Disclaimer: See previous chapter

Author's Note: Sorry this one took so long folks, real life is a bitch. This is the last instalment of All The Small Things, thanks for feeding my delusions of grandeur. It's meant a lot to me. Hope you've enjoyed the story, hope you enjoy this final chapter.

It was a beautiful night, cool and clear, and Dean decided he would enjoy the rare moment of calm. He leaned back against the Impala's warm hood and stared up at the sky. So far away from anything significant in the way of towns, the stars were bright, the light of the moon gleaming off the black paint of the car.

There was a flutter of angelic wings, catching Dean's attention and he turned to see his angel of the lord, before turning back to stare at the starry sky. Cas smiled and leaned against the car next to Dean.

"Are you happy, Cas?" Dean asked, not looking at him.

Castiel frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Are you happy? You know, with this, with us?"

"Of course." Cas turned to face Dean and stared at him, focusing intently on his face. "Dean? Are you unhappy?"

Dean pushed off the bonnet of the Impala and stalked into the clearing, pacing angrily. Cas quickly followed after him, feeling apprehensive. "Dean?"

"I'm not unhappy. It's just…you're an angel, Cas. You're meant to be doing angel stuff, not slumming around on Earth with me."" Dean replied, depressed by his own words. He was so afraid that Cas would actually listen to him and leave.

"I am not just an angel Dean," Cas said quietly, as he reached out to stop Dean's pacing and gently turned the hunter to face him. "I am your angel. I have been your angel since the very beginning, since I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition. I just didn't want to admit it."

Trapped in Castiel's gaze, Dean couldn't see anything but sincerity in those blue eyes. "I love you Cas."

"And I love you Dean."

With little more than a flick of power, clouds gathered in the clear sky, rain immediately pouring down. Dean laughed, turning his face into the cool shower. His laughter was contagious, if completely nonsensical and Cas found himself laughing with him. Still chuckling, Dean grabbed his angel and spun around, leaning down and kissing him. The rain splashed down around him, plastering hair down flat.

As they pulled apart, Cas shrugged out of his trench coat, throwing the sopping jacket over Dean's head. Dean tugged at the fabric, re-arranging it before swinging it around Cas as well, engulfing them both. One arm supported the fabric, stopping it from suffocating them both, the other wrapped around Castiel, drawing him closer. Dean grinned at him and leaned down, kissing him gently. He could feel Cas smile against his mouth. There wasn't anything else Dean could image that would make this moment any better. He had his angel, he didn't need anything else. Except maybe some pie.


Author's Notes: Well it's been fun, folks. Also, I just got tumblr. There isn't much there yet but come and say hi anyway. My tumblr name is compromised-by-castiel. Thank you for all of the reviews, favourites and alerts and I hope you've enjoyed t as the story as much as I have.