I like when guys make the first move. And yes, liquid courage would definitely be helpful, crisamber90.

Thank you all so much for the patience and understanding that was necessary for this journey. And again, I'm sorry for the wait, but I've been trying to pre-write Two Conditions and get back on track. So this is it, save for an epilogue that could be posted in a few weeks.

You all rock.

Months Later

"Stop running," I say, hands gripping Mini's car seat straps. My hands were shaking, however, so I'm sure she saw me as a bit of a hypocrite.

She looks up at me with big blue eyes that make my heart melt. Her eyes start to fill with unshed tears and I cringe. Mini hated the car seat. She would start crying as soon as she saw it. If I weren't so concerned for her safety, I'm sure the daddy in me would've caved and had her sitting up front next to me. Fortunately, I had a far more wise girlfriend who nipped that idea in the bud.

"Hey, sweetie, it's okay." She pulls at my finger and tries to force it in her mouth. I laugh a little, which causes her to smile.

Damon's case had fell in his favor. I was happy. At least, I should be. But I was also nervous and so anxious that I wanted to throw up.

"Promise me that this will work out," I tell Mini, clipping her into her seat. She looks at me and I swear she nods. That's all the confirmation I need.

"Is she in?" Elena says, walking away from Caroline and joining us at the far end of the parking lot.

I hand Mini her stuffed bunny and nod. "Yeah, she's good."

Elena moves closer and winds her arms around my neck to give me a peck on my lips. "Are you ready to be done with all of this?"

I was. It felt good. It felt like one huge, traumatizing chapter was being closed. And it finally felt like I had some say in the content of the next one. I felt in control and happy. I had everything that I wanted.

It won't last, but for now it's enough.

"I'm more than ready," I affirm, kissing her gently.

A blaring horn jolts us from our kiss and I turn to glare at Nik, who's driving away with Caroline in the passenger seat. She waves, her blonde hair whipping around her and then ducks her head back into the car.

"Those two..."

"Are kind of adorable," Elena finishes. I raise an eyebrow at her. "What? They kind of are."

"You think that's adorable? How on earth can Nik be involved in anything related to being adorable?"

She rolls her eyes while Mini squeaks in agreement. "You know who's truly adorable? Me."

She snorts. I start to the other side of the door and slide into the driver's seat. "What? I am. You should start treating me that way, too. I don't want all my adorableness to go to waste."

"How about some cookies when we get home. Will that suffice?"

"It's a start."

I stuff a sugar cookie in my mouth and groan. "This is so good."

Mini looks up at me from her place by my feet and glares. "Bet you wish you could eat these..."

"Stop taunting Nellie or you won't be having any more," Elena chastises, settling herself down beside me with a glass of milk. A few minutes pass and she places it down on the coffee table and snuggles into me, clearly tired.

The day couldn't be over yet.

"So when are you leaving?" I ask, trying for conversation. She hums and curls further into my front.

"In two weeks. But I'll be back in four weeks and then Henry, my intern, will be taking over with Dr. Avery." I was now starting to see the busy schedule that came with her career. I hated it.

"That sucks."

"Why," she smiles against my chest, "No sex?"

"And no food," I point out. She giggles and pulls me closer. I watch the closing of CSI on the screen ahead of us and frown when her breath evens out beneath me. I look at Mini and she simply blinks.

"I know," I whisper to her. "I should've done it earlier."

Mini blinks again and then returns to rolling her toy car all over her hand. She was a freaky baby.

I look down at Elena's left hand and sigh. The least I could do is make sure that it's the right size, right? I mean, Elena's fingers are fairly small. I got a ring that was in the smaller range, but not the smallest. I'd rather it be too big than too small, right? Cause then what message am I sending to her?

But all of it could be avoided if I just see what it looks like now. I'm not going to be able to propose tonight anyway, so I might as well.

I shift and pull the ring box carefully from my pocket. Flicking open the lid, I stare down at the shiny diamond ring. It wasn't too outrageous, but I did what I felt she deserved. I peek down at Mini as I remove the ring from its case.

I swear she shakes her head at me.

Gently, I lift Elena's hand and slide the ring on.

It's fucking perfect.

I almost want to take a picture.

"Mini," I whisper, "It looks so good."

She ignores me.

I admire it for awhile longer before a loud crash makes me jump. Mini's toy car was hanging awkwardly from the stairway, one of the wheels crooked. I look down at the culprit wearing a grin. Elena shifts and her eyes flutter.

I push the ring box into my pocket and stop breathing.

"Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry, baby."

A strangled noise escapes my mouth and I do my hardest not to stare at the ring gracing her finger.

"You okay?" She asks me in her sexy, sleepy voice. I nod and smile. Instead of being a considerate person and going back to sleep, she shuffles to her feet and heads toward the kitchen.

"I don't know why I'm so tired," she states, picking up some toys along the way. When she's in the kitchen, I move from the couch and grab my shoes.

"Yeah," I say loudly, "I don't know either." I pull on my jacket and look at Mini. Only one of us would make it out of here alive, and I'm sure it would be her. I'll leave, go to Nik's, and when Elena notices the ring, she'll have time to consider killing me and calm herself down.

She'd be mad. I know exactly how this will go. She'll call me inconsiderate for not proposing properly and even more inconsiderate for putting the ring on when she as sleeping.

I pull at the handle of the door when I hear a soft voice from behind me. "Stefan?"

I tense and slowly turn around. It's Elena, but not really. Not the Elena I expected. She's got tears in her eyes, but she doesn't seem angry. She looks confused. But inside that confusion is a little sliver of hope. That hope makes me release the door handle completely.

"Are you...leaving?"

"No," I answer, my voice raw.


A few seconds pass and she raises her shaky hand up to her face. The ring still looks perfect on her. "Did you do this?" And the slight tilt in her voice makes me think she feels ridiculous asking that.

"Yeah," I rasp, trying to control my emotions.

I knew I had to say something, and I had to say it now. She wasn't angry. Once again, we were on the same page. She wanted this. I wanted this.

"I know it was wrong for me to do. For me to put it on while you were sleeping. But I wanted to propose, and I needed to make sure it fit, and-"

"You wanted to propose," she clarified, straightening her posture. I nod dumbly.

She slides the ring off and tosses it back to me. Luckily for me, I catch it.

"Then propose." So simple.

I look down at the ring in my hand and my baby watching and I knew this was the right thing to do.

I take three large steps toward her before dropping to my knee.

"Elena, right now, everything's falling into place. The bar, Damon, your new round of patients, Mini...Everything's right. In a lot of ways, we're moving into a new chapter in our lives, and I want to go into it with you.

I can survive anything that life throws at me, as long as I know that you're right beside me. I know it's early, I know I'm not always the greatest guy, but I promise that I'll try harder every day to be the man you and my daughter deserve and to be your guy. So."

I slide the ring back on her finger and smile. "Will you marry me?"

She wipes some stray tears from her eyes and then sobers up. "Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe."

I stand from my former position and yank her into my arms for a kiss. "Maybe my ass."

-Pulls plug-

That's it, folks. I hope to see you all for the epilogue soon, and make sure to put Two Conditions on watch! That'll be coming soon, too. I love you, I love you, I love you.
