Merry Christmas Everyone! I'm alive and figured since I haven't updated regularly like ever, I'd give you guys a holiday special! Yay! I've been working on this fluffy piece for a while now and I hope you like it! I should have the next chapter up before the end of January, don't hold me to it but I'm going to try! I love you guys and am so grateful that you've stuck with me this long! Enjoy the holidays and this fluffy present!

The crackling of the fire made for a good background to the quiet Christmas music playing from the radio on the mantle, Becca thought, hanging another ornament on the tree. Toby sat next to her in front of the small Christmas tree that Becca had managed to barter for at the lot, it wasn't the nicest looking tree, but it was a tree none the less. She had put white string lights and a red ribbon around it and then let Toby help her with the ornaments. The toddler was currently half-way inside the ornament box that Becca dug out of the attic, sorting through the mess of garlands and ornaments to find the perfect ones to put on the tree; by that meaning, those that matched and weren't broken.

"You got another one for me, sweets?" She asked when he stood, triumphantly holding up a small box. "I did it, Becky! I found the star!" he exclaimed handing the box to her with a big grin. She took it from him, sure enough it was a glass star tree-topper, one she hadn't seen since she was a little older than Toby; when Mom and Dad were still here and together. She bristled at the thought and opened the box, taking the star out with care, "You know, Momma got this for me when I was your age." She smiled, handing him the yellow painted star. He took it in his hands gently, carefully holding it to the light, watching as the world around him took on a yellow tint, "She did?" He asked in wonder, the kind of wonder only a child could possess.

He often wore this expression and held the same enthusiasm whenever Becca talked about their mother; she wished she could say it brought her warmth, but instead it felt like a stab in her chest. She felt like she was being pushed to the side, only to make room for the woman that was never there for him. But she knew she was just being jealous and childish; he was curious of this woman he had never met, it was only natural that he would want to know more about her.

Instead of voicing this opinion, Becca simply nodded and put the star off to the side, "We'll put that on the tree last. Find some more of the red ornaments, okay?" He boy nodded enthusiastically and headed back over to the big box to look for the requested ornaments. Becca sighed heavily and looked at the star, watching how the little white lights from the tree twinkled in the soft yellow of the glass. She remembered the day her mother had given it to her as if it were yesterday.

The house was bright with multicolored Christmas lights and garland, illuminating the smiling little girl that sat beneath the small tree, who was waiting patiently for her parents to give her the go to open her presents. The five-year-old Becca watched as her mother and father made their way to the couch, camera in hand. Becca's mother was a small, lithe woman with a head blonde hair pulled into a neat braid, her face was small and young looking with a set of bright blue eyes to match. Her father was a heavy-set man in his forties, he wore a scruffy salt and peppered beard on his rounded face with laugh lines around his deep chocolate eyes.

This was of course well before Toby was born, when their little family was still happy and new. Before her father began drinking and her mother began staying out late; when little Becca could still sleep peacefully with unbruised skin.

A loud knock on the door broke her from the memory. She looked towards it, her eyebrows knit together, she wasn't expecting anyone; it was Christmas eve and everyone was busy with their families and John was at work until late that night.

At that thought, Becca melted a bit. She wasn't sure what had happened between the two of them in the last few months since that fateful day in detention but they had grown close…real close and she liked it. He never pressured her into anything that she didn't want to do. He was sweet albeit a bit rough around the edges but so good with Toby. He wasn't perfect, but then neither was she.

Toby jumped out of the box at the sound, "I'll get it!" He shouted and Becca, breaking out of her thoughts, barely managed to grab his arm before he reached the door.

"Hold on there sweets, what's the rule for opening the door at night?" She asked, gently pushing him behind her as she went for the door herself. The knock sounded again and the boy nodded, "You answer it?" She turned and smiled at him, "That's right. Go finish the tree, I'll be right back." Becca watched him toddle back into the living room before flicking the porch light on and peering through the peep hole.

With a grin, she flung the door open and threw herself at the man on the other side, completely disregarding the icy Michigan air. He laughed as she snuggled her face into his neck, inhaling his scent; sweat and motor oil. Her arms were around his neck and his around her waist as he slowly backed her into the house, closing door behind them.

"Becky? Who is it?" She heard Toby call as he waddled into the front room and she pried herself from John's neck to look at her brother, who was grinning and running towards them. "John!" he cried and Becca moved away from John so he could scoop Toby into his arms, "Hey little guy, you being good for your sister?" The boy nodded, making his blonde curls bounce up and down, the grin still plastered on his face, "You ready for Santa to come tonight?" John asked ruffling the boy's hair and setting him down.

Toby nodded, "Yep, me and Becky are decorating the tree! Come see!" and with that the boy ran into the next room. Becca giggled and made to follow him when John caught her hand, gently pulling her back to him. She looked up at him, studying his face, "What is it?" she asked, wiping some motor oil from his cheek. In response, he brought his hands up to cup her face and lowered his lips to hers in a chaste kiss.

It was a small kiss, just a brush of his lips, nothing fancy or showy; it didn't last very long. But to Becca it was like all the stress of the day, the harsh memories, and bad thoughts were lifted and she could breathe again. "I just missed you, Bek." He breathed and she smiled, "I missed you too."
They pulled away from each other with small grins and headed into the living room where the five-year-old was waiting to finish the tree.

The trio laughed and told stories as they finished decorating the tree and the rest of the room with garland and tinsel. They put another log in the fireplace and put out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa Claus. Once Toby was sure everything was in place (he wanted everything to be perfect for Santa), Becca picked up the small glass star and handed it to him carefully, "Do you wanna put the star on top of the tree, sweets?" The boy nodded and took the star from her with care, looking up at the top of the tree with some concern; the tree had at least two feet on him. With a chuckle, John lifted the toddler into his arms and to the top of the tree, "I got you, kiddo."

Becca watched the scene with blurry eyes and a shaky smile. To an outsider, it may not seem like much, with the small house and thin little tree, but to her it was perfect; her little family all together. Once Toby had put the star on the tree, John put him down and he wandered over to where she was sitting. Pulling him into her lap, Becca hugged her brother close, "I love you so much, sweetheart." He looked up at her with big blue eyes, "I love you too, Becky."

Squeezing him one last time, she set him down and kissed his forehead, "Now, let's get you to bed."

The boy nodded and toddled down the hall to his room, glancing back to make sure that Becca was following. She did and leaned on his doorframe watching as he struggled to change into his Christmas pajamas. He wiggled his way out of his jeans and t-shirt, not letting her help at all; he was a big boy now, he would say.

John came up behind her and hugged around her middle, leaning his head on her shoulder, "You good there, buddy?" he asked as Toby stumbled to get into his pants. The child stopped, one leg in his pants, and gave John the dirtiest look a five-year-old could make, "No, I'm a big boy. I can do it myself."

Becca raised her brow, "Toby, you don't need to be rude. Apologize to John, please." He looked almost sheepish under his sister's hard gaze, "Sorry, John." She felt the rumble of John's laugh through her back, "It's ok, kiddo. Hurry up and get ready for bed or Santa won't come~" The boy grinned and hurriedly finished getting into his pajamas.

Once he was ready, Becca scooped him up and nuzzled his nose. John peeled back his covers and the boy was slipped into bed, happy as a clam. His sister pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Night baby, you better get some sleep, okay?" Toby nodded and snuggled in to the covers, the biggest grin on his face.

John ruffled the boys' hair, "Night kiddo, don't let the bed bugs bite." Toby giggled and swatted as his hand. He blew kisses at the two as they turned his nightlight on and the overhead off, shutting the door behind them.


Becca grinned as John pulled her close as they sat in front of the fire, her nose crinkling in the middle. John love that twinkle in her eye when she smiled and that silly nose crinkle; he loved her. In that moment, everything was perfect, from the way her red hair shone in the firelight to the softness of her lips on his. The best Christmas he'd ever had.

She leaned on him and looked up at him with those sparkling chocolate eyes. He smiled and brushed the hair out of her face, resting his hand on her cheek. The grandfather clock in the corner tolled twelve and Becca laughed, like the sound of pieces of glass tinkling; another thing about her that he loved was her perfect laugh.

"I didn't even realize it was so late," she yawned, "I should get the Santa presents from the closet." She got up and headed into the hall. John gave her a hurt look, "Wait, you mean Santa isn't real?" Becca whirled and shushed him, "Shut up, he totally is." She motioned to the end of the hall where her brother slept.

He held up his hands in surrender, grinning like an idiot, "My bad, you're right." He followed her to the hall closet and she started handing him wrapped boxes to put under the tree. The last thing she did was place three full stockings on the mantle with messy names drawn on them in glitter glue.

John cocked his head to the side, "I have a stocking?" Becca wrapped her arms around his middle, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Of course you do, honey. Toby made them himself; you're family to him now."

She looked up and saw his beautiful brown eyes tearing up, "Merry Christmas, John Bender." He wiped his eyes and smiled down at her, "Merry Christmas, Rebecca Avila."

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
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Until next time lovelies,