James Pov

James searched the halls for the name Lily. He scoured the brass nameplates for the flower.

When it seemed like a lost cause, he saw the last door. A silver name plate was stapled to it, and the name Lily was engraved in cursive.

James breathed in and out, but he wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't stall forever.

So at last he turned the knob, and peeked in.

Lily was groaning in frustration with her back turned to the doorway, so she didn't hear James enter.

She flipped her red hair back and muttered a vicious sounding spell under her breath, wand aimed at the wall.

A jet of turquoise light shot out of the stick, but the wall showed no evidence of being blasted with magic just a mere moment before.

Lily pounded on the wall, obviously done with it's invincibility.

James decided to show his presence. He cleared his throat as loud as it was humanly possible and waited.

Lily's head slowly lifted off of the wall and turned. Her eyes lit up when she saw James.

Lily Pov (the younger one in Dumbledore's office)

Lily stared at her professor in awe.

"Is that true? Do I really fall for him?"

Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper. She looked at Dumbledore, then to the sleeping Harry on the couch as if to see if he was indeed real.


Lily sucked in a sharp breath at that and stared at the man, who was looking a down at his knick-knacks shamefacedly.

She had fallen for his desperate attempts to go out with her. She had gone out with supposedly and married him. She had had a kid with him. She had died with him when their kid was only a baby.

Sounds like a fun future.

If thoughts could be sarcastic, hers were the most sarcastic ones in the wizardring world.

Lily, while on the topic of James, looked nervously around the room for some sort of clock.

When she came up empty-handed, she looked back to her headmaster, who was now humming quietly to himself.

"Ummm... Professor?"


"How long has James been gone?"

The old man smirked at her in mirth before saying, "Precisely 30 minutes. Why the sudden concern?"

Lily blushed furiously at that and reddened deeper when she realized she had said James, not Potter.

"Well... You see- um..."

Dumbledore stopped her incessant rambling with a gentle hand to the face and gave her a look.

"Yes, you can go check on James. I suppose you have an idea where he is?"

"Yeah, whenever he and Sirius got into a fight he always ran off to the Room of Requirement."

He rose a thin white eyebrow and murmured to his hands, a small smile planted on his face, "And you know this how?"

Lily let herself turn one more shade of red before turning away from the headmaster and leaving the quiet office.

Lily Pov

Lily's fists clenched at how red she must of been in Dumbledore's office. She was blushing over a stupid boy!

But to Lily's dismay, she found herself thinking that with much less ferocity than usual.

It was Harry, she told her wandering brain. Harry reminded her of James, and it was impossible to get mad at little, cute Harry.

Before her mind could think up something else horrifying, Lily found herself outside the Room of Requirement.

She'd of barged right in there if there wasn't a fatal flaw in her plan.

She had no idea whatsoever what James had thought to enter the room. And, as it was common knowledge, Lily knew there was no getting in unless you knew that.

Lily would have to try to use her own magic.

She pulled out her wand, (which she had stowed in her front pocket) and whispered to the door, wand pointed at it menacingly, "Alohamora!"

With a bated breath she waited for something to happen. Then, stupidly, she realized if her spell had worked, she'd have to open the door, or atleast attempt to open it, instead of standing unmovingly.

Lily shook her head at her stupidity and walked to the door, all the while yanking on the bronze handle hard.

When the door swang open to reveal a quidditch themed nursery, Lily stared open mouthed.

She was so positive alohamora wouldn't work. But it did.

When good things happen, don't question them. That wss something she tried to work by, so Lily strided into the room confidently.

She noticed a smaller Harry sleeping in the corner, but he wasn't who she wanted and Lily had already figured James had wished for something family related.

Lily's expectant eyes landed on a shining door, and out of curiosity, she opened it.

Lily's mouth flew open at what she saw behind it.

James was in mid-kiss with another lady. She was very pretty, with long red locks and fair skin.

Lily couldn't see her eyes from the angle of the kiss, but she imagined them to be beautiful.

As if on cue, the two lovers broke apart, both blushing when they realized they weren't alone.

But Lily could care less about their expressions. All she cared about at the moment was figuring out why ANOTHER person had stolen her eyes.

Okay: so to all of my followers, fa victors and reviewers: THANK YOU and SORRY for taking so long. If y'all don't kill me first, I might get another chapter up for apology. So I'd appreciate if you left me safe and sound. Thanks!