Alright, so, I've been getting quite a few messages recently from both here and from people asking when I'm going to update and even a few asking if I'm still alive because of how long it's been since I last updated this fic. I've been meaning to write you guys and let you know what's up but, sadly, I have a horribly shit memory and end up getting distracted and forgetting all about it. Thankfully, a recent comment on this fic from someone on AO3 I just saw in my email reminded me I've been meaning to update you all.

Truth be told, I have been in a major slump for quite some time now. I've been really depressed, stressed out, and uninspired to the point where I haven't been able to write anything for any of the fandoms I love and cherish, and not even reading other peoples' fics had been able to inspire me. Writing felt like a chore so anything that I would write felt forced and and sounded terrible to me to the point I would immediately erase it and try again only for the process to repeat itself until I just gave up and put it off to try another day. Other times I would open up my word document to try and write and end up sitting at my computer staring at the stupid writing cursor blinking at me for hours and be unable to type even a single word, and I'm sure most of you could guess this became so frustrating and upsetting to me that I simply stopped trying to write anything at all.

That being said, I recently found a spark of inspiration and I've started writing once again. I recently got all the Harry Potter books as ebooks and started rereading them when I was suddenly in the middle of my reread of Prisoner of Azkaban and had a dream one night. Now, I have been wanting to rewrite the series for quite a long time, but I never dared do it before because I only had the movies and not the books, and as much as I do still love the movies they don't do the books justice and I wasn't about to half-ass a rewrite because I only had one source of material to work from rather than access to both the books and the movies so I could throw in some of those finer details you can only find from the books so that I could get the story to flow much better. Obviously the dream I had kickstarted my inspiration and before I knew it I was starting the rewrite of the series.

I'm currently 60 pages and 36,202 words into the rewrite of The Philosopher's Stone and just don't want to start posting chapters yet since when I start posting chapters without actually being done with a fic it kind of stresses me out and makes me feel like I need to push out chapters faster than I can even think, which then sadly works on my anxiety and makes me feel too anxious to write and then adds to the horrible moods I sometimes get in and I lose all inspiration for writing, and obviously we're back to square one of where I more or less disappear for extremely long stretches of time like recently.

I haven't abandoned this fic, in fact I intend to look back through it and possible rewrite a few things to try and fix it up since I reread what I had written a while back and felt like I could do better. I would just very much like to try and focus on at least getting finished with The Philosopher's Stone first since I've been on a roll with it and don't want to lose the writing momentum I've got going on it. But as soon as I get done and I'm able to start posting it I'll be coming back to this fic and fixing it up and hopefully finally finishing the next chapter I'd already had halfway finished before I fell out of writing. I'm really sorry you've been kept waiting so long for an update, but I appreciate it so much that you guys have stuck with me. I'm not going to rush myself with the rewrite of the first book so I can't tell you guys for sure when I'll be done and looking back over this one, but I will come back to this as soon as I can. And I hope that all of you guys that love this fic will also have a look at The Philosopher's Stone when I'm finished with it.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on this fic and your amazing patience
