Guys, I'm sorry but I may take longer to do each chapter. Full of topsy turvy this period of time.

But don't worry! I'll still try for once a month. Just this time, it was hectic. Actually, now I've got more time on my hands so yay maybe once every 2 weeks? But don't keep your hopes up too much ^^"

Next chapter. Don't worry, we have some way to go...

"So you're saying that, other than you, there was another one of us wandering around the cave? I told them to steer clear of the cave after they've finished..."

"No, that's not what I meant." replied the guy just beside him. "That mancer isn't part of our association. I think he may be from the other one."

"Another one of those darn demons... Again..." the older man groaned.

"It's not demons, it's 'mancers'!" the younger male roared. "Don't you dare use that word!"

"You don't have the right to shout at me, young man!" bellowed the older man. "And, when I said demons, I was referring to the other association in a derogative way, not the actual term 'demon'."

"Yeah... Sorry, you know how sensitive I am when it comes to associating these."

The older man grumbled. "One thing the other organisation is good at is that they don't freak out whenever they are called demons, unlike you and your other friends."

"Hey, it's not my fault that they don't care about customs and rules," the younger guy scowled. "At least we know etiquette and order."

"Yeah, yeah," dismissed the older man. "So where was I before... Oh yeah. Why didn't you stop that brat when he entered the territory?!"

"I tried to!" protested the younger guy. "But he was just so strong! I tried to blast him, he just turned away, and the force that his eyes exerted on the whole cave just resulted in a mass explosion and I got hurt quite badly."

"What will we do if you can't even fight against one of them?" said the older guy disdainfully. "Aren't you one of the strongest?"

"No- well, yes I am, but I don't recognise him. I think he may be a new one. After all, he does seem pretty young, maybe a respectedly-aged teenager."

"And how does that relate to me?"

"Because that is my-"

"I don't care! Don't complain to me. I want some alone time now. Goodbye."

"You just think I'm annoying and want me out."

"That's the same thing! Argh, why haven't I kicked you out already..."

"First of all, because I am crucial to your plan working. And second of all," the young guy headed towards the door, "I'm your precious son~"

"Argh, go away," the older man grumbled.

The younger guy snickered before heading out and closing the door behind him.

Gold was woken up by his Pokégear ringtone.

Why am I suddenly the most popular person in the world... thought Gold. Oh yeah, I remember, I have super eyes. Yawning, he put the Pokégear to his ear.

"Hello? Who's this?" Gold asked, still drowsy.

"Hello, Gold," said the voice.

"Oh, Green," Gold replied, "What's up?"

"Not much, I just feel a bit uncomfortable from yesterday. Sorry if I confused you by suddenly approaching you, because I know I probably did."

"Yeah, you did, though I can relate to you, surprisingly. And you wouldn't tell me what awkward situation you had come out of."

There was an uncomfortable silence on the other end of the line.

"...Yeah, sorry for that... But I really don't feel comfortable telling you about it." said Green

"Nah, it's okay," replied Gold, "I seriously respect your decision if you don't want to tell me."

"Yeah okay, thanks."

"Wait, um... do you have time today, by any chance?" asked Gold hopefully.

"Not really... I have a gym battle with Silver later on, he asked me yesterday."

Gold perked up when he heard Silver's name. "In that case... See you at the gym!"

"Um, okay then, bye."


Gold hung up. That Silver! He had time to call Green and he didn't call me...

Lying serenely on Totaro, Gold was enjoying the sky scenery above him when a Pigeotto suddenly flew into his view. "Meh," he grumbled.

Spontaneously, a thought came to his mind.

What if he was attacked again? He certainly didn't want to be caught unprepared this time. And what kind of attack could he use?

Gold tried to recall the time he created the explosion in the Union Cave and tried to recreate the feeling. Gradually but not slowly, power shooting out from his eyes, power from the surroundings rapidly merging in, until it hits a surface, and maybe until he stopped himself?


The Pigeotto that had annoyed Gold earlier had burst into explosions.

Gold continued staring in awe at his own work as the explosion ceased, revealing a comically blackened and wide eyed Pidgeotto.

Was there any other way he could use his ability? Laughing, he told Totaro to keep following the Pidgeotto if it tried to escape, and with a glint in his eyes he did as he was told.

After a bit of experimenting, Gold managed to fire energy balls at the Pidgeotto instead of simply sending out exploding energy. The poor creature managed to dodge quite a few of them, especially at the start, but as Gold's aiming became better, the Pidgeotto was repeatedly blasted again and again.

At one point, he was using his strange controlling effect on Pidgeotto and making it flap its wings unnaturally.

"Is that you, Gold?"

In frantic shock, he dropped his control on the Pidgeotto and turned around. It was a Xatu, and on that very Xatu was Crystal.

"Oh, HELLO, CRYSTAL!" he yelled with excessive volume, looking over to the Pidgeotto which was trying to fly far away as fast as it could, although it wasn't even that fast anymore thanks to Gold.

Feeling bad, he quickly ordered Totaro to chase after the Pidgeotto. Taking in the situation, the Pidgeotto became more frantic and tried to speed up, but Gold quickly grabbed it. He took a Moomoo milk from his bag and fed it to the Pokémon, who eventually saw that Gold wasn't trying to attack him with another of his energy blasts.

Crystal giggled at the amusing sight. Gold, seeing her reaction, smiled sheepishly.

"Don't think I purposely did it to embarrass myself in front of you," said Gold.

"Who said I did?" replied Crystal, earnestly and not sassily. "I thought that was cute."

"Why, thank you my dear Crys," he bowed with a dramatic air.

Crystal laughed in return. Smiling serenely, she admired the loving and, for some reason she didn't know, apologetic glint in his eyes while he set the Pidgeotto free, which now felt mixed feelings of fright, gratefulness and confusion as it flew away.

That was perfectly normal, right? Admiring him for that?

"Heheh," said Gold, "I kinda felt bad for the Pidgeotto... So yeah."

"Mm," mumbled Crystal.

Why should she even worry about admiring him? It wasn't much, really. Why was she getting her feelings worked up so early?

"Erm, whatcha thinking about, Crys?"

Crystal sat up straight and blushed immediately. "...um..."

"Nah, it's okay, I'm sorry if I poked into your privacy," said Gold, although gradually, as he thought about it, he started to smirk. "Though... Let me guess... were you thinking of someone?"

Crystal blushed a deeper shade of red.

"Aha!" Gold exclaimed. "Finally got something on you! Crys is in love~"

"Stop it, I mean it, it's not funny at all," Crystal said while scowlling, but still blushing.

"Who is it, huh? Who is it~"

"Shut up, why should I tell 'you'?"

"Good point," laughed Gold, while Xatu stared at Crystal as if to say 'You're in love? Why didn't you tell any of us?' Crystal was looking away though, getting conflicting feelings about Gold's reaction.

"Well, enough tomfoolery," Gold said, ('thought that day would never come for you', Crystal commented lightheartedly) "I need to meet Green and Silver at the Viridian Gym."

"Oh, okay..." said Crystal.

"Bye!" Gold quickly flew off to the distance without another word.

Gold came just in time to see Silver take down Green's Arcanine.

"Hello, people!" he greeted the two of them, yelling. "Hey, the battle's already ended? Why didn't you wait for me?"

"You didn't tell us to wait for you," Green replied, amused.

"Yeah, and I won," said Silver, his voice hinting immense joy. "I was training yesterday, by the way, so that I have a last self-evaluation session just before the battle."

"Something off your bucket list?" asked Gold, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, pretty much."

Green looked at the two of them, slightly entertained yet confused by their conversation. "Here's your badge, by the way."

There was a glint in Silver's eyes as he received what was more than a piece of metal to him from Green's palm.

"Woohoo!" Gold cheered for Silver, and Silver smiled back at him.

"Hehe," Gold chuckled, "So, anything you want to do today?"

"Not really," replied Silver. "Actually, I don't know what to do for the rest of the day except training, really..."

"You could go to the new Pokérink," suggested Green. "I had always wanted to go there..."

"Let's go there then," Gold decided immediately. "Green, you can come along too."

"Okay," Green agreed, nodding.

"Should I invite Crys for the outing too?"

"Fine with me," said Silver.

"Perfectly okay," said Green.

"But wait! Can't we have it tomorrow? I'm quite tired after all that..." Silver suddenly cut in.

"What?!" shouted Gold, "But I just woke up!"

"Huh?!" Green exclaimed. "Its nearly 2! I called you at around 11... Weren't you awake then?"

"You woke me up with that call," said Gold, yawning afterwards.

"Why not we just train for the rest of today?" Silver suggested to Gold.

"Doesn't sound bad... Okay! Let's head off immediately!"

"Wait first, Gold, I need to heal my Pokemon..."

Gold didn't exactly pay attention when training his Pokemon, in fact, he was getting scolded by Silver all the time for slacking while his Pokemon did all the work.

He was just spending the time thinking to himself, really. Thinking about how in just 3 days, so much has already happened, and he felt sort of stressed too. Maybe it was because of him getting so worked up on Silver's... deadline and wanting to rush over his last days... Which he had honestly not really thought about. Maybe he should relax a bit... And Silver would naturally open up to him?

He needed to think more, really. Not only has it become an enjoyable pastime but he started to see more...

When it came to a section when Silver was telling him about one of his tactics, he noticed something weird about himself. The training consisted of complicated patterns that got Gold easily angered and irritated by, and whenever that happened his eyes would spark with an energy, causing him to turn away from any person (or Pokemon) he was looking at. It was a quirky habit of himself that he found interesting... Gold was tempted to think up of the scenarios when it was good or bad. Dang, this thinking process is addictive...

All in all, without realising it, through a bit of struggle, instruct and just training together, they felt much closer and much happier than they did before this session.

Gold felt the chilly air-conditioner-generated breeze graze against his face inside the glass domes of the Pokérink.

"Man, this cost us a lot," complained Crystal with a sour face, but soon lightened up to a gentle smile. "I bet it'll be fun though."

"This place is really crowded," Silver remarked, looking at the queue of the ticket and rental booth. "Do you think we would even be able to move an inch?"

"Sure we can," said Green, "The ice rink is huge. Look," he pointed his finger towards the rink.

The rink was like he said, humongous, stretching from one end to the other, and Gold could barely see one end of the rink without effort.

The 4 of them were putting on their skates and gloves, Gold staying silent as the others chatted. He was feeling unusually peculiar. Quite suddenly, he lost his excitement and achieved that state of mind where his emotions shut down and was replaced with a tranquil, peaceful feeling. This happened a lot nowadays. It was unnerving, but he enjoyed these moments. It was kind of like meditation and was peacefully nice. Worrying, but peacefully nice.

Smiling in calmness, he looked around the ice rink. Pros were speeding around the ice, some twirling around in circles or performing stunts, some were simply gliding along swiftly with ease. People who just knew how to ice skate were having fun skating around the expanse of the ice rink, groups of friends male and female skating together; some of the amateurs holding to the railings for dear life, afraid that they would topple at any moment. Speaking of which, almost every second someone fell down onto the ice on their backs, laughing along with their friends. Families were there too, the parents guiding the unsteady children, all smiling happily. Some people were on the stands, either watching the skaters skate or resting from their skating sessions. There were crew skating along the area, watching out for kids, some of them who were skating with support from-

Suddenly, his skin went clammy, which wasn't natural given the cold surroundings. He felt emotions again, but not a good one: fear, absolute, pitch-black fear. His throat seemed clogged and it was like he couldn't speak at all.

"Guys," he finally got out, gulping, "What are those things that some of the children are holding?"

"Oh, the helpers?" asked Crystal. "Those are some cute little inventions to help learning kids. You hold onto the handles like they are doing and skate along, just with the helper's support. See, they made Piplup ones, the Spheals are meant for someone to sit on the helper, many types really; I personally feel that the Zigzagoon ones are so CUUUTE! No wonder they seem popular with the kids."

A scene flashed across his eyes, bringing him back to the grass where he found a Zigzagoon around... At that moment, it was truly beautiful. But...

"That's cool," said Green.

"T-that's... What's the word... Interesting," said Gold, uneasily.

Why the hell was he so affected, anyway? All they were were Zigzagoons. FAKE, PLASTIC Zigzagoons, so why should he be scared? It's not like he would kill them if they're not even alive!

Gold looked up and saw the others already heading onto the ice.

Looking ahead and seeing the children gliding along with those plastic, big eyed Zigzagoons staring into his soul, he gulped again.

He hesitated just before stepping onto the ice.

"Look guys, I don't think I wanna skate anymore..." he said softly, looking down.

The others looked at him.

"Why not?" asked Crystal.

"You can't be scared of the ice, are you..." teased Green. "You were the one who was excited from the idea in the first place."

"Gold's a scaredy-cat~" taunted Silver.

"I'm not a scaredy-cat!" Gold spoke up, protesting. "And alright! I'll get onto the ice..."

What made it even more hilarious for the three watching was how Gold had slipped the moment he stepped onto the ice. They burst into laughing tears at the sight of Gold sprawled on the ice rink.

"It's not funny!" he roared, and they only laughed harder, "I was just so surprised the ice was so slippery..."

"Well, it is," Green pointed out. All was silent for a moment before the three burst into laughter again. Gold squinted spitefully at them.

Then, like a broken dam, he burst out laughing along with them. It felt like a relief, really, and it was all those good feelings suddenly pouring out of a locked chamber in his heart and pumped through his body.

"I'll help you up," volunteered Crystal, and with Green's and Silver's unnecessary butt-in Gold got up.

"Okay, it looks like you're having trouble with skating," noted Crystal. "And honestly, so am I. I've never skated before and I don't even dare to let go of the railings..."

"How about I guide Crystal and Silver guide Gold?" suggested Green.

"I don't need guidance," Gold cried out.

"But it won't be fun for you anyway without a partner," said Silver. "Come on, let's go."

"Good luck, Crystal!" yelled Gold. Crystal smiled back, a bit taken aback from how sudden it was.

"Okay, now just grab my hand," instructed Silver after they've skated a distance away, stretching out his hand towards Gold.

"Concern appreciated, Silver," said Gold, "but I really don't need help. I can skate by my own, you saw me."

"Yeah, I saw you fall," said Silver jokingly, "You were unstable. And your movements are a bit erred. Come on, it'll just be gliding along."

"While holding your hand."

"It's okay! We're guys! Nothing is happening," Silver reassured.

Gold thought about the first day when the man had talked to him about his apparently 'true love'.

"Argh, why am I even bothering so much about you..." muttered Silver, beginning to move his hand away.

Before he could, Gold quickly slapped his hand onto Silver's. "Okay, don't leave me alone. 'It isn't fun without a partner', remember?"

Silver smirked and dragged Gold along.

Gold buried himself into his thoughts. Why had that sudden flashback driven him to follow Silver's orders even if he didn't want to? Since he was so appalled by it in the first place, why was the shock of the thought causing him to, instead of immediately disagreeing, immediately agreeing and carrying it out instead? What the hell was wrong with him?

Now that he had thought of it, holding Silver's hand was strangely comfortable...and horribly conspicuous. Gold was looking away, facing the ground, trying to shake the feeling off.


Even through the cloth, he could feel Silver's life and warmth in clutched in between Gold's grasp. Maybe it was just the double layer of gloves but he really liked this warmth and didn't want to let go... not that he'd ever admit it. Gold's face flared up just thinking about it.


Gold snapped back into reality and looked back at Silver.

"Try to actually move yourself!" panted Silver. "You're not the lightest load on Earth to drag, you know. Try to actually move your body weight forward."

"Well, you didn't need to drag me along the ice in the first place," retorted Gold.

"I was trying to be a good friend and help you," Silver sighed. "Okay, just skate as how you normally do."

Gold glanced at Silver before obeying and he started to skate, only to be halted by Silver again.

Gold nearly toppled forward from the inertia. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Your skating is a bit wrong. Just skate like you walk, but put more impact as you push ahead."

"Okay... Geez, was that really necessary..."

"Yes, you have to learn to skate properly," said Silver sternly.

"No, I meant... Did I really have to risk my life just to learn to ice-skate?"

Silver snorted, but not in a hostile way. "You won't die from falling onto the ice, you spoilt little child."

"Oh yeah? Who are you calling a spoilt little child? And besides, you could fall down in a way that you break your neck and your arteries and you just pass away injured."

Silver sighed, goodheartedly this time. Gold laughed right after.

"Hello Green and Crystal!" Gold yelled to them as he and Silver passed by. Crystal was severely caught off guard while she concentrating on her movements and fell, trying to hold on to Green for support but ended up dragging him down as well, and with an outcry they both smacked onto the ground.

Gold burst out laughing again instantaneously, skating away.

"That was mean," said Silver.

"What? All I did was say hi to Crystal!" said Gold with a cheeky tone.

"No, I mainly meant laughing at them like that, it's cruel."

"Hey, its just laughing-" Something bumped into Gold and he fell forward with a harsh impact and he felt as if his teeth were going to fall out. His body started to sting in pain.

"Serves you right," said Silver smugly.

"Oh- I'm so, so sorry, young man," apologised the relatively tall figure who had bumped into him.

He seemed to be somewhere in his 40s, his wrinkles not yet easily noticeable but they were starting to form, his facial expression weary but generally of a big build.

He apologised profusely. "I'm really sorry, I was trying to keep up with my son there... Come back here, Mark!"

The 10 year old boy skated up to his father, his facial expression the typical kid in trouble face.

"Urm... Sorry," he muttered.

"He's still learning, you see? I'm just afraid he would get hurt if he crashed into somewhere with that huge plastic helper... Looks like I'm the one who crashed into someone instead."

"It's... Okay..." said Gold. He tried to get himself up, but felt a sear through his wrists the moment he put pressure on them and fell back down.

Looking at the source of the pain, he realised there were serious gashes on his wrists that managed to get there in the position he fell. Sighing, he moved his hand around on his wrists, cringing from the pain of the movement afterwards.

Ignoring the pain this time, he tried to force himself to at least sit up. He managed to strain his neck upwards to smile at the man. He didn't want the man to think he was angry at him.

Of course he anticipated the Zigzagoon's eyes staring back at him as he looked up. Of course he'd braced himself. But as soon as his eyes made contact with the plastic Zigzagoon, his mind immediately brought up a picture; a pair of eyes as lifeless as the ones on the figure, staring without seeing. All because his body wanted more power... All because of his selfishness...

He dropped to the ice again, unable to move. This time, even Silver came into the scene to help Gold.

"Are you okay?" asked Silver.

Gold stayed silent, staring at Silver with no emotion.

"Here, let me help you up..." Silver slowly supported him, up till he could properly stand up.

"There. It seems like you got pretty badly injured on your wrists..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for that!" the man apologised again.

"No, it's nothing, simple first aid treatment is sufficient... Hey, are you okay, Gold?"

"..." Gold kept silent, eyes blankly staring at the ground.

"...You okay?" asked the man.

"Oh!" shouted the young boy. "I recognise the guy you just ran down, daddy! He was a Pokéathlon athlete...won all 5 medals, and even beat Jet!" The boy turned to Gold. "My friend was talking about you for days!"

But even so, Gold was unnaturally quiet for one who'd brag once there was a chance to.

"'A Pokéathlon athlete?'" said the man in surprise, "That's even worse! I truly am sorry... But is he alright?"

"N-no," replied Silver. "I've never seen him act like this before..."

"...I kind of wanted his autograph but I guess this isn't the time for it, is it..."

The boy's father shook his head.

At this moment, Green and Crystal skated into the scene. "Hey, is everything alright?" asked Crystal.

Silver looked at Gold. "...something's wrong with him..."

"Bring him to the stands to rest," said Green.

"Okay Gold, come on..." Silver dragged Gold across the ice once again.

With a first aid kit in his hands, Silver ran towards Gold, who was seated on the stands.

"Kay, Imma treat the wound for you... since you won't even move yourself, you twat."

Gold stayed silent as Silver treated the wound, and only reacted the slightest by flinching as antiseptic was applied onto the gashes, and only for his right wrist. When it was applied to his left wrist, he seemed to be too deep in thought to even notice it.

When Silver began to bandage his wrists... he heard sobs coming from Gold.

"Gold, what's wrong?" Silver held his shoulders and turned him to see him face to face. Tears were flowing from his golden eyes, and as they made eye contact something sparked in those metallic amber eyes, and SIlver was immediately and coldly pushed away.


"I killed a Zigzagoon, Silver."

Talk about straight to the point. Well, that explained everything...

"I can't ever forgive myself for killing it..."

Gold started to sob even harder.

"So you've always been haunted by this...?" asked Silver.

"I wouldn't say haunted but it's definitely been etched in my mind..."

It was Silver's turn to stay silent and Gold continued to sob.

"Gold... It wasn't your fault that the Zigzagoon died..."

"It was!" roared Gold. "It was in my hands, and it was because of me that it died!"

"But you didn't mean it..." said Silver.

"Actually if you look at it in a way... It was... And whether I meant it or not, it doesn't matter. I killed that Zigzagoon, there's no difference."

Silver sighed. "Gold. I'm very sure that you did not have any harmful intentions towards that Zigzagoon. Besides, its just a Zigzagoon! It isn't the end of the world-"

"And what do you know about killing a Pokemon? You may have stolen, tricked, fooled... But have you ever killed anyone before?"

Silver thought for a moment. "...No."

"Well I have!" yelled Gold angrily before slumping onto where he was seated. "Those murderers... They're either lunatics, desperate or raised from young like that or something..."

Gold took a deep breath. "You know something about murder? There may be someone you want to kill; imagine slaughtering him, ripping his heart out, and how you just want to do that to him in real life. But you see, the thing about murder is that no matter how much you want to and you wish to, when it comes to actually murdering someone; actually doing that in real life... You just can't. To kill without guilt takes courage and a hole where your heart is supposed to be...

"Some people kill Pokemon easily because they see them as nothing but mere tools. But I treat Pokemon as 'partners'... Even if they're wild..."

Gold pressed his head into his palms. "In the end, I killed one of my partners... I felt evil, Silver. I felt cruel, heartless. The Zigzagoon was innocent, he could've had a happy family for all I know... And I broke it..."

His voice was reduced to a whisper. "If I'd never been there, none of this would've happened."

Suddenly, Silver had pushed Gold with an unfriendly force, causing him to nearly topple over his seat. Gold sat up straight, staring at Silver outrageously. At this moment, Silver grabbed Gold by his shoulders, gripping them tight, but with a slightly saddened face.

"So you are saying that I'm a horrible person too..."

Gold widened his eyes in confusion.

Silver let out a few dry laughs. "Do you know who I am? I'm Silver, Giovanni's son. I'm the son of the huge mastermind behind Team Rocket... The organisation that caused it all..."

Silver stared back at Gold intently, who looked away immediately.

"I'm sure even you know why my father created that organisation in the first place... It was me. All the Pokemon that suffered and were under the control of, all the people that were affected by it, all the things done with a reason related to Team Rocket... It was because a little boy went missing. All that for him. And surprise, surprise...that boy was me. If I'd never been born, none of this would've happened. Everything is my fault."

"Don't say that about yourself!" said Gold, looking back at Silver. "It wasn't your fault... you can't control that you were born. It isn't fair to yourself..."

Silver chuckled to himself.

"Those were the words that I'm trying to drill into your head, Gold," laughed Silver. "You see? That incident isn't your fault. Put it behind you like I did."

"But I was the direct cause of its death..."

Silver shrugged. "I was the direct cause of Team Rocket."

"You weren't there to experience it-"


Silver was still gripping tightly onto Gold's shoulders but this time, smiling in a lighthearted way. Rarely did Gold ever see Silver with that expression- In fact, he couldn't remember any time when Silver had that expression at all.

"What I'm trying to say is: it's okay. What's done is done. Put it behind you."

Gold hung his head down.

"You're right."

Gold looked up to smile at Silver and he released his grip on his shoulders.

"Just curious," asked Silver, "but, is this incident linked in any way to why you seemed to have changed so much?"


"Yeah. Me and Green were talking about it before the gym battle."

"Heh... I guess I have changed..."

"So? Is it?"

"Yes. Its actually one of the bigger reasons to why I reacted so badly. This thing is related to everything; including the suddenly being your best friend thing..."

"...um...care to tell me about it?"

Gold paused for a while and softened his voice. "You wouldn't believe me..."

Silver didn't know what to say.

"But believe me hundred percent that I really do want to be your best friend."

"So do I," Silver confessed. "I'm taking your word for it."

"Yeah, that's nice... It's actually pretty nice to know that after so many years - and not just a few years too, quite a number of years - in 3-4 days we became much, much closer than before. You have a piece of paper?"

"Sure..." He dug his hand into his pocket. "And you know what? I agree. Time had passed pretty fast, hasn't it? Sometimes a bit of forced icebreakers really does a good job." he fished out a reasonable size of paper. "Here you go."

Gold stared at it incredulously. "How does it come out so perfect and uncrumpled?"

Silver laughed. "The mysteries of my jacket..."

Gold took out a pen and began writing onto the paper.

"Whatcha doing?" asked Silver.

"Signing an autograph for the boy from just now."

Gold spotted the father-son pair from pretty nearby and skated towards them with the slip of paper in between his fingers.

"OH MY GOD! Thank you so much!" the boy exclaimed upon receiving it.

Seeing as the boy shouted with glee and Gold as he beamed back at the boy, Silver felt this weird sense of joy that he couldn't get out of his head even if he tried.

Crystal busied herself with gliding steadily across the ice. Luckily or unluckily enough of her, Gold just happened to be skating by.

"Hey Crys! Imagine the guy of your dreams holding you out, gliding along with you, kissing your neck..."

Crystal's whole body flushed red. "Gold! I'm going to kill you..."

Green and Silver just happened to be trailing behind when Crystal looked so angry that she looked like a fanatic killer.

"Green! Save me from this mad woman on the loose!" cried Gold, crying tears while laughing.

"Woah, calm down, Crys..." said Green laughingly.

"I never knew you had a crush," said Silver.

"Silver! Not you too!"

"Okay okay, I think it would be safer if you Silver take Crystal away while I help Gold escape," said Green laughingly.

"Well, we would need a little swap of partner... Hi, Green!" yelled Gold enthusiastically, immediately dragging him away.

"...So, you have a crush?"


Silver raised his eyebrows. "Who is it?"

Crystal sighed. "It's Gold, the mindless buffoon."

"Didn't you say you didn't have any feelings for him that time?"

'Yeah, but... I kind of always have... and do you think I would shamelessly admit that in front of everyone that day?"

"There's nothing shameful about that."

"I'm not one who would would confess freely like that! Neither would you!"

"You have a point there... Don't worry, I'm not telling anyone about your crush."

"Okay, let's just continue skating..."

As Silver skated beside her for support, he glared at her when she wasn't looking. "You lied that day..."

(A/N) Sorry for making a filler chapter so long to wait for. :(

So I've read something about mancers and mancy.

Many video games have used such terms like Pyromancers and Necromancers, and they commonly mean, like, Pyromancers summon fire and Necromancers raise the dead. Actually, summoning fire is called Pyrokinesis, and summoning the dead is called Necrokinesis.

In truth, Pyromancers and Necromancers, in their true meanings, do not mean summoning of fire or the dead. Mancy is referring to seek divination and prophecy through different means. Meaning, Pyromancers seek divination and prophecy through fire, and for Necromancers, the dead.

So when I used the word mancer, I kind of took this in mind. I mean, you kind of use your eyes being a mancer in this fic and it doesn't mean you summon retinas at your command... That would be a bit creepy o.O but you sort of seek information and the "prophecy" (death dates) through the eyes... Kind of trying to stick to the TRUE meaning of mancy but yeah, not really accurate either.

Anyway hope you have learnt something today! Lessons with Trina :)

Haha okay bye, peace •~•V