Hey all...It's been a while, hasn't it? How have ya been? In 2013, I put the story on temporary hiatus, something that I never intended to do. With no story to write, I drifted away from the site. Recently, I've started to come back to the site, getting in touch with a bunch of other authors that I was speaking to on a regular basis.
Now onto the part that you're all wondering…will the story continue? And to be honest; I don't know if I'm going to continue writing. I'm finding it incredibly hard to get inspiration after being one for so long, but I feel obligated to see the story finished. That's why I'm putting the story up for adoption.
If you would like to continue the story, PM me , and if there's more than one offer, I'll decide who's going to adopt the fic. Regarding other stories, I have a bunch of ideas in mind. Also, I do beta. I've read over KingFatMan's stories a bunch and helped him with ideas. I'm also a beta for vsizzel, and I'm happy to say he's about to post another chapter of his story "Kanto's Champion".
Thank you for taking your time to read this,