Chapter 34
The bright sunshine beamed through the balcony as Maria lay in bed, gentle silks adorning her bruised, recovering body.
Nothing could shift the soft smile from her face though. Nothing.
The door thudded gently shut from the front of their chambers and Maria recognised the familiar heavy bootfalls of her husband striding through.
He looked just as radiant as ever as he stepped into the bedroom, his face beaming.
"Hello, my darlings." He purred adoringly, making a bee line for the bed. The flowers in his hands were all but forgotten as he knelt by the edge of the bed, gazing down lovingly at his two children. "How are we today, hm?"
It was strange hearing Thor talk in such a soft, playful voice – but there was no other way to speak to him when he was around the newborns. He was too smitten.
Maria smiled to herself as she watched him, her heart thumping strong in her chest; he looked positively radiant.
She cleared her throat gently. "Erm, Thor."
The god didn't even look up, reaching out a finger to softly stroke at his son's cheek. "Yes, dear?"
"What's with the flowers, honey?"
His piercing eyes shot up to his wife, glittering secretively like they were holding all the answers to the world's mysteries. It made it look like miniature galaxies were packed in his gaze, swirling with stunning colour. A knowing grin spread across his lips, and Maria matched it on her own expression as he rose again.
Wondering around the bed, the god plucked a stray red rose from amongst the bouquet and gently traced Maria's cheek with the velvety petals.
"For my darling wife, of course." He smiled, kneeling at her bedside and placing the beautiful bouquet in her arms. "For I know red roses are her favourite."
His eyes scoured over his wife as she lay there in the finest of silk night gowns. It was safe to say there were not enough words to describe his admiration for her after what she had endured a few nights ago. She was still showing the scars.
It had been a blessing when Loki had finally roused from his slumbers that night and he finally heard Maria's calls for help in his head. It wasn't long after that when the golden doors heaved open and the guards and royals found a very raw sight. It hadn't been pleasant: the prince and princess half naked with two newborn babies in their arms, blood and amniotic fluid everywhere.
Maria had been whisked away for inspection, while Thor and Loki had taken his new son and daughter back to their chambers. They were so tiny…
For a while, it had worried him how small they were but his mother had assured him they were fine. They were just delicate. But all the important body parts worked. They might struggle to keep warm on their own but aside from that, they were healthy. Apparently, Thor holding his son against his bare, warm chest had been the best thing he could have done for the youngster.
Thor was glad the twins had their mother's eyes. Both babies had those deep chocolate orbs gifted from Maria, and it made his heart melt every time he saw them.
They were not identical though. Cleaned up a little, they had found the girl to have Thor's golden blonde hair, a few tiny strands on the top of her head. The boy had a small tuft of hair too – only his was a deep, warm brown. Like Maria.
It was magical seeing the two tiny creatures he and Maria had made together, knowing just how perfect they were.
"Mother will be by shortly to see how they are doing." The god murmured as he perched on the bed by Maria's calves. Leaning down, he carefully scooped up his daughter and eased her into her mother's arms. He held onto his son for himself.
Looking at the child, Thor couldn't believe that this tiny baby would one day inherit the kingdom, just as he would from his father one day.
Until that day though, Thor would defend him with every breath in his body and every drop of blood he possessed.
"I think they are doing just fine." Maria breathed dreamily at the child in her arms, offering a finger to her daughter. The tiny hand clasped it without a blink.
Thor smiled at his wife. "We will have them Christened as soon as you are well enough to travel."
He knew that was important to his wife, but right now she was still too fragile to travel. Birth had weighed heavily on her body, from what the palace healers had told him. She bled heavily – not enough to cause concern, but enough to leave her greatly weakened.
Hence why she was confined to bed. Thor had resolved to be there for her as much as possible, to make her as comfortable as could be. He dressed her in lace and silk, brought her flowers, brought the babies from the nursery to be with her during the day. He could see from her face how much she absolutely adored them.
And who couldn't?, he wondered. So tiny and precious, the twins were simply irresistible. Even Loki and Garik found frequent reason to come and 'inspect' the room or 'check' the family's safety.
But Thor was happy to let them do so. If anything happened to his children, no world would be safe from his vengeance.
"You are going to be the ruler of realms one day." The god cooed to his son. "The mighty King Dustin, warrior of legend."
They had settled on names quickly in the end, the right ones just leaping out of the pages of the baby name books once the babies were actually in their arms. They just sounded right. They were perfect.
Beside him, Maria giggled. "And what of Evangeline?"
Thor didn't tear his eyes off his son, draping the woven blanket he lay in firmer across his front. "She can be a warrior of legend too." He nodded, "Like her Aunt Sif."
"I'd rather not have my daughter on the battlefield." Maria said softly, but firmly. "My son too, if I could help it."
The god blinked his gaze up to his wife. His lips pressed together gently. "We both know it is unavoidable."
Sighing, Maria nodded. "I know." She smiled sadly. "Indulge me at least until he is of age. They could be the greatest peace diplomats Asgard has ever known. They could bridge the realms together one day, without a single weapon drawn."
"Now, that is a fine ambition." Thor agreed. He loved his wife's kind and gentle heart.
He would indulge her, like she suggested. For now they simply had to care for them, give them a good life and teach them their ways so that when the time came for them to make decisions about their future, they would have their parents wisdom behind them.
Thor held his gaze with Maria's, revelling in her beauty. Truly, he loved this woman. He would pluck stars out of the sky for her at her command. She meant the world to him.
"I love you, Maria." slipped effortlessly from his lips. Never a truer statement had his tongue uttered.
Maria's lips spread in a broad, happy smile, and Thor felt like his heart might leap out of his chest with adoration for his wife. She was simply breathtaking, even tired and worn from childbirth. She was just a goddess.
"I love you too."
Okay, there you have it. Evangeline and Dustin won, so bravo!
This story has now officially ended and there will be no more Thor/Maria instalments.
Still, I hoped you enjoyed this story and please leave a review if possible.