Merry Christmas! (No...Wait...I'm a little late there!)
Anyway here's a little Thilbo Bagginshield that you all so love and flourish! I got this idea when I saw a teacher do this with the others in the staffroom when I was doing inventory.
[Disclaimer Thingy that I can't be arsed to write]
One thing that the dwarves had learnt about Bilbo Baggins back at The Shire in Bag End was the Bilbo was a worrier. Timidly worried over whether they were break his plates or blunt the knives, picking over little incidents that the dwarves messed around with. He was also a worrier over whether or not it was safe to be on such a dangerous journey. Bilbo lived in The Shire, he was a hobbit, he was a creature not prone to such violence or even such excitement, it was tight community and they all care over someone's well being. Dwarves, on the other hand, were beings who were strong, burly, and grew in the dark parts of the mountain; never having a care or needed to feel safe on such dangerous and thrilling quests. But put these to contrasting races together and you get something completely different.
After the commotion the Company had with the Orcs since the escape from the Goblin Mountain, and with reconcile between both Bilbo and Thorin, it was peaceful and that their mission towards Erebor was looking up. Though it didn't stop the ever constant attacks from certain creatures and beasties that Bilbo didn't really want to think about. It still didn't stop Bilbo from worrying. "Fili! Kili! Could you please stop doing that?" Bilbo yelled out to the youngest dwarves in the Company for what seemed to be the fiftieth, were currently chasing between trees whilst throwing various bits of forest debris at one another. They were currently camped in an isolated forest and this gave them the opportunity to play. "Lads, seriously, stop it now!" he called again as Kili tackled Fili onto the rough floor as they wrestled one another. Bilbo is usually patient hobbit, he had to be with the annoyance of the Sackville-Baggins always at his neck about Bag End, but stick him with two of the most rambunctious and mischievous dwarves on Middle Earth; well it can definitely change oneself. Bilbo also hadn't been resting properly and with his irritation level hitting an all time high he was ready to burst. Kili and Fili's constant aggravation happened to be this occasion.
"KILI! FILI! PACK IT IN RIGHT NOW!" Bilbo yelled towards the brothers who froze instantly, the only person who ever yelled at them like that was their mother, or their uncle! Seeing such a small creature bellow at them in such a manner, was actually frightening. Bilbo glared down at them with an unfamiliar anger, "Sit down, NOW!" he pointed towards the sitting area that they had created from logs arranged around a fire. Both boys scrambled front he floor and ran back towards the camp, brushing the dirt and leaves of their tunics as they made their way. Sighing loudly he followed them and sat next to Bofur who looked completely shocked his mouth gaping in surprise, the other dwarves bearing a similar gestures. Bilbo didn't even bother to look up as he could feel the eyes staring at him. "Close your mouths please; it very unattractive!" Bilbo stated as he heard jaws snap shut, obey his little demand. He mentally smirked as twelve dwarves seemed to take follow a little hobbit.
The evening's meal went through with small laughter, even Bilbo joined in, until in the corner of his eyes he stopped Fili and Kili whispering to one another, looking back to the group as they placed their bowl to the ground, attempting to sneak away. "Don't even think about it!" Bilbo called out loudly, smiling as he heard the groans and sighs of frustration. Looking directly at them he saw the begrudgingly sit back down nest to Gloin and Nori. Bofur chuckled next to Bilbo, "Good job there laddie, not many could control them lads!" as he smiled to his small friend.
"Probably need a firm hand that's all..."
"And what you think Thorin's a softy?" Balin chuckled from across the fire pit. "Trust me Bilbo he's being trying to control these two for most of their growing up! A Warg is more obedient them pair" this time all of the dwarves erupted into laughter as the brothers pouted.
"Don't pout!" Bilbo stared at the boys with caring eyes.
"Sorry Mum..." Kili muttered far too loudly, catching Bilbo's attention. The hobbit raised an eyebrow to the dwarf.
"I wouldn't need to mother you if you knew how to behave!" he smirked as the dwarves chuckled once more. Deciding he had enough for one night he retired to his bedroll that he had set up away from the group, yes he was much more comfortable around them since saving Thorin's life, but he still like his privacy. Just before he left he was stopped by a sullen voice.
"Mum..." the unmistakable tone of Fili, "Can we be excused?" he smirked but Bilbo didn't turn his back, he simply shook his head and carried on. "Is that a yes?" ignoring their whiny calls he mentally groaned at the behaviour those two will probably kick up the next morning.
And yes he was right. It was new day, another venture forwards towards Erebor, and the boys have started once more. They hadn't even made tracks and they were already annoying the others. Kili had decided it would be clever to slyly take Dwalin's axe chuckling as he threw it towards Fili. Both brothers chuckled as they tossed the weapon back and forth until it slipped from Fili's grasp. Unfortunately, it landed in front of Bilbo, who had his arms crossed and frowning at them both. They stopped in their tracks and looked at one another. "Do I even need to say?" Bilbo calm stated to them, unaware of the other dwarves who had begun watching the scene unfold.
"It's Kili's fault!" Fili pointed to his older brother desperate to stay in the clear.
"It was you're idea!" he quickly retaliated.
"Was not!"
"Was too!" this bantered continued between them as simply Bilbo rolled his eyes and collected the axe, striding over to Dwalin and handing him his weapon. Looking over to the lads who were still yelling at one another he sighed. He saw Thorin scowling towards Kili and Fili and was prepared to storm over. "Boys!" Bilbo called to them and they stopped instantly, "Come on!" he gestured to the supplies that needed packing away. Both dwarves moaned but reluctantly went to their duties. Bilbo's gaze locked with Thorin, whose look was priceless, his face shocked on how a small hobbit could tame two of the most boisterous and annoying dwarves in Erebor!
Throughout the day both Kili and Fili remained on their best behaviour, not wanting another scolding from Bilbo, they had been told off a couple of time since their squabble, mainly for mocking one another and also messing about with Ori, who was to sweetly naive to understand their mischief. As they walked silently next to Balin, Thorin looked over in amazement. Bilbo smirked as he was nudged to King on his shoulder. "How did you..."
"Probably just some hobbit like parental instincts Thorin..."
"Why? Planning on being a mother anytime soon Bilbo?" Thorin smiled down to his hobbit. Bilbo looked up with a glint in his eyes as he smiled up towards his love. Thorin's face paled and his heart stopped. Bilbo giggled to himself as he placed a kiss on his King's cheek before he carried on leaving Thorin standing frozen in the forest. Balin stood next to his friend as looked with questioning eyes.
"Thorin, you alright my dear boy?" he asked with gently care as Thorin began breathing hard. The Dwarven King looked down to his elderly friend and around to the other dwarves who were giving him a questioning look before looking back up to Bilbo who was hiking up a slope next to Gandalf.
"Er...I-I...Well..." he stuttered shifting his gaze before deciding to chase after Bilbo. "Bilbo? Dear, don't you think we need a little chat? Bilbo?"
Should I? Give review for this action!