Chapter 1-

He looked so peaceful.

Sitting under the blossoming sakura tree, as the pink petals softly danced around him, slowly, mesmerizingly, in an elegant manner. The teen sat propped up against the tree trunk, sleeping. He had a sketch book on his lap, facing upwards towards the sky. His orange hair almost dissolving into the orange light beaming from the sunset. Grimmjow was astounded. He had never seen beauty like this in his whole entire life. That such a beautiful creature actually lived in an ugly world like this was, honestly, hard to believe. Grimmjow pinched his arm. Definitely not dreaming. He was still afraid of walking towards the teen, in case he would vanish.

Despite all this, he found his feet moving without his knowing, and before he could comprehend what he was doing, he was standing before the young man. The teen stirred, his eye lids fluttering, before opening. Grimmjow sucked in a breath. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. He couldn't put a name to it even if he tried. The teen looked around, confused, before locking his gaze with Grimmjow. His eyes turned stone cold.

"Can I help you?" Venom. Grimmjow did a double take. Seriously? Fine then.

"Yer sitting in my spot." He smirked.

The teens eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Don't see your name anywhere" he arched a perfect, orange eyebrow, sneering.

Grimmjow pointed at the space right behind the unsuspecting teens head. The teen looked behind him, drawing in a sharp breath. Grimmjow's name was engraved deeply into the tree, the date written below it.

"Tch, whatever, I'll move." He sneered, collecting his stuff, before making to stand up.

"Naw, I don't mind sharing."

"…" The boy sat back down, his bottom lip sticking out in a slight pout.

"Thanks, I guess."

"No problem." Grimmjow smirked and sat down by the boy. "So, what're ye called?"

"Kurosaki. Kurosaki Ichigo." He looked anywhere but Grimmjow, fiddling his thumb with his fingers.

Grimmjow's eye brows curved up incredulously.

"Well ain' that jus' fruity?"

"It means One to Protect, ass hole."

Grimmjow snickered.

"What school you from, ichigo?

"I just moved here. I'm going to start at Karakura High School."

"Coincidence, I'm in my senior year at that school."

"I'm also a senior." Ichigo looked at Grimmjow properly for the first time. Why was it so easy to talk to him? If Ichigo had a number one rule, it was to never trust anyone. No matter who they are. So why was he talking to Grimmjow as if he doesn't have a problem with him? It was too confusing. He had to get out of here. Fast, before he did something he would regret, like ask to be friends.

"I- I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Grimmjow." Ichigo collected his stuff, quickly getting up. He looked at his worn out watch and his eyes widened. Crap! His dad was going to be home soon! He hasn't done any of his chores! Fuck, FUCK! Without so much as a second glance at Grimmjow, he ran as fast as his skinny legs could take him. Please, please ,please.