A/N: Hello and welcome to my 3rd fanfiction. I'm hoping that this one is better than the others. Please review. Whether this story tastes like faelnirv or dragon dung, I'd like to know. Over and Out


Chapter One: An Elf without Magic

Vasera: 10 years earlier. The village rejoices, for an elf child is born. Sunlight streams in through the tree house window, illuminating the baby. Friends and family crowd the crib, cooing and singing. As gentle hands pick her up, something different is noticed. The child lacks the pale glow, the teardrop-shaped face of most children. "It is a trick of the light," they tell themselves. "All is well." But alas, it is not so.

Aya sat on the log wondering for the zillionth time why it had to be like this. She threw the stone she had been palming into a puddle below, making a disappointingly small splash. Then, concentrating so hard she almost shook, she spoke the word for pull in the ancient language. No dice. Countless had tried, but none could teach her magic. She just didn't have it in her. The weather seemed to match her mood. Foggy, dim, and dank, everything slumped.

Then, the footsteps sounded in the distance. Aya scrambled to hide, and clumsily fell backwards off the log. A voice called out, "Oh, Miss Human, is that you? Why don't you come and play, Round Ears?" Sniggers. Suddenly, she was lifted into the air by her shirt. She flailed around desperately, until her foot hit flesh a thump. Her antagonist fell backwards, then slowly stood up. "Little Lead Face has a temper, doesn't she? She must be taught a lesson." said Jamr.

Then he started to sing. Aya sprung up and ran, but a root snagged her foot and started dragging her back. She started pounding on it, but to no avail. When she was by the log again, a branch arched over her neck and tightened. As she wiggled to get free, she spoke between clenched teeth, "My ears…are not…round!" Jamr curled his lower lip in mock sadness. "Aww, poor Aya must have been looking for something and got stuck. I wonder how long 'till her mommy and daddy get here?" He laughed and walked away, leaving Aya thinking for the zillion and first time, Why does it have to be like this? Why?