I look up at Sensei. "S-Sensei?" I say. "Kiyomi, you have to come home." he responds. I rise to my feet, and look him straight in the eye. "Why would I come home to a village who despises me, and treated me like scum?!" I yell. "I've been in the woods looking for you since you left. Now that I found you, you have to return.""I'm never going back!" I scream. I close my eyes then take a deep breath. I open them again and speak. "Look, Sensei, I can't return. I never belonged there, and I don't now. And besides, I just got my heart broken by Sesshomaru. I thought he loved me, but-" my voice cracks, and my eyes water. I look away. "You could at least return to Sesshomaru." Sensei says. I look at Sensei and blink. "I saw him, and he told me about you. I take it he loves you, and he seemed to be mourning for you." "But-" Sensei cuts me off. "It sounds like you love him, too. I know he betrayed you, but he still loved you. He even said that he changed his mind about giving you to Chi after her met you." I'm speechless. So, Sesshomaru still loved me? And, he actually changed his mind about betraying me? When Jaken told me what happened, I didn't catch the part where he said that Sesshomaru wouldn't give me to Chi. I just thought that Sesshomaru was pretending to love me, so he could gain my trust and I wouldn't become suspicious. But it was real. Sesshomaru really did love me. "Just, think about it." says Sensei, stopping my train of thought. I blink, knowing he's right about Sesshomaru loving me. Sensei turns around, and walks back into the woods. Now, I know what I have to do. I have to get Sesshomaru back. I climb up the tree and begin my tree hopping, going back the way came in hopes of Sesshomaru still being where I left him.
When I get there, I'm shocked, sickened and depressed by what I see, all at the same time. Sesshomaru is sitting against a tree, his face buried in his hands. I catch a glimpse of his face, and he isn't crying like I expected, rather, trying not to. He did love me. I think. Sensei was right. I approach him. "Sesshomaru?" I say. He looks right at me and stands up. "You're back." he says. "Yes, and I know the truth now. I know you meant to give me up to Chi, but changed your mind. And…" my voice trails off. "I forgive you." I finish. Sesshomaru grabs me and lifts me off the ground, pulling my body tight against his. He stops then lets me down. "Does this mean you'll stay?" he asks. "Yes, I'm staying." I answer. Rin walks up, and we exchange a quick hug. I then notice that Jaken has been watching, but I don't care. "We have to go find Chi, and let her know that I'm not giving you up." says Sesshomaru. "Won't she kill Rin; or us?" I solicit. "We won't let her." he replies.
We approach the cave where Chi dwells. Rin is back in the woods, with Jaken protecting her. We walk inside, searching for Chi until we see a pair of malicious purple eyes. Chi moves toward us, and we can't help back away. Once she comes into the light, I can see more than just her purple eyes. She has long black hair and pasty white skin, and is wearing a purple choker with a black heart on it. She's also wearing a short black strapless dress, a purple bow on the skirt, and purple boots with a black stripe on top. She is wearing fingerless black gloves and has a wide pair of black wings. "Well, hello Sesshomaru." Chi says seductively. "I see you've got my gift. A little small, but I'm sure her blood will have a nice flavor. Now hand her over, so I can enjoy her blood." Sesshomaru steps in front of me. "No, the deal's off. You can't have her or Rin." "If you won't give her to me, then I'll take her myself." Chi runs at me, but Sesshomaru stops her. He attacks her with his golden whip. She jumps out of the way. Her purple eyes glow in blood red, and her wings spread to each end of the cave. Long fangs come out of her mouth and she transforms into this horrible winged creature. Sesshomaru transforms and they battle. I dash out of the cave, while it cracks to pieces from the battle inside it. I watch from behind a tree as they battle. It was intense, they were biting and clawing and trying to rip each other to shreds. Finally, Sesshomaru rips Chi's head off. It crashes to the ground, and so does her body. Sesshomaru goes back into his human form. He walks over to me. "Is she dead?" I ask. "Yes, she's dead. It's all over." We continue back to Rin and Jaken, and tell them what happened. This time, I know Sesshomaru and I won't be torn apart.