Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from The Vampire Diaries. Thank you to all who are stakeholders in that enterprise for creating such fun characters. This work is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Damon's POV

As soon as he was off the phone with Elena he put his vampire speed to use and quickly disposed of the pizza delivery girl. Calculating that it would take Elena an hour and a half to get to the Lake House he had time to plan how this evening was going to go. There could not be any mistakes; that included any accidental commands via the sire bond. Despite the rational side of him that said it could just be the sire bond speaking, he keeps replaying her voice in his mind. "I love you, Damon. I love you." There was something special in the sound of her voice - Something that could only be described as Truth.

He had been alone for so long, and in many ways he had always been alone. Sure he had loved Katherine, but she never really loved him. He dated and played around; that was an obvious part of his past; but never had he both been in love with someone and someone be in love with him. He might be over 170 years old, but he had never been in a real relationship before. Could it be? After all these years, that he was finally going to be given the chance to be happy?

A tear escaped his eye. One that he would blame on dirt from all the quick shoveling he had just done if anyone were to find him in that moment. His musings lent themselves to a quick slideshow of his life. He loved him mother, so much, and all too soon she was stolen from him at such a young age. Stephan barely even remembers her, but Damon did. So many nights when laying out in the middle of the road he would remember how his mother's voice would fill the early afternoon as she would sing to herself, and her eyes would sparkle with glee when she would see him run into the room to be with her. When looking at the stars he would think of her.

He remembers how those afternoons quickly turned him hiding in the barn with the horses to avoid the anger of his father. As Stephan got older, he remembers how he would show Stephan many but not all of his hiding places, that too were filled with the melody of birds or babbling brooks. Those places reminded him of his mother too. The ability to be quiet and just listen was lost of Stephan though. All he wanted was Damon to entertain him.

When Katherine came along, he thought he wasn't alone anymore. She made him feel like she understood him, but no… she had her agenda that he was to follow. She convinced him that a little of something was better than nothing at all. And though he would never admit it, he had been so starved from any form of positive attention he complied. That was a mindset that he adopted after Katherine's "death", but no longer was something better than nothing, it was the only way for his heart to be safe because after losing his mother and losing Katherine; losing another woman he loved would just end his existence.

But here he was after so many years, feeling like an insecure fool. No more bumps in the road. Well… may a few bumps, but perhaps if he warns Elena about the bumps in the road they can hold onto one another and not get too jostled. Ohhhh… this was going to be fun. Giving Elena what she wanted and in the way that she wanted it was going to be challenging. Maybe they should have a talk about the predicament that he feels like she is always putting him in? God, it almost sounded like he was the one that was under the influence of the sire bond, feeling like he had to do everything that she wanted. He loved her, so be it, but still it would drive him crazy at times. That just made him smile.

Alright… enough strolling along memory lane; he needed a plan.

First thing first… how did he want to spend his evening with Elena? Ok, stupid question.

Second - Where did he want to spend the evening with Elena? Looking at the Lake House, he knew there was no way they would be able to quiet while Jeremy, Matt and Dr. Shady Pants relaxed for the evening. Looking at the stars again he couldn't help but think of his mother's eyes again. He should tell Elena about her, they would have liked each other. So with that in mind he decides that since he is at Camp Nowhere, they should do some camping. He knew a place off from the path that goes around the lake that would be both next to the lake and secluded.

Third - Supplies. Tent; Bedding; Lighting; Candles… lots of candles, A fire – at first it would be too bright to truly appreciate the stars, but it would be nice to be a little warmer than the crisp night air; flowers?... it was winter there was no way he was going to be able to find flowers, but as corny as it might he wanted to give her something on this night, since for the first time in his life he felt like he was being given her heart. That thought alone made his breath catch. Maybe there was something he could give her, hopefully she wouldn't laugh at him. He was of course Damon Salvatore.

Fourth – Jeremy and Matt. He needed to have a talk with them.

Rule #1 – Do not invite anyone into the house.

Rule #2 – Do not leave the house, unless they notify him on his cell phone.

Rule #3 – Go to bed early and get some rest. They were going to need it if Klaus went through with his plans.

Ok. Plan made. Time to make it happen. Looking at his phone he figured he had about an hour to make all this happen, good thing he was a vampire.