I don't own High School of the Dead.


Music blared loudly in the room as the students danced. Who knows how he came to be like this, but when Mrs. Andrews was late, English Class became Dancing Class. Blonde hair gleamed through the sunlight of the room, it was fun to let your hair loose from all of the boring classes, and to Anita Jefferson, and it was the very thing that would keep her sane today.

Her boyfriend, Jake Long, was just a few feet away from her dancing a little as well. The song that was currently on was 'Starships', they didn't know who brought their iPod to school or their iHome, they were just grateful to have something to dance to.

It didn't take long for the party to start. It started simply, first everyone walked in, all very tired since it was Monday, and who likes Mondays to begin with? Especially Mondays at Briggs Charter School, it was such a headache, and no one enjoyed themselves. But, that was beside the point. The party started when everyone walked in on that early, 7:00 am Monday morning. First period was a drag to begin with, so of course everyone was grumbling. Everyone took their respected seats and sat their posture straight and perfect, just how everything should be at Briggs Charter School. But, the first thing that they noticed was that Mrs. Andrews was nowhere in sight.

It happened before where Mrs. Andrews was late; usually she would come in just before the late bell sounded, so they waited patiently, their feet firmly planted under the desk tops and their hands folded on the desks. It was certainly a nuisance to think about so early in the morning, but, having strict school policies such as neat hair, and no dyes what so ever in them, had to be followed unless you wanted a ruler on your knuckles.

After the late bell sounded, the students in class 101-English advanced honors started to get...anxious. They shifted uncomfortably in their seats, waiting for Mrs. Andrews to arrive, walking slightly fast with her graying hair kept in her tight bun, and her thick glasses just pushing themselves down the bridge of her slightly wrinkled face.

Though, she didn't come. It took five more minutes of the students shifting in their seats, with their hands cramping a little from being folded too long. And then it happened. Out of the blue a girl with orange hair and bright green eyes stood up and yelled: "Dance party!"

The other students agreed eagerly. The one student with black hair and black eyes stood up and plugged her iHome into the wall and then placed her iPod into the deck. Everyone stood up rather orderly and began to dance. Girls took out their long braids while boys shook off their much unneeded dress shoes and loosened their ties.

Everyone was stomping their feet, pretending to know how to dance. Anita, who tried to dance, was tripping on her feet, but she didn't care, they all wanted this tiny speck of freedom, and right now they were living the dream.

The orange sun to the second story classroom was just looming over them. It was still early, so the sun hasn't risen fully yet, but it was getting there, very slowly. The sun caused the room to brighten up the room slightly; its light gleamed on the pristine white board and the spotless teacher's desk. On the desk was a perfect dark red apple, someone must've placed it on Mrs. Andrews's desk because it was their day to bring in her mid-morning snack.

The posters of English literature authors through the history were all lined up in their black and white, gloomed over them. On a normal day, it would've depressed them to see them, looking at them with sinister eyes, but right now, that was behind them.

Right now, all that matter was the music and the dancing. School didn't matter, it was all behind them, getting caught didn't matter either, they could get expelled for all they cared and still be fine with it. Though, their parents would probably kick them out though, but at least they had fun.

"Anita, come over here!" Jake told her. Smiling, Anita made her way to Jake. She stopped in front of him just as 'I'm sexy and I know it,' came on.

Anita and Jake start to dance with each other, their moves uncoordinated and sloppy, sometimes once or twice; they fell on the floor, laughing at their clumsiness. Anita then began to look around after her fifth time falling to the floor. Most girls in other schools would scream if they landed on the floor and their clothes got all dirty, but Anita was different, she didn't cry out in agony if she got a little dirt on her skirt, sure the floors were scrubbed to perfection each day. So, it so unlikely that she had dirt on her skirt, well at least she landed on the floor, right?

Her ice blue eyes scanned the area, finally, her eyes caught on a boy sitting down, his head down, his dark brown hair covered his face slightly, but Anita new exactly who we was.

Richard Brown, they have been partners for school assignments for a great portion of the assignments that are in pairs. So, now they are pretty close with each other, and he knows her personality to perfection now, and she knew his.

"Richard!" Anita said, running up to him. His head snapped up to attention at the sound of his name so suddenly. His purple eyes looking at her blue ones, Anita smiled at him and outstretched her hand to him.

"Come, on Richard! It's time to dance! Finally, Mrs. Andrews is absent! I think it was the Big Fish in the sky's doing." Anita exclaimed, putting her hands on her face.

"Big Fish in the sky?" Richard asked. Anita nodded and pointed at the sky that was brightening up.

"He was my gold fish named Harry, and then he died. But, since I was such a good pet owner to him, he is now watching over me!" Her eyes were huge at the very thought that her beloved pet that she named after Harry Potter, was now watching over her.

"Okay, so why did you come over here again?" Richard asked her. Anita made a fish face and then clasped her hands around his hands.

"You, dance party, now!" She told him. Richard rolled his eyes.

"Anita, I don't dance, I can't!" He told her.

"Oh, come on, you big party pooper! None of us can dance, and we are still dancing. Now, if you don't hurry up, then I will just pull you up by force!" She threatens. Richard, knowing Anita very well by now, knows that she will since he seen her do it many times with her cousin whenever he asks for money from her.

"Alright, alright, I'll do it!" He tells her. She claps her hands, and takes his hand and begins to pull him towards Jake, who is patiently waiting.

'Of course she pulls me right to her boyfriend, who else would she pull me to?' Richard thought to himself.


Sitting on the floor cross-legged was a girl. Her long jade hair cascaded over her shoulders and over her. A sword lay gently on her lap, as her hands, palms facing upward, barely touching the wooden sword. It was break for her class, since they had an easy going, doesn't really care sort of teacher. His name was Mr. Jones. He cared, but he was just laid back, which made all of his students believe that he didn't care for the wellbeing of their education.

Though, for this girl, she didn't really mind. Her mind was focused on one thing, and that was clearing her mind from all of the troubles of today so far. She figured out that she didn't do too well on her math test just the previous week. That was one of the major reasons why she meditated, to just clear her mind from her work at school. Life here at Briggs Charter School was difficult, but very nice, since she was looking forward to the outcome of this experience.

The young girl's name at about the age of 17 is Ame'li Isis. People called her Isis. She liked the name that her parents bestowed on her, it brought a nice ring to it whenever someone said it, it felt natural, and it was one of her favorite things about her name.

Opening her eyes to look around the white walls of the classroom, this was just next door to Mrs. Andrews's class. She was hearing the racket and the sound of stomping feet. Whatever it was that was going on next door, it was certainly not Mrs. Andrews next door. Isis knew this, since she had the sour-faced woman. Her salted and peppered hair all tied into a thin tight bun. And her darting eyes looking at everyone coldly.

Isis knew very well that Mrs. Andrews would not deal with such nonsense such as that. She didn't allow anything that was fun, she was all about work, and the work she gave out came in packets and packets of folders, all neatly stacked on top of each other, and it was to be all done the following day, no excuses. That was the way when it came to Mrs. Andrews, and it will always be the way of her, no matter what happened to the Old Witch.

Isis got up and made her way to the door. The teacher didn't ask; he was passed out on the desk. She doesn't blame him; this school has ridiculous hours, the first class was around six. It was crazy here at Briggs.

Isis opened the dark wooden door and went into the empty hallways. The class was right next door, so she didn't really have to walk far. After a few steps to the left, Isis was there, in front of a twin door. She opened the door and heard the music shut off and feet shuffling to their feet. People called to each other to be quiet.

Isis opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, it's just, Isis, everyone!" A girl that she didn't know said. She had blonde hair and cold, almost ice like blue eyes. Isis walked further into the classroom, playing with her worn black hair-tie at her wrist.

She went to the teacher's desk and sits in the chair.

"How is everyone doing?" She asked. People started to shift in their chairs ever so slightly, from what she could see.

"I am doing fine!" The blonde from earlier said. Her hand was raised, and everyone turned their attention to see her.

"Anita! Sit down!" A boy in front of her said. He had dark brown hair that looked almost black, and he was telling the blonde named Anita to sit down.

"Oh, Richard, you worry too much!" She told him. She pats his head, and then she sits down.

"Anyway, I was just seeing what the class was up to." Isis said.

"Just a dance party!" A red headed girl answered. Isis nodded.

"Well, that's all I really wanted to see, so bye?" She said. Isis then very hesitantly walked out of the room. But, as soon she closed the door she heard whispers, and then feet, and then music.

Isis sighed and walked back to her respected classroom. She entered the place and went back into the corner in which she left alone. She picked up her wooden sword, and continued to meditate. She really needs to relax now, with her nerves all over the place. All she needs to do is relax, and that is it, just relax and take a deep breath.


Just below the school was a lab. It was hidden, and no one knew about it, except for one student. His lab coat was on him, looking great, and his hair was all messy and was in his face, and his safety goggles were dirtied from his latest experiment.

"Well, that didn't turn out as I hoped it would." He mumbled. He scratched his head and looked at his experiment. It was something simple, something that a child could do, if of course they had adults' supervision. All he wanted to do was see what would happen if he placed some sort of flammable liquid on a piece of rubber and then light it on fire. Let's just say that it didn't turn out so good.

He coughed slightly into the dimly lit up place. It was hard to see since the school funds didn't cover this part of the school, and it was dusty and unsanitary because the janitors didn't even clean down here, or replaced a light bulb.

He frowned slightly and went to the stairs and sat down. The wooden stairs creaked slightly, nothing too serious, but he would take caution just in case they became weak and fell.

This student's name is Henry T. Arkwright, and he was the schools, as he pointed out to everyone, Mad Scientist. They all laughed at him during the first day of school because she told the teacher that he wanted to rule the world, or how he said it 'I want to bring Earth's doom, and then I shall rule it!' And yet, they laughed at him. He knew that once he took over the world that he was going to zap them.

Scratching his head again he looked at the table as best as he could. He removed his goggles and began to rub them on his school shirt.

He sighed and closed down the station for his club. No one showed up again, oh well, they just missed some explosives.

Henry walked up the stairs, grabbed his school bag and placed his goggles in there. Then, he turned around and looked at his lab set up. He smiled, promising himself that he will start a new experiment that will bring the world's destruction. Then, with a swish of his white coat and the flip of a switch, he was gone into the empty hallways of the charter school.

Henry walked the halls, he didn't forget were his class was, instead he was going to see if anyone signed up for his club.

He went to the notice board were his sign-up sheets still were, and the list of how many people were interested. No one, absolutely no one, he shrugged his shoulders and then he walked back to class.

"Young man," a voice said behind him. He knew who it was, it was Principal Williamson. He was the most hated principal ever. No one has a reason for it, but he is.

"What are you doing out here when class is in session? And I see that you don't have a pass!" He told him. Henry looked at his plump features. He didn't have a neck as far has he known, and he was shaped like an egg that had chubby little legs. He was balding at the top, and he had thick eyebrows that covered his eyes. And then, he had a small mouth, which you sometimes forget he has, unless he opens it.

"I-I-" Henry stuttered. He was never caught by the principal before, so he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, there you are! You forgot your pass in the classroom!" A voice said behind him. Henry turned around, not believing of who he saw.


A girl with shoulder-length honey brown hair sat at the sight of an easel. Her palette was filled with paint of different colors, and she had her brushes ready right in front of her. But, the thing was, she didn't know what to paint. Abstract? No, she did that yesterday. A portrait? There was nothing to base it off of.

What then? What could she paint? Sighing, the girl placed her things down. She had no idea of what she should do. Her art project was due in a few days, and she needed to have one more to get an A on the project. It was a difficult and very tiring project. It fanned out for two months, just doing abstracts and portraits. That's it! She should do a still life! It's unique and no one else would be doing it.

The young girl picked her things up again. This young artist is named Blair Fabron. She is a foreign exchange student from France. She is a talented girl who knows whenever someone is lying; she learned this trick easy from her father and her brother.

Blair picked out a student to do a still life on, and then picked a dark hair girl with freckles across the bridge of her nose. She was painting something whimsical, since Blair knew a lot of her art. The other girl is also very talented, and is Blair's only competition in the class.

Smiling, Blair picked her favorite brush up and dipped it into a black, and began to sketch it.


First chapter! Yay! Next chapter, we'll start with Blair because she had the shortest one so far. So, the last one was deleted, but the show must go on, right? That means I am going to need the people who reviewed in the last story, and the ones who got in of course. (So, the ones who reviewed and got in) characters submissions again, but ONLY through PM, since I don't want this one to be deleted, so some characters are introduced in this chapter, in the next chapter, everyone will be in, and I need to know where the characters were in the beginning, or I have to choose…and I don't want that! You don't want that, because these are your characters. So, if you haven't told me how your character is introduced, then PM me! In the next chapter, it will sort of a buildup to all of the characters and how they are, and then the story will go into full survivor mode. Now, these characters will probably not die, I don't know, I haven't made up my mind. That's all for now!

Patty Loves Giraffes~

P.S. I am looking for a cover for my story, so if there is any artistic person out there that is willing to take that task, then please send it to my DeviantArt, I am KidXSymmetryForever. Just send it there, and I'll see if I like it. (I'm just loaded with weird names…I can be named the Weird Name Giver Outer!)