Wishing Upon Gold Stars

Author: BlackInk-32

Chapter Count: 2, 071

Welcome to the Kingdom

The hallways were William McKinley's unofficial playground. Though, the wood chipped floor was replaced with linoleum tiling, the setting was indoors and the students were ten years and above older than they were when they were five, the playground was still a place for cruel torture and inhumane acts.

Last week Richard Price had opened his locker only to find the cafeterias two week old macaroni and cheese filling the metal container to the brim. He couldn't get the stench out for a month and everything in his locker had to be replaced. Apparently, rumor had it he was targeted because he was overheard calling Quinn Fabray "Quinn Fatbray."

No, they were long past the Elementary school days where a good ole shove or gum to the hair would stop any antics.

This was high school.

And in high school there was a hierarchy, because there was royalty, because William McKinley High was a kingdom. A kingdom ruled by one Queen Quinn Fabray, with her lackeys Santana and Brittany flanking her sides at all times.

The hallway was owned by her. The lockers were hers. The seat you sat your warm butt on in the cafeteria had her name engraved in its cool plastic exterior. She owned the school and by default, you.

The power was nice. Oh who was she kidding? Quinn Fabray existed for the sole purpose of ruling McKinley with an iron fist. When she said 'jump,' you asked 'how high?' And she ate it up. The power, the fear. She longed to see the eyes of her fellow peers avert hers; enjoyed seeing their bodies pressed against the lockers as if they were trying to mold into the piece of metal when she walked by.

Quinn smirked when she saw a freshman trip over his feet in an attempt to move out of her way. Santana spat at his fallen figure, twisting her face into one of disgust as though even her saliva wasn't worthy of his body. This was routine. This was her life, whether she wanted it or not.

Finn was waiting for her at the end of the hallway, dutifully guarding her locker with his tall body. She eyed his letterman jacket carefully, then her white Cheerio sneakers and finally red outfit. A match. They were the King and Queen. Quarterback and Head Cheerleader.

It was the only time she allowed herself to smile.

This truly was her kingdom and you'd have to be an utter imbecile to challenge her rule—

The taste of raspberry hung on her tongue before she felt ice chips hit the left side of her face, or a cool liquid run down her spine.

Karofsky was that imbecile.

When she finished sputtering and gasping, she whirled around and gave him the most withering glare she could conjure.

"What the fuck would possess you to do that Karofsky?" she shoved him against the nearest locker, her body shaking with unbridled rage .

She couldn't look weak and if she had to be aggressive...well, she would be.

"I was aiming for the dwarf, I swear," he said, letting the Big Gulp cup fall to the floor as he raised his hands in defense. "I'm sorry."

The smirk on his face told a different story.

She huffed, glancing around the hallway, past the frozen students, until her eyes zeroed in on Berry huddled by her locker and shaking from the cherry and blueberry slushy covering her body. Quinn wasn't sorry about the ruined cat shirt.

"Yeah, you're sorry?" she mocked. "You're ass doesn't know the meaning of sorry."

She pulled over her hispanic lackey and whispered in her ear. It was only then that the smirk Karofsky was boldly wearing fell off his face.

"Santana here," she patted her friend on the shoulder, "is going to show you what it means to be sorry."

Quinn stepped away from the boy, only to bump into Finn's concerned figure. He flinched upon getting light blue syrup on his jacket, but covered it up with a sympathetic smile.

"Quinn are you alright?" he asked, his face shifting to fury when his eyes made contact with Karofsky's figure. "I'll kick his ass. That dumbfuck."

"Baby, it's okay," she mumbled quickly, her anger dissipating. "I'm going to change. I'll meet you after school today."

His lips met hers briefly, before he pulled away. "I'll drive you home after practice, yeah?"

"Definitely," she smiled.

"You have a change of clothes and everything?" Quinn nodded, partially distracted by Rachel's quaking figure. Finn caught her direction of sight and before he could chicken out, suggested something that made his soul lighter. "You should help her out—like I don't know, maybe help her clean up and stuff. I mean your both girls, right?"

Quinn looked affronted. "You want me to help RuPaul get clean?"

"Quinn look at her—" he pointed at Rachel's sad person. "She's a mess."

"Alright, okay," she relented, not wanting to argue. There was an audience after all. "You win. But keep that up and I'm going to have to assume, dare I say it, that you care for the loser."

"She's pathetic," he huffed, averting his eyes. He felt Quinn's lips on his once more, before she was gone all together.

Rachel didn't expect to be faced with the ever intimidating presence of one Quinn Fabray, though she couldn't say she hated the experience.

"Hey, ManHands, looks like it's your lucky day," she smirked. "You just won a trip to the Cheerios locker room, all expenses paid."

Rachel didn't know what to say, but she was sure it had more to do with the fact that she never would have thought she'd see the day where head cheerleader Quinn Fabray would be covered in slushy, with ice chips still stuck in her hair.

"This is the part where you thank me for my generosity and pull out a change of clothes and whatever else trannies need to shower with," commented Quinn.

The shock wore off instantly and Rachel quickly began pulling a bag from her locker. It was times like these that she was grateful she had an abundance of old and ugly shirts and pants. Goodwill was the only thing keeping her from venturing into her closet for the good clothing.

"I'm ready," she mumbled, taking care to not stare Quinn directly in the eyes.

Following Quinn was an easy task and as she was taken back into the Cheerios safe haven, she tried not to take notice of the luxury the jocks were bathed in. The locker room hardly seemed like an ordinary one. The shower heads were a shining silver, the tiles were scrubbed to perfection and the towel rack held personal name embroidered towels.

That's where the school funds were going.

"I'm going to shower here," Quinn said, pointing to the open space with the only shower head that was shining red, "and you're going to shower over there, very far from me. Got it?"

"Understood," Rachel nodded. "I'd like to take this time to thank you for your generosity. You didn't have to take it upon yourself to care for me, but you did. You recognized a fellow peer in distress and for that, I thank you."

She felt a warm body wrap around hers and stiffened, standing there awkwardly with her arms at her side. "Don't mention it, Berry." Then as an afterthought, "no really, don't mention it. I have a reputation to uphold."

Quinn used the girls loosening stance as an escape and pulled away, quickly heading to the towel racks. She pulled hers––the one made with the softest material––away from the rack and hung it on the hook next to her showering space. Her toiletries found there way onto the stand under her towel and she began to strip.

As she unhooked her bra, she noticed Rachel standing awkwardly in the same spot she left her, eyes never reaching hers.

"First time showering or something, Berry?"

Rachel jumped at the girls soft voice. It rang out louder in the empty locker room. "I––no. I have a very meticulous and thorough hygienic routine."

"Then what's the issue? Spit it out, Berry," huffed Quinn, as she slid off her underwear.

"I haven't ever showered with another person before," Rachel whispered, averting her eyes from Quinn's naked figure.

Finn's words came to mind.

"We're both girls. What's the big deal?"

Quinn rolled her eyes, and stepped under the hot spray of the shower. She took care to apply a generous amount of shampoo in her hand, before lathering her hair. She'd be damned if there was a single trace of slushy in her hair. Karofsky would certainly pay for his offense. Santana was just a preview.

When she opened her eyes after the second shampoo and glanced in Rachel's direction, she caught sight of a pert bottom, before running her eyes up the girls backside. A deep flush enveloped her face.

"Why's your back turned?" Quinn asked, sharply.

"I figure it would be polite to keep our nude bodies out of each others sight," Rachel said.

"It's not as if I'm going to leer at you. I'm not a faggot like your dad's."

Rachel's spine stiffened. "You don't have to bring my daddies into this discussion. I'm well aware of your sexuality Quinn. I was being polite. And in any case, why would you care to see my body anyway? You've made it awfully clear that you detest me."

"I don't want to see you," snapped Quinn. She shut off the water. "I was just wondering why you couldn't act normal for once in your life."

"It would seem as though, you're the one not acting normal Quinn. You're a devout Christian girl. Why are you even harassing me about being polite enough to not reveal my body to you?"

"I––I don't, don't turn this around on me. I bet your as gay as your dad's. You're afraid to look at me naked, because of your sinful little thoughts."

"I'm as straight as they come, Quinn," Rachel chuckled, gathering her soap bar in her hand to begin washing herself. "I'm beginning to think you're the one with the sinful little thoughts."

"Then what is it?" ignoring Rachel's quip. Quinn wasn't even sure why she cared. She finished with her shower and now she should be dressing to head to her next hour. Not worrying about nonsense. "What are you hiding, ManHands? Do you have like two belly buttons or no nipples?"

She let the awkward silence and the sound of Rachel's light humming wash over her before she whispered an utterly ridiculous notion.

"The rumors were true the entire time, huh?"

"Rumors––what? Quinn, what are you going on about?"

"You really are a tranny," gasped Quinn. "I didn't think Treasure Trail would hit home."

Rachel didn't deny Quinn's allegations, more so because she was busy trying to formulate words that kept coming out in the form of sputtering and gibberish.

"I always knew the rumors held some truth," she lied, "but having it proven is something else entirely."

"Nothings been proven," snapped Rachel. She kept her body turned, not buying Quinn's bullshit teaser. "You don't know anything. And if you're so curious why don't you come take a look for yourself."

There was a deafening silence, before Rachel heard the soft pads of Quinn's feet hit the wet floor towards her.

Her heart pounded as the blood rushed to her ears. "I was only jesting Quinn."

"Well, it won't matter if you check out clear will it?" She could feel Quinn's body heat radiate off of her. "Turn around, Berry."

"Stop, Quinn. This is nonsense."

"Shy are we? You have a small little guy, huh? I promise not to let the school know."

"I don't––you know what? Fine," grinned Rachel. "You want to look so badly, take a look."

The outburst was unexpectedly casual it took Quinn several seconds to realize Rachel had agreed so easily and had in fact turned around, leaving her eyes trailing past her supple breasts, past her toned stomach to...oh wow.

She didn't expect her core to throb as tightly as it did, nor did she think she'd feel the amount of wetness that pooled between her legs.

She jerked her eyes up to meet Rachel's darkening ones, face flushed with arousal and embarrassment.

"Got what you expected, Quinn?"

A/N: Yes, I did indeed put out another G!P fic. Dont sue, but tell me what you think...