Disclaimer: I own nothing in the J.R.R. Tolkien world. I possibly may own the plot of this idea? Ha. Fanfiction rules. I don't own the Miss Susie song either… lulz…

Sorry for the delay you guys… I STARTED ANOTHER JOB! Bahahaha ftw. Been extremely busy and I think I finally found the right fit for me. It's scary to start over in a career choice in what I believe is "late in the game" of life. My trainer is like, five years younger than me lol. It's okay. I thought I wanted to do one thing in my life, but you change your mind. Takes courage to start over and find something you love/fit into naturally. :D I forgot if I mentioned in my Feb. update that I got a new job… if I did, I quit that shit cause it was bullshit. I hated it. I dreaded going to that job. So after two months I left and I got a new job offer the week after I turned in my two-week notice. Yes. I'm lucky. I thank God for helping me out. Lol I'm nuts I know.

Anyway, this time instead of listing the POVs here, they are in bold and italicized. While typing up this fic, I almost lost sight on who was who. Hahaha ftw. Oh.

I DO NOT… I REPEAT… I DO NOT HAVE A BETA! NO BETA! This did take me longer than I thought to think through this chapter and I finally like it… for now lol. So I did try to go back and fix shit, but you all are smart… you can figure out what I mean. I think I have too much fun with First POV cause of the all FRAGMENTS! So beware! Also, sorry for the grammar and spelling errors in advance. One day I'll go back and fix those.

Every played "Miss Susie" when you were a kid? It was like a way for kids to "cuss".
"Miss Susie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
The steamboat went to-
HELLO operator! Please give me number nine
And if you disconnect me
I'll kick you from-
BEHIND the refrigerator there was a piece of glass
Miss Susie fell upon it and cut her little-
ASK me no more questions
Tell me no more lies…"
And so on. The rest I didn't care for lol. But now you get the idea if you didn't know about the song. That's how I figured I could use the chapter title. Lol this was a total waste of space…

I hope you all enjoy. Thank you to all my reviewers and silent reviewers! I'm hella glad that you guys are enjoying this fic. I'm happy that you guys LOL in real life when you read this. I'm happy that you guys tell me that this fic is real and that it isn't just instant elf soup. :P Seriously. Thank you. I hope you guys can keep reviewing because I'm gonna keep going until the end.

Thanks! 3

Chapter 14: Bloody… Hello Operator! I'm Screwed!


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck…

"Hurry! Down these stairs!" I heard Gandalf yell as the Company is running through a doorway. I keep a firm grip onto Legolas as I'm riding his back.

Once we reached the bottom, I see Aragorn pull back Boromir from losing his balance and avoiding him fall to his doom.

They land on the ground. That was supposed to be Legolas if I wasn't here…

I turn back to Gandalf, and now I'm the checking on him instead of Aragorn. "Gandalf? Are you alright?!" I asked in panic. He didn't answer me. He yelled across so the whole company could hear, "Lead them on Aragorn! The bridge is near!" He brushed passed me and headed to the front of the line. "Do as I say! Swords are no more use here."

To our right, there are stairs that leads us lower into the red lighted area of the mines... I feel Legolas adjust his grip on me and we reached where the stone stairs have a gap and have to make that jump. "Legolas. I can hop off here so you can jump ahead and receive the-whoa!" He jumped with me on his back!

Holy shit! I hissed in pain and shut my eyes as I absorb the landing into my body. My body was too tense! I clutched my sides hoping it would ease it away.

"I'm fine!" I quickly answered before he could ask and I looked at him. He smiled apologetically... Then he called to Gandalf to jump next. Then the first arrow was shot out at us!

I yelled in surprise. An arrow had almost struck the Hobbits' feet! Legolas and Aragorn used their bows and arrows to retaliate to the goblins that were shooting at us! I was so scared that I hid next to Gandalf.

"I'm sorry! I can't do anything! I'm sorry!" I was apologizing over and over because I'm just too fucking scared for this shit! "Stay by me! I'll protect you… for as long as I can." I looked up at Gandalf… his face…

Does he know?

"Gandalf? What?" But we got interrupted by the next jumpers of Merry, Pippin, and Boromir. Legolas continued to fire back and Aragorn had tossed Sam. I had to get my balls. I have to find my balls to do something!

Then I finally witness Gimli's pride as a dwarf. Okay, it's annoying when it is life or death! "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" And he jumps across and Legolas grabs his by the beard to really real him onto the stairs. "Not the beard!" Then he got his balance. Gimli came on one side of me and actually knocked an arrow down with his axe that was actually headed toward my face. I yelped in surprise! "I'm here for you lass! Keep a sharp eye out!" and continued to defend Gandalf and I with his axe.

"Frodo! Aragorn!" I see them crawling up toward the stairs a bit because the base they were just on has crumbled and falling into deeper ground in pieces. Then the base had broken due to a tremor around the Mines. The Balrog is getting closer!

I started coughing and the arrows from the goblins had stopped shooting. A roar from the Balrog had been unleashed at the same time. I check my hand.


"Not now… not now!"

"What is it?" Gandalf came to check on my and I showed him my hand.

He hands me a small pouch he dug out of his satchel and hands it to me. "The potions?"

"Put these in your bag immediately!" I did I was told without a second thought. No one else was paying attention to what was going on with me. That's good…. I think!

I see Aragorn and Frodo safely make it to our side of the stairs with Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir catching them. I get up from where I'm sitting and we continue to run down the stairs, being careful of the sharp angles of turns so we don't fall off. Legolas being ahead of the line and I'm falling back towards Aragorn. Then he decided to whisk me up in one move like Legolas had before and now I'm on his back.

Damn everyone is hella strong here! My fatass couldn't even be lifted by my weak-ass sonovabitch ex-husband!

"Come along Elena. Do not think I have not seen your sign of your illness." I grip onto him harder and I tell him, "There was blood."

"We'll rest once we've reached the outside. Do your best to be aware!" I grip onto him more.

"Over the bridge! Fly!" Gandalf yells to us! He's staying behind us all and not following us. "Gandalf! Gandalf!" I yell to him, not taking my eyes off of him. Then I see it.

"Balrog!" I screamed. That motivated everyone to run even faster. I turn in front of me and there was the bridge! "Almost there!" Gandalf started running with us, but staying behind the Company.

It has to happen. I have to lose Gandalf for now… I have to lose Gandalf for now!


All of us cross the bridge and I grip onto Aragorn a little tighter because it is so narrow and the drop is so long… "Shit!" I looked down. We crossed the bridge and we look back. Gandalf was on the bridge. We reached the end.

I wobble a bit in Aragorn's grasp. "I'm going to him!" I yelled. He held onto me and lost a little of his grip. "No! You cannot do such a thing!"

"Let go of me! Gandalf!" I see him facing the Balrog on the bridge. "You cannot pass!" It reveals itself… so giant… shadow and flame and all… the horns and a might body… those wings were seriously wicked and sick…

"Fuck… oh fuck…" I started to cry… I'm so scared… "Let me off! Let me go!" I managed to make Aragorn lose grip of me and I land on my feet. I start to run over there and then Boromir caught me from behind. "You cannot go to him. That is a monster of shadow and flame and will destroy you!" I was fighting and kicking. He wouldn't let me go. The Hobbits could only look on in panic and fear.

"Gandalf! Stop! Gandalf!" Was all I could scream.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!" He's already said his spell chant!

"I don't want to let him go! I can go with him! I can go with him, please!" I shouted through my tears. Though we all know the story. He gets resurrected. I would probably die by the balrog's hand before I would reach the hard cold ground.

No way in hell the Valar would bring me back to life. They're the ones that probably want me ridiculously dead right now.

"You are not going near that Balrog!" Legolas yelled at me and my focus was on him. "This is Gandalf's choice." He trailed off and we all turned to look at Gandalf facing him alone… I stopped struggling and I felt Boromir lose his grip… I started to pretend to stand and look on with everyone… "There is nothing you can do Elena."

Legolas… he was so sad. No one else said anything in my utterly crazy and rash outburst.

I'm such a fucking little girl… But like I give a fuck. "Well!? What do you want me to do then huh? He's the one who has been by my side this entire time! Never been against me! Who else can protect me? Who can protect me from myself!? With what I have inside me… I should be trying to protect him!" I pleaded with him, my voice in desperation.

Everyone stood frozen. Even I was surprised in my words. I was all talk… but I didn't want to be left alone either…

Then I made a run for him, but Legolas saw right through me and he caught me from behind.

"Please let me go! He needs me!" I continued coughing and I spit to the ground.

"Elena please you are not well!" His grip on me was getting tighter around my waist and that was hurting my earlier injuries. By his squeeze around me, I lost my breath and I coughed blood. I felt it trickle down from my mouth.

Then the Balrog roared again. And this time, I feel something inside of me just boil…

My back…

Everything in me is activating at once! I reach out my hand, "Leave him alone!"

And for once in a lifetime, which probably won't happen again, the Balrog took a step back, looked at me curiously, but took a step forward to begin its attack on Gandalf again.

You are not Master, yet you contain his essence…

Master Morgoth, give this unworthy one orders to destroy.

I give you my hand and just with your order, I will create whisps of fire…

"I am not your master! Morgoth is not here! JUST DIE!"


Only a quick moment… a single moment.

The balrog had listened to her.

We were in awe… someone other than the Dark Lord had the balrog had obeyed.

"How… can that be?" Aragorn and I were in amazement… to take witness at such a moment.

"Ahhh!" Our attention towards Elena once more and she had let herself go. It was I who had to keep her up from hitting the ground. I gently release her and she stands on her own. I slowly appear before her and Aragorn and I take a look at her.

At this time, I witness her behavior and allow myself to absorb her appearance: both of her eyes are fiery with Sauron's eyes with grey veins surrounding the skin of her eyes. Her rash outburst scared us all… to die with Gandalf…. She cannot!

We will not let her!

I will not let her!

But I don't know if we can protect her…

Aragorn checked both of her hands, her finger tips were black. She is taken aback and hisses in pain, clutching her sides.

"Aragorn… it's going to come out…" She then cries.

"It is happening! It has chosen it's time to happen again!" Aragorn has yelled. Then all of us gathered and have given her space when she screamed, but a different scream had been shared from her mouth… it was as if similar to the Balrog….

"What is happening to her? Has her inner demon been revealed?" Boromir readies his sword as do Aragorn as well. The Hobbits lean against the wall of the exit.

"Elena?" She sharply turns her head to me and tilts her head. "I can't control my body…" she cried… I could not move. What am I to do?

She gets on all fours onto the ground and she squeezes her hands in to her fist. She screams and in an instant… the moment did not last, but for just one single instant…

We were all fearing for our lives… naught from the Balrog…

Is her change to happen now of all times?

She brings her left hand to her mouth to bite on her long sleeve to withstand the pain.

Pain in my chest began to rise… so heavy.

The fellbeast wing and her screams happened all at once. Ripped through her clothing and outstretched high, but only one. She had previously spoken to me about her wing on the left side of her back, but once it has been seen, I don't know what to think. It was all in one thrust this wing had released itself and revealed to us all. Her blood on her clothing and I can see it is also in her hair.

She then had went limp and her wing had folded within her back and became small and no longer outstretched. She had not moved but only for a moment. She had lifted herself up using the walls of the mines to push herself to stand. "I have no strength. The Balrog's energy… it is too much for me to be in his presence… he is Morgoth's servant and it's calling out to me. Telling me to give it orders. It knows, like, I smell like him or something… he's searching for Morgoth…" She had lost her balance, but Aragorn had caught her and she whimpers into his chest. I could only watch and the Hobbits were in fear of her. Frodo could only look at her with worry and pity.

"She needs to leave and be away from the evil's presence!" Boromir had sounded his voice.

I felt an intense pang, piercing pain through my chest. I clutch it with my hand.

"Alas! Gandalf!" We return to see Gandalf continue to battle the Balrog.

It has revealed its whip to Gandalf waving it around and we could hear the sharp sounds and hisses that it makes. "You shall not pass!" He yelled.

His staff struck down in front of him and the bridge began to break away from its formation. The Balrog then falls along with the pieces. I had released an anxious breath, believing for a moment the battle was over and Gandalf was about to take his first step toward us. The Fellowship. I hope that our mission is not a failure!

But things do not stay at peace… or the same for long…

Then we hear the whisp sound of balrog's whip and it had grabbed a hold of grey wizard's foot. I see Elena's outstretched arms wanting to be with her grandfather calling out to him as he held onto the edge of the bridge for dear life. The Hobbits rushing down the steps only to be caught by Boromir, calling out to the wizard's name, but Boromir refusing them passage.

We see Gandalf one more time as he looks at us all. "Fly you fools!" he said.

"GANDALF!" Frodo and Elena yelled in unison.

The arrows were flying once again and I had left Aragorn and Elena at the bottom of the steps carrying two of the Hobbits and Boromir with the other two with Gimli behind us.

Then I heard her scream, but I did not look back…

I see the Hobbits in such pain as Boromir and I let them down. Merry tending to pippin as he cries, Sam on his own to his tears, Boromir holding fast to Gimli to force not to return to the Mines. I look on to see such pain of loss… the feelings that mortals carry when they see death…

Mortality… even Gandalf could not escape it.

Aragorn and Elena soon joined us. She is in tears and her eyes have become a still black of nothing. Her wing folded toward her back. She was walking, holding her shoulder as Aragorn had his hand around her hip and her other arm over his shoulders, keeping her upright. I could not resist seeing her appearance: fingernails are still black... the grey veins surrounding her eyes… she does not look the same. We are away from the Balrog and she does not return to normal.

Aragorn cups her face and he stares right into her. "Are you alright? Are you still yourself?" She nods as she sobs. "I'm still me with an arrow in my shoulder." He embraces her quickly and releases her. I then take notice that she has been hurt; an arrow had pierced her left shoulder by her wing. It did not fully pierce through. Aragorn had broken the arrow and only had left a piece of it still within her. "Elena. This arrow is what is keeping you from bleeding. We must leave it in until we are able to rest. For now, we must keep running." She nods and cries.

"Good. Legolas." I did not answer him. "Get them up."

How can I?

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake! Elena is injured and she must be attended to!" Boromir insisted.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Elena has been injured and she needs to be healed, but nay now is not the time, but only to make haste!" I come to Merry and Pippin to help them stand on their own strength. Boromir assists Gimli. Elena stands on her own and covers her face with her right hand.

"It's true… we'll be killed if we stay here…" She does her best to contain her sobs as she uses her right sleeve to wipe her nose.

After what I have witnessed…

I do not know how to feel…

Her body's response to such an evil presence…

Her looks are terrifying… Her curse has revealed itself.

I do not know what fears me more: her appearance or her rush to die along with Gandalf.

"Come, Boromir. Legolas. Gimli, we must follow our path." Aragorn encouraged us. I see Elena walk to Sam and coaxes him into standing. "Sam. We must keep going. Gandalf's wish is for us to keep going."

"Frodo! Don't walk away!" She yelled to him. I look over and he seems to be walking away from the Company. Aragorn calls out to him.

I see Elena make a quick pace, but with such limp in her form, to be by his side. I could hear, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He checks her over and outstretches his hand to touch her wing that is still out. It flinches under his touch. "Elena? Are you still yourself?" He asked. She nodded. "I am Frodo. I promised remember? We won't fade into darkness." He smiled in between tears and they embraced each other gently. He is afraid and worried about her injury to her shoulder. She explains she had received it so that it would not have been to Aragorn's injury to bear. She is still herself? Saving her friend… she is still herself. Not evil. She did not transition…

The song she sang to him… those words… is the song she sang to him months back in Rivendell. She had begun to cough, and I was about to rush to her side, but I hesitated. I could not bring myself to be near her. My instincts and the pain I feel are preventing me to do what I wish.

Her hand once again revealed blood. She had wiped her hand on her clothes. Her sleeves intact, but her back clothing is practically useless revealing her skin and her bruises… they have a darkened color. "Gandalf will win. Just you wait… he will win. I believe it. I know it. Faith Frodo… Have faith, but we must keep going… without him." She kissed his forehead and she walked away from him for a little ways. Everyone is starting to gather, but I have kept somewhat of a distance.

"Damn it… stupid ass balrog…" She wiped her tears away with her right hand and keeps her left arm down and straight the best she can.

I cannot bring myself to speak with her. Never in my life have I ever seen such evil as this.

I must remember this is Elena. She has not transitioned. She is herself. I am about to approach her, but she had turned her head to me first. I hesitated and I had to look away. Her eyes – so off putting – I bring myself to see her.

"I am glad you are alright." I close my eyes. If I try to see her eyes, the heaviness in my chest begins to pulse harder.

"I'm sorry. I'm still like this... I can't control it. It's not my fault… Everyone is hurting… pains in my chest are increasing too…I feel sadness, lonesome, desperation, and more…" I stare at the ground close to her. I can see her legs and then blood dripping behind her. Her wounds being so fresh, I am not surprised, but she has asked for no assistance.

"Legolas? I'm still me… I'm glad you're o-"

"We must run." I hear her wing move in a twitch after I answered. Is that her reaction to me? I began to walk away and I walk past Boromir.

"Wasn't I right Legolas? If you found out, you'd want to leave? Weren't you going to prove me wrong?" Pain in my heart, and it was not because of the evil within her…

I had hurt her.

I hear his footsteps march to her and I can hear their conversation.

"Elena, my deepest sympathies, but we must move on. I will help you in any way I can. After all, you have prevented me from hearing the thoughts of that evil ring. I do not know what has come over me."

"Boromir… Anything for a friend." I winced. I have not been friendly and yet Boromir is assisting her. He shunned her her entire stay in Rivendell, and yet, he is the one who assist her, and I cannot. He can see that she is not on the side of the dark lord and chooses to help her.

"And thank you by the way. I never did thank you about catching me when that squid thing got a hold of me a few days back."

"Not a problem. I am here to save a damsel in distress." She laughed?

"I'm not that bad. I'm just in the wrong place at the right times. For friends anyway." I dare not look back at them, but I do hear some shuffling. "Come I will help you now. You cannot walk too much in your ailments. As long as you are still yourself, I will help you."

"Thanks Boromir. Does this mean you've changed your mind about me?"

"That you are a spoiled little girl? No. Of course not. But that you are resilient young woman than can resist even a dark lord inside you? That opinion is new." I can hear them share a laugh between them.

Why can I not be that way toward her?

Because they do not feel the energy. It is very difficult.

I turn to Aragorn and the rest are just a little ahead.

"Let us be off before the Orcs discover us in this open terrain."

And we had started to run. I can see on the side of my vision that Boromir has Elena on his back. She lets her left arm fall, but keeps it close to her side. Her blood is trickling down her back. We make eye contact to each other and she sees me with such sad eyes. I had broken the eye contact with her and focused on my path ahead of me. I need to accept her. She is my friend. Friends do not do this to each other, and it pains me so that I cannot express my feelings at this moment to her.

She looked so delicate, her eyes shown that she is fatigued, in pain, and so sad.

Such sadness when our eyes connected.

No one in the Fellowship had said a word as we fled.

My instincts… to the very core of my being… are telling me to keep away from her…


Night fell and we were still running.

This time, surprisingly, Boromir let me ride on his back as we ran. I started to cough in my hand again. Still blood, but not as much. When we took a small five minute break earlier, I had tied a piece of rope that Sam lent me and with his help, I was able to wrap it around my chest to keep my wing from extending and slowing Boromir down. It twitches at times and it makes my shoulder sting. I cry into Boromir's back now because it happened again.

"Elena, are you well? Do you need to rest?" He asked still running and not facing me.

"I'm fine. We can still keep going." I patted him with my other hand to let him know that I'm okay. "Good. We are almost at a certain distance to have a rest." He turns his head to Aragorn. I can see them having a silent language to themselves as I see their heads nudge toward me and nodding.

"I am sorry, Elena." I see him turn back to Frodo too. "I apologize Frodo." He cried full of concern. "So much has happened this day and we have such need of haste, that I have forgotten that you were hurt; and Elena too. We have done nothing to ease you, as we ought, though all the orcs of Moria were after us. Come I will do what I can for you. Please bear with me and my worries for we must run just a bit further." We ran for another long while… maybe twenty minutes until we were able to actually stop and rest. Boromir had let me down gently against a tree. "Elena, please rest while you can." He started to stretch out his arms and roll his shoulders.

"Thank you. I'm sorry Boromir that you had to carry me." I leaned back on a tree. It is really dark out now. The moon shines so little tonight, but I can still see everyone's faces.

"Please, do not be sorry for something that it is not in your control. I am happy to help so as long as you are still yourself." He said.

I smiled. I had to readjust myself that my back is against the tree and the wing was on one side of it. I accidently poked the piece of arrow that was in my shoulder. I had let out a sharp "Ah!" and used my right hand to cover my mouth. "Sorry." I whispered to everyone. "It's alright. We're all in pain." I heard Frodo who isn't that far leaning on a tree. Aragorn had Frodo take off his mithril tunic and Legolas had handed Aragorn the container that had the numbing salve agent inside. Frodo proceeds to rub the salve on himself. Aragorn then takes the container and walks over to me.

He kneels down next to me. "Lean forward." I did as I was told. He ripped more of tunic on my back open enough to see the piece of arrow that's still within me. "Good. Just a puncture, nothing more. I'm going to pull this out and it will hurt. The salve will also keep infection away as well as to block out some pain." I gather some slack from my sleeve and put it in my mouth and I nodded. Aragorn adjusted himself so he could pull it out in one go. "Ready on count of three. One-"

I yelled through my mouth but the scream was stifled due to the cloth in my mouth and sobbed just a bit… only a bit! "Good girl." I know he knows that I rolled my eyes because he couldn't help but laugh. I had to laugh despite my pain too. It helps you deal with it instead of crying all the time about it. "You have saved my life from that arrow. I thank you. I am in your debt." I could feel his hand rubbing my wound in circles and that thick texture going over that hole that crippled me more… fuck! This shit burns!

"You… are… VERY WELCOME!" I emphasized the last two words with aggression in a way to keep the pain in and quiet as he used his hand to remedy over my injury for the first time. Then he took his hand away. "No debt between friends. That's what we do. We exchange. Anyway, you saved my ass plenty of times." I laughed. He coughs and smiles. He's still a little uncomfortable when he hears me cuss.

We only stare at each other until we smiled… grin… then share a light laugh. "Laughter is good. We cannot lose sight of this mission and we cannot forget those who were with us."

"How are the Hobbits?" I asked.

"They mourn and shed tears for our fallen friend. Gimli is with them." I sigh.

"Of course." I sigh. Then I hear rips that he's tearing his own cloak into strips and trying to tie the ripped clothing to make it hold together and he makes my left arm hang as if it in a sling.

"This must hold until we can get into Lothlorien. I hope by then, your wing will start to shed."

"I hope so too."

After some more chatting with Aragorn, I look around and I see everyone having a powernap but Legolas. "Please rest. We rise to make haste in a couple of hours. Take advantage while you still can." He walks over to where Legolas stands.

"Thanks Aragorn." I can't sleep though. I can actually tell that I'm tired and wide awake at the same time. Like you're cramming for finals and you drank like five espresso shots or Red Bull/Monster drinks. I know elves don't sleep as much as humans do, but perhaps… it's that side kicking in.

I look over toward Aragorn and Legolas. "I will take this watch my friend. Please do not worry. I do not sense any danger at this moment."

"She will not harm us. Please know she is still herself." My Elvish ear is tingling! I close my eyes to make it look like I'm sleeping, but it really helps me focus on the awesome hearing ability.

This would be nifty in the workplace… and I would listen to the real haters and shit-talkers.

Okay… what is on your mind Greenleaf.

"I can feel a heavy darkness from her. It has been difficult to be around her. Her appearance tends to cause my instincts to be far away from her."

"Legolas, she has not succumbed to the Dark Lord within her. She fights every day to prevent these incidents from happening. Believe in her." I hear Aragorn say.

I crack open my eye a bit and with my 'I-spy with my little Elvish eye' that Legolas was surprised at Aragorn's last sentence. I told him to believe in me. Always believe in me. I see him nod and he goes to stand by near a tree with a bow and arrow at the ready.

"This will fade and her appearance will return to normal. This time, I do not know how long it will take."

"She has gifted me her experience of sufferings with this curse; this has happened twice before that the fellbeast wing has revealed itself, but soon faded afterwards."

"Yes. Previously, the first time Gandalf had mentioned to me, the wing had only appeared for half a night then soon faded. When I had witnessed it myself, it had gone almost instantly, but it has been many hours and with now being night, she has not yet returned to normal. Alas! I wish Gandalf were still with us." I close my eye again. I whimpered and rubbed away a tear.

I can see that Legolas turned himself to fully face Aragorn. "How did you feel when you had witnessed it the first time? Her abrupt change?"

Aragorn shifted in his stance to think and closed his eyes. He opened them and nodded his head. "Honestly, I was very afraid, terrified even of what was before me. I thought we were going to fight a demon right then and there to fight alongside with Gandalf and Lord Elrond, but… all I could see… were her tears… listening to her screams of pain… her frustration all into one moment. Then soon my fear of her becoming something evil, left quickly as it came."

Legolas sighed and took nodded as if he knew that information already. "So you never feared her after that?"

"No, Mellon, I feared for her. I fear with her. So much time spent with each other in Rivendell, so much training, leisure time that became precious before this mission began, she has grown dear to me. How could I forget so quickly of who she upon knowing her, spending time with her, that I will throw away our friendship because of this curse."

Legolas could only listen.

"She even has said, if she were to be out of control, after fighting and doing what we can do, to not hesitate to kill her." It's true. I did say that to him while we were just talking. I cried a bit even because we also talked about that if I were to die, my only regret would be for not returning home and to tell my parents where I was, what I've done and become… I love them. I can tell them anything… but yeah… I would cry to my death if I don't see my parents one last time during this hell shit going on. I shed a tear as I started to remember that conversation…

"I almost feel like I need to accept her all over again."

"Except this time, you know her. You have laughed with her, seen her while she was ill, you have eaten with her and seen her danced and sing back in Rivendell." He puts a hand on his shoulder. "You know as well as I do, she is still Elena. Very loud, very odd, unlady like (even with a dress on), with a tinge of magic in her eyes, Elena…" Aragorn smiled and I couldn't help but smile too.

Because he made Legolas smile. The way Aragorn described me… it was really touching.

I hope Legolas got it in his head this time.

I couldn't listen anymore because my eyes felt heavy… and I fell right to sleep.

Not without hearing a couple of small farts from Gimli and Pippin'.

A quick quiet chuckle, then sleep.

Seriously though. This shit hurts!


I awake in tears.

I began to wipe them away.

"Oh Elena." I slowly lift myself out of my bed. I have seen it. Seen everything. Such a heavy heart I carry with me now.

Another vision… an experience that Elena has been though. So much darkness, so much pain.

She had just lost Gandalf and I could almost feel her pain. The close bond that they shared only to be shattered at the Bridge of Khazad-dum.

It was morning when I awoke and I had decided to get ready. I wanted to go see Lady Galadriel to tell her of the news before I started my practice of magic.

I arrived to her door, but then I had started coughing. At first it was only light, but then, more coughs…

"What… the… fuck?!" I said in between my coughs. I must have coughed so loudly that an Elven guard game to my side from down the hall and Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn opened their chamber doors.

"Child! You have been stricken with illness! Come. You must attend to the healer's hall!" Lord Celeborn said.

"Aid her in walking to the hall. I will be swift to ready my potions." Lady Galadriel pointed to the guard to help me up and Lord Celeborn behind me as Lady Galadriel quickened her pace.

"I shall take it from here. Alert the marchwarden of what has befallen here." I just shook my head at Lord Celeborn's order, but the guard left anyway.

I finally stopped coughing and I looked into my hand.


"Oh God…"

"Let us make haste to the healer's hall." Lord Celeborn said. He lifted me up bridal style and he hurried to our destination.

We made it in and Lady Galadriel has already laid out a space for me. I started to feel dizzy and I closed my eyes. I felt Lord Celeborn laying me out on one of the medical beds.

"You have stopped coughing. Tell me what else is ailing you." The Lady asked. I couldn't tell what she was doing, but soon, I feel a wet rag on my forehead with a medicinal scent.

"I have no idea what the hell just happened. One minute I'm at your door about to knock, but then I started coughing. I was feeling so heavy in my chest and then I felt utter sadness."

"What do you believe has caused this?" She applied oils on my wrist and neck. It's really soothing and the scent helps my chest pains after that coughing fit.

"I had vision but it was like in 4D! Okay… it was as if I could feel everything she felt."

"Who did you see?" Lord Celeborn asked. Everyone just ignored my 4D comment.

"It was Elena. Gandalf had just fallen into shadow… they met with a Balrog and Gandalf went into Shadow." I whimpered at the thought. To visually see it… I read about it, I seen it in the movies, but to carry these feelings of sorrow and loss… oh God…

"Oh no… Gandalf." Lord Celeborn said in sadness.

"Then she turned into something… being exposed to the Balrog… I could not tell… it was so foggy, but something in her changed. Then I had awoke."

"Your connection to her is strong. Perhaps that connection exists because of your friendship, from the same world… I do not know for certain."

I inhaled. Is that ever going to happen? But all I can do is stay strong and keep developing my healing power here. This is where I am the safest, but Elena… if she really is in the Fellowship… she will be coming to me.

"I will send a guard to give word to Haldir. I'm afraid he is at the boarders of Lorien and may not return for another day." Lord Celeborn had said.

"That's okay. I'm feeling better already… I just need to relax."

"Just drink this and we'll leave you to rest. We can speak more about this matter later and cancel training for today while you rest."

"Alright. Thank you." I hear her movements leaving a bottle on the nightstand next to me. After a few moments of silence, I opened my eyes and I see the bottle. It's a nice relaxant. I wonder if it's like… a concentrate of alcohol or something. I take it in one swig and it reminded me of tequila!

"Oh my God, where have you been all my life?!" I try to shake out every last drop of it in my mouth.

The dizziness has faded and I just decided to walk back into my room to rest. I had let the healers in this hall know that if the Lady and the Lord want to find me that I'll be in my room. They bowed and said they would pass on the message.

Once I reached back into my room I started to get dizzy again. I went inside and closed the door behind me. I just flopped down on my bed and breathed slowly.

She will turn.

She will be locked away into the Void.

"What? Void?" I opened my eyes and I started to look around.

I wasn't in my room.

I was surrounded by darkness.

A bright light, so bright I had to use my hand as coverage to protect my eyes. I did it in reflex, but that same light I am familiar with. I haven't seen it two months. I felt it. I recognized it. I can see straight into it and it doesn't hurt my eyes.

She will turn and will be locked away into the Void if she absorbs the Eye of Sauron.

What the hell are you talking about?

She will turn and will be locked away into the Void if she absorbs the Eye of Sauron.

She will be defeated.

She will not be saved.

Who?! Elena?

Then I really opened my eyes this time and I was in my room.

I sit up again and I got dizzy… I need to sleep this off… this can't be true… she would suffer at the hands of Morgoth if she is banished into the Void…

"And she will be saved. I'll save her. Just you fucking wait and see…" I spoke to the air… someone is out there and it/he/she can hear me… I know you can.

I have to regain my strength and tell Lady Galadriel. I need to sleep…

Fuck our lives Elena… Fuck our lives…

I get up from my bed and head over to see Lady Galadriel… I hope she doesn't mind if I take a couple more shots of that relaxant tequila stuff…


It was in the middle of the night when I awoke. I look around and everyone is sleeping. Sam by Merry and Pippin. I can see tear trails down their eyes and a few sad gasps from Pippin. He surely must be blaming himself for what had happened to Gandalf.

I wipe my own tears away.

I feel tired, wanting to fall asleep again, until I looked to the direction of some quiet, very quiet groans.


I had stood from where I slept, being careful not to wake my friends and the others. I see Legolas on watch with his bow in hand not too far from where I stood. He heard me rustle some leaves and dirt.

"Frodo, are you alright?" I heard him say, but I did not hear any sounds of his movements. Tis true that he makes no sounds and glides wherever he moves too. I remember well as I quickly think back to when we were at Cardharas.

"I'm alright. I could not sleep. I'm going to check on Elena."

"Is that such a good idea?" I could see him look somewhat anxious. I knew exactly what he had meant.

"Yes. With so much running, I have not seen how she is doing. I can hear her being in pain." And with that, I continued to move on. I make my way around Boromir and Gimli as they snore quietly. Gimli shifted in his sleep and embraced his axe closer to him.

I finally reach Elena. I see her leaning on the tree. Her wing retracted and twitched as I kneeled in front of her really looking at her appearance. Her eyes were closed, her sweat shining on her face because of the moonlight… her head tilted to one side. She only looks like she is sleeping, but I know she is awake.

"Elena?" She groans and tries to shift in her place. She slowly opens her eyes and then she looks at me. "Hi Frodo. What's up?" She said slowly. I had understood that is a phrase to ask how I am doing. With the way she is, how can she ask me that when she is in terrible shape.

I shake my head slowly and smile sadly. I see that her eyes are as black as ever and I took notice to her fang when she spoke. She coughs slightly.

"I'm alright. I came to see how you were doing. I had heard your pains." She sighs. "I hope I didn't wake you up. I'm not very good at staying quiet about stuff." I shake my head. "I'm sorry I cannot do anything for you." I sit next to her right side and I hold her hand and she chokes back a sob. "I am still here for you. We're in this together." I lean my head onto her arm.

"Yeah we are." She lets out a small sob. "Just sucks that it hurts so much right?"

I could not help but to let out a chuckle. She tries to make any situation as normal as possible. "How are you feeling?" She asks me. "I still feel a bit sore, but I can move. I cannot say the same for you though." She shrugs the best she could. "Yeah, well… you got a ring, I have an entity's essence… same difference."

I start to see the sunrise and she and I look toward it.

"Another day."

"To keep on movin'." We turn toward each other. I had gasped in surprise and she was taken aback by my reaction.

"Frodo, what's wrong?" She started to get scared quickly. She reached out to me but I grabbed her hand first.

"Elena… you are crying?"

"Yeah I am. So are you."

"But not in the same way."

"Whatchu talkin' bout Frodo?" Her eyebrow lifted in question.

"Elena, you are crying blood." She quickly brought her hands up to her eyes and began to rub her cheeks and looked at the blood in her palms.

She shakes her head… "No… no more signs… no more…" She cries more, there is more blood…

The others began to wake up and I turn to them. Legolas had been staring at us this entire time.

I do notice that his eyes are not on me, and when I follow them, they are looking towards her.

"Frodo… I'm scared… I wish Gandalf was here… I miss him… I need him…"

I see more blood trailing down her cheeks as she cries more. Her skin is becoming pale… she is losing so much blood.

"As do I Elena… as do I."


The others awoke to the cries of Elena as she continues to wipe away her tears of blood. I could only stand by and watch. I see Aragorn and Boromir quickly go to her side to examine her face and eyes. Sam had brought his water skin for her to drink from.

She has yet to return to normal even as the sun rises.

Merry and Pippin rise from where they slept and gathered their things. The each come to one side of me.

"She hasn't changed has she?" Merry asked.

"Is she going to hurt us?" Pippin asked.

"No. To both your questions."

They shrug in their stance. I can tell without even looking at them.

"So she is cursed. Frodo would always tell us that she was ill and could not see anyone at times. My imagination would never esteem this far as to what is happening to her."

"She would cough up blood into her hands in secret thinking we didn't see it. I know I have seen her eye turn black at least once or twice before this journey started."

I turned to Pippin. "Do you fear her?"

Pippin then turns to me with a face of no emotion and then he smiles. "Of course not. She believes in me. Even after everything." Then I turn to Merry. "An you, Merry?"

"I don't. She's scared, she's happy, she's alone, she's fun, she's cursed, but she'll be free because she wants to be. This isn't her fault."

"Bit of bad luck you can say when coming from a different world. In the end, she can sing, dance –"

"Terribly I might add." Merry interrupted.

"Quite true Merry, but she tells stories, jokes, eats, drinks, and drrrrinks until her vision goes black." The hobbits sighed. "What can we say really? She's our friend."

"I do believe in her. She needs to be taken care of in her state. It is as if whenever I turn, there she is, needing help again. Whenever I turn, a sign of the curse appears. And whenever I turn when she has a moment like this… I turn away from her." I stare down at the ground.

I feel so ashamed.

"Now Legolas, you can still change. It has only been yesterday that she has been going through this. Merry and I are still by Frodo's side while he holds the Ring of Power. We are frightened of what he holds, but it is not a part of him and it doesn't hurt that he's very resilient."

"And he still eats and drinks with us. Carrying a fine tune in his singing and quick on his feet for some dancin'." Pippin commented.

Merry nodded in agreement. "Aye Legolas. Frodo is Frodo. Elena is Elena. They need our support." Merry pats my lower back in encouragement. "Go on then. You two need to get along. I know you have had a special eye on her ever since the caves." Pippin looked somber for a moment. The loss was still too near.

"I only worry about her. I feel terrible not being able to support her at this moment!" Why am I so startled by his statement? "I cannot be close to her because of the pain she causes me. It becomes stronger." I rationalized.

"If she can be with Frodo and he with her, why not hold yourself down to support her? After all, they have it worse." Pippin simply remarked. I could only sigh in defeat.

"Alas, I shall make my amends. I do not want to treat her worse than I already have." I started to walk over to her.

Amends… will she accept my apology? I hear the hobbits catching up to me.

Hobbits… they are wiser than I thought.

We reach the tree to where she is leaning on. She takes another drink from Sam's water skin that he presented her with earlier. She instructs him to go through her bag and we all see him pull out a small vile with blue liquid. I recognize it as the one that Gandalf gave me to give to Elena when I first witnessed her illness. Aragorn takes the vile from Sam and assists Elena to drink it. It was as though she could not bring her hand to hold the remedy. Frodo moves some hair out of her eyes. Boromir is at the end of her legs looking on with sad eyes. Gimli is standing behind Sam onlooking as well. I didn't even notice that he moved from his spot.

"How are you feelin', Lass?"

"I'll be honest. I'm not feeling good. I feel like shit. I feel like I should be dead or something." She said.

"Do not say such things. Do not say you should be dead. I never want to find you on the ground. Not ever." Boromir said. He was so firm in his answer. His change of heart has been gradually changing since we were in those snowy mountains.

"Elena. Trudge on. We are almost there to Lothlorien, aren't we Aragorn?" Frodo encouraged.

"And if the elves and the White Witch give you any trouble, be sure I will be there to defend you." Gimli said. Elena chuckled, but it was painful. She still smiled. She took another sip of water. "There you go Elena. Try not to laugh. Try not cry. Don't try anythin'. I don't want to see you in pain." Sam replied.

"Though we must hurry on. We do not know how much longer we have avoided orcs. Gandalf a brave soul he is, but I want all of us to be away from the mines as much as possible." Gimli is anxious to keep moving, but I can see in his expression that he is very worried about her.

I could only watch. I must say something. "I'm sure they will take you in. Do not worry. I will make sure of it."

I could see that she slowly lifted her face to make eye contact with me. I gave her a smile. An apologetic smile. She returned it.

She closed her eyes and her head started to tip to one side slowly.

Her breathing slowed.

"Elena? Elena?" Frodo started to panic.

"Shh Frodo. She has fallen into a state of recovery. She has much blood loss."

Her wing then outstretched, startling us all. Then it took to the form of black feathers and one by one, each had begun to be drifted away by the air… and fading from existence…

It is somewhat sad in a way…

Aragorn then took notice to her hand. "Her color to her fingers is returning to normal." He peeled open an eye on her face. "Brown and white. Her eyes have returned to normal." Then he lifted her upper lip on the left side. "And the fang. She has finally been brought back to normal."

We have all breathed a sigh of relief. Frodo used his sleeve to wipe away the blood trails on her cheeks.

"She looks normal now, with the exception of her pale skin." Boromir remarked.

"At least she doesn't look like she is going to fly away anymore. " Pippin chimed in.

"It is time that we get going lads. It is already mid-morning. We must get moving." I agreed with Gimli.

Boromir had given his cloak to Aragorn to wrap Elena with to cover her back and place the hood on her head. Aragorn presses firm on the cloak to put pressure on the bleeding opening on Elena's back.

She does not quickly heal on her own…

"She is still bleeding… we cannot stop the bleeding on our own. Lord Elrond had always casted a spell for her to heal quickly. The vile that Gandalf gave Elena only puts her to sleep to assist her to rest and escape the agony of her pain. I would not want her to awake and suffer through this pain."

It reminds me of when Elena and I spoke back inside the mines. She said she never wanted to relive that experience again… sheer utter pain she said…

I can already see that the cloak is has started to absorb most of the blood, but I know it will not hold for long.

We have all stood up and Aragorn proceeded to pick up Elena and to place her on his back. I assisted in placing her arms around his neck.

"I can carry her. I am feeling refreshed as ever just as I should." I explained.

"No Legolas. I need you to be on duty to use your sight as our eyes and to be ready with your bow." I could not help but to obliged for he is right. "I understand. I shall be on guard." Everyone had gathered their things and we had continued running.

I haven't felt the burden in my chest since Elena had went to sleep.

I feel normal again…

The balrog… it had obeyed her. Ominous darkness dwells within her. My thoughts are in an up rise.

We must keep moving…

Elena… what can I do?