A/N: Hey, guys! This is the third and last part of this fic and I hope, you enjoyed it! Thanks to everyone, who read this story, reviewed it, followed / follows and favourited / favourites it. It was fun to write it and to fangirl over my most favourite ship on SiU while writing. :)

I really hope you like the ending, though it's short. And the most important: don't let the Tynka category die out and keep on shipping! ;)

P.S. I love reviews :3

Tinka's POV

»Tonight was great,« Ty said, as we arrived at the door of my appartment.

»I think you already said it one time,« I smiled and opened my purse, looking for the keys.

»Lookin' for this one?« Blue asked me after a while and showed my key.

»How did you find it?« I asked in surprise.

»I've got my methods,« Ty replied grinning.

»Will you also give it back to me?«

»Definitely not without a favor!« my crush said and played with the key.

»Ty, please, give me my key!«

»You'll get it, if you kiss me,« Ty requested and put the key in his pocket.

»You do know, that I can call my Papa and he'll turn you into a Goulatto?«

»You do know, that you won't do that?«

Fine, his plan is pretty genius, I could only shake my head.

»Well... except it's uncomfortable to you,« the brunette boy said sadly and let his hand run through his hair.

I smiled and Ty's upset expression dissapeared immediately. We slowly leaned in, I closed my eyes and waited for the moment our lips would meet at.

The moment came surprisely. I felt warm waves spreading through my body as I felt Ty's lips on my. He moved them slowly to give me some time. After a moment I instinctively kissed back, putting my arms around his neck, he put his right arm on my waist, pulling me closer to him and his left stroked through my hair.

Sadly we had to break apart for air; my lungs already began to burn.

»Tink?«, Ty asked.

»Yeah?«, I replied whispering.

»Promise me, that between us it won't be the way it was after our first date anymore«

»Promise me, too«

»With pleasure«, Ty grinned and pulled me close to him...