Everything in the story does not belong to me. * sniff * Hawkeye. Enjoy! I always liked the pairing of Hawkeye/Hawk and Riesz/Lise, and there are not many on this site so I decided to make one! So I hope you enjoy my sorry attempt at a story. Please read a review!

Torn between two

"The great castle of Rolante holds great pride in its history and power, and the famous, beautiful, and mighty Amazon army that protects it. Therefore giving the name 'The castle that never fell'.

But, indeed the castle did fall, by the attack of the Navarre Ninjas invading and setting the castle on fire. The King was killed and the young prince Elliot was kidnapped. The beautiful golden-haired princess was deeply devastated but vowed she'd take back the castle and so she set out to find her brother Elliot.

Meeting allies and friends along the way, she did not know she'd grow feelings for a certain extremely handsome, charming, talented, Navarre ninja."

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow." The violet haired young man yelped as a slender finger grabbed his ear pulling it towards the owner, turning the ear bright red.

"You wish." Riesz said hotly, while her face turned a light crimson color.

The amazoness glared at the thief when she let go of his pulsing red ear. Hawkeye just smirked as he massaged his throbbing ear, wincing as how Riesz dug her nails into them.

Beside Hawkeye, Jessica glared at the princess as she took Hawkeye's hand with her own and squeezed it tightly. Riesz only blinked at the blue haired young woman, oblivious of what Jessica was thinking. Hawkeye squeezed back making Jessica feel triumphant, but he was as oblivious as Riesz was, but returned her affectionate squeeze.

The whole group had decided to reunite with each other after the whole Mana tree incident and just rejoice at the peace between the Kingdoms. Which led them to an idea of traveling together again, with new companions.

Angela grinned when she noticed the tension between the two young women across the bonfire, and was glad she wasn't Hawkeye.

As everyone doubts, Angela knew Riesz had a thing for him and tried to get those two together, ignoring what Jessica was to Hawk.

Everything went crashing down when Jessica tagged along in the trip. Angela saw her plans and her game of matchmaker, ruined. But now that she thought of it, it wasn't so bad; she liked watching the two girls fight over him, it was the best entertainment they had on the trip.

She could see it now, 'Two princesses fighting over the love of a former thief.' She giggled; she couldn't wait to spread the gossip around the kingdoms, but for now, she was stuck with her friends traveling to who knows where.

Duran groaned he couldn't bear it any more. They had settled for the night and now they were telling biographies of each other. Hawk's biography of Riesz was good at first until he tried to flirt with her, again.

Couldn't Hawkeye see that Jessica knew what he was doing? If those two ever got married, he was a dead man.

He liked the trip they took with each other though, it was better than standing all day trying to look as glamorous as he can beside King Richard.

Risez's little brother clung to him, making Duran his new idol. Of course Duran was honored but every time he tried to hunt or gather food or anything he knew he can only do, little Elliot would want to copy him. Now Duran sat beside the sleeping Elliot with bruises on his arm for saving his life more over ten times since the trip started.

"Kill me now." Duran groaned as he hung his head low and bring his hand up to his forehead slowly shaking his head.

"There, there Duran. It's not that bad." Kevin said as he patted the back of Duran's shoulder.

Kevin sighed as he looked around the bonfire, He couldn't help but notice that almost everyone was royalty or connected to royalty. Some group this is, he found that bandits or thieves would target them if they knew that this group was traveling together. Which he hopes they did not, or else they, meaning the bandits, would get extremely hurt.

He was glad he went on this trip with his friends, he could see some of them regretting that they had come but they try to smile every time something bad comes up. This trip might have not meant anything to them, but Kevin truly enjoyed it. Having to be in the castle day and night with few close friends, he truly liked going on this trip to be close to his closest friends.

Carlie was asleep.

Riesz scooted as far away as she can from the smirking Hawkeye, but she did feel a bit guilty for all the bad things she'd done to him, but it was a habit now. She tried to do that less and less, since Jessica would just stare her down every now and then if she got too close to Hawkeye.

She didn't want to get Jessica mad, as pleasant as she may seem; she was not. Jessica was nice, but she would need Hawkeye's help to go through obstacles. Riesz would only roll her eyes when Jessica stick out her tongue and gave her a victorious smile. What did she think she was doing?

Riesz gripped tighter to a stick she was holding. Suppressing her anger unknown to her deep inside.

Jessica can have the perverted jerk for all she cared. He was a bad romantic and was quite annoying when he tried to flirt with her. Though he was still a great friend and had helped her take back Rolante. She was grateful to him, and he also had given her her first kiss. Luckily Jessica didn't know, does she?

Riesz loosened her grip on the stick and sighed. The group had been quiet for a while just looking at the burning fire or looking at each other.

Riesz stood up as all eyes traveled to her.

"I'm going to sleep." She said as she headed towards the tent that the girls slept in.

"Want me to come with you?" Hawkeye smirked as he winked at the now blushing Riesz.

"No!" Riesz said as she hurried into the tent.

About a few seconds after Riesz got inside the tent there was a loud sound and, "Hawkeye!" Jessica screamed at him.

Therefore after that, she heard footsteps walking towards the tent. Jessica stepped in and went to her blanket beside Riesz. As hard as Riesz tried to sleep that night, she couldn't, because she knew Jessica was glaring at her all night.

"Why me?" The blonde amazoness thought as she tightly shut her eyes trying to fall asleep.

Angela walked into the tent carrying a sleeping Carlie and placed her to sleep while she looked at the scene before her.

Jessica was glaring at the very tense Riesz who had her pillow over her head trying to cover herself from Jessica's death glare.

Angela only gave out a short laugh and settled in the spot between the two girls. Falling onto her blankets she turned towards Jessica, "Goodnight Jessica." Angela said. Jessica stared at Angela for a minute then turned around her side mumbling a 'goodnight'. Riesz sighed and smiled, "Thank you." She said as she drifted off to sleep. Angela smiled and went to sleep in a matter of seconds