AN: This just came to me a week or so ago, and wouldn't leave me alone.

Summary: Sebastian and his mother finds a boy walking along the road, that can't seem to remember who he is.

Title: The Roads we walk...

Pairing: Kurt/Sebastian

Warning: Anmesia

Beta: Thanks to The Other and jwmelmoth, all mistakes are mine

Disclaime: Glee is not mine


He's angry as he drives down the road. No, scratch that, he's pissed off! He can't believe how much of an oblivious douchebag his boyfriend can be sometimes. Doesn't he get that it hurts? That it's not just words, that they actually have an impact?

Tears are marking his skin, although he has stopped crying a while ago. His palm still stings from where he slapped the other boy, as it clings to the steering wheel, his body still strumming with adrenaline.

He doesn't know where he is. He drove off in such a rage, driving blindly, that when he finally takes the time to look around, he doesn't recognize anything. It looks like any other abandoned-at-night road that he has seen in the movies, but he can't remember ever driving here before. When he looks at his watch, he realizes that he has been driving for almost four hours, so maybe that's not so strange.

His cell phone starts to vibrate on the passenger seat. It's probably his boyfriend again. His dad thinks he is spending the weekend at Dalton, visiting his old classmates - which had been the plan, but he's not really sure what to do now. Maybe find a motel, as it's getting rather late.

Suddenly there is pain in his head. He's confused, can't understand the sudden ache in his forehead and neck, but as he looks around a little woozily, he understands. He wasn't paying any attention to his driving in his anger, and his car has swerved and hit a tree, it seems.

He climbs out of the car, figuring that maybe he can fix it, but he is dizzy and starts to walk instead, losing all sense of thought. It's like his legs are working for themselves, without his brains' input, because he has no idea why he is walking. Everything is blurry and the wrong way around, and he can't really feel anything.

He doesn't know how much time goes by. He seems to be living in a bubble of a kind, the rest of the world is just there, just out of reach, but he doesn't have the focus and energy to reach out. He thinks his legs are moving, but he can't really be sure.

Suddenly there are voices. They are coming closer, and as he hears a women talking, he can feel soft hands touching him. Only seconds later another pair of hands, rougher ones, join them, and a male voice too. He can't really hear what they are saying, and their faces are blurry and out of sorts, but they seem to be kind people. So he lets go, having used up any energy he had left and like cutting strings, his body falls in on itself. He can feel strong arms holding him, and the deeper timbre of the male voice right next to his ear. Someone is stroking his hair, and suddenly he is moving. He doesn't move far, and he's pretty sure he didn't move on his own. There are some movements and shuffling, and then everything is still again. The male voice is still in his ear, and now it's singing, with a very nice voice. He can feel the hum of an engine, and he's pretty sure he's in a car with some nice people. After a little while, his brain seems to think he has been awake enough, and promptly shuts down.

In an abandoned Navigator, a cell phone rings on the passenger seat.