AN: I live in the Southern US and snowpocalypse is headed my way. I've stocked up on crackers, hard cheese, chocolate, wine, & instant coffee and I'm hoping for the best. They are saying we could lose power for a week (or more!), so cross your fingers for me.

Disclaimer: The characters, some plot ideas, and a lot of money belong to Charlaine Harris. Hooray for her.

Eric POV

Sookie is truly a menace. She has brought nothing but trouble to my life since she walked into Fangtasia two weeks ago.

First, Pam has been missing from the club on the grounds of "maternity leave," forcing me to go to work at the gods forsaken place every night. I did not want to allow her vacation, but she showed me the employee contract, which states that full-time employees get 8 weeks of paid time off when they have children and then asked me if I intended to go back on my word. I never knew such a thing existed and, since all of my waitresses are fucking me, it has not been necessary so far. When I expressed my surprise, she told me that I should read the "fine print" – an idiotic statement, because all of the text in the contract is the same size. However, when I pointed that out to her, she just huffed, rolled her eyes, and went to find Ginger.

Second, I lost my best feed-and-fuck after my childe glamoured the waitresses into throwing her something called a "baby shower." When I first heard of the practice, I was concerned, but, when Pam assured me that no actual babies would attend the shower, I acquiesced. That was a mistake. While Pam was showering with my waitresses, I was running Fangtasia with only Ginger to help me. Afterward, I found out that Veronica (or was it Victoria…?) was fired for bringing Pam diapers and a small garment that she referred to as a "onesie," when Pam requested shoes and cash.

Third – and most damnable – for some reason that I don't understand, I have this need to protect Sookie. I spend entirely too much time worrying about the girl when I should be working. I'll be in the middle of a report and I'll suddenly picture Sookie, cold and alone, dragging a food bowl into the middle of the kitchen floor like a hungry puppy. I've called to check-in on her several times, but I still worry.

I have asked Pam to drop the girl off at her grandmother's house, since that still seems the best course, but she refuses. I have even considered ordering her to do so, but I dislike using my command in such a manner. I have begun to suspect that Pam feels affection toward the little one and I don't want to forcefully separate the two. Once, when I was only about 100 years vampire, my maker allowed me to keep a cat. It was a useful animal, protecting my master and myself from rodents during our day death, but it was also very affectionate and enjoyed being near me. It was the first being that I developed any sentiment for since my turning, and even took to calling him Loki, as he was very mischievous. One day I rose to find that my maker had broken his neck, stating that he was no longer necessary... I would never hurt my childe in that way.

Which is why now, instead of being balls deep in a