Chapter One

Five's POV

I was six when the Mogadorians attacked our planet. My father and mother were already killed when we boarded our ship. All I remember was that we thought the explosions were fireworks and only realised the Mogadorian's attack minutes later. I was bawling my eyes out when I saw a piken crush my father under its massive green foot. My Cêpan, Anita, had to drag me over to the other Garde and Cêpan so we could board the ship. We barely made it. As we left the port, I turned back and saw the tail of another ship leaving the same port. I didn't think it was something important so I didn't tell Anita anything. Our trip to Earth took a year so we spent our time socialising with the other Garde and Cêpans. The oldest Garde was Number One. She was twelve when we left Lorien. I felt sorry for her because the Mogadorians would be after her first. I saw Anita talking to a Cêpan who was holding a small girl's hand. She was slightly younger than me and had long, dark brown hair. Her eyes were large and doleful and she was trembling in fear. I skipped over to her and told her I was Five. 'I'm Seven.' She replied quickly then turned away. I gave Anita a quizzical look then walked away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl snatching a toy truck from a small boy when he wasn't looking. 'Put that back.' I said to her. She glared at me then tucked the truck into her pocket. I stomped over to her and shoved her shoulder. She fell to the floor and started to cry. 'Baby.' I said then tore the truck out of her pocket and returned it to the little boy. 'What's happening?' Anita called as she raced over. 'That girl tried to steal that boy's truck so I told her to give it back but she wouldn't listen then I shoved her over and she started to cry so then I said that she was a baby then she cried some more then I tore the truck out of her pocket then gave it back to the boy.' I said in one breath. 'Whoa whoa, one sentence at a time.' Anita said. She bent down to the girl. 'Are you all right?' she asked. The girl nodded, wiping a tear out of her eye. She pouted at me and turned back to drawing her picture. 'Five, next time, don't be so rough. She's only a little girl. She's Six and the boy is Four.' Anita told me. 'Fine.' I said and turned away. Suddenly, I heard all this screaming coming from Four and Six. Four was screaming at her for trying to steal his toy truck and Six was screaming that she wanted it. 'GAH! WON'T THOSE TWO BABIES EVER SHUT UP?' One roared from the other side of the room. She stamped her foot on the ground in frustration and the floor shook violently. One gasped and jumped back. 'Wh-whaa-what just happ-happen-pen-pened?' she stuttered. The floor was still shaking and all the plates were committing suicide by jumping onto the floor and smashing. One's Cêpan looked at her. 'I think you've developed your first legacy. You have the Legacy of Seismicity.' She said. One grinned. 'Now I've developed my legacy, I can use it whenever I want!' 'No!' her Cêpan yelled. 'This was the only ship left. I am not going to allow you to destroy it with your Legacy! Unless you want to be stranded in space for the rest of your life, I suggest you don't destroy this ship!' One's Cêpan glared at her and stalked out.

We had been on the ship for two weeks when One's next legacy came. She developed telekinesis which all of us would develop eventually. Every day, she walked down the hallway while picking up things without touching them, bringing things over from five metres away. She even picked up my chair while I was sitting in it, making me spill cordial all over my favourite dress. I stormed over to her but she just pushed me back with her telekinesis. I gave up trying to get to her and sat down and wept. One came over and used her telekinesis to dry my dress. I looked up at her with big eyes and she came down and swept me up into a hug. 'I'm sorry.' She said. 'Okay, apology accepted.' I sniffed and got up to get myself another glass of cordial.

We arrived on Earth one year later. Anita held my hand and we got off the ship. All of us stood together and saw a man dressed in a white robe coming towards us. All of the Cêpans raced towards him. 'Carter!' they cried. He smiled and walked over to us Garde. 'Hello and welcome to Earth. I am from Lorien and have been assigned to Earth to help you. As you all know, the Elders have cast a charm over you all. You can only be killed in order, as long as you do not make contact with another Garde. In my pocket, I have nine cards, each with a different country on them. Once you get there, you will possibly meet a human Loric ally. They will help you settle down to Earth and protect you. Over there are nine vehicles. Use it as transport to take you to your destination. Take a card.' Each of the Garde stepped forward and retrieved a card from his grasp. I walked back to Anita and flipped the card over. The card read: The Bermuda Triangle.

Eight's POV

I was scared when the explosions began. The Mogadorians had finally decided to take over Lorien. I was bundled onto a ship and we began the long journey to Earth. I never really knew my parents. They were always out, busy training for 'the long awaited day'. I never really understood that concept but I certainly do now. My best friend was Nine. He was about a year older than me and much taller. He had jet black hair and seemed to intimidate the other Garde even though he wasn't the oldest. He was always smirking and showing off to everyone else. That was what made him my best friend. He was adventurous and we loved going on our 'secret trips' around the forest of Lorien. Of course, now that the Mogs had bombed our entire planet, there were no more forests for us to explore. We couldn't do that on Earth either. We had to stay hidden.

I wasn't a big standout amongst the other Garde. I was a scrawny, thin boy with dark ashen skin. My eyes were large and they changed colour according to my emotions. I was eight when we left so I was one of the older ones, One being the oldest. I was very impatient to get to Earth. I always dreamt of defeating evil Mogs single-handedly with all my amazing legacies. I should have known that would be a fantasy. Mogs were a bit harder to kill than with just a flick of the wrist. If they were that easy to kill, not so many lives would have been lost on that terrible day. My mother's dead body still haunts me in my dreams. I always run to Shirley, my Cêpan, for comfort. She's just like a mother to me. My mother was best friends with her and trusted her to look after me. That's how she became my Cêpan. A year later, we arrived on Earth and we all stumbled off the ship, not used to being on still, firm ground. The smell of wild flowers and grass filled the air and I looked up at the sky, which was dotted with twinkling stars. A middle aged man named Carter came over to us and told us to pick a card then use the vehicle to get to wherever the card said. I messed up the cards and found one that I thought was lucky. I raced over to Shirley and flipped over the card. It read: 'Honolulu, Hawaii'. 'What a weird name! It must be a weird place too.' I thought. I was soon to find that it was practically holiday paradise, but filled with active volcanoes.

A/N: How did you like the first chapter? I decided to make this more about Five so you would have a better understanding of how I pictured her. I will take turns with different Garde's POVs, but review or PM me of which Garde you would like me to do first! I may possibly skip a few years forward between chapters because the action begins after all the Garde except Five meet up. Toodles for now! Please review! XD
