***I don't own Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters***
(Characters in this story are Amber, Ally, Ciel, and Sebastian. Dated in the 21st century, Ciel is a demon. Amber is the decent one where as Ally is a bit on the crazy psycho bitch side… )
~Amber's POV~
"I've come to the conclusion we are too obsessed with this particular anime Ally… "
"I know but in all honesty you can't be too obsessed with Kuroshitsuji Amber, I mean come on think about it. Just think if you had Sebastian as a butler. We all know what we would order him to do, if you get my drift."
"I do, yeah I know. What if you could get Ciel as a butler?"
"I would die..."
"That is a bit extreme well anyways I gotta get back to work I'll call you tomorrow." I said getting up and headed back to work after work I went home to my small little apartment and it was pretty late so I decided to go to sleep. I woke up the next morning to hear a knock at my door I got up and went to the door answering it in a t-shirt and pajama pants half-awake not really seeing who was at the door.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked yawning. The two men looked at me strangely.
"You're Miss Amber right?" the tallest one had asked in a British accent I knew I've heard that voice before I rubbed my eyes and got a better look at the two men standing in front of me once I got a good glimpse my eyes widened and I closed my door practically slamming it in their face.
"No, no it can't be." I said to myself then a knock made me jump. I sighed and calmed myself down and opened the door calmly with a smile on my face, and then I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry about that um yeah I'm Amber, and you two are?" I asked knowing exactly who they were but I just had to hear it for a confirmation.
"My name is Sebastian Michaelis." the tall on said with a grin upon his face.
"And I am Ciel Phantomhive." the smaller one said with no expressions on his face. I just stared at them not moving. "Might we come in?" the tall one asked and I just nodded and moved aside to let them in. Thank god my apartment was clean. I shook my head and closed my door motioning my hand towards the couch.
"You two can sit if you'd like, I'll be right back." I said walking towards my bedroom as they sat down on the couch staying silent I went in my room then closed the door. I quickly went to my phone and called Ally as fast as I could.
~Ally's POV~
I woke up to my phone ringing and I grabbed it pressing the ignore button but then it rang again I grumbled answering it.
"Hello?" I asked in an irritated sleepy voice.
"Ally I am freaking out here! I need to tell you something and I really need you to believe me.."
"Wait, Amber?"
"Ally there are two men here and I think I'm going to faint." she had said in a panicked voice. I sat up instantly.
"Okay first tell me what's wrong and try to calm down because I can't really understand you."
"Sebastian and Ciel are in my apartment right now. And I am freaking out like they're here and their real!"
"Did you do some drugs last night?"
"No! They're really here in my apartment!" she said shouting.
"Ow ok ok ok. Amber just calm down. I think you just need to go back to bed. Alright? You obviously haven't gotten enough sleep and you're being delusional." I said hanging up on her and she kept calling me over and over again but I just put my phone on silent and went back to sleep.
~Amber's POV~
I sighed feeling really annoyed that she didn't believe me. I got dressed fixed my hair and went out to the living room and sat in a chair across from them.
"Are you two cosplayers?"
"I beg your pardon?" Ciel asked. "What are cosplayers?"
"Wow you guys are good." I said rolling my eyes not really believing that they were really them.
"Good at what?!"
"Young master do calm down." Ciel had sat back crossing his arms.
"Now young miss please do explain cosplayers."
"They're people who dress up as anime characters and such, but you two already knew that."
"I can assure you we have no knowledge of this cosplaying thing."
"Alright, then what are you two doing here?"
"You summoned us."
"Summoned you?" I said slowly starting to believe it was actually them.
"Look I think you got the wrong person because first of all I wouldn't even know how to summon someone. Second you two can't be who you say you are... you're not real."
"Of course we're real. How wouldn't we be?"
"Alright if you're so real then where's Grell?"
"How do you know about Grell?"
"Oh I know about a lot of things. Like how you're both "demons" and how you're his butler forever and and that Ciel's mother and father died in a fire and how Ciel had to dress up in a dress-"
"How do you know about that?!" Ciel asked shouting getting up interrupting me. I jumped a little then got up.
"I'll be right back again." I said running to my room and closed the door. I started to call Ally again.
~Ally's POV~
I finally woke up thirty minutes later and saw that Amber was calling again.
"Yes Amber?"
"I really need you to come over right now. "
"I can't I have work in an hour, you know this."
"I know, but Ally the guys I was talking about are still here…"
"Let me talk to Sebastian then." I said sarcastically. Then I heard a door open and her handing the phone to someone.
"Hello?" The voice said in Sebastian's actual voice.
"Look I don't know who you are but you're really freaking out my friend and I think it would be best if you just left. I don't know what you two did last night or what drugs you two did but she thinks you're this dude who isn't real."
"Drugs? I can assure you there was no drugs involved here and we just arrived this morning."
"Look if you're not going to leave I'm going to have to force you to leave by coming over."
"Very well then it'd be a pleasure to meet you miss Ally." After he said that I hung up and got dressed heading over to Amber's.
~Amber's POV~
I was sitting across from them staring at the and Sebastian had cleared his throat after holding his hand out with my phone I then took my phone, I had calmed down a little.
"Your friend will be here shortly." Sebastian said softly and I nodded feeling reassured that Ally was coming over.
"Can I get you two anything?" I asked feeling a little rude not offering them anything.
"Do you have any tea?" Ciel asked and I shot up heading towards the kitchen.
"I do actually. I have some Earl Grey, which is your favorite right?"
"How did you know that?"
"Like I said I know a lot. I'm sorry for being rude earlier too."
"It's quite alright Miss Amber." Sebastian said grinning. I went to Ciel and gave him his tea and he took it sipping it. Then Ally knocked on my door and I went to open the door as I did she barged in.
"Alright who do I have to take care of?" she said in an irritated tone then I pointed to the two men sitting on my couch and her jaw dropped.
"Believe me now?" I asked with a smirk.
"I-it couldn't be"
"They're just cosplayers right? Who do really good voice imitations."
"What is with this cosplay nonsense?" Ciel asked with a frown putting down his tea.
~Ally's POV~
"Look you're really good at your imitation of Ciel Phantomhive. I mean you have his voice down and everything."
"I am the one and only Ciel Phantomhive! How dare you insult me like this!" he said shouting.
"Calm down dude. Look you two have to go, whoever put you both up to this well hey it was an awesome prank but you two need to seriously leave."
"I'm afraid we can't do that, you see Miss Amber has summoned us here. And we are here to make a contract with her and you. " Sebastian said looking at Amber and Amber nearly fainted.
"Summoned?" I said starting to laugh. "How exactly did Amber summon you?"
"She did it in her dream. She wanted to make a contract with me and she wanted to have you make a contract with Ciel."
"That wouldn't work."
"What do you mean it wouldn't work?" Ciel asked still frowning.
"Sebastian is your butler for always and eternity. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also Amber would never sell her soul for anything so ridiculous."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Positive. You know, you guys are good actors." I said crossing my arms.
"I can assure you miss we are not actors and we are here because Miss Amber did summon us." Sebastian said getting irritated.
"Prove it then."
"Yeah prove it then." Amber said backing me up. After she said that Sebastian smirked and the room started to get dark and a bit chilly then the whole room went black even though it was bright outside and his eyes started to do that glow thing. Amber and I clinged to each other and started freaking out a little.
"Ok I believe you!"
"Very well then." He said still smirking and the room went back to normal then Amber and I let go of each other. "Shall we make a contract then?" He asked looking at Amber.
~Amber's POV~
"A-a-a-a contract? I don't even wanna sell my soul… I would never do that.. I'm not that stupid."
"Yet you summoned us." Ciel said.
"I didn't mean to like I said I don't even know how I did it in the first place."
"You did it in your dream." Sebastian said smirking.
"Then I didn't really "summon" you."
"Ah but you did."
"No. Ally help me out." I said nudging her and she was just staring at Ciel completely mesmerized by him. "Ally!"
"Huh..? Oh Yeah if she didn't do it in real life and if it was subconsciously it doesn't count. Plus she doesn't want to give away her soul. But I wouldn't mind giving Ciel my soul." She said smiling like an idiot.
"Yes she would she doesn't know what she's saying." I said firmly.
"Well this is a waste of our time then isn't it?" He said sighing.
"No not really you two should stay. Amber might change her mind, after all she doesn't know how she summoned you and if she did want to sell her soul she wouldn't be able to reach you two." Ally said staring at Ciel. I rolled my eyes.
"Very well then we'll stay." Sebastian said with a smile then Ciel looked at him frowning yet again.
"Stay? You can't be serious…" he said annoyed.
"Well why not we need a vacation anyways don't we? Also the girl did offer her soul to you."
"Yes, yes I did." Ally said as if she was in some sort of trance.
"Fine you two can stay but I don't have enough room for both of you." I said sighing.
"Ciel can stay with me!" Ally said jumping up and down letting the fangirl get the best of her.
"Ally don't be a Lizzy…"
"How do you know about Lizzy?" Ciel asked glaring at me.
"That's not important right now."
"How do you know so much about us?"
"Young master go with Miss Ally to her home and discuss your contract I will stay here with Miss Amber." Sebastian said before I could say anything Ciel just nodded which was strange to even see him listening to Sebastian… Let alone practically take an order from him. Ally and Ciel left my apartment leaving me alone with Sebastian… The inner fangirl was screaming. Me alone with Sebastian Michaelis Oh my freaking god. I didn't realize I was staring at him till he cleared his throat.
"Young mistress can I get you anything?"
"No… you're not my butler. Can't you just relax or something?" I asked slowly
"Relax?" he asked as if he didn't know the meaning of the word.
"Yeah, you're not dealing with a brat or anything and I don't need anything. So just relax and If I would need anything I'd be capable of getting it myself. Also I don't plan on giving anyone my soul so you can just get that out of your head."
"I doubt that. I would agree with you on Ciel being a brat though."
"Ciel? Did you just say Ciel..?"
"Aren't you supposed to call him master?"
"He is not my master right now."
"That makes no sense. Plus why would he take orders from you?"
"He is going to make a contract with Miss Ally."
"No he's not I won't let her do something so stupid… But you shouldn't of sent him off with her she's obsessed with him."
"Obsessed you say?"
"Yeah.. Like maybe raping him obsessed. I wonder what she's doing with him right now…"
(And that's the end of this chapter I'll post up another one soon ^-^ don't worry)