The mid-summer air fell like deadweight across the islands, harsh enough to force the islanders into their houses or the refreshing ocean shores. Sora, always the adventurous type, waded recklessly through the brine, arms outstretched, fingertips swirling through the waves as they beat against his slight frame. The sensation was exhilarating, a high in and of itself that recalled memories of the Keyblade, of the Heartless and the Nobodies. Sora smiled to himself as the dull roar of the waves pulled him into the familiar home of his imaginative endeavors. What felt like home to him, in Traverse Town or Hollow Bastion, suddenly flooded his senses as he crashed against the sand. The seagulls overhead circled in unison, a beautiful dance stretching across the endlessly blue sky. Why was the sky so blue, blue enough to challenge the whirlpools of Sora's eyes?

Yes, his eyes were ever so blue. To the passerby, they might catch attention for a moment. To Riku, however, those eyes were magnetic, irresistible, entirely undeniable. If he were to stare into them long enough, Riku was sure he would fall into their hypnotic gaze, losing himself but achieving a sense of otherworldly euphoria. The mid-summer air would rise against the pressure of Riku's pounding heart as he opened himself to the depth of those eyes. Sora's eyes. Sora's heartbreakingly beautiful eyes. Their subliminal magic contrasted with a fiery yet sweet light which bubbled beneath the surface. Those eyes fell upon Riku and left him spellbound. No one seemed to understand the true extent of Sora's strength, but Riku was content anyway. He never liked to share, so why should anyone else understand?

Ah, but Riku pulled Sora into his arms among the waves and the saltwater and the waltzing seagulls and the unbearable heat and the blue sky and those blue eyes. The islands melted away, reduced not by the mid-summer air but the flowering romance between the two young men. Their connection lasted for an eternity, weathering the days and nights as if it were all a single blur. The Keyblade faded into the Heartless and the Nobodies as a dissipating haze throughout time unending. Was this true love?


Their lips met in such a simple manner, but their lives connected, collapsing walls and shattering locks immediately.

"I love you," whispered Sora. His arms clung to Riku as if he would be carried away with the ocean.

"And I love you," whispered Riku.

And he stared into those blue eyes, finally opening himself to them entirely.

And it was pure and honest bliss.

Author's Notes: Pointless one-shot is pointless. I started it and was determined to finish it. Reviews are strongly encouraged!