Later that evening after the new students had been sorted into their houses and all the celebrations Dean, Sam, Cas and a two new first year girls (determined to stay up to midnight) were sitting in the common room. Sam was reading a book while Dean and Cas sat on the sofa going through their time table.
"Wow…we really do have identical time tables!" Dean said, grinning from ear to ear.
"It would seem so." Cas said happily.
Dean rolled his eyes as the two girls started giggling stupidly.
"I black dare you to do it!" Dean heard one girl hiss.
He paid no attention to them as he ever so slightly slid closer to Castiel on the sofa.
"Um...hello. My name is Jessica." She said nervously.
"Hey. I'm Sam!" Sam said politely.
"My friend…she um dared me. But…um… I think you're kinda hot." She stammered.
Dean cracked up laughing and fell against Cas, earning a dark look from Sam.
"Thanks. Say, you want to go down to Hogsmeade some time?" Sam offered.
"Really? I would love to!" Jessica answered excitedly.
"I will talk to you more about it tomorrow ok?" Sam said.
"Sure. You can call me Jess by the way." She said before leaving.
Dean turned to mock Sam but he got up before he could say anything.
"I'm off to bed. See you guys in the morning ok." Sam babbled.
Dean cursed under his breath. That was a golden opportunity…maybe tomorrow.
Dean sighed when he noticed the other girl come over.
"Let me guess? Your friend dared you to say something?" Dean huffed.
"I'm sorry, but we want to know. Are you two…you know…together?" She asked.
"What makes you think that?" He snapped.
Cas smiled hopefully when Dean didn't out right deny anything.
"You are just all over each other. I didn't mean to offend anyone." She mumbled.
"Just piss off." Dean snapped.
The girl left in a rush.
"That was mean." Cas scolded.
"Yeah well I'm a mean person." Dean said, sticking his tongue out, making Cas laugh.
He elbowed Cas in the side and Cas elbowed him back. Soon they were in a small wrestling match on the large sofa. Somehow Dean ended up on top of Cas, pinning his hands above his head. Their faces were inches apart. Both noticed the room get suddenly warm.
"I think I win." Dean said, blushing.
He let go of Cas' hands and sat back on his heels. Suddenly Cas flipped so Dean was on the bottom.
"Hey! That was cheating!" Dean protested.
"I believe I just won." Cas said smugly.
The two had now ended up closer than before. They stopped laughing and sapphire blue eyes looked into emerald green. Dean closed his eyes, and with one quick prayer that he won't mess up their friendship, closed the gap between them. Cas kissed back eagerly, making Dean smile into the kiss.
"Consider that your prize." He whispered.
Cas moved so Dean was upright again.
"I didn't know you were gay." Cas said.
"I always knew…I just never found the right guy." Dean admitted.
Cas smiled and pulled Dean into another kiss.
"I think I could get used to this." Dean said, smiling.
"Do you think we should head off to bed?" Cas asked.
"No. Can't we stay here for a little bit?" Dean begged.
Cas smiled, silently agreeing to stay.
Dean grabbed Cas' jacket and pulled him down so the two were now cuddling up on the sofa. Cas flung Dean's robe (chucked onto the floor) over them and snuggled in closer.
"Double potions first thing tomorrow." Cas muttered.
"That's with that creepy Crowley guy." Dean grumbled.
"Who do you sit next to?" Cas asked.
"Chuck. You?" Dean answered.
"On my own." Cas sighed.
"I can try sneak beside you." Dean promised.
"Thanks." Cas yawned.
He pecked Dean on the cheek before falling asleep. Dean quickly followed.
Dean opened his eyes and froze in horror. They had fallen asleep on the sofa and now everyone was awake, walking around the common room.
"Hey Cas. Cas wake up." Dean hissed.
Cas cracked an eye open and instantly saw the problem.
"Maybe no one noticed?" Cas whispered.
"Hey look their up!" One of the prefects yelled.
Dean closed his eyes and cursed under his breath. He got up, crabbed Cas' hand, and pulled him up the stairs and into the boy's dorm. They could hear insults being called behind them.
"I wanted to keep it secret. Between you and me…and Sammy of course. Kids just mock you all the time otherwise." Dean complained.
"What if my brothers find out?" Cas asked, suddenly going pale.
"I won't let them lay one finger on you." Dean growled his voice dark.
"Thank you Dean." Cas said.
They smiled and quickly changed.
When they crept back downstairs everyone had gone to the Great Hall for breakfast. Cas, using a spell he learnt, made them a basic breakfast of pancakes.
"We should head to potions." Cas said, noticing the time.
Dean nodded and the two got up. Cas was about to go through the portrait hole when Dean grabbed his arm and pulled him into a passionate kiss.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you to Dean."