Hey! I hope you enjoy this story/competition!

In this story Link form Twilight Princess will be called "Twilight", Link from OoT will be named "Time", and Link from Skyward Sword will be called "Sky"

Zelda from Twilight Princess will be "TP Zelda" (go figure), and Zelda from Skyward Sword will be called "SS Zelda"

Remember all the characters personalities have been pushed to their full extent so if some may seem "OOC" you know why.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Legend of Zelda characters or the Total Drama Island show.

The camera zooms in on to Shadow Link fixing his shaggy purple hair and staring off into the distance. We hear an 'Ahem' from somewhere behind the camera. Shadow quickly snaps out of it and mouths, 'Is it on?' Shadow seems to get a reply and quickly faces back to the camera.

"Wellllllcommmeeee! To the Legend of Zelda Total Drama Island! I'm your host, Shadow Link! Now we've had many, many audition tapes sent to us from all over Hyrule to be a part of this reality tv show and have the chance to win 100,000,000 Rupees! Oh, what perfect timing, our contestants have finally arrived!" Shadow exclaimed as large boat sailed in.

The first person to come out was TP Zelda. She was wearing her original princess gown. Shadow laughed her choice of clothes, Shes not going to survive this competition.

TP Zelda quickly turned to face Shadow with a deathly look. "Is there a problem here?" She asked with all of her sass. Shadow just smirked.

"Oh, no, there's no problem. Enjoy your stay Princess." Shadow said as she walked down the boardwalk towards the end of the boardwalk with sass. Yes, Twilight Princess Zelda was extremely fierce. Meanwhile, a few more people had started to come off the boat.

"Malon, Ciela, Tetra… Oh! Mr Postman!" Shadow said as he saw the famous Postman running off the boat.

"HEEEEYYYYY!" The Postman shouted running towards Shadow Link. Unfortunately, Shadow was much to close to the edge of the boardwalk and the Postman accidentally tripped off the ledge and into the disgusting, murky waters.

"WATCH OUT!" Navi shouted to the Postman after he fell into the water. Shadow merely smiled and walked over to Navi.

"Hey! It's everyone's favourite fairy!" Shadow exclaimed walking towards the fluttering creature.

"No it's not." Time stated, as he just had to spend a 5 hour boat ride with "everyone's favourite fairy" constantly shouting in his ear.

More contestants started to appear out of the boat, including Fi, Shiek, Ilia, and the Bean Seller who was munching on some beans. Shadow was quick to notice and grabed them out of his hands.

"No food. You will eat what our staff feeds you." Shadow said.

"But I can't be the Bean seller without my beans. They're everything about me!" The usually lazy Bean Seller was now practically begging for his beans back. Shadow shrugged and tossed them into the murky waters then continued to introduce the contestants, leaving the Bean seller devastated.

Next came Ruto, Midna, the fabulous Ghirahim, and Gannondorf.

"Soon… I will take over this entire island! HAHAHA!" Ganondorf exclaimed, laughing sinisterly. Everyone was staring. Ganon coughed.

"Uh… I mean… World peace?" Ganon said. He was recently trying to become a nicer guy by volunteering, taking therapy, and taking some anger management pills (that he usually forgot to take). Though nobody really thinks it's really working.

The last of the people got off the boat, including Groose, Astrid, Zant, and Twilight Princess Link (A.K.A Twilight.) As Twilight stepped off the boat most of the girls sighed mentioning things about him being dreamy, handsome, or just drop-dead gorgeous. Those sighs turned into squeals when Twilight gave them a smirk.

Suddenly, from behind a nearby tree, a small plump kitten jumped out. Most ignored it, but when Twilight saw it, he couldn't help but pick it up and cuddle it like it was the most precious thing in the entire world.

"Awh! That's so cute how he loves animals…" Malon sighed.

"You're such a good kitty…Yes you are! Awhh who's the fluffiest and most adorable kitten in the entire land of hyrule? You are! Yes you areeee~!" Twilight spoke to the small kitten. He was going from cute to crazy cat lady, and everyone was starting to think that he was weird.

Shadow silently counted the number of contestants. We're missing three?

"Get up you lazybones!" Shadow heard from the ship. It sounded like a young, energetic girl. Ah, SS Zelda... Shadow thought.

There was a large scream escaping Sky's mouth as the contestants noticed him being pushed off the boat by, what a surprise, SS Zelda.

SS Zelda just giggled as Sky climbed out of the waters with a tired look on his face and rubbing his eyes. *Insert fan girl squeals*

"What in Din's name was that?!" Sky said hearing the loud and obnoxious fan girl squeal.

"Your invisible fan girls! Didn't you know that they follow you everywhere?" Shadow said, matter-of-fact. Sky cringed at the thought of invisible fan girls watching his every move…

"That still leaves one person missing… Who is it?" Shadow inquired. Suddenly, a large pot flew out of no where are smashed in the back of Shadow's head.

Everyone gasped.

He probably would have gotten hurt if there wasn't a heart inside of the pot to heal him.

"What the he-" Shadow stopped mid-sentence as he realized what was going on. This was the last contestant.

"Oh! It's the Random-Floating-Pot-That-Attacks-You-But-Leaves-A-Heart-So-There's-Really-No-Point!" Shadow said happily, while everyone else was staring at him like he was crazy.

"And I thought it was weird of you to accept the Bean Seller…" Time mumbled under his breath.


All 22 contestants were gathered around the fire pit while Shadow Link was stating the rules of the game.

"Okay, here's the deal. You guys will be split into two teams. The Fat Moblins and the Aggravating Octoroks. Every three days, there will be a new challenge that you must win to obtain invincibility for your team. The team that doesn't win will have to vote off one of their players to walk the dock of shame and never, EVER, return to the island again. So, who's ready?" Shadow explained excitedly.

"I am!" Said the Random-Floating-Pot-That-Attacks-You-But-Leaves-A-Heart-So-There's-Really-No-Point with a surprisingly squeaky voice.

"Great! Okay, The Fat Moblins are…

SS Zelda





Bean Seller





And the Said the Random-Floating-Pot-That-Attacks-You-But-Leaves-A-Heart-So-There's-Really-No-Point… May I just call you Random-Floating-Pot for short? Really, it's quite a mouthful…"

"Sure!" Said the Random-Floating-Pot.

"Yay! We're on the same team together!" SS Zelda said to Sky as she ran up and gave him a big hug. Groose glared at him and mumbled something about Zelda.

"Yeah, but we're on the same team as that guy too…" Sky whispered pointing to Ganondorf.

"Oh, he can't be that bad. I think we should say hi!" SS Zelda said running over to Ganondorf.

"Zelda! Get back here!"

"Okay, now for the Aggravating Octoroks,

TP Zelda










And the Postman!" Shadow announced as the teams started to group.

"Darn, not with that cute boy…" Ghirahim said disapprovingly, as walked towards his group.

"Cute boy…?" Ruto asked, being the only one that heard Ghirahim.

"That one right there." Ghirahim said, licking his lips. He pointed to Sky who was trying to convince SS Zelda not to befriend Ganondorf.

"That's kinda gross…" Ruto said quietly as she slowly crept away from Ghirahim. She had nothing wrong with him until she saw him lick his lips… That was weird…

"Okay, Fat Moblins go to the left cabin, and the Aggravating Octoroks in the right. Go unpack your things and meet me back here in an hour for your very first challenge!" Shadow exclaimed as the contestants groaned and slowly trudged though the mud to their cabins.

(The Fat Moblins)

"Darn, we're not on the same team as Twilight." Ilia sighed as she was unpacking her stuff next to Malon.

"I know! I wish I was on the other team. I have my eye on Time…" Malon said dreamily.

"You like Time? I don't know… His nose is kind of pointy…"

"Yeah and I suppose the crazy cat lady is better?"

"Hey! He's not crazy! I think it's sweet how he likes cats."


"Wait this isn't fair!" Groose stated angrily looking at his team members.

"What isn't fair?" Midna asked.

"Our team! We have a Random-Float-Pot that breaks on contact with anything and 6 girls!" Groose said, his voice dripping with jealousy and annoyance.

"No we don't, we have 5 girls." Sheik argued.

"Nuh-uh. See, we have the two horse chicks, the fairy, this weird skin-colored girl-"

"Hey!" Midna interrupted, but Groose ignored her and continued.

"Zelda, and you. That's 6, right?" Groose said counting his fingers.

"I'm not a girl!" Shiek said angrily.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"Uh, yes you are."


"Yeah cause your feminine walk, defined butt, and obvious breasts definitely make you a man." Groose said sarcastically.

"Excuse me?!"

Meanwhile, with the Aggravating Octoroks…

"I can't believe this! Shadow told me I would be staying in a 5 Star hotel!" TP Zelda said angrily trying to look for an outlet to plug in her curling iron.

"I had sensed that this horrible event would take place…" Astrid stated sadly.

"Then why you come here in the first place?" Ruto asked Astrid rudely.

"…Um…" Astrid mumbled trying to think of a good answer.

"Ugh! And there are no outlets! How am I supposed to curl my hair?!" TP Zelda nearly shouted.

"Why do you need to curl your hair? You look beautiful already." Twilight said as Zelda blushed.

"Wow… That's so sweet of you Twilight!" TP Zelda said. Ruto stared in jealousy.

"OKAY CAMPERS LETS GO!" Shadow shouted to them from the fire pit.

And very first Total Drama Island challenge began!

All 22 campers found themselves atop a one-thousand feet high cliff all in their swimsuits.

"Wow..." Ilia sighed looking at Twilight's abs.

"You think his body's good, just look at Time's!" Malon said. Midna jokingly gagged at the girl's comments.

"Okay, your first challenge is a classic. All you have to do is jump off of this one-thousand feet high cliff into the shark infested waters." Shadow said making it sound like a piece of cake.

Everyone froze in fear.

"There's a small circle of clean, clear waters with no sharks...Well we hope so anyways. That's where you want to land. The team with the most members who make a good dive and are still alive gets a reward that will help them in the next part of the challenge."

"This shouldn't be too hard." Said SS Zelda.

"Oh, and before we start, I forgot to mention earlier, over there is the confessional. You can use it to tell the audience what's really going on, or just your thoughts on something. Remember, the more you use it, the more screen time!"

(In the Confessional)

"Geez, this thing is almost as disgusting as the bathroom on my ship..." Tetra says eyeing the bathroom stall that they call "the Confessional".

"Okay! More talk, more fame! That's what Shadow says. Hmm... What should I talk about?" TP Zelda debates as she tries to figure out what she should talk about.

"This is going to be easy. Me, Groose, and Sky jump off ledges all the time! Our team is sure to win!"

"First up, the Aggravating Octoroks!" Shadow said, excited to get the challenge started.

None of them moved.

"C'mon someone has to go."

"I'll go!" Says Ruto as she backs up and prepares to jump.

Ruto does a perfect dive into the safe zone as her team cheers.

"That kind of looked like fun..." Time says quietly.

"It did! Lets go!" Twilight says happily as he jumps off the edge followed by Time. They both land in the safe zone.

"Next?" Shadow said not really as a question, more of a command. The rest of the team just stared. Suddenly we hear wooings and cheers coming from a young pirate who is currently jumping off the edge.

But she doesn't land in the safe zone.

Those cheers turn into screams as she swims away to the shore for her life.

(In the Confessional)

"omgomgomgomgomgomgomg! Tetra was almost eaten by sharks!" Ghirahim says as he panics for his life.

"Yes, Tetra not landing in the safe waters is quite a terrible mishap. But I can sense that shes fine." Astrid says to the camera.

Tetra is sitting on the shores of the beach hugging her legs close to her in a fetal position rocking back and forth.

(In the Confessional)

"Yes, Tetra's fine." Astrid states again.

"Next?" Shadow asks happily.

"From my calculations, I can assume that there's a 11% chance of me landing in the safe zone and actually surviving..." Fi says looking over the edge and calculating numbers in her head.

"That's nice, now jump off the edge! Our shows can only be an hour long you know." Shadow says checking his watch.

"I can't do it!"


"R-really? That's it? It's okay?"

"Yep. Just go take the escalator over there."

"By the Goddesses! Thank you!"

"Wait, there's always a catch."


Shadow Link puts a Cucoo hat on Fi's head.

"You have to wear this for the rest of the day." Shadow says with a smile. Fi sighes and goes down the escalator.

"What?! No, no, no, no, no! That's not fair! I'm not jumping either!" Zant whines as Shadow pops another ugly Cucoo hat on to him.

After seeing those ridiculous hats, Navi, Ghirahim, (A resisting) TP Zelda, and Astrid finally make their jump and thankfully land in the safe zone.

"C'mon postman..." Shadow said edging him on.

"I-I don't know about this..."

Shadow huffed and ripped his mail bag off of the Postman and threw it off the cliff.

"HEEEEEEYYYYY!" The Postman shouted jumping off the edge to retrieve his mailbag

"So that's 8 successful jumpers, 2 Cucoos, and 1 camper that will need definitely therapy! Okay Fat Moblins, think you can beat that?" Shadow said as if that was a good thing.

"We can do this, right Sky?" Said the always positive SS Zelda.

"*Yawns* Yeah... I guess..." Sky said very dreary as he walked towards the end of the cliff. Sky all of the sudden felt very nervous looking down into the waters.

"You can do it Sky!" Ciela cheered.

"Uh...umm...I-I-AAAAAHHHHHH!" Sky scream as SS Zelda pushed him off the cliff and quickly dived after, both landing in the safe zone.

Groose slicked his hair back before making a great big leap into the waters. Unfortunely for him, he didn't land in the safe waters and the top of his pompadour was bitten off by a shark. Groose's first reaction was to knock the shark out cold.

"Did he just kill that shark?" Sheik said sort of nervous. Though he had a strong persona, he always had a love for animals.

"I want to kill one! My turn!" Ganondorf shouted happily as he jumped off the ledge landing right beside a shark. Instead of successfully knocking it out or killing it like Groose, the Shark bit his butt as Ganondorf let out a girly scream.

The rest of his team were shocked.

"Oh don't be such scaredy cats guys." Midna said calmly as she stepped off of the cliff. Malon, Ilia, and Ciela decided it would be fine too to jump off.

All that was left was Shiek, the Bean Seller, and the Random Floating Pot. Shadow checked his watch again. This is taking too long.

Shadow took out a package of fake magic beans and threw them into the water causing the Bean Seller to get off up his but and jump after them.

"MY MAGIC BEEEEEAAAAANNNNSSS!" He shouted. After that the Random Floating Pot gladly jumped off the edge but sank to the bottom of the waters. Shadow sent an intern to scuba dive and collect the pot.

"Hmm..." Sheik thought for a moment, "Hand me one of those hats."

Shadow handed him a hat and as Sheik walked down the escalator.

"Great! So that's 10 jumpers and 1 Cucco! The Fat Moblins win!"

The cameras show the Fat Moblins happily pulling a large cart that held pieces that were needed to build a hot tub. They we're all humming the main Legend of Zelda theme.


The Aggravating Octoroks have hardly move an inch from where they started trying to move the heavy crates.

"UGH! I wasn't made for this torture!" TP Zelda complained.

"I know! This is unfair!" Zant whined.

"You shouldn't be talking, you're the one who made us lose!" Time said angrily to Zant.

"It's not all my fault! Fi's wearing a Cucoo hat too!" Zant pointed out like a little kid. Fi didn't respond, she wasn't one to pick a fight.

"HEY! LISTEN!" Navi shouted, getting everyone's attention. "All this fighting won't get us anywhere. We can still win this thing!"

"Navi is right, I can still feel good energies." Astrid said calmly.

"Yeah! If we can all work as a team!" Twilight encouraged.

"YEAH!" Said the entire team.


The team could hear Shadow's annoying voice from the campfire. Damn...

(In the Confessional)

"So close...We actually got our team to work together for a second there..." Time said sadly.

"NO NO NO NO NO! IT'S NOT FAIR!" Zant whined.

"MWAHAHA! I WON! Now all I have to do is win all of the challenges and take over the entire world!" Ganondorf said evilly.

While the Fat Moblins were having an awesome hot tub party, the Aggravating Octoroks were sitting at the camp fire listening to Shadow.

"I only have 10 bottles of red potion beside me. Now, when I call your name, you will come up here collect some of this red potion. Hopefully it can heal some of your injuries from the challenges. If you have a bottle of the potion you will be staying for the next challenge. If not, you must walk the dock of shame and never, EVER return to this island again."

"Oh dear..." Astrid mumbled quietly.

"Okay, TP Zelda!" Shadow said. Zelda stood up and took her bottle of red potion.

"The Postman, Twilight, Astrid, Ghirahim, Tetra, Navi, Time, and Ruto..." All 8 came up to collect their potions.

"Now, I only have one potion left... And it's going to..." Shadow paused for the effect while Zant was chewing his fingernails.




Fi let out a big sigh and took her bottle of red potion form Shadow's hands.

"Zant, The dock of shame is a-that-a-way." Shadow said as if this were a happy moment. Zant sighed and slowly made his way to the end of the dock.

Right before Zant stepped on the boat he dropped to his knees and started crying.

"NO NO NO NO NO! IT'S NOT FAIR! I WAS SUPPOSED TO WINNNN!" Zant whined as two interns had to drag him off.

"Well that was exciting!" Shadow said happily as the campers just glared at him. "Now go get some sleep and be prepared for your next challenge!"

"To the Fat Moblins!" Groose said raising a glass of some fruit punch.

"To the Fat Moblins!" The entire team chanted again clinking their glasses against each others.

And they partied all through the night.

Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the characters! I'm also looking for interns, so let me know if you'd like to make an appearance as an intern.