A/N: Okay, instead of random Ella, we have random John! I changed my mind at the last minute. Also, in this chapter, there are some spoilers from 'The Fallen Legacies' . I do not own anything that is referred to in this chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty

Nine's POV

'Hey Maggie, so what legacies do you have?' I ask.

'Well, since the Mogs killed me pretty young, I had only developed telekinesis and a strength legacy but right before I died, I think I received a legacy that lets me temper with people's minds and emotions. Didn't help when the Mogs invaded my house. When Adamus's brother punched me in the ribs, I tried to temper with his emotions, making him listen to Adam for a split second, but to be honest, it's kind of a useless legacy when walking into battle.' She replied.

'Well, now that you're alive again, you should be able to keep developing your legacies. One, how about you?'

One thought for a second. 'Well as you've just experienced, I can create seismic waves and I have telekinesis. Six, don't you remember when I made you spill your cordial all over your dress and I dried it with telekinesis?'

Six smiled. 'Yeah, I do. I still have that dress you know. The red stain still won't come out.'

We all laughed, remembering our memories from the ship.

'Hey Maggie, Johnny boy is near the shore. Wanna throw him out again?' Three chuckled.

Maggie laughs and walks over to the shoreline. Instead of throwing him out to sea again, a sneaky expression crosses over her face. We see Four penguin walking towards us singing some sort of silly song.

'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! There they are standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head! Give them a twist a flick of the wrist, that's what the show man said!'

'Maggie, are you tempering with Four's head?' Three asks.

'Well, yeah. Thought I'd have some fun.'

This time when we all look up, Four is swinging from tree to tree like a monkey.

'Should we be worried?' Six asks worriedly.

'Nah, it's funny, consider it going to a movie theatre. We're never allowed to, because Mogs could just bust in at any moment.' Five laughs.

We all continue to laugh at Four acting like the king of the jungle. At that moment, a plane flies overhead and Four begins to act like a tribal member shooting at the plane with imaginary wooden arrows. In his craziness, he carves out a bow, strings it, then makes arrows and runs after the plane. After attempting to shoot it down, he comes back to us and sees us laughing. His face shifts into an ugly scowl and he aims his bow at us. Ella shrieks and hides behind Bernie Kosar. Maggie snorts and sends a wave of emotions at John. He immediately turns away towards the water.

'Ooh look! Fishies!'

Marina's POV

After watching the 'Let's laugh at John' show, I decide to make some dinner. I grab a spear and slip under the water, letting the cool liquid fill my lungs. Not long after, Five joins me.

'It's so not fair that you get to use all our legacies.' I mouth, swallowing a tendril of seaweed.

'Perks to being Number Five.' She mouths back.

I grin and we both turn towards the school of fish heading our way. We manage to catch twenty fish and six crabs altogether so we return to the shore, coughing out the water from our lungs. We dump the seafood into a pail and I start a fire. Five constructs a rectangular structure sticking out from the sand to hang the pail to cook the fish.

'Hey everyone, I don't know if Marina minds, but for the whole time we've been here, some of you guys have just been lazing around. Marina might want a break from the cooking sometime.' Five yells.

'No, it's okay, I like cooking, I enjoyed doing it at the orphanage.' I reply quickly. It's true, from all my years at the orphanage, I grew to like cooking and I really don't mind doing it for my fellow Garde members.

'See, Marina doesn't mind. Plus we set up the shelter.' Nine protests.

'Well, Adamus, One, Maggie and I haven't really done much since we came alive, so we'll go hunt for some seasoning or herbs to give the food some taste.' Three says generously.

'Thanks Three.' I smile.

'Hey John, could you help me here for a second?' One calls.

John jogs over. 'Yeah sure, what do you need?'

'Well, we kind of need some salt for the fish, so could you like use your Lumen or something to evaporate some of this sea water?' One says as she collects a few handfuls of sea water in a large clam shell.

'I guess I could try.' Four shrugs as he places his hand above the clam shell and activates his Lumen. Steam drifts towards the sky and all we are left with is a large portion of salt.

'Thanks John!' She smiles and carry the salt back to Marina to use.

By the time she got to me, Adamus, Maggie and Three have returned with some sort of ginger root and some green leafy things that I saw briefly a few years ago.

'Thanks guys! This is so much, I don't think we'll even use it all, considering that we'll be leaving here soon.' I say gratefully as I add the different additions to the fish and crabs.

The aroma coming out of the pail is mouth-watering and it is attracting a lot of the Garde that are sitting by the shelter. Eight walks over and dips his finger in the sauce. He places it in his mouth and his face shifts into an expression of pure bliss. I playfully scowl at him for stealing some of the sauce and peck him on the lips. Although, it's nice to know that someone likes my cooking.

Six finds a few smooth rocks and cleans them by the fresh water stream running off the cliff. She brings them back and I spoon the fish and crabs onto them, using the rocks as large plates. I think we would all have been content with eating out of the pail, but what can I say? I was brought up as a nice young lady by Adelina.

We all dig into the seafood with our hands and it is silent, except for the sounds of people licking their lips. For several minutes, the silence continues before Nine breaks the silence with a big belch.

'Ew Nine, that's disgusting!' Ella shrieks, wrinkling her nose.

'What can I say, Marina's a good cook. I envy you, getting to live with her at the orphanage. You would have gotten to eat her food sometimes.' Nine protests.

'Well, her homemade apple crumble is the best. And Marina would always save more for me.' Ella boasts.

Nine looks wounded. 'And why is it that you haven't made this homemade apple crumble for us and only for Ella?'

'Because Ella's a good girl. You're not good, and the last time I checked, you weren't a girl either.'

'Exactly. Marina even let me try some of her crumble when we were staying at the apartment.' Six chuckles. 'It's because I'm good, and I'm a girl, unlike you.'

'Marina! When we're all safe and sound, you need to make me that apple crumble!' Nine whines.

'Oh stop it. You're sounding like a big baby. Even Ella's more grown up than you!' Six scolds.

Everyone nods in agreement.

'You're all so mean!' Nine huffs and stomps back to the shelter.

'Fine. There's still more fish if you want some!' I call to his retreating figure.

He stops and turns.

'Hmm, I might actually have some more of that fish.'

A/N: I read The Fall of Five recently and I have come to realise that my innovation of Five is completely different to the one in the book. Just to clear up things, Five does not change. I'm not going to incorporate the 'real Five' into this fanfiction. Just if you were wondering. Also, I am not incorporating any character deaths that happened in TFOF. *hint hint nudge nudge* Nothing that happens in the real books is going to change this fanfiction. Okay, feel free to leave a review, and enjoy your day!
