A.N. Thank you for all your amazing reviews! Everyone requested north- so here you go! Don't worry this isn't the end of it... unless you don't review or something (shameless way of trying to get reviews- no kidding I almost abandoned this) I already had it done for a bit so READ ON! and thanks for reading :D

Since it seems apparent that all the Guardians are aware that I'm having nightmares, I've taken to sleeping in the forest near my lake in Burgess. No one can disturb me here. I float up to a tree and lay down on a branch leaning on the trunk. Peace and quiet. Not like Santoff Clausen. Too many noises with all the toy-making going on and the elves doing things I bet North doesn't even know about. Here it's just me. No one really comes to this part of the forest. Not even Jamie at this time, he's usually at school. So it's alone time for me. I close my eyes and cuddle my staff making sure it doesn't fall out of my grip. Sleep slowly takes me and reality starts to fade away...

I awake to find myself back in the Workshop, Surprisingly no one is here.

"Hello? Where is everybody?" I wander around in search of someone...

All of a sudden I end up in the Warren, No one here either. Odd. I decide to have a look around. There are no eggs or anything. The statues lying around seem ominous, glaring down at me as if I've done something wrong. I grip my staff tighter and continue walking around. "Kangaroo?" No response... a slight echo. I don't like this, "Bunny?" Still no response.

I wander into a dark tunnel and walk into the light at the end. I realize I'm now at Tooth's Palace. I float around in search for someone. Anyone at this point. But no one's here... Not even the mini Tooths. "Tooth? Baby Tooth? Someone?" I float into the main building and find it now unsurprisingly empty. As I keep going I eventually end up in Sandy's ship.

"Sandy? Is anyone here?" I'm getting scared, Am I truly alone like I was not too long ago? Great. No everyone's gone. I slowly fly back to Burgess. I look through the windows and expect to see at least someone there. But even the houses are empty. Streets, stores, and cars. It's like the whole world took a day off and didn't tell me. I sadly float back to my lake and hold my staff closer. Where has everybody gone? Am I all alone again? What will become of me? A voice calls in the distance.

"Jack?" A girl. I quickly rush over using the wind the push me. When I get close to the voice I cant believe my eyes. It's my sister, her eyes filled with fear as they were so many years ago. Just like they were the day I died.

"Jack? Wh-where are you?" She looks around frightened out of her mind. Then in an instant she falls into the ground. I rush after her only to have my shoulder and the ground have a very friendly meeting. I get up from the ground and groan looking around.

"They left you, Jack..." This voice is deeper, more masculine. "They ignored you for three centuries."

I panic, unsure of how to react. "N-No! I have a family now."

A booming laughter bounces off the nearest buildings creating an eerie feel, "Family? They've all left you. And now you're all alone. Left to die, Cold and alone." Then the world spins and everything goes black- Pitch black.

When I wake up, slowly opening my eyes, I realize I'm no longer in the tree but in someone's arms. I crane my neck up looking at who exactly happens to be carrying me- NORTH?! Oh great. I hope I don't talk in my sleep, that would be embarrassing.

"Oh good- you are awake now," His voice reverberates in his belly making a comforting sound.

"Yes, now would you please put me down?" I'm still cuddling my staff and he shakes his head.

"No, You are going to bed here. Where I keep watch on you." He smiles at me kindly and takes me to his office and sets me on his couch. "Well? You may sleep now."

Confused I sit up straight tightening my grip on my staff, "What? You brought me all the way up here to watch me sleep?"

North sighs and leans against his desk, the old wood creaking slightly, "I wanted to make you feel safe and this is only way I thought possible."

"Thanks North," I'm glad he didn't ask or pry- all he wanted to do was make me feel safe. Like I wasn't alone. This is a family,

"You are most welcome Jack, You are not alone- I'll make sure of it." He gives a hearty laugh and sits at the chair behind his desk, "Sleep Jack- you need rest."

Gratefully I lay down and close my eyes and sleep content and not afraid of being alone anymore.