Hey guys! Here's the last chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own power rangers or Rachel.

Chapter 25:

Thunder struck pt2

The rangers entered the Dino lab, but were in shock. The whole area was destroyed. Desmond walked in looking around. "Hope mom is alright…"

Dante nodded his head. "I'm sure he didn't go up stairs….wait."

"What happened?" Kira questioned walking around the former lab.

"It's trashed!" Ethan yelled.

"Ella…" Tommy whispered and started to look, gaining odd looks from his son, and niece.

Conner glanced down, noticing something blinking and beeping. "What's this?" He asked picking up the object.

"It's like a black box. I keep a security camera in it." Hayley explained, taking the box.

Everyone minus Desmond was watching the small screen. Desmond placed his hand on the ground getting a small sense of an animal spirit appearing.

"Des! Come over here!" Nix called for her cousin, who sighed walking over.

The cougar master looked over her shoulder, seeing Derek coming between Ella and Zeltrax. Just when Zeltrax was about to attack, the second son summoned his animal spirit of the panther. With Derek only being a child and untrained, Zeltrax managed to dodge, and take both Ella and Derek.

"This is all my fault…" Anton sighed. "I should've stopped him…"

"Don't blame yourself for what you did when you were him." Trent stated, covering Desmond mouth.

"Trent's right, Anton." Tommy stated patting Anton's shoulder.

Demsond walked off with Nix, and Dante. "We have to tell Shayera before anything happens."

Nix nodded her head and started to run off with the other two men following her.

Shayera stood next to Rachel slightly spurprise to see her brother cousin and friend running up to them. "What's wrong?"

"Zeltrax took Ella, and Derek." Dante stated.

"Ella is the human and good version of Elsa." Nix continued.

"Derek can use his animal spirit and it's a Panther." Desmond finished.

Shayera blinked, then looked at Rachel who looked at her then, back at them. "Anything else?"

"What…?" Desmond asked. "Shouldn't you be angry…."

"I told Derek to get captured. We can track him where Zeltrax is." Shayera stated.

"Let's go then!" Desmond yelled and started to run, with Shayera looking at the tracker on Derek.

Dante watched them, and ran back to the Dino lab knowing Tommy should know what's happening.

Some how The four teens dodge the battle with Zeltrax. Shayera ran towards Derek and hugged him tightly. She looked up noticing Mesogog, and stood up looking at Desmond.

"Desmond take your cousin, sister, brother Rachel and Ella out of here and to safety we'll handle this." Tommy stated.

The cougar master nodded his head, and guided the others to safety. "Derek take Ella to safety, time to do our part."

Derek nodded his head. "This is from Uncle Wes and uncle Eric." The young boy handed the eldest son, a box, with a blaster in it. "They said you should start practicing."

Desmond smirked and took it. "Let's go girls."

Shayera smiled, and ran off using her gymnastics skills to climb up, while Rachel stood next to Demsond, while Nix followed Shayera.

Demsond watched as the lifter came down. "Okay Rachel wish me luck."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Go on. Make sure it'll give good sparks up there."

The former ranger nodded his head, and ran towards the lifter getting the blaster ready, and aimed it towards Mesogog. Pulling the trigger, he watched Mesogog getting hit making a great open for Tommy. "go get them Rangers."

Shayera smiled watching, them. "Guess we have some people watching."


After the battle, the twins ran over with Derek following them. The ranger's suits glowed and disappeared Derek ran towards his dad and hugged his legs tightly shaking just a bit. "Everyone okay?" Tommy asked hugging his son back.

"I feel…different." Conner stated looking at the dino gems."

"Yeah like…normal" Trent stated.

"Me too…" Kira agreed.

"It's gone…" Ethan widen his eyes looking at his gem. "The powers gone."

"It took everything the gems had to destroy Mesogog." Tommy stated holding the shaken Derek close. "They're ancient artifacts now that'll look great in a museum."

Shayera nudge Nix who turned her head, noticing Cassidy, Devin, Ella, and Rachel behind them. "Hello rangers."

Rachel walked over towards Desmond and hugged him. "She didn't know."

"Then…how…" Desmond started.

"I kinda already knew, but I had to show Cassidy in person." Devin explained a smile appearing on his face.

"this is like the greatest thing ever!" Cassidy smiled, hugging Devin. "And we got it all on tape!" She showed the tape causing e veryone to frown, Trent, and Nix had to hold Shayera back from punching the girl. "You know, a reporter could make a whole career out of this…but I'm giving it to you." Cassidy smiled, and handed the tape to Tommy.

"Wait. Cassidy passing up the scoop of a lifetime?" Kira blinked. "Why?"

"Because you're my friends." Cassidy smiled. "It wouldn't be right to ruin your lives just to make mine better. Not after everything you've done for us."

Ethan smiled towards Cassidy. "I always knew there was a heart deep down there somewhere."

"Yeah, I just needed someone to help me find it." Cassidy said glancing at Devin. "Now, if you'll excuse us."

"We're off to prom" Devin finished, walking off with Cassidy.

Shayera smiled, but frowned. "We should head off too."

The next night Shayera stood next to Hunter during the prom. She smiled, holding his hand, and looked over at Desmond and Rachel. "So cute."

"Yeah, speaking of cute. Look Nix and Conner."

Shayera turned her head, and smiled seeing her cousin and the former red ranger. "Well then…"

There it is. The last chapter of this story. For those who been following, favorite, or reviewed thank you! Check out for the sequel: "Mist is to Fog as..."! Enjoy!