"Here we are… River Way Ranch Summer Camp."

" Yup"

" Have fun honey."

" Sure will, Dad."

And that's how my summer vacation started. Pretty normal you might say, but that's only the beginning. Wait till you see whats ahead of me. I guess you still don't know who I am. Im Kim, Kim Crawford, 15 Martial Artist… Blah Blah Blah. Lets skip all the boring stuff and get to where all the dramatic comedy really is.

" Savannah! Hey!"

Savvanah is my best friend at camp. We went to this camp for 11 years striaght so you might say we know each other like the back of our hands. Once Savannah had a crush when we were only 12. She spilled grape juice all over herself trying to impress him and then he asked me out! Well it didn't end really well but we got over it and swore to not let anything get between our friendship.

"Kim!" When she saw me, she ran over and tripped over a twig and ended up falling on her face. Yes, shes a clutz but I love her.

" Slow down Savannah, why do you look super exited?"

" Guess what! Ok nevermind you were never really good at this game, this year we get to be councelors!" She started to jump up and down clapping her hands and smiling like an idiot.

" Cool, but why?"

" Because the camp got so many entries this summer and they don't have eanough councelors they're making us JC's which stands for junior councelors, AND since were 15 and we attended this camp for 11 years straight we get to be JC's! Each two JC's are in charge of 10 kids for the rest of the summer!"

" So you mean were babysititng?"

" Not really I mean the kids are 8-10 years old. Oh, yeah your right… But it'll be fun!"

" Lets hope so. Come on lets sign in and unpack."

" GUYS! BE QUIET!" Wow I never knew savannah can be harsh.

" Ok, hi everyone im Savannah and this is my friend Kim. We're your councelors and we'd like everyone to introduce themselves. Ladies first."

" Sarah"

" Tiffany"

" Layla"


" Jessie"


" Goerge"

" Scott"

" Tom"

" Luke"

" Great, now everyone put their stuff on a bed. The girls on the right and boys on the left." Savannah said.

"How do you deal with those kids? Theyre like a tornado ready to blow and you don't know when that might happen."

" Well I guess it starts now."

I looked at the kids and there was a huge mess. Everyone was fighting on which bed they got and it wasn't a pretty picture.

" Hey! Everyone calm down." The kids just ignored me and continued arguing. Then I got really angry.

" HEY! EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" it only took them a second to form a straight line, their hands crossed behind their back. The cabin was so silent you'd think its haunted!

" Since ya'll are fighting over beds I guess me and Savy will have to choose them for you."

There were a couple awwhs and sighs, but if I hadnt done that who knows when these kids will stop fighting.

" Ewww… scott just licked that bed!" Tiffany said in a whiney voice.

" No scott.. ugh god why'd you do that?"

" Hello everyone. Im Suzy Gregory and im the head councelor. I'd like to welcome all of the new campers and the old ones. As you can see this year there has been a lot of changes to the camp. The lake is now property of River Way Ranch, there are more cabins, and we've built another hall. In addition to that weve proomoted some of the old campers into JC's which stands for junior councleors. I can garuntee you this summer vacation will be one of the best you've ever had! Welcome to River Way Ranch! Thankyou." That was the head councelor. She's a nice lady but she can get quite angry sometimes, as long as your not a trouble maker your fine.

" So why don't we give the kids a little tour around the camp?" Savannah said.

" Ok sure, count them to make sure they're all here while I get their stuff ready."

While I was walking to the cabin I bumped into a guy.

" Ow! Im sorry wasn't really paying attention to wher ei was going." Now you expect me to look up and find a really cute guy with wind blowing his hair and a perfect smile just like all the movies? Well that's not exactly what happened.

" It's ok I wasn't paying attention either." Just to satisfy your curiosity nope he was not cute he had black hair and a thin body. But his friend was cute.

" Woah! Jerry watch out. Hey im jack, sorry about my friend hes a clutz."

" Nah it's ok. Im Kim." I said calmly. Ok so the guy I bumped into wasn't really cute but his friend was a hottie!

" We'll see ya around Kim" Jack said.

" Sure."

"Where were you kim! You took 20 minutes!"

" Savy calm down. I bumped into a guy and then had to wash my legs cuz I fell In some dirt."

" Ooh! Was he cute? Or more like handsome? Or was he a nerd who just ran off once he saw you were a girl?"

" Shut it Savy. Hes just a guy who I probably wont talk to for the rest of the vacation."

" We'll see about that. Everyone ready for a tour around the camp!"

" Yes!" the kids shouted. Boy are they exited.

" Ok if you can beat kim to the end of the trail you get icecream!"

" Hey! You know im faster than them all."

" They're already halfway through. Run kim, or you wont get any icecream."

Hey everyone. Uhm this is kinda my first story I got this idea and thought it would be pretty cool. I really think a beta would be great beacuase I need to know in which ways to improve my writing so if your intrested send me a pm or just review saying you want to beta this story. Anyway please tell me if you like it or not and how I need to improve it. And if no one really likes it I'll stop writing beacause im not gonna waste my time when I know that no one appreciates it. PM me id be glad to reply. Cya.