God, what pleasure do you get out of torturing me? I've done nothing to you. I keep out of your way and yet I somehow always manage to find a way onto your radar. Why is that Quinn?"

Rachel watched Quinn's brow dip in confusion for a second before her face morphed to a stony mask.

"It's my job to make sure freaks stay at the bottom," she laughed. "And this addition most certainly makes you the biggest freak of them all."

Quinn stepped back, ignoring the stabbing pain that came with Rachel's hurt face and feigned satisfaction. "I won't tell anyone Berry, mostly because I don't want anyone to know I even made contact with you, let alone while we were naked. But I would watch your step if I were you."

Smirking, she turned and walked towards her clothes to begin putting them on. Rachel watched for a moment, then sent a silent prayer to whatever angel was watching over her. She finished her shower, just as the door could be heard shutting from Quinn's exit.

Sighing, Quinn ran a hand through her clean hair. The moisture between her legs was still there, sticking to her clean white panties, growing more uncomfortable as the seconds passed. It wasn't as if she hadn't wiped in the girls bathroom after her little encounter with Berry, but it seemed like she wouldn't be in the clear of her arousal unless she took care of it herself. She groaned, realizing there was another three hours between her and home due to Cheerios practice. Fuck, she felt so out of control. Berry had her resorting to thoughts of masturbation, who would have thought? Her mind reeled slightly at the thought. Grimacing, she went to open her locker.

"Hey babe," grinned Finn as he took in the sight of his freshly clean girlfriend by her locker. He dropped as kiss on her cheek and waited until she gathered her stuff. "So...I was wondering if maybe this weekend you wouldn't mind hanging out at my place. Moms away on a business trip so we would have the house to ourselves."

Quinn could hear the suggestiveness behind his small offer and internally cringed. "Finn," she turned to look up at him, "baby, you know how I feel about sex. I'm just not quite ready and I know you wouldn't push me, right? You wouldn't force me to do something I don't want to do?"

In all honesty, Finn was a sweet boy. He took her home after practice, wine and dined her (even if it was at cheap Breadsticks), tried to be as attentive as possible, and even stuck by her through her bitch fits. So if Quinn felt a little guilty about denying him, it was understandable.

"Besides, I think I have plans this weekend and you know I'm going to be trapped in church basically all Sunday," she sighed. "I'm sorry."

He nodded, shifting his backpack to his other shoulder. "Nah, I understand. Maybe if you can escape for a few hours we can catch a movie or something. In an actual theater, not my bedroom."

Quinn chuckled, relief overcoming her. A part of her did feel guilty. They had been together since sophomore year and here she was half way through junior year still a virgin (or at least Finn was under the impression she was still a virgin). He deserved something for putting up with her crazy ass, but she couldn't ever bring herself past a few sucks on his dick. He claimed he loved her and begrudgingly she replied back with the same three letter words (because it'd be weird if she still hadn't said she loved him after a year, right? Right?) So what was stopping her?

"I-yeah. I'll see what this weekend has in store for us," she smiled. "Walk me to Cheerios practice?"

And he did. He always did. Almost like it was a part of his job description as Quinn Fabray's Boyfriend. Cheerios was brutal as per usual. Sue stood in her bright red track suit, shouting obscenities at her girls as a warped form of motivation, while Quinn barked demand after demand. It seemed as though Quinn's mood continued to deteriorate as the minutes passed, or rather the damper he panties got.

She all but dashed out of the locker room when practice was over, quickly dismissing Santana's biting comments and comparisons to her and Fidel Castro. The car ride home was mostly silent, with a bit of talking on Finn's part about how he felt Puck was trying to steal his quarterback position. Quinn was only slightly alarmed. It wouldn't sit right with her if she was ruling as Queen and Finn, her King, was demoted. The thought of her dumping Finn for Puck irked her. He was such a pig.

With her dad still at work and her mom probably volunteering at church her house was an ever silent presence. She quickly made her way to her room, shutting the door behind her. Quinn released a small breath. She was home at last. Alone. Yet, she was struggling to go forward with her earlier plans.

"Got what you expected, Quinn?"

Arousal shot through her body, but with it came and underlying feeling of repulse. Creeping and potent. She was getting hot over not just a girl, but a tranny.

Despite that heavy thought she had a difficult time battling her lust. Her fingers latched onto the material of her shirt and flung it off of her body leaving her panting in her bra and Cheerios skirt. She gripped at her boobs, before unlatching her bra and dropping it with her top.

"God, you're so big Berry," she would whisper, moving to her knees.

Slowly her hands began to move down to the skirt covered portion of her body. Her fingers danced along the skin of her stomach before smoothly easing into the confines of her skirt. She let her hands hover over her panty covered pussy, letting the anticipation soak over her.

She would feel herself clench at the thought of wrapping her mouth around Rachel's length.

"This is better than what I expected," she would smirk, glancing up at Rachel through her eyelashes.


"Quinn where the fuck is your mother?"

She heard the door slam from downstairs and immediately jumped to pull on her bra and top, fear intertwining with her movements. Breathing heavily, she ran a hand through her disheveled hair and made her way to the staircase overlooking the living room.

"She isn't home daddy," she said, trying her best to appear innocent. "I think she's volunteering at church."

He huffed, stalking to the kitchen. To the Jack Daniels. To the Bacardi. Quinn heard the sound of glasses clinking together and debated on retreating to her room or staying in case her father had more to say to her.

"Your mothers a slut, you know that?" he laughed from the kitchen. "She's not at church. She's fucking that bastard Remington. Where else would she be on a Thursday? God, she's just like the fucking rest of them. Too bad it's a sin to divorce. Too bad I didn't make her sign a prenup. Married a fucking slut, but you know what? I got two kids, two fucking great girls who won't let me down. How are you Quinn, darling?"

She hated when he got like this. Chances were he had a few drinks before he came home and God when he drank he became a monster. He was barely manageable sober, but drunk he was a nightmare.

"I'm good daddy."

She was lying through her teeth.

"I can barely hear you. Come sit with me in my study." His footsteps disappeared further into the house and her stomach dropped. The last time she had been in his study she was backhanded for bringing home B on her report card.

The room was much the same, but the curtains were closed making everything much darker than it needed to be. Paintings of her grandparents and great-grandparents lined the walls along with photos of her and her sister. There were none of Judy and Russell. She sat in one of the leather chairs facing his mahogany desk, quietly observing his movements. He was pacing the room slowly, swirling the alcohol in his glass languidly.

"How are your grades Quinn?"

She stiffened, though it was only noticeable if you had been paying particular attention to her.

"They're fine," she spoke confidently. "All A's."

"Good. That's what I like to hear," he smiled thinly. He placed his glass on the desk before sinking into the chair behind it. "You and Finn are getting awfully serious aren't you?"

She nodded carefully, watching him closely.

"Now at this age your hormones are raging and I know the temptation for sex is present," his lip curled in disgust. "But you understand my rules and Gods rules on no pre-marital sex?"
"Yes, daddy," she nodded.

"That's not what I want to hear."

"I'm a virgin," she whispered, barely perceptible to the ear.

"That's right. Now Finn's a good boy. He seems like the type to go far in life. I just wanted to reiterate the rules in hopes that you would remember you both have a bright future ahead of yourselves that I wouldn't want to see tainted because to sin. Now give me a kiss good-bye, princess. I'm sure you have lots of homework, I don't want to keep you any longer."

She dropped a kiss on his cheek, smiling softly after for effect before gliding out of his study. In the confines of her room is where she began to feel the sinking disgust and guilt. God, what had come over her? It hadn't been too long ago when she had been about to touch herself to thoughts of Rachel Berry. Berry of all people. She needed to remember who she was. She was Queen and Berry was a mere peasant in her kingdom. A freak of nature.

Shaking her thoughts she walked to her desk and retrieved her phone from her bag. She shot a text to Santana.

Slushy barrage on Berry 2morrow. I want her 2 walk out of school w/out a dry spot on her.

Santana responded seconds later, curiosity laced in the message.

Y Berry? She's a no1.

Quinn cocked an eyebrow at that one. Since when did Santana care who she ordered an attack on?

Y the fuk do u care? She pissed me off 2day and she needs 2 kno her place.

Santana was quick to reply.

U better watch who ur tlking 2. Prissy bitch.

She didn't hear anymore from her lackey and figured that was her special way of saying yes to tomorrow's plans. Sighing, she scrolled down her contacts list until she found the person she was looking for.

Hey baby. I think I might just be able 2 do Saturday.

Her stomach clenched, but it was certainly better than feeling the disgust and guilt from earlier. She sighed. Berry had better watch out, because she had a big day tomorrow.

A/N: Sorry for being a lazy sack of **** #noexcuses But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.