Falsely Accused

Summary: One night, after saving the day, Blossom passed out, and woke finding herself covered in blood. Later arrested for murder, what really happened that night? Not wishing to see pink Powerpuff fall, Brick commits the Rowdyruff Boys to help the Powerpuff Girls solve this mystery. Can they clear Blossom's name before it's too late? Or will it forever tarnish her reputation?

Disclaimer: I don't own the Powerpuff Girls. Rather, the Powerpuff Girls is owned by Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Chapter 17

Epilogue Part II: Conquer the World

A. Butch: The Time of Their Lives

The City of Townsville…

Butch and Buttercup entered Townsville Arena to attend the local WWE event. The two entered at the same time and went right to their seats in the front row, next to the ring.

The show started, and the two Greens thoroughly enjoyed themselves as the matches began. Butch and Buttercup sometimes had the same opinion on some wrestlers, while on the others, they were different. On some occasions, he would boo, while she would cheer. During the match of John Cena, Buttercup would join part of the crowd that would chant "LET'S GO CENA!" while Butch would then respond together with another part of the crowd with "CENA SUCKS!"

However, the highlight of the show was when the owner of the WWE himself, Vince McMahon, came to the ring, and began talking.

"I am so honored to be here in Townsville, the home of the famous Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys. Ladies and Gentlemen, give a hand to two of the greatest superheroes of our time, Butch Edwards, and Buttercup Utonium!"

He then pointed to them. The camera panned to them, and the two teens could see themselves in the giant jumbotron screen called the Titantron.

Butch couldn't believe it. Vince McMahon himself, the legendary promoter and owner of the WWE, was calling for them, mentioning them live on TV on Smackdown! That was awesome! Awesome! Boomer and Brick will regret not going when they find out what he had experienced! This was much better than merely getting autographs backstage before the show started.

Both used to media attention, Buttercup and Butch stood on their feet, and waved to the crowds.

"THANK YOU, YOU TWO!" the crowd roared at the two greens.

"Would you please come into the ring?" Vince McMahon invited to the thunderous cheers of the 14,000 fans in the arena.

Both lifelong fans of the industry, the two eagerly did as asked.

"So, how are you today?" asked Vince.

"We're fine," said Butch smiling. "We're the toughest, and we're here to kick some ass!"

Cheers erupted. "THIS IS AWESOME!"

"Evil doers and criminals better run for cover!" Buttercup shouted, clearly having the time of her life. "You can run, but you can't hide!"

More cheers and applause.

"We're glad to be here since were huuuuuge fans of the WWE," Butch added.


"Yeah. Thank you for coming to Townsville. It's been my dream since I was little to attend a live event! I've been watching since I was five!" she said.


He grabbed the microphone. "My favorite wrestlers are the Undertaker, CM Punk, the Rock or Dwayne Johnson, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Ric Flair."


She then grabbed it. "John Cena's my favorite, and Kane. Also Rey Mysterio. The Rock too."


"Well, since you've saved the day so many times, how about some photographs and autographs with the guys and gals backstage?" the owner of the WWE offered.


"Awesome!" she squealed as she shook in anticipation.

"That's a dream come true!" Butch said. He still could not believe this was happening. He was living his dream. He was in heaven!


"I'm so glad you chose WWE for your date—" Vince started.

"BUTCH! BUTTERCUP!" the crowd shouted.

"I'm sorry, but we're not on a date," Butch said, grabbing another microphone.

The crowd laughed.

"Yeah. We just happen to have a mutual interest in professional wrestling," Buttercup added.

"So you're just friends having fun?" the owner of the WWE clarified.

"Not even that. We're just teammates having fun," Butch corrected.

"Well, let's give it to Butch and Buttercup!" Vince shouted.

They got another thunderous ovation from the Townies in the arena. They bowed.

"BUTCH! BUTTERCUP!" More shouting of their names.

"Thank you, Townsville!" she said before the two 13 year olds went to their seats.

The rest of the show went on as normal, with Butch and Buttercup acting like typical fans. Several times, Buttercup punched and put her counterpart in a headlock when she became excited during a match, while Butch headlocked Buttercup too, but also tickled her, since he was a bit hesitant to be a bit rough on her counterpart in such a public setting. He didn't want to be accused of hitting a girl on TV when they weren't in an actual fight.

And they also signed autographs from fans who were in the audience, and also posed for pictures when there was a break from the action.

After the show, the two were invited backstage, where, to their delight, their favorite wrestlers gave them pictures and signed autographs for them. They also posed for pictures on Butch's and Buttercup's cellphones, and there were also brief chats. Both teens told them how they were fans and how much they admired them, while the wrestlers told them how they were also fans of the two and how they were the real heroes for putting their lives on the line every time. The greens also signed autographs for the wrestlers. The wrestlers stated that they didn't believe Blossom killed the old lady.

Butch could see that she really was having the time of her life. He was too. One of his ambitions since he was little was fulfilled in the best way possible!

B. Butch: Team Sports

Big smiles were plastered on their faces as they left.

"Oh my God! This is like, the greatest night in my life!" Buttercup squealed as the two left the arena. "Imagine! I just met John Cena! The John Cena! I have his picture! And I have his autograph! I can't believe he is so hot in person!"

"And I have CM Punk's autograph! And I got free merchandise!" he stated, happy and stoked. "And the divas are so hot!"

"Too bad they rarely come to Townsville," Buttercup said a bit sadly. "I would love to do that again! If only they would put Wrestlemania in Townsville!"

"Who says they need to go to Townsville for us to attend live? You forget! We're superpowered teens! We can just fly to whatever town they're holding their next live event!" Butch added. "At least I know what you want to be when you grow up! You're going to be a pro wrestler!"

"I wish. I really wish. But I can't. I might kill someone in there."

"You Buttercup? You're too much of a goody two-shoes for that!"

"No, I meant accidentally," she clarified. "I mean, I know it's scripted, and they do all those flashy moves in a safe manner, but look at my power. I can't just turn off my super strength and have fun. I might hurt someone."

He understood. So many activities were closed to them because of their abnormal strength and power.

"The only thing that I could be is a referee," she muttered. "It's not fair, for me, and for them."

"I know what you mean. And not only wrestling. But all sports, whether predetermined or real. I mean, if I play a game, if I play a sport, I want to go in, doing my best, testing my limits. If I limit my power, or hold back, then I know I'm not my best, and how can I enjoy it if I am intentionally holding back?" he concurred.

"Yeah. That's why our P.E. ain't the same as the rest of the student population. We have special classes just for us, designed by the Professor and Dr Edwards," she said.

"I know. We can't play with normal people. That why we play with each other."

"Yeah. Fights and all that."

"We really kicked your asses like this weekend. Still want more fights?"

"The only reason we lost was because my sisters had too much ring rust!" she whined. "Red says that what we needed to do is to fight computer simulations. Well guess what? You guys didn't fight like a braindead AI! They were actually shocked and had no back up plan!"

"Nah, we're just better!" he asserted.

"No we're not. Just give us more time to get rid of the ring rust, and we'll wipe the floor with your carcasses."

"But how'll you do that? The only way to practice to fighting us is to actually fight us or each other. We all know Blossom don't want you girls to fight each other even in training," he said. "It's uncivilized! Barbaric! Uncouth!"

"Just give it time. Blossom has too much pride to leave it like that. She'll give in."

"So, what other games do you play with each other?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you do it too? Play sports with your siblings using your superpowers?" asked the green ruff.

"Bubbles isn't too enthused with sports frankly, and Blossom is too nerdy for that," she stated.

"Well, Brick is a bit of a nerd too, but he is too much of a man to ignore sports. He really does enjoy trying to beat me and my brother in any game, same goes for Boom. That electric bat of his, I tell you, is simply glorious during our baseball games!"

"What? Tell me more!"

"About what?"

"About the sports you three play!"

"Oh that. Well, let's see. Soccer, football, baseball, wrestling, boxing, fighting, with all powers on. It's really a series of one on one games. We would draw straws, and the one who got the short one will be the referee. And yeah, we have our rules for our own games, since playing one on one baseball or football is a different animal than playing in a team. Dad also invented specially designed balls, nets, and bats, that could withstand our strength and powers when we play. Except Boomer. He gets to use his electric bat. Lucky bastard!"

Buttercup pouted as she was overcome by jealously and at the same, a longing. "I want to join."

"Not my call. Ask Brick."

"Ask him if he would have me be a part of your games," she demanded.

"Well, we are strict on that. We have certain criteria which must be fulfilled," he began.

"Well, whatever it is, I have it."

"First, you must have superpowers!"

"See? I have that."

"You must be our sibling."

"Not fair!"

"And you must be a boy!"

"That's bull!"

"Sorry Buttercup, but the sports we play are only for family, and well, hate to say it, but you're not family."

"That sucks," she said. "Adopt me! You guys get all the fun! You could fight all you want. You could play sports with each other. Mine, well, are too sissies for that! But ask Brick. Tell him to change his mind! I'm dying to play sports fairly and with all my strength."

"I'll see what I can do. But I won't make any promises."

"It would better that there would be four players anyway. That way, you guys could have more team sports, not just one on one, but two on two."

"That is tempting."

"But if they really decide to be dicks about it, then I demand that you and I play one on one sports like you play with your brothers!"

"Hey, you cannot demand anything of me!" he huffed. "But yeah, if you ask nicely, I might do you that as a favor. But only as a favor!"

"You'd better, or I'll kick your ass!" she threatened, grabbing his shirt and glaring at him.

He was not phased at all as he pushed her back. "Careful. I'd like to beat you up, but since I'm carrying autographs, pictures, and a free DVD, I'll do it next time instead."

"Yeah. This stuff is a bother to carry. So not tonight. How about Saturday at your forest? I will give you so many black eyes your brothers won't recognize you when I'm through with you!"

"Keep dreaming, keep dreaming. I will beat you up until you cry professor, and believe me, I won't hold back!"

"I will kick your ass so hard that you—"

Butch's stomach suddenly growled.

C. Butch: Meeting Siblings

"Damn I'm hungry. Hey, want a bite?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah, I do."

"I won't pay for your food, got it?" he clarified.

"Yeah. We'll go dutch. But let's find a place where no one could recognize us. The last thing I want to hear is people thinking we're together."

"Agreed. I won't be like Brick or Boomer, the slave and the puppy! And I won't let people think that either. If anyone asks, I'm Bobby Roode, you're Becky Lynch, okay? We're cousins, got it?"

"That is so lame," she sneered.

"Hey, you two!" they heard a happy voice from above.


Both looked up. It was Bubbles and Boomer. The two blonds flew down and joined the two.

Oh my God!

Boomer and Bubbles saw them! Now he's never gonna hear the end of it. He's gonna be teased forever for 'dating' Buttercup. This is bad! Really bad.

"Aren't you two dolled up tonight?" Butch snickered, looking over both blonds.

"Well, the opera has dress codes," the blue ruff stated. "So you found a date for the WWE?"

"She's not a date, dum-dum!" he snapped. The teasing began. He's gonna snap the neck of his little brother when they get home.

"So how was it?" the blue eyed ruff asked eagerly before Buttercup or anyone else could interrupt.

"We talked to Vince Fcking McMahon! And we got autographs! We got to talk to all of them! I got an autographed picture of CM Punk, man! And the Undertaker too!"

"How about John Cena?"

"Buttercup has that," said Butch.

He could see the jealousy form in the eyes of his blond brother. Now if he just listened and postponed his date, maybe he could have experienced what he did! He would see all his wrestling heroes! But noooooo, he had to go on this stupid date in the stupid hall! Boomer will reap what he had sown!

"Damn it! I'm jealous! You've got the best night ever!"

Damn right Butch did! Better than Boomer's night. Though a bit stupid to say that in front of his date. Stupid Boomer.

"Boomer!" the blonde puff called, annoyed. His brother really had the greatest social skills.

And the puppy barks at the call of his mistress! "Um, I didn't mean that he got the best night. I mean, we've got the best night but Butch met with Cena, 'Taker, Punk! It was glorious!"

Bubbles' frown deepened.

"I mean, oh the hell! Bye Buttercup, Butch!"

He grabbed the blonde puff and flew away.

The greens looked at each other, and laughed.

"Oh my God! That was the funniest thing!" Buttercup shouted between laughs. "I mean, did he actually say out loud, in front of Bubbles, that he'd rather to be on the show than be with his date?"

"My brother could act so stupid sometimes! I mean, yeah he's a fan! That was really the right thing to say, but at the fcking wrong time!" he concurred. "Bubbles will kill him! Kill him, I tell you! And Boomer would be like a dog asking for forgiveness!"

"Bubbles? Nah! Bubbles never holds a grudge even for a tiny bit! Just one word of apology, and she'll be all over him, forgiving him for whatever he did," Buttercup retorted.

Butch's stomach growled again. He was reminded of his hunger.

They both entered a burger joint near the edge of town. Butch ordered a lot of burgers with fried and coke. He was hungry and his appetite was the biggest among the brothers. Buttercup ordered a moderate amount.

The green ruff was ravenously ate. He easily finished five big burgers in just twenty minutes, not pausing to even talk to his counterpart. Since they were not officially anything but teammates, not even friends, he didn't bother trying to be polite or refined. Brick or his father was not there to castigate him, so he ate as he pleased.

Buttercup did not mind. Even though she was refined compared to Butch, compared to her sisters, she was a pig when she ate.

"That was delicious!" Butch said, before burping, his hand on his stomach. "That made the chemical x juices flowing!"

Buttercup nearly laughed at the burp. For some reason, she did not find it disgusting. She then burped too, loud, then laughed louder, Butch joining.

"Yeah. Eating with you is fun! No Blossom's, 'eat like a lady' or the Professor's 'mind your manners, young lady!' or Bubbles' scolding her big sister on how she eats!" she stated as she let out another burp.

"Sometimes, being so rich is not so good. They hold you to a higher standard than the lowly masses," he said. "Speaking of which, how are your sisters?"

"Blossom really could be unbearable some times," Buttercup stated. "Especially after Sanchez was caught. I get it. All the city was wrong about her, and all of your brother's propaganda was noble, but jeez! The entire city worshipping her as if she could do no wrong is sickening. Though it's a lot more bearable now that your brother doesn't anymore exaggerate her so-called virtues. It's back to the ole' Blossom Brick dynamic."

"I'm glad for that," he agreed, "since it was tiring for him to just give her all the credit! I'm glad the people saw through it as just false modesty and gave him the credit that he deserved. I tell you, my brother is bewitched by your sister!"

"As for Bubbles," she continued, "she's been cloud nine ever since Boomer and Bubbles claimed each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. She's so happy, that it's disgusting. Let me tell you, that if your brother ever hurts my sister, I'm going to personally castrate him!"

"Duly noted. Not that he could hurt her on purpose. Boomer is a puppy. He's worse than Brick following his lady and mistress. So don't worry. He's not man enough to stand up for himself where Bubbles is concerned."

"Yeah, but should he hurt her even by accident, I'll castrate him!" she threatened.

"Duly noted," Butch smirked. "Though if do that, I'll have to kill you. Brother's honor and all that."

"As if you could!" she retorted.

There was silence for a little while as they concentrated on their food, before Butch started once more.

"So, if you don't want to become a pro wrestler, or do any sports for that matter, what do you want to be?"

"I don't know. I haven't decided yet. How about you?"

"Me? I would be a general."

"You would join the military?"

"Nah. Brick would become ruler of the world. I would be his general, leading his armies, and crush any opposition to our rule!" he boasted.

"Right. And Boomer would be?"

"He'd run the world for Brick! Kinda like a prime minister or something like that."

"Right. Now I know you're joking. Boomer as Prime Minister of the World? Even Brick wouldn't be that stupid."

"I'm not joking. I'm serious," Butch snapped, but did not insist. He realized his blunder of revealing their ambition when they grow up. He could see that Buttercup did not believe a word that he said about it.

After that, they left the burger joint. "Well, we better get home. Curfew is near and you don't want to see the Professor if we violate curfew."

"I'll fly you home," Butch said, surprising himself. He must be crazy for proposing that.

"Oh no you don't. I don't need your help in getting home," she insisted.

"Listen. My brother gave orders, when he was still leader, that we should not go on missions and patrols alone. I cannot let you fly alone at night without violating the order. And you would violate it yourself if you insist on going home alone."

"Look, we're not even on a mission—"

"Brick gave extra orders that at night, even when not on mission, we should not be alone," Butch insisted. "And don't think you can stop me. I'll just follow you or tag along even if you don't like it. The air above the city from here to your house is public space, so you can't do anything either!."

"Fine," Buttercup conceded.

The two greens flew towards the white Utonium house, Butch stopping at a distance.

"Hey," he said. "Buttercup, this night changes nothing between us."

"Nothing at all, asshole," she snapped back. "You're still the same moron I've known. Still, thanks though for wrestling show. Don't forget to ask your brother about me joining your games!"

"Think nothing of it. And yeah, I'll mention it to him," he said as he eyed her as she entered her house, before leaving.

As he flew home, he realized that it was the most fun night he'd ever had. Butch would admit to himself that Buttercup was the most remarkable girl he's ever known. She was the most fun companion too. Better than any other girl he knew.

He realized something else that night.

He's not claiming her for himself.


He would not even claim her as an ordinary friend. That would premature. And he would be no better than Boomer and Brick if he did that. He's not a slave or a puppy. But he decided that he would have Buttercup when the time was right. When he would be ready.

That time was far far to the future.

And in the meantime, he would beat up, scare, or even kill anyone unfortunate enough to try to make a move on Buttercup.

His Buttercup…

D. Boomer: Start of the Night

Earlier in the day…

Boomer checked the pocket of his coat. He again withdrew the two tickets and looked at it.




May 1

6:00 PM

Box No. 3

Happy, he put it back on his pocket.

Boomer straightened his bright blue tie as he looked at the mirror. He was wearing a blue suit, and white shirt. It was the first date that he had since he and Bubbles officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. It wasn't the first time they were together—they were inseparable at school, and they always visit each other when they have the time. Boomer almost always walks, or rather, flies Bubbles home, and sometimes, he would stay over for an hour or so. But it was the first time that he had asked Bubbles out since they were "official".

Bubbles was the most cultured and artistic of the Powerpuff Girls. She was musically inclined, with interests in both classical and modern music. So he decided he would take her to a classical concert, since a touring one booked Townsville Musical Hall for that night only. Boomer had to beg and beg his father for money to buy two tickets. Finally, Dr Edwards relented. But it would come out of his allowance for the next year and he would have to get more jobs to pay for it. But it would be worth it.

"Oh c'mon Big Bro. These are front row tickets," he could hear Butch plead in the living room. "It would be fun! We get to go to a WWE live event!"

There was WWE live event? Tonight? Damn. Of all the time for the concert to be held! He would've killed to be part of the live audience! But he already got the tickets, and he already had promised Bubbles.

He got the flowers and box of chocolates in his bed.

It's time.

"That is fun. Unfortunately, it's my turn to have a night patrol. I'm sorry, but you should've told me earlier."

"But you do night patrols all the time! Send Boomer instead!"

"Sorry, but I'm gonna be busy tonight," the blond said, holding a bunch of roses and the box of chocolates, as he exited his room and went to the living room.

"Who asked you? I know you're going to have a date," Butch remarked. "Now be a good puppy, and be sure to lick her when you're happy!"

"I thought they sniffed each other's butts?" Brick added, laughing.

Boomer was red. He was not a puppy. "Oh shut up! I'm gonna have fun tonight, unlike you two!"

He wondered if Bubbles would prefer to go to wrestling event instead?

He pushed the thought out of his mind.

She wouldn't. She wasn't a fan. At all. One time she had actually fallen asleep while watching with him! At least she wasn't like Blossom who would actively discourage what he liked to watch. Bubbles would even pretend to be interested in it.

And his Dad would be furious for wasting money on concert tickets if he did so. And he could always watch the show on TV when it airs for the second time.

"Sucks to be you! I'm going to a WWE live event! I'm gonna see CM Punk kick Cena's ass!" Butch remarked.

"You'll be going all alone," Boomer remarked, "and you bought two tickets!"

"Well, Brick is coming with me!"

"I am not," the leader retorted. "Enjoy your night, Boomer. Don't be shy, Boom! Show her that you're a Rowdyruff!"

Yeah. A Rowdyruff. Haven't he been showing her his rowdy side? He did beat her up when Brick and Blossom scheduled that boys versus girls practice training—the first that they've done in years. And she beat him up pretty badly too in that training fight. He barely won. But he doubted Bubbles would like to be reminded of that while on a classical concert.

"Don't worry, I will," said Boomer as he walked out of the house, flying towards the Powerpuff Home.

He landed just outside the fence. Nervous, he jumped to the doormat, the flowers on his right hand, the chocolate on his left. He gulped. He hoped it was Bubbles who answered the door.

He had a problem. With both his hands occupied, how could he press the doorbell?

The most logical answer, of course!

His nose.

He grinned at his cleverness as he bent down his tall frame and used his nose to activate the button besides the door. He quickly snapped back at attention as he heard the door open.

"Hello Professor," he said, nervousness threatening to overcome him as he looked at the father of the Powerpuff Girls.

"Hello Boomer. Come in. Come in. Bubbles is not yet finished," said the Professor.

The Rowdyruff entered, and sat on the couch in the living room as Professor Utonium sat on the opposite couch.

"Boomer," he began.

Oh no. He's angry that I beat up his baby.

"Look sir, I'm sorry for hurting her in training, but—"

"It's okay. It's training. You do have to hurt each other in order to get better at fights," the Professor replied, "but this is on a another matter."

"Yes sir."

"I hope you two have fun. Now, you two are a bit young for this sort of thing. I had my first date at the age of 16, after all," the Professor started. "My Bubbles is very precious to me. She is very innocent. And she trusts you very much. I hope that her trust is not misplaced."

He did not understand it. He knew the Professor for seven years. He was one of the friendliest men he ever knew. Yet right now, he was scared. Deathly scared. "Sir, it's not."

"Good. And I trust that you would act the perfect gentleman?"

"A perfect gentleman, understood, sir," he repeated, looking into his coal black eyes that just stays 'I'll kill you if you try anything with Bubbles'.

"I'm glad you understand," said the creator and father of the Powerpuff Girls.

Boomer understood all right. He would be dead if he was less than perfectly chivalrous with his daughter.

E. Boomer: The Date Begins

"Oh Professor, you're scaring him," Blossom said as she flew in. "Hello Boomer."

"Well, I don't think he should be scared of me, since he is such a perfect gentleman," said the Professor. The blond ruff could not determine if he was sarcastic or not. "I'll be going now."

The blond ruff exhaled a sigh of relief as he watched the black haired scientist leave the living room. No more staring in the eyes of the instrument of his certain death, for now at least.


"Blossom?" he replied as he looked at the redhead. She was boring into him, as if he's looking into his soul to gauge his intentions.

"Treat my sister well," she said in a cheerful yet oddly cold tone.

"Bloss, you know I will," he answered, a bit scared. She was even scarier than his red eyed brother.

Buttercup entered the room, in a bad mood, and looked at the blue eyed ruff. "Don't try anything fishy," she snarled, "or you'll answer to me!"

"Buttercup! Don't be like that. Be nice!" Blossom scolded.

"How can I be nice tonight? The WWE will come to Townsville Arena for the first, and probably the last time! I can't come, because the Professor won't buy me tickets, because he thinks it's fake!" she ranted at Blossom and Boomer, though not loud enough for the Professor, who was at his lab, to hear. "Well what does he think I am, stupid? Of course I know it's predetermined! So what? It's still fun!"

"I fail to see what's there to see in fights that aren't even real," Blossom lectured. "It's just a stupid male soap opera! You're just wasting your time."

"You would say that, Blossom!" Buttercup snapped. "You don't even approve of actual fights between us! Even to practice or hone our skills! Instead, we get to fight simulations that aren't worth sh!t!"

"I approved of the recent boys versus girls fight last week," Blossom defended.

"Yeah. And that was the first real fight we'd had in three years! And you said that it would be last we would have with each other if you could help it!" the green puff retorted.

"Buttercup, now's not the time—"

"Damn it! We lost because Bubbles and you were so rusty! You had forgotten how to fight the boys or even each other!"

"We've lost to the boys before—"

"We haven't lost so easily before! I barely held Butch off, but Bubbles fell rather easily to Boom here, and you, you leader girl, got led in circles by Brick in tactics! And when you two fell, I got surrounded and got pounded."

"That's enough!"

"You know why they won? Because they've been constantly fighting each other for the past three years, and fck, we were too superior and cultured and civilized to be doing that! All the while they were growing bigger and stronger than us! We fought like sh!t!"

"Your language, Buttercup!" Blossom retorted. "And yeah, hurting each other for fun is uncivilized. It's even worse when they actually pretend it's a real fight when everyone knows it fake! It's stupid!"

"Hey, wrestling's not stupid!" Boomer defended, finally finding his voice. "Brick, Butch, and I watch that! And Butch is going to it! He has front row tickets!"

Buttercup looked at him, her mood becoming ever sourer. "He is? Damn that boy. He doesn't deserve it! I deserve it!"

"Well Buttercup, Butch—" Boomer began, but was interrupted.

"Just my luck, that asshole is going and I am not!" she ranted, her temper rising. "I would be stuck watching it at home on TV and with my luck, I might even spot him in the audience!"

"Hello Boomie!"

The world stopped for the blond ruff as he turned his head to see his angel at the head of the stairs. His jaw dropped as the blond beauty, with one hand, touched the handrail of the stairs, her other hand pull the skirt of her long floor length silk blue dress up so she could walk down, though she didn't need to as she could float. She was wearing a warm blue shrug to conceal her undoubtedly bare shoulders, as well as long blue opera gloves. As she walked down the stairs, he would notice, if he could tear his gaze from her face, her blue two inch heels, as well her stocking covered feet.

Her face was with a little make-up, though the blue ruff could see little point in it. She has natural beauty that doesn't need anything to enhance it. Her blonde hair, was once again, arranged in two pigtails.

He just looked at her radiance as she descended the stairs like a goddess coming down to share her presence with mere mortals like himself. How lucky he was that he could see her, let alone take her on a date. He felt naughty thoughts, but dismissed it since he didn't want to seem like a pervert. Be a gentleman, he could hear the Professor's admonition. She was so perfect that he couldn't move, or talk for that matter.


That snapped him out of his trance. "Ah, um, for you," he mumbled, showing the flowers and the chocolate. It seemed very unworthy of the beauty in front of him.

"Oh thank you," she said happily, and he could see in her blue eyes that she really liked his presents. She first took the flowers, then the chocolate, and put it on the table. "So how do I look?"

He couldn't believe he was taking her out on a date as he could only stare.

She was beautiful. A goddess. Perfection made into human form. "You look, um, uh, pretty!" he mumbled. Stupid Boomer! How could he say such a… a generic thing! She must be thinking how dumb he was.

Dumber than the Dumbest, I sure am!

"Way to go, lil bro!" Brick's voice suddenly said behind him.

"WHAT!" he shouted, jumping and turning around, losing his balance and falling on his bottom. He quickly jumped back to his feet, all dignity lost. "What are you doing here?"

"Alliance business," the red eyed ruff replied. "Go on, I won't interrupt your date."

"Uh yeah. Bubbles?" he said, offering his arm.

"Why thank you!" she chirped, taking his arm, resting her hands on the crook of his elbow. He didn't know why, but her touching him sent him shivers. The warmth of her hands was very comfortable. So nice…

F. Boomer: Aerial Acrobatics

They floated out of the house. "Are you excited, Bubbles?" he finally asked when they were alone.

"Oh I am!" she said.

"Listen, Bubbles, I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"Beating you up during the training," he said. He felt guilty for not feeling bad about it. It was training, so they were expected to hurt each other, and she was a powerpuff, but on the other hand, Bubbles might feel bad about it.

"You don't have to apologize for anything," Bubbles laughed. "It's training. I get hurt too by computer simulations when we fight those. It just shows that you're really good at it, and I need extra practice."

"No you don't. You're good too, better than me, you hurt me too, and I only won because we're lucky and—"

"Boomie, listen. You're better at fighting than me," Bubbles said, with no hint of malice on her voice. "The girls and I need more practice. But let's not talk about it anymore, okay? So what are we doing again?"

Boomer was relieved that he got that off his chest.

"Well, we're going to fly!" he proclaimed with relish. "I wish to carry you, my lady!"

"Why thank you, kind sir," she replied, and she flew into his arms, bridal style, wrapping her gloved covered hands around his neck.

He gently floated up, his dark blue eyes staring into her light blue ones, until he reached a certain height. "Ready?"


"Well, I'm not."

"What do you mean—"

She was interrupted by a gentle kiss on her lips.

He grinned. "Now I'm ready!" He flew slowly, the two enjoying the night view and the night air as it brushed against their faces.

"Want some fun?" he asked with bigger smiles.

"Yes!" Bubbles said, tightening her grip around his neck.

"Don't fly, or you'll ruin it!"

Boomer began flying in circles like a roller coaster, Bubbles several times nearly falling and just hanging round his neck.

"Wee!" she shouted in exhilaration as he flew higher and higher in the air, then suddenly dropping like a stone to the ground.

"BOOMIE!" she shouted, her grip around his neck nearly choking him, before he stopped and suddenly flew in the sky as fast as possible. He then made several loops in the air, spinning around and flying upside down, Bubbles hanging on by his neck, but not using her powers to enjoy it more.

"Is it over?" she giggled when he stopped high in the air, still in his arms.

"Look below you?" he said

He looked at her as she looked down. "That's Townsville Hall!"

"Yup. Shall we?"

She nodded, before he gave a quick kiss on her lips. He dropped to the ground, and Bubbles jumped to the ground from his arms.

He got the tickets from his pocket, and got in line. All the other guests were like them—in suits and gowns—but much older. They were the youngest. Luckily, nobody noticed their immaturity—yet.

They were early, so they didn't wait in line long. Bubbles was in front of him. She already had reached her full height at that age. She was about 5'4", and he was about 5'7" and still growing, so he occasionally bent down to whisper to Bubbles. When they got in, he showed the tickets, and someone in a bowtie showed the way up to the box in the balcony.

"Box 3, sir, madam. Enjoy the show," he said, opening the door. The two entered, and sat on two separate chairs. The chairs had cushions in silk, and were as soft as that of couches. The view was spectacular. The stage was almost directly below them. There were two opera glasses on the table between the chairs, although it was not needed as their eyesight was sharp enough, and they can use their superpowers to magnify their vision when necessary.


He noted with satisfaction that Bubbles seemed to be enjoying herself. His angel of light was walking around the place like it was the first time she had ever been in an opera box. Maybe it was. Her natural curiosity was one of the things he loved about her. Along with her smile. Her gentleness. Her cheeriness.

He does not deserve her. An evil boy, with a dark past! How can she stand to be in the same place as he, let alone date her, and let herself be kissed by such a dumb evil boy?

Yet she chose him. Chose him since he was, what? Six years old? He knew. But only realized that he knew when he was 13, just a few weeks ago.

Why him? He had no idea. But he would take what he can get. He would make her happy. He would do anything, short of betraying his own family, to please her, to make all her pain go away.

"Ooh! Boomie, they're coming!" she squealed, her gloved hand pointing at the stage. She finally sat on the chair, and removed her shrug, revealing her bare shoulders. He could almost not tear his gaze upon her perfect form, but forced himself to look at what she was pointing at.

He nodded as he watched the musicians enter, carrying their instruments, and take their places on stage.

"That's John Williams!" she said, referring to an elderly bald man, world famous as a conductor.

He watched as the place below filled up, listening to Bubbles talk. "That's Andrew Tyler. He is a very good violinist. That's Anne Drezy. Her flute playing is legendary. The one in the piano is Jan Bergozzi. I can't believe someone as famous as him is in Townsville! Look at his fingers when playing! I've seen him at YouTube, and he's very very good."

Boomer honestly couldn't care. Although like Bubbles, he was musically inclined, he didn't care about the actual musicians. He liked Classical music, a trait he shared with Bubbles, but he just likes to listen, and he didn't care who played, as long as it was good. But he listened because her voice was very soothing, very nice, and even her incessant chatter, sometimes became musical, as it has a certain flow to it.

The orchestra was fully set up. The place was full. The concert started.

G. Boomer: La, La, Love, Makes the World Go 'Round

The first piece played was Tchaikovsky's Nutcrucker Suite. One of his favorites.

"Tchaikovsky. Nutcracker Suite!" Bubbles whispered, as her eyes were glued to the orchestra.

Boomer hummed the music as he closed his eyes. The music was so soothing. He knew the piece by heart, he knew every note, and knew how to play it in a piano. It was grand to listen to, and peeking at his date, Bubbles was in a trance as her head bobbed up and down.

Then Mozart's Little Night Music. Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

But the highlight was Rossini's William Tell Overture. He liked watching the Lone Ranger, so he stood up the entire song.

Then there was a break.

"Before I continue on," said John Williams during a pause in the performances, "I'd like to thank you all for attending. But I'd like to thank two particular guests tonight. Bubbles Utonium, and James Boomer Edwards, the blue Powerpuff and Rowdyruff.

A spotlight focused on them, and the two, clearly surprised, stood up, and acknowledged the applause from the musicians, and the audience below.

"This is for you two," he said as he again conducted.

The music started, and Bubbles gasped.

Boomer was surprised too. It was the Powerpuff Girls theme song.

In an orchestra. Rendered in classical music form.

Blossom, Commander and the Leader

Bubbles, she is the Joy and the Laughter

Buttercup, she is the toughest fighter,

Powerpuffs save the day!

Fighting Crime, trying to save the day

Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff Girls

Boomer could hear Bubbles sing it. Soon, the audience below joined them.

After that, John Wiliams surprised them again by conducting…

"Oh my God! That's, that's…Love Makes the World Go Round!" she gasped, tears of joy flowing from her eyes.

Boomer was astonished that the orchestra had even rendered two of the iconic Powerpuff Music into orchestra music.

Open your eyes and take in everything that you see,

Look at all the colors, red, yellow, blue, & green,

We can take an airplane and fly across the globe,

Look down upon the colors, everyone come on, let's go!


Boomer again saw and heard Bubbles sing it, and the audience below joined in.

Love, love, love, la la love

La la love makes the world go 'round

Love, love, love, la la love

La la love makes the world go 'round

Open your ears and listen what the world has to say,

Hear the birds & bells and you will have a brighter day,

Everyone has a special song deep inside their heart,

If you want, you could sing with us, it's the perfect place to start!

Love, love, love, la la love

La la love makes the world go 'round

You can't hurt me with the things that you do

I'll pick up dandelions and I'll give them to you

Puppy dogs, kitty cats swimming through love

Boomer himself was only vaguely familiar with the incident that gave rise to the song. Something about an evil clown turned Mime because of bleach had turned Townsville black and white… How does that even work?

The lyrics were too sappy, but he didn't mind, since hearing Bubbles sing it was heavenly.

He looked at the orchestra, still not believing his day. His hand went to the center table to grab the opera glasses. Not because he needed it, but because he wanted to try it. But as soon as his hand was over it, he felt a soft hand over his. Too bad it was gloved, but it felt nice nonetheless. He remembered the times Bubbles grabbed his hand when they were little. Her grip was like iron! No matter how hard he tried, he could not take it off. Yet if felt nice. Even if her cooties scared him.

Now it was gentle.

Without looking at her, he gripped her hands, his fingers intertwined in hers.

After the song, the John Williams conducted some movie scores, like the Star Wars opening theme, and the Indiana Jones theme.

It was the time for the last music.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for my last piece, we would play a waltz. I'd like to ask Bubbles and Boomer if they would want to dance?"

Boomer looked at Bubbles, who was wide eyed. She looked at him, and he could see that Bubbles was excited.

"We should," she said, her voice soft, and excited.

He didn't want to. He sucked at dancing. He absolutely sucked at it.

"I don't dance very well," he said.

"You'll do fine," she laughed. "Please?"

He looked at her eyes. How could he refuse such a request from his angel?

"Fine. But don't blame me if I step on your foot!"

"Boomie, you've done worse things to me than step on my foot," she giggled.

Oh yeah. He beat her up. Lots of times. When they were kids. As enemies. Or even as friends. Or recently. At practice. Or training. Gave her a black eye. Knocked her out. Kicked her in the back. Of course, she gave the same as she got, but it was not something that they should dwell in on a date.

Given that track record, it's still a wonder that she chose to be with him and not someone who never physically hurt her.

He truly was lucky.

May his luck last forever.

The two stood up, and flew from their box and into the stage just in front of the orchestra and the conductor. Boomer put his right arm around Bubbles waist, his left arm in her hands. He had danced waltzes before with Bubbles, so he knew what to do. Though never in such a public setting. And he sucked at it.

H. Boomer: Dancing in the Air

Then the music started. The Blue Danube. They automatically started dancing. He got lost again in her blue eyes.

"Enjoying yourself?" he whispered as they twirled around the stage, being careful not to bump the members of the orchestra.

"Absolutely. This is the best night, Boomie. Thank you," she whispered back.

"This sucks."


"I don't think any other date could top this night," he said.

"True. But we'll have to try," she said.

"Yes. Try," he said. "I mean we'll do. But I don't know how."

"You'll find a way."

"I'm not that smart," he said. "I may even make it worse."

"Don't think that. You're very smart, Boomer."

"Thanks. But not as smart as Brick, or Blossom."

"You're smart in a different way, in some cases even smarter than them."



"Thanks. You don't think that I am dumber than the dumbest?"

"No. And don't you ever forget that!"


When they stopped, they got a rapturous applause. Only then did he realize that they were floating. They actually floated, and he was too entranced by her to actually notice. Thankfully, it was only a few feet, but it was magical to the audience.

Then there lots of cameras present, and they bowed as the audience cheered them on.

"That was some wonderful dancing, Boomer, Bubbles. Thank you for making this night the best night this orchestra ever had," John Williams complimented.

"You're welcome," she replied, and giggled as she and Boomer floated back to their box.

"Boomer, I never knew you danced so well! You were great!" Bubbles whispered as they flew to their box.

What? He was great at dancing? Since when? "Thanks," he muttered.

"You were great," a familiar voice stated as they approached their box.

Blossom? What was she doing here?

"You're way too sappy, there, Boom."

And his leader too. Brick.


"It was her idea to see you. She's leader this month, so she makes the decisions."

"We passed by here while on patrol, and we couldn't just resist checking out on you," the pink haired puff replied.

"But you need tickets—" Boomer began.

"Like I said, we control this city," he stated, "and we only had to ask."

Why didn't big brother say that when Boomer was trying to buy this goddamn expensive tickets? Obviously, the dumber than the dumbest rowdyruff ain't worth the effort to use his power on.

"Your dance together was simply amazing!" Blossom complimented, hugging his sister and shaking the blond ruff's hand.

Bubbles smiled in acknowledgement, blushing as she wore her shrug, covering her bare shoulders, before they walked out of the box, and flew out through an open window.

"You saw… me dance?" Boomer stated, his face becoming red. Oh he sucks at dancing. He was the worst dancer in the world. Now everyone knew. Why didn't he refuse? Why did he allow himself to be embarrassed? He knew the answer.


"You were great! Both of you, Boomer! I never knew you danced so well!" the powerpuff leader exclaimed as they floated.

"I…I danced well?" Boomer asked dumbly, still not believing the compliments.

"You sure did. Never knew you had it in you. Well, we're not yet finished with the night patrol," he said before he flew higher.

He was happy that his big brother and leader said that. It meant so much to him. He was afraid that he would be teased for being a "sissy" if they knew he was like dancing waltz.

"Oh yeah. See you later!" Blossom shouted as the two leaders flew high into the clouds.

Boomer looked at the two fading red and pink spots, and then grabbed his date, settling her once again into his arms. "Where to, Bubbles?"

"Anywhere you want, Boomie," she giggled.

He gave her a quick kiss, again on the lips, before flying off. He stopped. He looked down. It was a near one of the innumerable burger joints in town. He saw them. Two black haired teens in green. In wrestling gear, but green.

"Look," he said, looking down.

She smiled as she flew out of his arms. "Hey you two!

The two greens looked up as the two flew down.

"Aren't you two dolled up tonight?" Butch snickered.

"Well, the opera has dress codes," the blue ruff stated. "So you found a date for the WWE?"

"She's not a date, dum-dum!" he snapped.

"So how was it?" the blue eyed ruff asked eagerly before Buttercup or anyone else could interrupt. Though not a fanatic of Wrestling as Butch was, he was still a big fan.

"We talked to Vince Fcking McMahon! And we got autographs! We got to talk to all of them! I got an autographed picture of CM Punk, man! And the Undertaker too!"

"How about John Cena?"

"Buttercup has that," said Butch.

"Damn it! I'm jealous! You've got the best night ever!"

"Boomer!" the blonde puff called, annoyed.

Stupid! Stupid!

"Um, I didn't mean that he got the best night. I mean, we've got the best night but Butch met with Cena, 'Taker, Punk! It was glorious!" He saw her frown deepen. "I mean, oh the hell! Bye Buttercup, Butch!"

I. Boomer: Dinner

He suddenly grabbed her and flew away, hearing laughter from behind as he went away. "I am so sorry, Bubbles. I didn't mean that."

"Well, I forgive you, but you better make it up to me!" she pouted as Boomer put her in his arms, carrying her. But he could tell she wasn't serious.

"If you wish, madam," he smiled, before kissing her once more. "Did I make up for it?"

"I guess I need to pout more," Bubbles giggled before she sighed and leaned her head on his chest.

"There's one more place for tonight," he said, flying to the center of the city and landing in front of La Fancy Restaurant.

Boomer and Bubbles entered after the waiter checked their reservation. They took their seats, gave their orders.

"I don't know 'bout you, but I'm starving!" he said, leaning back and rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah. Me too," she said, demurely sitting opposite him, her eyes staring into his.

He leaned forward, his chin resting on his palm, staring back at the blond beauty before him. He still could not believe that he was taking the most perfect girl in the world for a date. In every way, she was meant for him. He could only hope that he was meant for her as well.

"So, enjoy your night so far?"

She nodded. "I did. Boomie, that was really wonderful."

"I'm glad you like it." He really was glad. He would never be able to top this first date, he knew. Not with the money he expended for her.

"It's a good thing this isn't a school night," she started.

"Yeah. Tomorrow is a local holiday. The foundation of Townsville, I think?"

She nodded.

The soup arrived. The trance was broken. His stomach needed him! He got his spoon, and started. Then the main course. Then the dessert. He was so hungry that the meal was silent, punctuated by the occasional grunts.


"Pass the salt."

Munch. Chew.


"Boomer, wipe your mouth!"

Munch. Chew.


"Bubbles, something's sticking in your face!"


Munch. Chew.

"Waiter, there's some hair in this food!"

Chew. Drink. Slurp.


Drink. Burp

"Boomer, your manners!"

"Thowy, Rubbels."


After the dinner, the two went out again, and once more, floated in the sky. "I guess, it's time to say goodnight," he began as he took one hand and gently led her to the direction of her house. He was sad that it was going to end, but he couldn't let her stay out too late. He did not want to get in trouble with the Professor.

"I don't want this night to end," she said as she drew closer to him as they flew.

"Me too," he replied, turning back and looking at her. "Me too."

They stopped just short of the Utonium home.

"Boomie, look!" she whispered as she pointed at two figures floating above her house.

He nodded as he saw both Brick and Blossom talking.

"What are they talking about?" Boomer wondered.

"Want to turn on our super hearing?"

"Bubbles! That's eavesdropping!"

"No it's not. We're too far away to eavesdrop! And aren't you curious as to what they're saying to each other? Probably something romantic, like I love you! Or I can't live without you!" she cooed.

"Knowing Brick, he won't say anything of the sort!" Boomer scoffed.

"Oh c'mon! Let's listen in!"


Boomer stopped as they saw Blossom throw her arms around the red ruff's neck. Astonishingly, she gave him a peck on the cheek, before flying to her home. Brick stood there for a little while, his face being too distant to read, but clearly blushing, and suddenly flew off.

"Oh Blossom kissed Brick!" Bubbles squealed.

"I dunno. Kinda looked like a friendly peck in the cheek. Or maybe she wanted him to explode like when we did when we're five."

"Don't you get it? That's the first kiss Blossom ever gave to a male who is not the Professor! And no, the one she gave Brick to make him explode when we were five does not count!"

The mention of the Professor turned Boomer white. He looked at his watch. "We better get you home, or your Dad might kill me!" He grabbed her hand, and flew to the sidewalk just beside the white fence of the Utonium home.


But she was cut-off as she again kissed by her date that night. Boomer gave her a deep kiss, the deepest and most heartfelt kiss he gave her, and he felt her kiss back. He was tempted to do more, but then, he remembered the Professor's admonition.

Be a gentleman.

That means no naughty stuff. None at all.

Except kissing. Since they show it all the time in kid's shows.

So it's not naughty. Kissing is normal.


But all the other things that he's really tempted to do?

That's not a gentlemanly thing to do.

Bubbles would be desecrated.

She would be dishonored.


Her father would kill her.

Be a gentleman.

"Until next time," he said as he broke contact.

"Until next time," she said as she jumped over the fence, and floated backwards to her door.

He looked as she opened the door without turning. She entered backwards, her eyes never leaving his, and closed the door still looking at him. He could feel her eyes on him through the peephole of the door. He slowly floated upward, his eyes fixed on the house, before he turned around and flew fast home.

He was happy. Very happy. The happiest boy in the world. The world was his! He can do anything! He was so lucky! He did not deserve this! He did not deserve her. But she's his, and he wouldn't let go of her no matter what.





Perhaps he was being rewarded for all the good things that he did ever since he became less evil?

But he did not care why.

Or how.

Only that it was.

And it was GLORIOUS!


He can envision his future already.

Brick will get the city first, then conquer the world, and he, Boomer, would help him! He would be the future emperor's lead deputy, all for Bubbles! He would offer the world to her, literally, when the time is right. All the people in Townsville, in the world, will bow down to her, as she was a goddess that deserved to be worshipped. And everyone who refuses will suffer. And even die. And he's not talking figuratively.

Brick got Townsville to worship Blossom.

Boomer hoped he could do the same for Bubbles.

J. Boomer: A Brotherly Talk

He then realized that he overshot his house and was floating over the lake on his father's property. Damn. He never paid attention! He sure deserved the title of Dumber than the Dumbest!

Stupid Boomer! Stupid!

He looked around, the full moon illuminating everything, and saw his brother Brick standing at the lakeside.

So what was his leader doing here? Probably in a state of delirium after Blossom kissed her. It's only in the cheek, but that's the start of something. Right? It did prove Blossom liked his leader and future world conqueror, and didn't Brick like Blossom? She probably accepted his offer to become co-rulers of Townsville. He gotta say his congratulations.

"Hey man, what's up?" the blond ruff cheerily asked as he landed besides him. "So, when do we take the city! Tomorrow? Next week?"

"Nothing. It's fine," the red eyed boy replied, in a tone that told Boomer that not everything was fine.

"Nice one with leader girl," he said, slapping him in the back. "She likes you—"

"Shut up, Boomer. She said no. She fckn' said no to ruling this city," he said, turning and looking at his brother, his eyes showing bitterness and disappointment.

"Oh," the blue boy whispered. Now he understood. Brick had been on this plan of his for the past few weeks, and every day seemed to bring more chances of success.

"I just don't understand, Boom! She loves it. I can see she loves wielding that power. She really likes being worshipped by all those people. And she knows what's it like to be rejected and to be hated. She knows she knows better than anyone else except me of course. And we're not breaking the law if we do it. So why?"


"Because we're not fckn' mature enough! That's her damned excuse!" Brick ranted. "And I guess she's right. We're just thirteen. Not like that eighty plus year old current Mayor of ours, who is the epitome of maturity, because he is so fcking old!"

"Bro, it's okay. We really ain't that mature. We're just kids, and I don't think I'd like to rule just yet," the blond boy said.

"Really? But you told me that you'd support me if I did persuade her to do it," he said.

"I did. And I would be so proud of you if you did so at our age. But I'd like to enjoy life and be a child, be a teen, before we go to the world," he said. "We aren't ready for that. You might be, but I am not. And neither is Butch."

"I guess."

"And it's not our life goal to take over this city at age of 13. Our plan is to take over the world but we'll begin after college," Boomer stated. "This just fell into our laps, and we just had to take advantage of it."

"For being dumber than the dumbest, you sure are right on a lot of things, Boom. Yeah. I jumped at the chance to use Sanchez' plot to try to get Blossom see the light. But apparently, she didn't. I really want her on our side. I don't want to fight her when it's time, you know. It would be easier if the girls are on our side."

"You really like her. You like Blossom."

"No, I don't, not in that way—"

"Whatever, Brick. I won't pretend to even believe you on that. But think of it this way. I think that you tried to get her to love power so that she'll like you, and therefore, will be at our side when we rule the world."

"What are you getting at?"

"How about a change in strategy? Just get her to like you first. Make her your girlfriend. Make her so close to you that when we make our move, she would not hesitate in choosing you over the world. Make her believe in you, Brick, and she'll believe you when you say that the world is better off with you ruling it, because that is what her heart would say."

"Look, she doesn't even like me to begin with," he started.

"She kissed you."

"On the cheeks. As thanks for what I've done for her. Nothing more. And I don't like her that way!"

"Look, just please try doing this? If you get Blossom, then Bubbles and Buttercup won't oppose us. Especially Bubbles."

"So how's your date with her?"

"Wonderful. Just wonderful," Boomer replied.

"I'm glad. Just remember where you stand when it's time."

"Don't worry. Butch and I would stand by you when it's time no matter what! Dad too! Nothing would stand in our way!"

"And Bubbles?"

"Bubbles will stand by me when we make our move."

"You sure? Would she, if we take over right now?"

"Now? No, not now. But for when we actually plan to? Yeah. I have ten years to make sure of that."

Brick looked at Boomer as the blond continued.

"But please try and get Blossom. It would make it far easier on Bubbles, and I really don't want to make her choose between me and her sister. It would break her heart."

"Maybe your plan really is better," said Brick. "For you, and me, and the world. Let's go home."

The two ruffs flew home.

K. Brick: Wrapping Up

As they flew home, Brick looked at his brother. He has got to hand it to Boomer. He actually made sense. Though that didn't lessen the disappointment he felt.

He shouldn't be disappointed. Taking over at age 13 wasn't part of his long term plans. He just took advantage of something that came up, and even if he came up short, he got a lot out of it.

The ruffs and puffs were now a special breed apart, not only in fact, but in law as well. They were above the law, essentially, with no one to judge them but their own consciences. And they can skip school for any reason that they choose, and the school can't punish them.

Yet why did her rejection of his plans hurt so much? He could actually feel his chest tighten and his emotions rage! It shouldn't hurt! He doesn't even feel anything for her, right? It's just a setback! A blow that he could and should recover from.

This was not a love declaration that got rejected. No. This was a power grab that was postponed. So why did it hurt so much? Why did he want to cry? Was he so set on ruling with Blossom?

It should not affect him. Emotionally.

Yet it hurt.

And it's all Blossom's fault.


That name! It made him mad. Mad at himself for being so weak and so irrational.

What did he feel for her? He just admitted that she was the prettiest girl in the world. It's the truth. He knew it for a long time. But he swore he never would tell her. He kept calling her ugly.

Yet he did tell her. She tricked him, of course, but he did. He really meant it. And now she thinks that he likes her. Correction. She thinks that she knows that he likes her!

Did he?

He doesn't like her, right? Right? Right?

Doesn't matter anyway. It was to her advantage that she thinks that he likes her and she doesn't like him in turn. That was made clear when she rejected taking over Townsville with him.

He wracked his brains. Why would she not accept her destiny?

Every logical reason existed for it. And it's not even illegal! It would be in accordance with law!

The law that the Mayor himself signed!

The only reason that he could think was that she was too good for him.

Yeah, that's it.

She was perfect. Pure. Innocent. An embodiment of morality. She was a goddess to be worshiped. A statue to be admired.

An image he himself fostered the past month. Oh how ironic.

And what was he? A former villain. Obviously, lower than dirt.

She could not bear to be co-ruler of Townsville with him. Why else would she reject his proposal?

Yet he knew that couldn't be it. True, her vanity was legendary, and she sometimes do believe her own propaganda. But she didn't think of him that low. After all, she kept her alliance with him all these years. And she obeyed him when it was his turn as leader.

So what was it then?

It does not matter. It's all just stupid drama that he doesn't have time for.

Townsville would be his in the near future. And then, the world. In the meantime, he would try harder to win Blossom over to his way of thinking.

He needed her to be at his side when it really was the time.

Perhaps, Boomer was right. Maybe the best way to get Blossom to be part of his glorious future was to get her to like him romantically, so her heart will overcome whatever scruples she had about taking over the world.

It doesn't hurt that she's attractive.

But it only mattered as building blocks to his future as master and ruler of the world.

King and Emperor.

What would be Blossom then?

Queen and Empress?

He shook his head. She would be perfect for the role, he admitted, but it's so far-fetched. And he didn't like her that way.


If he did end up with Blossom, it would be purely diplomatic, like the old Kings and Queens before. Feelings would be a bonus, but not a requirement.


If Blossom and the Powerpuff Girls opposed him and his brothers, then they would seal their own fate.

Only he was hoping and wishing that they won't.

He wanted Blossom to approve and even support of what he's going to do in the future. He needed it. If she did, Bubbles and Buttercup would fall into line. And the world would be their oyster. Their plaything.

He had ten years to win Blossom over. To his cause, and perhaps, if need be, to himself.

Even if he did not like her. Right?

He's not going to fail.

If he failed, it would be the end of the Powerpuff Girls.

He did not wish it.

But if it was so, then let it be so.


It's so sad to close this tale. The relationships of the Brick and Blossom, and Buttercup and Butch were not yet fully developed, but this tale wasn't about it, but about how the murder of Mrs Carmichael affected how they interacted with each other.

The main points of this tale was that Brick tried to use the crisis to gain more power over the city, and urge Blossom to go along with his way of thinking. In that, he partially succeeded in that he successfully persuaded her that they are not, in law, equal to the ordinary Townies, but in some other way, notably in his attempt to get her to be the mayor, he failed.

And along the way, he developed feelings for Blossom which enabled him to do ridiculous stunts like basically lie to the city to set Blossom as perfect and untouchable even as he tried to suppress his own contributions and attribute all the good things he did to Blossom and Blossom alone. On the theory that if people found her perfect, they would not believe her capable of doing the murder. But of course, he would deny having any feelings, even as they intensify.

Where would they go from here? Who knows.

Bubbles and Boomer of course liked each other way before this tale even began. It simply continues it, and made them official, by having Boomer finally realize certain things. And of course, their date on this chapter sealed it. But it was long in coming.

Buttercup and Butch were the farthest ones apart at the beginning of this tale. Before in the Allies and Rivals series, there have been virtually no indications of any kind of relationship between the greens. This tale gives the very beginnings of it. The basis of that relationship would be their shared activities, like fighting, watching wrestling, doing sports, which Butch noticed Buttercup possessed. So the events of solving the murder case made Butch realize how unique Buttercup is, but he won't act on it for a long time.

As for a sequel, I may or may not do one. If I will, probably in the future. It would probably concern how the boys, with set plans to take over the world, by fair means or foul, by legal means and not, reconcile their ambitions with their relationship with the girls, and how the girls would react when they realize that the boys are serious in their ambitions, and how would they reconcile their feelings, with their duty to Townsville and their basic goodness.

But if you want to find out my ultimate objective for the six?

Emperor Brick. Empress Blossom. Of the World. And yes, Blossom would do so willingly, and in the belief that Brick was in the right. And those who oppose them were in the wrong. She would support him in his rise to power, and make sure that they would stay in power.

How will she come to that conclusion?

Prime Minister Boomer. Chief of Staff Bubbles. Boomer will run the world for Brick, and Bubbles would run the palace.

General Butch. Director of Intelligence Buttercup. Butch will crush all opposition to his brother. Buttercup would gather intelligence about any who oppose them.

The couples would be married, and have children, of course…

But that's far to the future…

My next project would be set when there were five. Since the first Allies and Rivals story was began and finished in 2003, it was made before The Boys are Back in Town was aired in 2004. And since all my tales were set in that universe, my basis for the characters were The Rowdyruff Boys episode, and all that I could derive from that using the girls' characters as basis.

So I decided to see if I could start another tale from when they were five, taking into account the episodes The Boys are Back in Town, Bubble Boy, Boy Toys, and Custody Battle, and write the boys with those characterizations in mind.

Any, thanks to all the reviewers!

Author Notes

To GoingQwazy, "Sorry I forgot to review last time :P

So sad the story is ending soon. Personally, I feel like you made Brick a little too mushy this chapter. I mean up until this it was barely hinted that he had feelings for Blossom. True, we never really got a Brick POV before this, but he was cool and collected up until this! Other than that this was a great chapter, though :P

Also are you gonna start working on High School Oddysey after this?"

I'm sad too, but as they say, all good things, must come to an end.

Well, Boomer is mushy. Brick is nowhere near that. He never openly says anything that is overly mushy, except during the teasing part, and he tries to be cool and collected despite his raging feelings. And well, there are many hints, most of which pertains to first, in chapter 6, when Brick did say that Blossom is less ugly than any girl he knew, and of course, the very fact that he caused the city and the school to virtually worship Blossom as the embodiment of perfection, and as another reviewer stated, "Brick is officially perhaps the most psychotically devoted lover on the planet; he's instigating riots and forming cults in a plot to make everyone deify his girlfriend" or that was the impression on some readers.

Which of course is above and beyond what was needed to find her innocent!

But of course, it also jived in with his plot to take over the city. He needs Blossom to go along with this, and he thought that the best way of course, was to make Blossom experience power and adoration such as she never experienced before, so that she would approve being mayor with Brick at such a young age.

As for High School Odyssey, I'm afraid it's on an indefinite hiatus, so I won't be continuing that tale anytime soon.

To Kristiane143, "No! This story is ending.. Aww.. Is there going to be a sequel? I hope there is. Please have a sequel. PLEASE! I'll miss this story. Soooo much!"

Yeah, the story is ending. As for a sequel, I may or may not, depending on circumstances. We'll see.

To Guest, "OMG CHAPTER 16 AMAZING I LOVE IT. Seriously your stories are amazing I can't get enough of them I just wish you wouldn't end it there I feel like you should do a continuation but with a new mystery to solve I don't know that's just my opinion anyways I love that brick Is realizing his feelings for blossom ( Blossick) even he continues to deny them boomer and bubbles ( boomubbles) cute as ever and finally butch and buttercup ( butchercup) can't wait to see what happens between them in the next chapter keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future. :)"

Thank you. Well, I have to end it, since the main plot of the tale was resolved, and I've tied up all loose ends. Yeah, Brick is beginning to realize it, and beginning to realize what he must do, although he's still in denial. Boomer and Bubbles, yeah, it's very cute. And I hope you like what happened to Butch and Buttercup. Nothing can happen about the two greens since their interactions had just began, in comparison to the interactions of Blossom and Brick, and Bubbles and Boomer.