Disclaimer: I don't own PJO.

Chapter 4:

Somewhere in Canada

Percy POV:

As I got up the next morning I could feel myself aging again. I walked out of the room to find the whole pack sitting around the table. I went to sit to the right of Jack, the Alpha. I was the Beta, or the second in command. The meeting was about me leaving. They all knew about me and my life before the pack, the life I was going back to. Jack had started talking.

"I have called you all hear because today we are saying good by to a member of our pack." There were some confused looks at that, nobody could leave the pack after they joined. "Percy must leave tomorrow, the fates visited him last night and he started aging again." A lot of the people were surprised that a werewolf had started aging again, a lot were also sad because I had been in the pack for 150 yrs and had gotten really close to me over those years.

The rest of the day I spent with the pack, saying good by, racing threw the forest or even going to my favorite places that I had grown fond of over the years. That night as I was going to bed, a colon of flames erupted in the middle of my room. Hestia walked out. I should explain that Hestia knew all along that I survived my last battle; she had even adopted me 2 years after my supposed death. I got up and gave her a hug.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"What? I'm not aloud to visit my son." She laughed. "I wanted to see how you were doing, you are going back to camp after all.."

"Yeah I guess I'm fine."

We talked for a long time. Till late in the night. Then Hestia had to leave, she said good night to me before she erupted into flames and disappeared. I went to bed thinking about the next day and how camp had been for the past 150 yrs.

The next morning I got up and started to get ready. I picked up my mattress and took out a 4 foot box, I opened and took out a sword and a dagger. The sword was a bout three feet long and the dagger one. I strapped the sword onto my back so I could reach it over my right shoulder, the dagger I strapped to my leg. After that I went outside and saw the whole pack waiting for me. We all shifted to our wolf form and raced to the boarder. I got there first because I was the fastest and the strongest in the pack. I would have been Alpha but I let Jack be the leader. I said my last goodbyes to the pack and stepped into godly territory. I shifted to the wolf and ran towards New York. I made it across the US in under 5hours. I got to the boarder of camp and looked into the valley. It hadn't changed, as I looked at the cabins I couldn't help but think that the minor gods should have cabins too. I walked over the boarder and made my way towards the big house.

3rd person POV: The day before Percy walked over the boarder.

The next day the activities at camp went on as usual. But the stories told the night before were on everyone's mind. Most were wishing that Percy was here instead of Nick. Nick and his 'Fan club' were talking about how Nick was so much better than Percy. The day went on like that. The next morning the campers went to activities and after lunch Chiron called a counselor meeting. Nick always went accompanied by his goons that waited outside till the meeting was finished.

Half way threw the meeting there was some yelling outside. The counselors rushed out side to see a dozen of unconscious Aphrodite girls. Then they saw why; in front of them stood the hottest guy they had ever seen. Thalia started to rush forward yelling:

"Per-" She was cut of by Nick yelling " Attack!"

Nick, Annabeth and 5 of his followers each took out a throwing knife and threw it at the boy. Everyone had only pity for the boy, there was no way that he was surviving 7 knives flying towards him. Then, to everyone's surprise, he did this complex series of moves which included a couple flips, twists and so on, one by one the knives were caught and throne back. All of them went to Nick pinning his shirt and his pants to the wall of the Big House. Annabeth and all his followers took out there swords and stated to circle the boy. So the fight was 11 against 1. The whole camp was still recovering from the fact that the person hadn't died and had throne the knives back, when they recovered they saw that the person was surrounded by some of the best swordsmen in camp, since most of them were trained by Luke. Before they could do anything one person lunged at the figure. He evaded the thrust and drew a sword from a scabbard on his back, a scabbard that nobody had noticed before. The campers couldn't help but watch the fight in awe, the unknown person's fighting was flawless, it was more like a dance than sword fighting. In less than five minutes all 11 opponents were disarmed and knocked out. The campers were beyond shocked the guy had bested 11 of the best fighters in camp in less than five minutes without breaking a sweat. Annabeth got up slowly and asked:

"Who are you?"

What the stranger said next shocked them even more and made their jaws hit the floor.

"I'm Perseus Orion Jackson."