I own nothing But my OC all property of Red vs Blue is owned by rooster teeth.

Everything in this takes place at Project Freelancer a couple of months the start of the mission with North and South in season 9.

The Directors Office

The director was many things. He was a genius a true genius that had given birth to project freelancer. He was also an old, mourning, angry man that wanted his loved one back. But something he was not to an extent was a confused man. He was currently in his office talking with Alpha about an alert that…went off for one second then went dead a second later

"Alpha you must be mistaken there is nothing on board the ship that we don't know about. An alert like that was just a malfunction that won't happen again." The director said while watching the scanner on the ship.

"And im telling you someone or something just…Appeared on the ships scanners for a fraction of a second and disappeared!…Don't look at me like that!" Alpha said with some anger as the Director looked at him with obvious disbelief in his claim. "Director I am telling you to send someone the hell down ther-" Alpha was cut off as the director deactivated him from his rant.

The director thought about what Alpha had said and decided to best not be ignorant in situation such as this. "F.I.L.S.S." He said simply as the on board computer turned on. "Do a very…thorough scan of the ship." He says now sitting at his holo-table with a hologram of the ship and the people on it in front of him. "We do not need any unwanted guests onboard and I don't need Alpha's constant complaints about this." The computer replies and starts scanning the ship again. "Is there anything else you need Director?" F.I.L.S.S says with her usual voice. "Yes bring me the new armor prototypes and equipment. We don't want our troops to be to pre occupied with themselves also…"

As he spoke to the on board computer he did not notice the Alpha A.I reboot himself and head into the ships camera system. "Okay this can't be to hard I just have to find the one thing that doesn't belong." He takes a quick look around with the hallway camera. "Nothing new here I guess. On to the next 523 cameras." He pauses to review what he had just said to himself."God this place sucks."

Meanwhile in an undisclosed location.

We find ourselves in a normal teenagers room. Well I suppose normal isn't the right word. Flat screen T.V, a mini fridge, and the complete series of Red vs Blue on his DVD rack.

This is the home of our friend Kale. Kale was an average 5,6 height, short black hair, and blue eyes 15 year old . He was wearing one of his better shirts. A t-shirt labeled "we are the Meta" with the rooster teeth logo on it. For pants he wore his usual blue jeans not a hole in sight. Finally his hoodie which he treasured above all else. It was nothing special but he had grown very attached to it over the years.

He was currently confused scratch that very confused. One second he was preparing for a Red vs Blue marathon the next he was on the floor of his room the door to his room replaced by a metal door.

"Okay…this is either a really good prank or I've gone insane." Kale said a frown on his confused face. He touched the door his fingers tracing it. It felt like metal, it was cold like metal, and it was not a really good paint job. It was in fact a metal door.

"Okay then…I am gonna just turn on some music and I am not gonna look at that door until it disappears…I have got to stop talking to myself." He goes onto his bed and pumps up the volume. What was the song? Bow Chicka Wow Wow Wow by Jeff William. Did I also mention he cranked it up full blast?

Meanwhile with Alpha

Alpha was currently trying to pry his eyes away from the camera to the girls locker room. Even though they did wear armor 90% of the time he still was a guy…or A.I based on a guy. It also didn't help that he couldn't get laid like this. "Okay, Okay there is nothing in there. Camera 345 checked off the list." He groaned as he says these words.

"There has to be a faster way to do this…" He suddenly stopped as he picked up a very active beat. "What the hell is that?" He tries to head towards the music using the cameras to move around. He suddenly is stopped at a metal door that he couldn't gain access to.

"Oh come on it's a god-damn door I should be able to just go in!…WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THAT STUPID MUSIC!" While Alpha ranted and cussed out the door an alarm suddenly sounded.

"INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT LEVEL 3." The Alpha snapped back to reality and went back to the directors office. "Hah! I told yo-oh wow you look pissed." The Alphas hologram cringed as the Director stared at him. "Okay I can explain later but I found out-" The Director cuts him off. "I know Alpha and I expect that you saw our intruder?" Alpha looked back at him with a moment of silence. "About that…" Alpha explains about what happens with the door. The Director stays quiet for a moment.

"F.I.L.S.S send agents New York and South Dakota to my office. I have a new assignment for the two of them." He says as he puts his hands on the ships hologram. He quickly finds the door to Alphas description. He makes a scan of the door and to his surprise he found that the only way inside was a hand scanner on the door. He furrowed his brow at it. That didn't make sense if it was just a simple scanner Alpha should have been able to enter easily. So what was the matter with this one?

He was interrupted from his thoughts as two soldiers arrived in his office. "Hello agents York and south...I am sure you have heard the alert?" Inside his helmet York sighed as he remembered the nice mood he was in two seconds ago vanished. South had her training interrupted by the alarm and had almost gotten paint balled to the walls because of it. In other news the agent Washington was now in the infirmary murmuring something about his worst beating of all time.

South stepped up and saluted. "Yes sir troops are scouting out the hallways for the intruder. Agents Carolina and...North." She muttered a bit angrily. The Director made a mental note about her behavior towards her brother. "Are leading squads on the upper levels and we have confirmed that the intruder is not on levels 1 and 2." She steps back obviously satisfied with herself.

"Agent York?" the director asks with a monotone voice. The soldier immediately stepped forward. "Yes sir?" The director points to the door on the hologram. "I need you and agent South Dakota to get the door open." He raises his voice a little bit. "I also want this done by yesterday...Understood?" The Director says with an edge to his voice. The two both salute quickly, "Yes sir!"

Meanwhile inside the room

This door was seriously starting to freak Kale out he had been trying to put it out of his mind for the past hour or so. He had tried closing his eyes and hoping that he was just dreaming but then he had pinched himself to test that theory. No dice. He had tried to blast music into his ears mostly the soundtrack from Nightmare before Christmas. But he kept glancing at it...again...an again. Until he just couldn't take it anymore and went over to it. Kale looks at the door taking in how smooth it looked. He suddenly facepalmed as he realized that there was a hand scanner on the door.

He slowly draws his hand to the scanner inching it closer...and closer. Just when his hand was about to touch it he heard two voices. "Damn it York hurry the hell up!" He retracted his hand from the scanner slowly. He must have been watching to much of seasons 9 and 10 because he could have sworn that was the voice of-"Yeah South I know but it looks like this door just doesn't want to open!" He fully took two steps back and blinked.

No...that was not...it cant be...can it?

"What do you mean it doesnt want to open does it have a god damn brain in there? Oh wait no it doesnt ITS A GOD DAMN DOOR!" Oh yeah that was definitely South. "Christ stop yelling would yah? It will be open in in a minute just give me a little more time." Oh shit.

he slowly looks at the DVDs on his rack. If York and South were here he must be at a point in time before the end of project freelancer. If they found those DVDs the timeline would get seriously jacked the hell up...but maybe if he showed them some parts and not others it could fix everything!

Kale think about it for a minute. If he could stop the Director from torturing Alpha that would literally fix the entire plot! But that's a long stretch and even if he did get him to stop Kale probably couldnt do it for long before he would try again. Maybe he could stop Carolina from giving her A.I to Maine! No still a long shot but he needed an actual plan here. So far he knew jack shit. He didnt know how far back he was in the timeline, he didnt know who was here besides York and South, and I didnt even know if Alpha was here yet.

Kale was suddenly cut off as he heard a couple of locks open up. "Hah told you I could open this South!"

Kale Rushed over to his rack of Red vs Blue DVDs and threw them under the bed...all except for season 6 reconstruction. As the door to his room opens Kale hides the DVD in his hoodie and prays to every god, demon and roosterteeth employe that he didn't get killed. The door slowly opened and he looked at it with wariness.

He out of reflex and fear backed up against the wall when the soldiers came in and pointed their guns at him. "Hands where we can see them!" he slowly raises my hands up. "Look lets just put the guns dow-" He was cut off as a bullet from South whizzed right passed his head into the wall effectively shutting him up.

York looks at South and shakes his head. "Now did you have to go and do that South? Look at him he's just a kid he's maybe 14...17 years old? at least?" York gestures to Kale to confirm this. He slowly shakes his head in a nodding fashion to scared to form regular words.

"Oh great now he's to scared to talk with us thanks South." York says a bit mockingly to South. She scoffs at York and puts her pistol down. "Its not my fault he was stupid enough to sneak onto here.." She momentarily looks around a bit confused. "With an entire room." York whistles and looks back at Kale. "Okay I will admit that's impressive but in all seriousness your gonna have to explain a few things kid."

Kale looked at York then back to South and then promptly fainted against the wall slowly falling against it.

York sighed and took off his helmet. His eyes were still perfect. "South tell the Director that we found the intruder and are keeping him here." He picks Kale up and the DVD falls out of his pocket. York was about to leave it alone...until he saw the cover. "I think the Director is gonna have some questions for this guy."

Well I hope you liked the start of my new series please review and use any constructive criticism you want to help me make a better story or if you wanna give me any ideas please again review and I will look at them.