I seriously thickened Bunny's accent like...mucho. But don't worry! I have provided a translator for you all! Cookies for Jamie!

The time had finally come.

The Chosen Battleground: Jack's frozen pond.

The Judges: Well, as much as Tooth begged, THAT sure as heck wasn't happening. North was still rather disgruntled over the comments made about HIS accent and Sandy was just flat out NOPE. He was adamant about keeping out of this. Instigating fairy attacks on Jack was all good fun, however dealing with a defeated Bunny or Jack after passing judgment was another matter entirely. So, in the end it was agreed that the children, Jamie and his friends, would help decide.

Thus here they all were, gathered at the pond. The children and the Guardians mingled happily; North had the two brothers, Claude and Caleb, high up on his shoulders, while the fairies chirped and twitted as they played with Pippa and Monty. Off to the side a bit was Sandy and Cupcake, sitting on an old fallen log peacefully watching sand dolphins and fishes swim lazily through the air around them. The Bennett siblings, Jamie and Sophie, had of course immediately launched themselves at Jack and Bunny with hugs. Bunny's flabbergasted expression as the tiny energetic little girl hopped all over him had been priceless, Jack and Jamie both had to lean on each other for balance as they cracked up at the giant warrior rabbit.

But now the time for reunion was over and it was time to get down to business.

The two opposing forces stood at opposite sides of the frozen pond staring each other down. And of course, getting out the final insults while they could.

"Ya goin' down Frostbite. Ain't nothin' tha can beat a soothin' Aussie accent."

"Ha! Myne accent is myche more cyvilyzed than thy knaveish tonge!"

"At least ya kin understan' wot Ah'm sayin'! Have ta ruddy translate yer rubbish. An' it grates on mah ears!"


"Tha poser here is YOU, ya pommy dero!"

"Okay fellas, break it up and save it for the battle." Jamie interrupted, he raised his hands for silence and watched the two competitors uneasily. "Seriously guys, you're creeping me out. That's Pitch's job." He glanced between the two who were grinning with a disturbing kind of madness at each other. With a nervous cough Jamie began the proceedings, " OOOOOKAY. Welcome to the Battle of Accents! Here we have our competitors; Jack Frost vs. The Easter Bunny!"

The small crowd on the lakeside cheered and clapped. Sandy threw his arms and sand into the air letting it explode into streams of brilliant light. Jamie turned back to Jack and Bunny, "You guys ready for this?"

Bunny gave the boy a wink, "Bring it mate. I got this lot in the bag." Jack rolled his eyes at the rabbit and flashed Jamie a thumbs up, "All set. Gonna use my THOR VOICE OF POWER!" he boomed with a huge grin. Jamie's eyes widened, "Thor? What?" Glaring at the laughing winter spirit Bunny flapped his paw at Jamie, " Don' worry about it kid. Just start the match."

Jamie shrugged and turned back towards the crowd, "All right, here are the guidelines for the battle! These here in my hand are the random sentences that I will recite for everyone to hear. Then Bunny and Jack will say them in their own accent. From there, well it's pretty obvious. So let the battle commence!"

Off on the sidelines Sandy managed to catch Jack's eye and with a wink raised his hands, May the odds be ever in your favor.


Jamie: *ahem* The mighty fish asks you for a thing."

Bunny: "Tha gigantamungus fish asks ya fo' a doovalacky."


Jamie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, " I have NO idea what either of you just said." The two Guardians smirked in response and Jack motioned for him to continue. "Don't worry about it Jamie, just read us the lines." The boy shrugged and continued on.

Jamie: "The king has no pants and is defeated."

Bunny: "Tha big shot was missin' 'is striders and was stonkered."


North gestured at the match up on the ice, "These sentences. They are making no sense to me! A king needs pants to win battles now?" Claude and Caleb burst into laughter in response to the large red man's befuddlement.

Jamie: "The large kangaroo offered the lady a blessing."

Bunny: "Tha boomer offahed tha sheila a blessin'."


The two were nose to nose, Jack with his tale tell smirk and Bunny with a look of fury. "Shudda known ya'd do somethin' like that ya blinkin' lariikin."

"Oh stop it Bunny, you know you feel so special right now."

Jamie rolled his eyes with a grin and decided THIS time, he'd rather stay out of it.

Jamie: "Idiots are always good funny men." Wow, so this card had wonderful timing.

Bunny: "Dipsticks are pretty good dags. Or should I say Jack Frost?"

Jack: " I – WHAT? Well fuzz bunnies are usually good pets. How about that Cottontail?"


He frowned down at the paper, eyebrows knitting together, perplexed. "Wait... I didn't put this in here. What is this?"

Bunny and Jack exchanged an exasperated glance. "TOOTH!"

"Me? Nope! Not me! Whatever it is you're talking about I didn't do it! I was busy! I was um...on the moon at the time!"

"Okay... lets just move on." Jamie muttered, discarding the notecard with a toss over his shoulder.

"This is getting' nowhere mate. This drongo needs ta just admit he's through." Bunny snorted, gesturing to Jack. "Admit it mate, my voice and accent just top ya."

"You've been living crazy in the outback for way too long Kangaroo," Jack fumed, "I hear you guys run through jungles covered in spiders as a way to take baths so why am I not surprised? AHAHA. The heat must do it, see this is why Winter is wonderful."

"How on earth did ya get ta THAT ruddy conclusion? What does Winter have that Spring can't top, eh?"

"Christmas." Jack said with a simple shrug and wicked gleam in his eye.

Bunny's face was apoplectic with sudden rage and his eye twitched alarmingly fast.

"FINISH HIM!" Everyone in the little audience turned to stare warily at North with his massive arms raised in excitement. His looked around and gave a bashful grin, "Sorry. Was caught in heat of battle moment. Heh, carry on."

Jamie let out a groan and eyed the two vicious and witty combatants before tossing his cards in the air. "I say we're done here, let's just take the vote already and see what happens. I'm so done with you all."

And so around the group, giggling and snorting and the occasional peek at a neighbor's card occurred but finally the votes were handed to Jamie who did his thing. Counting, chuckling and generally gaining glares from both Bunny and Jack. FINALLY he finished.

With a glance at the card Jamie grinned and raised his head to announce, "AND THE WINNER OF THE ACCENT BATTLE IS..."

UP TO YOU! That's right dear readers, the winner of the Jack and Bunny's accent battle will depend on YOUR votes and reviews! So get to it, and I shall write ye lot a another chapter!

Also, I have a good reason for taking so long with chapter updates. I recently got a Tumblr blog, CAN YOU SAY DISTRA-no, because Tumblr just caught my attention. But hey! You guys can bug the hell out of me to get on chapters and write you stuff. Look me up if you get the chance, my url is easterelf.

Ta for reading!