Prince Charming

- Epilogue -

By Rachel*

Rated: PG-13 (Etc. If you've read this far you know why already!)

Gender: (Etc. again)

E-mail: [email protected]

-This is it folks ;_; ::sniffle sniffle:: The FINAL PART! ::people cry::. I hope you've liked the story so far, I've been working hard to get it this far, in such a short time!-

- I don't own Peach Girl, Miwa Ueda does! I just on this story idea! ^-^ That and the made up characters. (I wish I owned Kiley though) ::drools::) -

            "Kyoko… Kyoko, I love you more then I have ever loved anything… Will you marry me my love?"

            "It sounds like crap… Can't you think of anything better to say?" Kiley sat on Kai's kitchen chair looking down at Kai, who was on his left knee, holding out a small box containing a ring.

            "Uhh, you aren't helping in the least, I'm going to be a doctor, not a writer!" Kai grumbled standing up and flopping down onto a chair next to Kiley.

            "Man I told you, just take her to a little restaurant and in the middle of diner get down on your knee and say…" Kiley got down on his knee grabbing the box out of Kai's hand. "Kyoko… I love you, will you marry me?" Kiley smiled at Kai began to laugh.

            "Yes, yes my love of course I will!" Kai said in a girlish voice as Momo walked in.

            "Uhh… I won't even ask." Momo stared down at Kiley who held out a box. She blushed as she glanced down slightly at her hand that now held a ring Kiley had given her three weeks after she had been released from the hospital. She soon after was asked to join a national swim team, and was already the best on the team. Kiley would soon be graduating as the new, Dr. Kiley Okayasu. He would work at the hospital not far from him, and be taking the place as the new Cardiologist along with Kai.

            "Kai's giving Kyoko an engagement ring and doesn't know what to say when he gives it to her." Kiley smiled coyly standing up and walking over to Momo from behind and wrapping his arms around her.

            "But… But what if she says no!" Kai sighed letting his head fall to the Kitchen table.

            Momo smiled in pure bliss when she heard what Kiley said. "Trust me, she isn't going to say no. I was just with her, she went out to get a few things, but if you ever heard her talk about you…"

            "You see? You've got nothing to worry about! You love her, she loves you and you're going to live happily ever after!" Kiley laughed as Kai groaned.

            "Thanks… I feel so much better." Kai stood up and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Coke chugging it down.

            "Oh come on man… You're picking her up at seven and taking her to dinner and a movie… I've helped you all I can; you're on your own now." Kiley shrugged his shoulder.

            "Yeah that's easy enough for you to say, you've got the charm of a God…" Kai exaggerated.

            "Hmm," Kiley smiled. "I'll take that as a complement."


            Kiley looked down at a small box in his hand. 'I can't believe I'm doing this… It's only been three weeks since Momo left the hospital, and I'm asking her to marry me! What if she says no, what if she thinks I'm rushing?' Then another thought hit him. 'But what if she thinks I'm not rushing it?'  Kiley blushed nodding his head at the thought…


            "Marry me Momo!" Kiley handed her the ring as he was about to go home.

            "Oh Kiley, I'm so happy." She kissed him full on the lips as she wrapped one hand around Kiley's neck, while she let her other hand rested firmly on his chest. "I need you now Kiley! Take me now, that's the only way you could make this moment truly be perfect!" They were both taking in soap opera voices once again.

            "Yes Momo…"


            "Kiley? Kiley, why are you blushing?" Momo stood looking at him blankly as she walked up to her apartment door.

            "Oh! I," Kiley stopped as he bit down on his lip. 'Here goes nothing.' Kiley tightened the grip on the box as he kissed Momo full on the lips before he quickly got down on his left knee holding out a ring.

            "Momo…" Momo's eyes opened happily, slightly surprised by Kiley's kiss. "Will… Will you marry me?" Kiley closed his eyes as he looked away expecting the rejection.

            "Kiley?" Momo's eyes widened and her mouth opened as she looked at the gold band with a single heart shaped diamond surrounded by dark purple amethysts, Momo's birth stones...

            "I—" He stopped himself. "If it's too soon, I understand, and I'm sorry if… I…" Kiley didn't know what to say barely even able to speak. "It's… I just, I've loved you since I saw you on the beach, you saved me, and you were like my guardian angel. If it wasn't for you I, I would have succeeded in killing myself."

            "Yes." Momo said smiling.

            Kiley held back the tears in his eyes. "I understand, no worries, well… Goodnight Momo—"

            "Kiley! I said yes, I'll marry you." Momo laughed gripping onto his face and putting her forehead against his. "I love you."

            "Ha! Haha! You… You said yes!" Kiley laughed jumping up as he put the ring on her finger. "Oh God, I love you too…" Kiley kissed her quickly and then hugging her tightly. "But… You're sure, it wasn't too soon or anything?" Kiley pulled her away looking her straight in the eyes.

            "No, I'm more, sure then I ever have in my life. I love you Kiley, I love you!" She smiled as tears filled her eyes.

            Kiley smiled mentally giving Adriane a one last good-bye before kissing Momo as he wrapped his arms around her lower waist pushing her against the door accidentally.


            "Alright, I'm off now." Kai's face was pale as he waved good-bye to Momo and Kiley.

            "Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine." Kiley smiled as the microwave beeped. "Oh, popcorns ready!" Kiley smiled happily almost skipping over to the microwave to get his snack.

            Kai smiled slightly. "Hmm… I'm sure you'll both be enjoying your movie won't you?" Kai laughed closing the door behind him as Kiley and Momo both turned a crimson red. "See ya…"


            "Toji, I thought we could maybe go out to dinner and see this new movie, The Born Identity; it's supposed to be really good." Momo smiled sitting down on the couch next to Toji as he read some paper work.

            "Uhh… Momo, come on! Not tonight I told you—"

            "You told me last week we could see it today, and the week before last week you had said we could another time, why can't we?!" Momo yelled.

            "Because I don't want to!" Toji shouted before knowing what he had just said. "Uhh… I, I didn't mean it like that baby…"


            "Momo, I…" Toji stood up.

            "I suggest you go to one of your friends houses tonight!" Momo's eyes filled with tears as she pointed to the door.

            "You don't understand, tonight I have to go and pick up—"

            "I don't want an excuse Kiley!" Momo's eyes widened as she covered her mouth. 'I said… I said Kiley?!'

           "You're right maybe I will stay with someone else!" Toji glared at Momo pulling at his hair in frustration.


            "So you think she is really going to say yes?" Kiley had his arm wrapped around Momo as the movie began to play on the TV.

            "Yeah." Momo smiled snuggling up against Kiley chest.

            "Hmmm, really?" Kiley tilted Momo head up as he kissed her.

            "Yep." Momo smiled lying on her back as Kiley leaned on top of her.

            "So, you think they'll be back tonight?" Kiley kissed Momo down her neck and collar bone letting his hands run over her body fumbling with her shirt.

            "Nope." Momo laughed.

            "Hmm… That's a good thing." Kiley smiled coyly his voice deeper then normal.

            "Yes, I think it is, because the princess needs saving…"

            "What is Prince Charming to do?" Kiley laughed gripping a hold of a blanket and throwing it over top of the both of them.

And the Prince & Princess Lived Happily Ever After…

But that's not the whole story!

- 1 year later -

            "I do."

            "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Kai smiled lifting Kyoko's vale and pulling her close to him and gave her their first kiss as man and wife.

            Kiley glanced over at Momo who held a tissue in her hand crying. 'That was me three weeks ago…' Kiley smiled. Momo was the maid of honor, as was Kiley the best man. Momo was in a pale yellow silk dress with a matching train that all the other girls had. Kiley and the other men with him were all in the same black tuxedos with white dress shirts underneath.

            People all stood up and cheered for the happy new married couple as they started walking back down the isle. Kiley smiled as Kai looked back at him and gave a little wave. 'You did it man, you did it.'

            Momo walked up to Kiley linking arms with him as well bighting down on her lip. 'Here goes nothing…' She took a deep breath. "Kiley honey?" She glanced over at Kiley.

            "Yeah?" Kiley looked over at her smiling.

            "Just a little note in advance. You have nine months to find us a house." Momo smiled leaning her head on his shoulder.

            "Ha, Momo; why only n… Nine months?!" Then it hit him. His face went as pale as a ghost as he looked over at her.

            "I'm pregnant." Momo smiled weakly waiting for his reaction.

            "I'm going to be a? And you'll be a?"

            "Yeah." Momo laughed as he turned and stopping in the middle of the isle hugging her tightly.

            "I'm going to be a dad!" Kiley shouted. Kai and Kyoko's mouths dropped making them stop in the door way only to turn around quickly.

            "Momo?!" Kyoko screeched running over to her hugging her tightly. "You didn't tell me!" She cried. People all around them laughing, crying, and cheering at once.

            "Dude! You're going to be a father!" Kai laughed hugging his best friend.

            "Oh I'm just so happyyy…" Kyoko cried.

            "Ha!" Kiley pulled away from Kai and took a hold of Momo turning her to face him and kiss her. "I love you so much." He whispered.

            "I love you too Kiley, I love you so much."

…The End…