Prince Charming…

By: Rachel*

Rated: PG-13 (Lang./Violence/Mild content)

Gender: Romance/Comedy/Mild Drama

E-mail: [email protected]

-Takes place after book 4 (No model in thing has happened yet though)-

+ This is my first Peach Girl Fanfic, so please no flames! I'm trying my hardest here! +

~I DON'T own Peach Girl (although I wouldn't mind owning Kiley… -_-'~

-- READ & ENJOY --

            Momo walked along the street avoiding the older men as they fallowed her around. "Back off you perverts!" She screeched hitting the one over the head with her carry bag.

            "I see you've been able to manage without me around to ward off the evil old farts…" Kiley smiled brightly wrapping in arm around her.

            "Oh!" Momo jumped back a little surprised. 'Kiley…' She remembered what had happened.


            "Kiley!" Momo yelled running down the stair case and out the door. Kiley's eyes widened slightly as he stopped mid step and turned around to face his angel. His one and only.

            'Momo…' He looked at her with a little bit of concern but quickly covered it up and smiled. "Hi`ya!" He stuck his hands into his cargo pants pockets and leaned up against the courtyard wall carelessly.

            "I'm sorry." Momo said flatly.

            "Huh?" Kiley hadn't expected that at all. He looked at her with his amber eyes questionably.

            "I've been spending all my energy worrying about myself; and now that I think about it, I haven't been sensitive to your needs either." She looked down at a small little pond with a few plants and some fish swimming in it.

            'Oh God, she's feeling sorry…' Kiley forwarded his eyebrows. "Yeah well, when you told me… But I don't know! If he didn't trust me then, how do I know if he'll ever…" Kiley spoke in a feminine voice, trying to reenact Momo's actions. "I though to myself, Damn she's obviously crazy about the guy. I've got to do something!" Kiley smiled shrugging his shoulders. Momo sighed looking towards him, but not into his eyes.

            "I'm sorry Kiley." She looked up at him. Kiley's eyes widened again not knowing what else to do.

            "Calm down, don't get all mixed up again. What's wrong with you anyway?" Kiley put his hands behind his head.

            "…Sumire told me." Momo whispered. "She explained what you did for me. How you arranged things…" Kiley's mouth dropped and he blushed slightly turning away from Momo.

            "Eh heh… You found out huh?" He chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I set up a few things while Toji wasn't around; and what do you know? It all just happened to work out and you two got that magic back." Kiley laughed. "You walked away with the best of everything!"

            Momo just stared at him. 'He comforted me when it was tough, many times… All the time, he was always happened to be there.' She frowned. 'And the thing is… Kiley was able to do that because I wasn't paying attention. When I looked at Kiley what did I see? How did I miss it? He was always there for me. But I just didn't notice'

            "But I don't mind Momo. I'm glad to see things are working out with Toji." He smiled again with that warm smile he always has. "Whatever he once did to hurt you, he'll more then make it up for you in the long run."

            Tears brimmed Momo's eyes. "Thank you Kiley. If it wasn't for you, I might have dropped out of school. When times were bad, it was only when I was with you that I could forget my pain. And…" She paused. "If I hadn't met Tojo first, today you and I would probably be…" she trailed off looking at the ground.

            Kiley's eyes widened even more and then dropped as his heart hit rock bottom and smashed into a thousand pieces. "Ha, ha!" He laughed to cover it up. "Thanks Momo, that's nice of you to say… Ack!" He began to choke himself. "Oh, Ah! Must resist!"

            "Kiley?" She looked at him strangely.

            "I better go Momo. I feel another urge to hug you coming on… And then some xxx and some oooo…  He uttered the last parts under his breath. "Oh yeah, by the way. If you ever get sick of Toji, give me a call. I can satisfy problems in bed too." He joked laughing again and walking away.

            "Go away…" She smiled. He waved not turning around after giving her one last smile.

            "I'm sorry Kiley, and thank you. Thank you so much for caring about me."


            "What's a prince to do when his princess is saving herself from the dragons?"

            "Smile, and leave her alone." Toji growled coming up behind Kiley and whacking him across the head before giving Momo and unexpected kiss on the cheek.

            "Morning to you too jackass." Kiley murmured.

            "What'd you say?!" Toji was fuming.

            "Nothing… Jackass." He smiled running away. "If you ever need saving you know where to find me Momo!" He waved running. He turned and ran into the flag pole. "Eh… That hurt."

            "Oh…" She frowned but he waved again.

"I'm alright." He laughed lightly.

            "That fool." Toji sighed. "Hey, how are you doing?" He smiled.

            "Hmm? Oh, I'm alright. A little tired though."

            "Heh, you and the rest of the school." He chuckled. "You want to go to the movies or something tonight? It is Friday and all, I thought it would be good for us to get out and do something." He draped his arm around her nuzzling her neck.


            'I'm in love with her…' Kiley smiled looking at himself in a mirror in the school hallway.

            "Hi Kiley!" A group of girls smiled batting their eyes and waving sheepishly.

            "Hey ladies!" He smiled shaking his head. 'I thought I could get over her… But, I can't I can't stop thinking about her.' He let his hand run through his brown red hair and kept on walking. 'I'll just keep avoiding her until graduation…' Kiley's heart pulled wishing him to go after her, to just wrap her in his warm open arms and never let her go. This wasn't just some other high school hormone driving crush; he did care for her more than that didn't he? "Erra!" He shouted pounding his fist into the plaster wall as hard as he could scaring the first years who were staring at him longingly.

            "Kiley!" It was nurse Misao. She had just walked up to the office to check in when Kiley had punched the wall…

            "Eh! Uh, heh heh. Hi, I was just releasing some anger."

            "On the new school wall?! They just redid this over the summer Kiley, and you put a crack in it no less!" She ran over and looked at the damage more closely.

            "Plaster walls, just don't make um like they used to." He managed to slide along the wall and over to the boy's bathroom. "Well, I've got to go now, if you know what I mean," He pointed to the sign smiling sheepishly. "Talk to you later Misao!" He darted into the room and into a stall taking a deep breath. 'That was close.'

            "Oh! It's Nurse Misao!" She shouted in frustration. 'That boy will be the death of me someday.'  She thought ignoring the staring of the teachers that passed her by.

            'I've got to leave her. I can't, she can't be mine.' His thoughts screamed in his mind. "Good-bye Momo."

            Toji's eyes widened. 'Is that Kiley's voice?' He bent down and looked at the three sets of feet, in the tree stalls. In the last one Toji saw Kiley's famous star sneakers, which only he wore. "Ah! It was his voice!" He murmured low enough so he wouldn't hear.

            "Mr. Tojigamori what in the word are you doing?!" It was his homeroom teacher. The cruelest person in the school. Everyone thought his dream was to make the word a horrid place surrounded by gray and black. But the scary thing was he was married!

            "I'm," He paused and looked down at his black and white Vans sneakers. "Tying my sneaker." He smiled. "Well, I've got to get to homeroom now, I'll be seeing you teach`!" He waved and ran quickly out of the room.

            'God, hope Toji didn't hear that.' Kiley bit down on his thumb nail and made a diction. 'I've got to get out of this place for today.'  He pulled his backpack over his shoulder once more and walked outside.

            "Kiley?" Momo looked out the homeroom window, as Toji ran into the room and over to Momo. "Where the…"

            "Toji, do you know where Kiley is going?" Toji wrapped his arms around her waist.

            "He told me he didn't feel good, I heard him in the bathroom. I think he threw up… So, ya know." Toji lied smiling content with his thoughts.

            "Oh." She watched worriedly as Kiley scurried along a brick wall and snuck off school grounds.

            "I've got to get my books real quick. Be backing a second." He shot her the love you symbol like he had in English and walked off. Momo smiled and gave him the symbol with her left hand.

            "Okay." She looked back out the window to watch Kiley, but he was gone already. 'Did you really throw up?'


            That day everything had changed. Kiley wouldn't even look at Momo; he didn't go near her if he could help it. Graduation was only days away, and there was no time to talk, only time to practice walking up and down a stage and praying that you passed and could move on to college, or a career. It had been a month since they had last talked to one another. 'What are you doing you pumpkin?!' Momo's mind screeched as girls crawled all over him as he sat on the bleachers waiting until his class was called onto the stage. He smiled and laughed handing out what seemed to be his phone number.

            Out of the corner Sae flitted around like a piece of paper as people pushed her out of the way mindlessly. She didn't bother Momo anymore. She felt sorry for her now, she wasn't pure evil. When she had first met Sae she actually was a friend to her. She was friendly, helped her out… But that just didn't seem to last. Then she started copying and tried to ruin her life.

            "Momo!" Toji shouted in distress. He hadn't been in school that morning, school would be over soon, but he came anyways.

            "What are you here for?" She looked at him strangely and smiled. "There's only an hour left—"

            "Momo…" He looked at the ground. "I… I'm moving."

            Momo's world came to an abrupt halt. Everything was spinning she didn't know what to do. "What? Where to?!"

            "America. My father's job is taking my family there. What I wanted to ask you was. Will you come with me?" Toji held her hand bighting down on his lip. "My father said as long as your parents are cool with it, you can move with us, and we'll be able to get into the same college." Toji shook his head and pulled out a small box and got down on one knee. "What I'm really trying to say is," He paused and opened the box the held a ring made of pink and white gold with a small rose shaped diamond on top. "Will you marry me Momo?"

            Kiley watched from a far on the other side of the bleachers in shock dropping the flowers that were to go on the top of the stage in front of the podium. "Momo… Don't."

            Momo didn't hear him though. She did glance over at him but was taken by the moment. This was like a dream. Her junior high crush asking her to marry her on the second to last day of school. "Toji…" She felt the tears in her eyes.

            "Please don't say no. I promise to love you forever. I won't ever hurt you Momo. I swear." Toji smiled at her praying to God that his dad wouldn't kill him for spending two grand on a ring. Sure he knew that Toji was giving her one, but not one that was so expensive.

            "Yes." Momo nodded closing her eyes as he slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her full on the lips and swung her round and round. People by this time, including teachers had seen him pull out a ring and were cheering. The teachers had seen lots of guys give their girls engagement rings, some times the other way around too. Some went through with it and lived happy lives together, and others ended up going separate ways.

            Kiley stood up and fell even further into a whole of loneliness. "No, you didn't say yes, I know you didn't just completely leave me." But Momo had said yes. She was happy to be engaged to Toji. Or at least she was at first. Her parents had aloud her to move to America after graduation, she was taking English and knew the language pretty well, she figured she would learn the rest on her own with Toji. They got their own apartment a half a year later and seemed to be getting along great.


            "Toji?" Momo picked up the phone as it rang.

            "Hey baby." He smiled listening to her voice. "Um. I'm not going to be back until late tonight, hope you don't mind." A woman's voice laughed on the line and Momo froze dead in her tracks.

            "Toji, who's that with you?"

            "Who? There isn't anyone with me I'm driving to work—"

            "Don't lie to me! I heard that laugh, who is with you?!"

            "Ha-ha! His girlfriend, who the hell are you?!" The woman seemed either drunk, or drugged up.

            "You…" Momo was fuming. "You tell me you love, me and will never hurt me, I said good-bye to someone I also loved for you and this is what you do to me?! You bastard!" She screamed hanging up the phone.

            She began to cry sliding down the blue wall pulling her knees to her chest. 'How could he?!' She looked down at the ground. "I've got to get out of here." She stood up and ran to her room pulling out her suit case and throwing it on the bed and grabbing what ever she could and throwing it in. 'I'll get the soonest flight out of here. Back home, back to my family and friends, and then maybe try and get into Japan University. I just have to get out of here, get out now.'

            And so Momo did, she gave up everything she had. Her place, Toji, her new life. She boarded a Japan Airways back home seven hours later. She had brought everything she thought she would need, not including the ring… 'Why Toji? Why'd you do this to me?'

What will happen in chapter 2?! -_-' I don't know yet, heh heh… All I know is Kiley will have a big part in the next chapter!  ::loud cheering:: I know, I know! Also, Toji I doubt would ever cheat on Momo, he's to shy, but I made him braver… And a jerk, but he'll try and say he's sorry later on, that's when I think Kiley's going to have to kick butt… But like I said I don't know yet! HOPE YOU LIKED CHAPTER 1!

Sorry, for any errors… That's my failure in writing…