Chapter 1

Elena's P.O.V.

I stepped out in to the warm glow of the sun, basking in its rays as I prepared myself for another day of struggling to make end's meat and another day on constant harassment from Klaus Mikaelson.

The man was insufferable, always looking at me and finding some sort of excuse to come speak to me at the most inappropriate times. I wished that he would just go pick on someone else for a change. There were plenty of other women in village practically throwing themselves at him. But then again, I really was the only girl that he hadn't conquered yet and I knew he was determined to change that. But I was certain that that would never happen.

I pushed the thought aside, trying to start the day off with a positive, but in this dump of a village, that was very unlikely.

I continued my journey, choking slightly on the fumes in the air as I got closer to the centre of the village. Even here, compared to the big cities, the coal smoke rose from the stacks and the steam from the deep underground pump-works seeped into the usual golden light look of sun, making it a more of a blood orange.

I never really felt like I belonged here. Everything was so different and dark. A counter culture embracing the beauty of the Victorian era while mixing it with a splash of gothic setting. Everything was primarily powered with energy created from steam and everyone consider themselves a 'genius' amateur engineer.

It wasn't exactly an ugly place, but I never felt comfortable here. Everything here was so artificial that it was hard to see the beauty anymore.

"Good morning Miss Gilbert."

I was snapped out of my train of thought by the annoying British accent that I heard almost every day.

"Good morning Mr Mikaelson." I replied through gritted teeth. I may not have liked the man, but I was brought up by my parents to be polite no matter how much I wanted to avoid him.

"Please, call me Klaus." He gave me a cocky smile and a wink before I turned my back on him, pacing up the narrow path.

I was really not in the mood for him, especially today. I was already late for work and knew he would just relay the same set of questions he did all the time.

"Where are you off to today?" He asked in an overly cheerful tone, jogging by my side in a bid to keep up with me.

"That's really none of your business." I shot back, refusing to look at him.

Klaus took one long stride and stood directly in front of me, blocking my path and holding his hands up.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't mean to offend you. Please, let me make it up to you." He pouted his lips, trying to look innocent with his gesture, but it slowly formed into a devilish smirk.

I rolled my eyes. How could one man expect so much when it was clear his intentions were not to please the women around him, but rather please himself? It sickened me when men saw women as property and not as a human being.

"No thank you." I narrowed my brows and tried to keep myself calm. "I have a lot of work to be getting on with, so if you could excuse me."

I shoved passed him, not wanting to wait around and give him time to start talking to me again. I quickly made my way to the Inn at the corner of the road, slipping through the back door into the kitchen. I grabbed my apron from my hanger and notepad before rushing out the door to the tables to wait on customers.

It was the most boring and tedious job in the world, but it paid good money and it was the only job offer I had currently. Damn this place. The only plus side to this job was working alongside my closet friend, Caroline. We had known each other for years and her father owned the bar, so that was the really reason I got the job, something I would be forever grateful for, despite hating what I did with every bit of my being.

I smiled, giving a slight wave to Caroline as I began to hurry to another table. The Inn was beginning to fill up, quite suddenly actually, as a large group of sailors came barging through the door, laughing uproariously and making a big commotion about their entrance. Typical men.

I quickly scanned the group from a distance, not wanting to draw any attention to myself, but it didn't appear as if there were any serious trouble makers around them. They actually seemed like a well-natured gang compared to what we usually got in the bar.

I had been waiting on tables for most of the day and my shift was almost over, just one more table to serve. I made my way over to their table, taking their orders as they ogled my breasts and curves of my body.

This was my life. Getting chatted up by drunkards and stared at by perverts. I never really understood what was keeping me in this town and then it came to me. My brother.

Jeremy was a few years younger than me and a mechanic at the local transport station. Unlike me, he absolute loved his job and I didn't want to take him away from that. Ever since our parents had died, I felt like it was my duty to make sure that Jeremy was happy with every aspect of his life, even if it meant that I had deal with life in this God forsaken village. Which I did.

"Hey, woman, get me another beer, would ya'!"

I felt a hand slap my back side, causing me to jump forward, screeching and dropping the tray of food in my hand. The plates smashed across the floor, sending food flying in a multitude of different directions. I whirled around on the spot, backhanding the disgusting excuse for a man across the face.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed, causing the whole bar to stop and look at the commotion.

"Elena!" A voice boomed from across the room. My boss. "I want a word with you in my office, now." He turned on his heels and headed to the small room at the back of the bar.

Great, just perfect. It was becoming a regular thing now that he would call me in to his office to discuss my behaviour.

I wondered in to the room as he settled at the desk. He gestured to the seat, but I preferred to stand than sink down to his level. I crossed my arms over my chest and he shook his head at my stubbornness.

"I can't do this anymore, Elena. This is the third time this month that you have lashed out at a customer." He was being completely blunt, which I hadn't expected at all.

I panicked.

"But I-…"

"I don't want to hear." He held up his hand, silencing me. "Look, I know this job is tough, but you knew what you signed up for."

My mouth fell open. I knew that it was true, but I couldn't help the way I was. I couldn't help that very moron that walked through the door was a half-breed and a pervert.

"I'm sorry, Elena, but I am going to have to let you go."

I nodded my head, tears brimming my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I didn't need anyone's pity. I tore off my apron, throwing it on the desk and stormed out of the office, slamming the door shut behind me. I didn't stop as I heard the calling of my name or even when someone grabbed my arm. I simply yanked it out of their grip and continued to the back door.

I breathed a sigh of relief, finally being out of that filthy and disgusting hellhole. But then the reality hit me that I no longer had a job. How was I supposed to support Jeremy now? I racked a nervous hand through my messy curls and made my way home. I would sort all this out later, but right now I just wanted to curl up into a ball and forget the world.

The wind felt unreal and gritty from the harsh flakes of ice beating against my cheeks. I looked around and everything had a dark purple tint. The moon didn't look like it was really in this dimension. Shadows creped on the side of my vision, but as I looked towards them, they scuttled away.

I walked through the dark, stinky and cold alley as a short cut to get home.

"Hey whore!" A man with rough voice called. I ignore it and kept going. "I'm talking to you!" The man yelled again but kept going. Probably some drunken idiot from the bar.

Suddenly my waist was grabbed and the man spun me around to face him. He was the same guy from the bar who I had slapped.

"Are you deaf?" He yelled in front of me but I just stay silent and keep my mouth shut.

He gripped my face, focusing my head around to look at him.

"If you wanna do it the hard way, then that's fine by me." The man smirked and tossed me against the cold brick wall. Before I had time to react, his mouth was on my neck. "You smell delicious, darling." He murmured.

My mouth opened to scream, but his hand clamped over my face with bruising force, muffling any sound that escaped me.

Suddenly anger hit me like a freight train as the man pawed at my thighs and tightening his hold on my face. I just couldn't get this guy off me, no matter how hard I struggled as he started kissing and nibbling at my neck. I flinched back at the feeling of his mouth on me and tried shoving him, which worked.

I ran for the exit of the ally but he came up behind me, grabbing my arm and swinging me around to face him. His eyes darkened and before I knew it, my head snapped to the side with a sickening crack. Searing pain shot through my cheek and I whimpered slightly, trying to bring my hand up to cradle my face, but he snatched my wrists, pulling me against him.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." He whisper, yanking my hair to the side and trailing his tongue from my collar bone to my ear lobe.

My eyes widened in fear, not being able do anything, until suddenly he was pulled back with force and he landed on the ground. I staggered back and struggled to adjust to what was happening as I fell against the wall to keep myself steady.

I heard shouting and tearing and…barking. Aisha! My dog.

The man shouted out in pain as Aisha bit into his arm, ripping away at the flesh there. He jumped to his feet and shoved passed me frantically and run away down the alley, stumbling along the way and holding on to the wall for balance. And then he was gone.

Aisha jumped up at me, licking at my hands and whimpering slightly. She was a Siberian husky, with a beautiful fur coat and piercing blue eyes. She was free-spirited, clever and very, very protective.

I had raised her since she was a puppy and was a gift from my parents. She was also there for me in times of need and that is what made staying here another reason I had to deal with it. Living in the slums, this was really the only place that allowed dogs and I couldn't leave her behind. I could never do that.

"Hey Aisha. You good girl, thank you baby." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Come on then, let's go home."

I tapped the side of my leg and made my way out of the alley way, Aisha close at my side. I breathed a sigh of relief as we exited the darkness. It wasn't uncommon for women to be attacked around these parts, but it still didn't make me feel any less fearful of what could have happened. If Aisha hadn't of been there, I don't know what would have happened. Well, actually, I knew exactly what would have happened and it made my skin crawl.

My house came in to view a few minutes later. It was an awful looking house, but it was all I could afford to keep a roof over Jeremy's head. It wasn't much, but it was home.

I walked up to the small moat that surrounded the house and peered into its murky depths, everything was covered in sludge, and things were moving in it.

I sighed. No doubt Jeremy had clogged the drain with oil again with his wacky inventing. I didn't have a problem with him being creative; I just wished he would clean up after himself.

I made my way up the steep and uneven steps, slipping through the front door, my eyes widening at the state the room was in.

Various pieces of metal and copper lay scattered on a nearby wooden desk, mixed in with various sketches of machines and parts. A half completed construction laid on top of it all, the various cogs and nuts and bolts that made it up still visible within. Its outer layer wouldn't be applied until the insides were complete. There was a mix of more sketches and notes scattered over the desk top.

I shook my head and called Jeremy's name. No reply. He must have still been at the workshop. At least I had time to cool off and think the right way to tell him I had lost my job. This was not going to be easy.

I stumbled into the small washroom next to my bedroom and started the hot water machine for the shower. Steam began to fill the room as I quickly stripped off my uniform, chucking it in out the window. I had no use for it anymore.

The warm water worked its magic on my tender skin, soothing out all my aches and pains. The tinging of the clockwork timer next to the shower reminded me of what little time I had to enjoy it. I sighed, rising out my hair before drying off in my room.

I dressed in my corset and a calf length, sleeveless shift. The dress was a dark blue, lined with metal studs on the sides that ran the full length of hem. My corset was ebony brown, showing off my curves in all the right places. My boots were a dark tan leather with several straps reaching across from left to right, keeping them tight to my feet when done up all the way.

The lamps were trimmed low and most of the illumination came from the open firebox door, the glowing coals giving a weird shadow cast around the room. I settled in the only chair of the room and started to fiddle with the locket chain that hung from my neck. It was the last memory that I owned from my parents.

The front door swung open and Jeremy wobbled in carrying a large box and paper work.

"Elena! I have the most fantastic news!"

"Which is?" I wondered over to him, helping him with the large box, which was heavy than I had expected.

Jeremy gestured for me to sit in the seat as he stood by the fire place, straining his face to try and keep his emotions at bay. He was positively ecstatic about something.

"I got accepted in to the Machinery and Clockwork Development Workstation!"

"That's amazing! Well done!" I exclaimed, my mouth expression a mix of surprise and pure delight.

I jumped forward, grabbing him and pulling him in to my arms. I couldn't believe it! For years he had tried to get into that place and finally all of his efforts had paid off! The Machinery and Clockwork Development Workstation, or MCDW for short, was one of the most prestigious and well known businesses that was ever made. They were involved with all the new and high tech inventions that served the wealthier members of society. People like Klaus.

It made me shuddered at the thought that my brother was now going to be working for those monsters, but it was the only way to make a living. If you ever got offered a place there, then you had to take it or forever wonder how your life would have changed.

"When do you leave?" I asked curious to when my brother would begin his journey into the big wide world.

"As soon as possible!" Jeremy pulled back, looking into my eyes with a slight sorrow. "They want me to leave tonight so I can get there by tomorrow evening."

I studied my brother's expression and saw the worry in his face at how I was going to react. In all honest I was heartbroken to have him ripped away from me so suddenly, but I knew that it was for the best. At least for now.

I braved a smile and hugged him once again, reassuring him that everything would be fine and that he needed this. This was his opportunity to explore all the possibilities that were open to him.

"I want this for you, Jeremy. This is your time to show the world what you are made of."

The rest of the evening I spent in my brothers company was helping him pack with everything he would need from his toothbrush to his tools. It almost felt silly, seeing as my brother was now sixteen and going up in his life, but I couldn't help in being overly protective of him.

We went out to the garage and pulled the small cart out. It was a mini motor powered vehicle that Jeremy had built a few years back and now it was finally getting some use out of it. He secured all this belongings in the back of the cart and turned back to me, eyes filled.

A single tear ran down my face. I didn't want him to leave me, but I kept reminding myself that this was for the best. It has to be.

I pulled my necklace from my neck and handed him the locket. He started at me in utter disbelief, holding the locket back out to me as if it was going to burn him.

"I-I-I can't take this. Mum and Dad gave it to you, I can't-…"

"Yes you can." I cut him off, my tone calm compared to his muttered words. "That way you can always remember."

A half smile formed on his face, but tear tracks still covered his cheeks. It was going to be hard, I knew that, but we needed to do this for our own good. I wanted him to be safe.

Aisha started rubbing her head against Jeremy's leg and I thought back to what happened tonight. As much as this place I called home scared me, I wanted my brother to be safe.

"Take Aisha with you. That way you'll always have a bit of company."

"But what about you, here, on your own?" He choked.

"I have friends, a home and a job. I'll be just fine." It was a small lie, but I didn't want my brother too feel sorry for me.

He gave a nod, pulling me in to his embrace before setting off on his journey.

I watched my brother's cart disappear in to the night as he started his new adventure. I was so happy for him, yet why did I have the feeling that this was going to end badly for both of us…

Hello everyone! I have been thinking about writing this story for a while and finally decided to start it! Yes it is based on Beauty and the Beast, but it is one of my favourite fairy tales ever and I really wanted to do this based around my favourite onscreen couple.

I wanted to make this story different to the others, so decided to base it around a steampunk setting. Steampunk, for those who don't know, is a Victorian setting but further in the future. It's as if the steam engine prevailed and culture never evolved and objects are richly decorated with brass detailing. Pipes, machinery, gears, and lots and lots of brass. I wanted to make it true to the classic Beauty and the Beast story, but I also wanted to put my own spin on it, so I hope you guys like that idea! I intend to write each chapter in alternative points of view between Elena and Damon, so I hope you guys like that idea.

Anyway, please let me know what you think! Should I continue? I am really excited for this, so I hope you guys like it as well! I will hopefully be updating by Friday so please stick around of you enjoyed this!

Next chapter: Jeremy's journey comes to an unexpected stop, coming face-to-face with a creature of night. Stay tuned! ;)