It was September 1989, eight years following the fall of Voldemort, well nearly. The war had ended, and their world was on the road to recovery. There were some who feared that Voldemort was not truly gone, those who believed the likes of Albus. The former death eaters, spies like Severus and Lucius, knew he was wrong. Their marks were gone, and they knew that he would not return. They had no idea what game he was playing at, but they would keep an eye on him. Albus didn't do anything without a reason, and his reasons had them worried. Severus remained at school teaching though not his plan, to keep an eye on the man. Lucius did his best, but a student governor had its limits.

Albus sat at the head table and watched the first years come pouring into the hall. In two years Harry and Neville would arrive at school, and his plans would start for real. He looked at the bunch of first years for the year, and relaxed, everything seemed to be going well.

Out in the hall Fred smiled at his twin. "This is so cool."

George agreed. "Do you really think there is a troll?"

Their new friend piped up. "A troll?"

Fred turned to him. "Our brother Charlie told us we had to face a troll."

George smirked. "Percy told us not to listen."

The kid looked up front. "It looks like a hat."

Fred let out a breath. "I should have known not to believe Charlie."

George shrugged. "Better him than the prat Percy."

Minerva spoke. "When your name is called, you will come up and place the hat on your head."

The smaller kid was worried. "I don't know what house I will be in."

Fred put an arm around his shoulders. "I am sure you will be with us."

George agreed. "We will hang out with you, even if you're not."

Fred smirked. "Unless you are a snake of course."

Fred and George shared a look as they watched the sorting. Though he tried hiding it with his hair, they had noticed the scar. They thought it was odd, they thought he was two years younger than they were. But he had his letter, and would not have been here if he was not meant to start. They thought it was cool, and hoped he would be in the same house. He hadn't told them his last name, but they thought he was likely worried to. He would know his fame, and he seemed nervous around all the people, as it was. They would keep an eye on him.

The older students in the hall were not much for watching. Other than those who had a younger sibling being sorted. Percy wasn't but Charlie was. Charlie was a seventh year, the twins would be the last he would see sorted, Bill had finished two years ago, and recently moved.

The entire hall broke into surprise when the hat called. "Potter, Harry James."

Percy looked at his brother. "The hat must be wrong, the kid is only nine."

Charlie would have agreed but he pointed. "Look at the kid."

Minerva handed Harry the hat. "Welcome to school Harry."

Harry gave her a tiny smile. "Thank you."

The hat was placed on his head and the twins watched. They wondered why it took so long. Fred asked. "Maybe he shouldn't be here."

But the hat eventually called. "Gryffindor."

Minerva motioned Harry to sit. "Go join your house."

Percy looked over at Harry when he sat. "You are not meant to be here. You are nine."

Harry was confused. "I turned eleven in July."

Percy smirked. "I have read the books, we all know you're nine. Unless you are a fake."

Harry tried to ignore him. "My name is Harry Potter, and I should know my own birthday."

When the twins were sorted they plopped down on either side of him. George clapped him on the back. "Cool."

Fred smiled. "Knew you'd be with us."

Percy ground his teeth. "He isn't old enough."

George laughed and said to Harry. "Ignore him, he thinks he knows everything."

From the head table, no one but the staff had noticed, the headmaster. He couldn't understand how this was happening. The boy should not have got his letter for another two years. He had made sure the book would not send out his letter. There had been a mix up with the spell, but he had caught it on time, he was sure of that. He must have been having a very bad dream right now.

He looked at Minerva. "How did you let him sort?"

She turned. "The hat called his name."

He ground his teeth. "How is he here? I told you the letter was a mistake."

Minerva played sly. "Did you?"

Albus was fuming. "We all know he is not eleven."

Severus looked across. "Interesting, the hat and book don't agree."

Albus tried to remain calm. This could not be happening, Minerva was his most trusted teacher. He could see Severus pulling this kind of thing, but not her. It was one of the reasons he allowed her to handle this kind of job. She had come to him with the letter, and he had told her the book must have had a mistake in it. They all knew when Harry was born, he reminded her, and she had agreed. What he hadn't known, was she had gone to Severus, and then to Hagrid after wards. She wasn't as gullible and trusting as he seemed to believe she was.

She sipped her wine. "I sent Hagrid to shop with him. I thought surely you'd not want him to miss his first day of school, or be unprepared."