Welcome to the almost first chapter of my OC Fanfiction for Inuyasha. I'm so excited to get started! Well since I'm so excited I should just say the disclaimer and get to the story already! Duh, silly me!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, unfortunately, but I would be lying if I said it was mine. Which I don't.
I remember the first time I saw Inuyasha. It was clear that he was different; I had never seen a youkai, much less a hanyou before. He had snow white hair and dog ears on top of his head. Molten gold eyes. He was the same age as me, maybe a year older. What confused me though was why everyone hated a child like that. If I was born to look like the way he did, would the villagers have shunned me like that? Would they shun a little four year old girl? I can't imagine.
I held onto my mother's hand as I stared at him, knowing that there was a hanyou in the village, but never actually seeing him before.
"Mommy, who's that?" I asked, pulling on her hand.
She glanced at the small boy then a look of disgust seeped onto her face. He hurried past the people in his red robe back to his shack that he shared with his mother, at the edge of the village.
"That is Inuyasha, you stay away from him Midori," she warned. "He's half breed and you have no business with him, got it?"
"A half breed?" I questioned.
"Half human, half demon honey." She pulled my along.
This blew my mind a little. "Demons and humans can get married? They can kiss and stuff?"
"There isn't a lot of getting married involved," she grumbled.
"What?" I shot my eyes back to where I saw the young boy, but he was gone. "He doesn't look like a demon. He don't look human but he don't look demon. What's so bad about him?"
"I don't want to hear anymore Midori, demons are awful creatures that hurt people like us, any form of a demon can do the same thing."
But he's human too. Doesn't that mean anything?
I would have bothered Mom some more but she started talking about what we were going to have for dinner. It left my mind for the time being, but from the first time I stood up for Inuyasha, to my last breath, I could not make him leave my thoughts.