Zelda stared at the reflection in the mirror before her just after she had awoken, thinking, "I don't look like I'm getting married tomorrow."

She wore a pale green nightgown that flowed at her ankles like water when she moved, and her hair was in a rat's nest. She dreaded the day she knew awaited her, but had dragged herself out of bed anyway. At least she would get to spend some time with Link. He always seemed to find ways to make her feel happy in every possible way.

Zelda drifted over to her bedside table and snatched her hairbrush off of it, then began to hack at the mat of hair on top of her head. Soon enough she had her hair laying relatively flat and hanging against her shoulders, then she opened the drawer on the table and removed several ribbons from it, tying her hair into her usual style of her two tied strands in the front and hair hanging in the back with the very bottom tied with ribbons.

She then turned to her wardrobe and pulled out a simple lavender shirt off the hanger and slipped it over her head and her arms through the long sleeves. She took a pair of rough, brown pants out of a drawer and a pair of boots was worn as well. If she was going to groom the Loftwings for the ceremony tomorrow, she should at least wear something she was willing to get dead, squished bugs on.

Zelda gazed at the base of the wardrobe and removed her glowing blue bracelet from it. It was one of the last remnants she possessed from her days she served for the goddess Hylia, or really, herself, in playing her part to dispel Demise from the land. She slipped it onto her wrist and closed the wardrobe, the opened the door from her room into the hallway of the building in which most of the young adults lived in the new settlement in the Faron Woods. She walked down the hallway and passed the rooms of Karane, Cawlin and Stritch, and even Fledge, who had reluctantly gotten up the courage to come below the cloud barrier when everyone else had begun leaving.

Pretty soon she came to Link's room, where she was just about to knock when the door swung open. Link appeared before her and pulled up short, looking surprised at her appearance before him. He smiled down at her and her heart melted all over again. She returned the favor as he said,

"Hey! I was just going to get you."

"Oh! Same here," she paused, "Ready to go? I think Groose would have gotten a head start, knowing him. Trying to get at the top of the world as quickly as possible!"

Link laughed, "Yeah." He held out his hand to Zelda and she took it, smiling.

They walked down the hall together and began swinging their interlaced hands a bit as they passed rooms and fellow graduates of the Skyloft Knight Academy on the way out.

Soon they came to the double doors leading outside and Link opened the door for Zelda. She grinned at him and stepped outside, Link right behind her. It was becoming slightly warmer every day and the snow from the week before was just finishing its melting. There were closed light pink buds on trees and green grass could be seen in places where the snow had already melted. In one word, beautiful.

"Wow, nice condition!" Zelda said perkily.

Link looked down at her and smiled, "I hope it looks the same tomorrow. I wouldn't want to get married in any other way."

He always knew how to make her feel special. Together the two walked to the platform above Lake Floria and, Zelda going first, jumped off and called out for their Loftwings. Zelda loved the feeling of the wind blowing through her hair. It always made her feel so free. Like nothing could stop her, she was invincible.

Link flew up beside her as she sped up towards the cloud barrier, which had become much thinner since Zelda and Hylia had made the decision that it was safe enough on the surface that the people could come to it without any trouble, thanks to Link's courage and determination.

Link grinned at Zelda and shouted, "Hey! How many do we have to scrub today?"

Zelda thought for a moment, "Well, we got seventeen done yesterday, so," she sighed, "That means twenty today. Remind me again why we invited everyone in the sky?"

"Not everyone!" Link said defensively, "Beedle was busy, Dodoh wanted to run his game, and Batreaux doesn't have a bird. But yes, I can complain about the fact that we got stuck with washing all the birds."

Groose had volunteered them to wash and groom the Loftwings of all the current and former residents of Skyloft, thinking that since they had saved the world together, they could clean a bunch of "mucky bug possessed birds" for the special occasion. Of course, nobody had objected, even Zelda and Link, who were really just trying not to object to Groose.

A minute or two later, Link and Zelda came to the plaza of Skyloft, where Link showed off again by jumping off his bird, and using the sailcloth Zelda had made him two years earlier. It was surprisingly still in great condition. Zelda, on the other hand, had to land her blue bird and climb off. She walked over to Link, who was letting a bird out of the stables and tying it to a pole, so it wouldn't fly away.

"Show off," Zelda said jokingly.

Link smiled at her and planted a quick kiss on her lips, a feeling that always sent butterflies soaring inside her.

"You have to admit, though, it never gets old," Link replied to her comment.

Zelda rolled her eyes and turned to see Groose, who was finishing with a pompadour on an unfortunate soul, his bird.

"Hey, guys! Look how great it looks! It's just like the one and only Groose!"

Link started laughing and Zelda just smiled. He definitely had a… different, sense of humor than most other people.

Zelda headed over to the stables and took out Cawlin's brown Loftwing. The bird was easy to guide over to the post where Zelda tied a rope from the post to a loose knot around the bird's neck, but tight enough that it couldn't escape if it tried, which she doubted it would do.

It only took her about thirty minutes altogether to scrub the bird clean, and then she led it back to the stable to get another, when Link surprised her with a comment that would save her day,

"Hey, Zelda! Are you done with your dress yet?" He knew she wasn't, and so she was surprised by the question, but she shook her head anyway.

Link smiled wonderfully at her, "If you want to go ask Orielle to help you finish, we can take care of this."

Zelda felt extremely grateful that she would be getting married to a man who respected one, her wants, and two, her needs. He definitely understood that she didn't want to scrub dirty birds the day before her wedding, although she was completely willing to, and he also knew that she would need time to finish her dress for the ceremony.

"Really? Are you sure you don't need the extra help?"

"Pft, you kidding?" Groose chimed in, "We could have this done in an hour!"

Which Zelda doubted, but didn't question. She ran over to Link and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Save it for tomorrow, okay?" He said, smiling at her.

She smiled happily at him and jumped off the dock, called her own Loftwing, and flew down to where Orielle and Parrow now lived on the surface.

She arrived at their house quickly and knocked on the door. The slab of wood was swung open and Parrow's head appeared in the doorway. He spotted her and smiled a little bit.

"Looking for Orielle?"

"Yeah. I need to ask her if she can help me with something."

"I'll get her."

A moment later, Orielle came to the door,

"Oh, hi Zelda! How are things going? You excited?"

Zelda smiled widely and nodded, "I'm doing pretty well, but I was wondering if you could help me finish my dress? For tomorrow, I mean."

Orielle tilted her head to the right, "Sure. You're still not done yet?"

"Well…" Zelda began, "There are some pieces that I can't do by myself because I can't be sure how it'll fit and I don't want to get it wrong."

Orielle's eyes widened ever so slightly, "Of course I'd be willing to help. Lead the way!"


About three hours later, Zelda stood in a totally finished white gown with a skirt that fell to the ground and had three quarter length sleeves. The sleeves were lacey and there was a belt of crystals just above her waist. A necklace with a golden chain and a pendant shaped like the Triforce hung from her neck, and her hair was completely down, hanging around her shoulders.

"You look gorgeous," Orielle said from where she was sitting on Zelda's bed.

Zelda giggled a bit, "Thanks. Father said my mother's own dress that she wore in their marriage ceremony looked somewhat like this, but we lost it. I would have worn it if we could," the end had a hint of sadness in it, "Anyway, thanks for helping. It should be great tomorrow."

Orielle stood and headed to the door, "You'll take his breath away."

Just as she had that morning, Zelda gazed at her reflection in the mirror against the wall. She truly hoped Link would think she looked alright, she wanted to look her best for what promised to be the best day of her life.