"Draco, would you like us to tease Harry or Ron for you?"

"Yes please, I have to go to stupid detention with Professeor McGonagall."
The truth is Draco wasn't going with McGonagall; he was going to his secret club. It was called "The Friendly Fluffy Bunny Playgroup Club" or "F.F.B.P.C." It was in the chamber of secrets so no one could find it.

When he was there he saw his playgroup buddies.

"Hello Draco. Come sit, come sit." said leader buddy.

"What are we doing today boss?" asked Draco.

"We are watching a movie called 'A Movie of Unfortunate Events' with Jim Carrey. It is also based on books by Lemony Snicket.

"Yay!" said Draco as he put on a bunny ear headband.

Well they were watching the movie; leader buddy said, "Guys, i must pause the movie. The new F.F.B.P.C. is here."

When Draco looked back, he saw who the new F.F.B.P.C. was.

"RON!" Draco screamed in horror.

"DRACO!" Ron screamed in horror as well.

"Why are you here? No, why are you here!" They both said at the same time.

Now reader, I'm leaving what happens next to you. So good luck! -Tori