Padme helped her daughter back to the fleet and set her on a log as Han came over.

"You okay?" He asked Leia. Leia nodded and turned to her mother, the unspoken question clear in her eyes.

"I'll be alright. I just need to take a walk." Padme reassured. Leia nodded and the 19 year old queen walked into the forest. She knew that with the shield generator down, Luke and Vader were in danger. She sighed and ran a hand through her brown waves. She didn't like this, waiting to see if they would come back dead or alive. It terrified her to death, ironically she already was technically. She shook her head and continued to walk until an explosion rang out. She looked up at the sky to see the Death Star now nothing more than an explosion. Her eyes widened and she quickly reached to the Force. She found Luke's bright light but Anakin's…was gone. Suddenly, Padme had a huge headache. She held her head and groaned in pain when she suddenly fell to the ground. She opened her eyes only to see nothing but white. "Where…am I?" Padme whispered.

"The Force." An unfamiliar voice said. Padme whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" She demanded. She suddenly felt a presence behind her and whipped around. Behind her was a man with long brown hair and wore dark Jedi robes. But what struck her the most were his eyes. They were a bright blue, identical to Luke's. "Anakin?" She whispered, needing to make sure she was correct. The man smiled and held his arms open wide. Padme ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Shh Padme, it's alright. Everything's alright." He whispered as his hand stroked her hair. She wasn't even aware of the tears trailing her cheeks until Anakin pulled back and wiped them away.

"You're…dead, aren't you?" She whispered. Anakin nodded,

"Luke saved me." Padme looked at him, confused. "Palpatine tried to kill him when he refused to turn and I threw him over a ledge. It cost me the ability to breath and I died looking at Luke for the first time." Padme smiled slightly,

"He looks just like the you I remember." Anakin laughed and then smiled,

"It's time for you to go back to our children, before it's too late." Padme's eyes widened but before she could say anything the whiteness of the Force brightened and brought her back to the real world.

Padme groaned as she opened her eyes.

"Mother! Mother!" Luke was above her, worry in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Luke…" Padme whispered as she sat up and gasped as she felt the pain in her head.

"Careful." Luke warned, "I found you lying here a while ago. What happened?" Padme looked into her son's bright blue eyes for a minute before she answered,

"I was taking a walk and sensed you were alive after the explosion and tried to find your father but I couldn't. I then felt a pain on the side of my head and fainted." Luke sighed,

"Are you alright?" Padme nodded. "Thank the Force." Luke sighed. He then stood up and held his hands out to her. "Do you want to help me burn father's armor?" He asked.

"Is that a Jedi ritual?" Padme asked. When Luke nodded, she agreed. Luke led her to a clearing where several logs laid.

"Help me stack these up and place Father's body on them. Then we light it on fire." Luke explained. Padme nodded and began to pile up the logs.

By the time the two Skywalkers finished, it was dark. Luke placed Vader's armor on the logs and lite the wood on fire. The two watched as the armor burned. As it did, Padme looked at Luke to see him crying slightly and took his hand. Luke looked down at his mother and smiled slightly. The two stood there until the armor and the wood was completely burnt. As they walked past the ashes, both reached down and touched it.

"Goodbye Father." Luke whispered. The two returned to the fleet to find a celebration had already begun. Luke smiled and walked around, hugging everyone. Padme smiled at everyone as she made her way to a corner. She sighed and leaned against the tree. She knew her time was coming and nothing could stop that. She looked up at the stars as she waited. It was only a little longer now.

"Padme?" Padme looked up to see Leia, Han and Luke staring at her. It was Leia who had spoken, pretending she wasn't her mother so Han wouldn't know. "Are you okay?" Leia continued. Padme's head suddenly jerked up to the sky.

"It's time Padme." Qui-Gon said. Padme stopped leaning against the tree and stared at her children.

"No more secrets." She whispered and then walked towards a table in the center of the group. She stood up on it and looked at the former rebellion. "Attention everyone," She cried, "I have to tell you something." The rebellion turned and before she could continue, the sand from her first time travel surrounded her and she gasped along with everyone else. The sand cleared and she looked at herself. She was once again 14, wearing the exact same outfit she had worn when she followed Qui-Gon and Artoo to Mos Espa. The rebellion gasped and everyone began to whisper among themselves. "Yes, I'm not from here." She said, "I'm from the past, 37 years to be exact. You know me as Padme Nabree. But my true name is Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker. My time here is coming to a close but I wanted to thank you all for taking in me…and my children, Luke and Leia." Everyone looked at her and then her children.

"You lied to me?" Han cried, looking at Luke, Leia and Padme one at a time.

"We couldn't tell anyone." Luke explained, "It could've messed things up and we couldn't afford that." He then nodded at his mother to continue.

"I'm sorry to leave you all now," Padme continued, "but I am needed in my own time." Sand began to cover the once again 14 year old queen of Naboo. Luke and Leia stared at her when suddenly; Luke ran forward and pulled Leia with him.

"Mother, wait!" Luke cried and reached out a hand. The sand around Padme thinned near them and the young queen reached out, trying to catch her son's hand.

"I'll do what I can to save you!" She cried, tears forming in her eyes.

"But you won't do it alone!" Luke cried, "I can sense that we'll be coming back!" Leia suddenly cried,

"So do I!" Padme smiled. She believed them but she also knew it might be years for her before they come back. Quickly, she retracted her hand and reached into her pocket. She took out her two rings and threw them as she vanished. The rings landed in Luke's outstretched hand and the rebellion watched in amazement as the sand rose to the sky and vanished.

"She's gone." Luke whispered before he looked down at the rings in his hand. One was silver and one was gold. He held the silver one to Leia. "So she's always with us." Luke smiled, "And so we'll never forget." Leia nodded and took the ring.

Padme's eyes shot open and she heard Artoo beeping worriedly. She sat up with a groan and said,

"I'm fine Artoo." She shook her head when the five years in the future came back to her. The queen jumped to her feet and felt the inside of her pocket. The rings were gone. She smiled and walked over to the same spot she had stood on before she left her own time. Tears welled on the 14 year old's eyes as she whispered; "I'll wait for you Luke and Leia. You're my only hope."

And we've reached the end! This is really bitter sweet as I love this story but it had to come to an end eventually. But remember this story is far, FAR from over. And to celebrate I'm excited and thrilled to tell you that I've reached 98 reviews. I can't believe I've reached that many reviews and I know more are coming so thank you all. Thanks to tate4eva, kelwin, ccp, Maleficent-darkgoodwitch2416, Ballyball69, Icetail of WindClan –Meta-If, Agent8699, boo56, Darth Rabbits and san01 for reviewing/following/favoring. Thanks to all 13,469 readers. You guys are some of the most amazing readers and reviewers I've ever had! I can't wait to post the sequel and while you're waiting, check out 'The Angel's Choice' by Maleficent-darkgoodwitch2416. It's a direct sequel in Padme's time to show how she handles life after the time travel. Please read it and encourage Maleficent-darkgoodwitch2416 to update it cause it is good. Anyways, pay attention for 'The Hope's Chance' cause it'll be out soon and check out my other stories if you want to read something else I've written. So, for the last time, I'm thanking you guys again and I'm sad to say goodbye but it must come. So…I'll see you at 'The Hope's Chance' soon. Later.