Chapter 5: Do you love me?

I woke up in a warm bed. It was one of the best feelings I had, warm and intertwined in my bed sheets. Last night's memories came flooding back in full colour, and I sat up straight in shock. I whipped my head to the person next to me. It was Blaine. Did I sleep with him? I strained my memory. I don't think so... But why is he here?

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. "Morning, beautiful."

"Oh, so it's not 'Rach' anymore?" I joked, secretly hiding my worry.

"It can be whatever you want to be." He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Blaine..." I groaned.

"I'm sorry, but your neck is distracting me. It's looking too delicious."

I pretended to be annoyed with him, but it was too hard at someone who could do perfect puppy dog eyes.

On impulse, he bit my neck.

"I had to do that. Show everyone else you're mine."

"You're claiming me?" I was a bit miffed. He licked my neck, soothing the sore spot where he bit me.

"There you go. Or do you want me to 'kiss it better'?"

"I'll be fine thanks," I retorted. "I've got to get ready." I slid out of bed, but his hand caught my wrist.

"Just stay five minutes," he pleaded.

"I can't."

He did the puppy dog eyes again.



Those five more minutes with Blaine were perfect, but they didn't last. And it meant I was late for school.

I ran a quick shower, washed my hair briefly, and chose something to wear. I didn't mind that Blaine's eyes were on me all the time as I came out of my bathroom wearing only that towel.

He suggested having a shower together, but I wasn't ready for that step, yet.

I didn't care that I was naked in front of him, either. It made me feel like I was in power.

I grabbed a reindeer jumper, a pair of denim shorts and tights.

Blaine raised his eyebrows. "You never wear shorts."

"I'm feeling adventurous."

"I think I'm a bad influence on you."

"I think you are too."

Once I dressed, I ran a brush through my hair and was about to grab my makeup bag, when Blaine stopped me.

"Don't," he said. "You look beautiful without it on."

I put my makeup bag and rewarded him by wrapping my arms around him and kissing him.

"What about you?" I asked, looking around. "Don't you need clothes?"

He grinned. "I'll think of something."


He came down wearing a v-neck cut brown short sleeved shirt, showing off his tan, muscular arms. Normally I hate men wearing jewellery, but the loose brown band he wore around his neck I loved. His green eyes sparkled with amusement when he saw the way my eyes scanned around his body.

"Like it?"

"Oh, I love it," I dropped my voice seductively. "So much that I would have you right here, right now."

He growled sexily, "I'd love to, but I really, really think we should get going," he took a step towards me.

I bit my lip and looked down. "We really should," I whispered. I let him get close enough to me so he thought he was going to kiss me; but I quickly turned, walked out and grabbed my school bag.

He watched me, impressed. "Nice move."

"Thanks." I smiled angelically at him. "Although I could spend here all day with you, Blaine, I care about my education. I haven't missed a day of school, ever."

I felt his arms wrap around me again. "We might have to change that."

I decided to cut this short. "Yes, we might. But not today. Now come on."


We arrived a nanosecond before the bell. I rushed to my locker, opened it and grabbed all I needed and shut it. I saw Blaine leaning by the lockers on my left. His expression was unreadable.

"What?" I tried to stuff my books in my bag.

"You're adorable. How you get all worried about missing school. It's cute."

I shook my head, and ran to my Geography class.

"Miss Berry," came the icy voice of Mrs Sherton, "How nice of you to finally join us."

"I'm sorry Mrs Sherton, I woke up late and-"

"It's my fault." Blaine strolled in looking carefree. My heart flipped.

"I'm sorry Mrs Sherton, I came over her place to revise," he said, coolly and calmly.

"Sit down." Our teacher sniffed, like our late presence disgusted her. I scuttled to my seat.

"Miss Berry? Next time you think it's appropriate to 'revise' before school, I strongly recommend otherwise."
I got it. Oh. They thought me and Blaine- uh. My cheeks were burning. I kept my head ducked in embarrassment.

"Today we will be studying the continents, and the continental drifts. Open your page to one hundred and three..."

I didn't listen. It was all background noise to me. All I could hear was my own heart beat.

I imagined Finn's hurt face staring down at me. I regret ever thinking you loved me, he said.

The scene changed, to when I was walking down the corridors with Kurt. Blaine is gay. He will, always be gay. Don't get your hopes up. He broke my heart and he'll break yours.

It shifted to last night in my living room, standing in my bunny pyjamas with Blaine. The way he refused my offer, how reluctant he was... Did he not love me?

It was too much. I felt bile rising up in my throat, and sprinted out of the room.

"Miss Berry!" Called Mrs Sherton angrily.


I only made it to the entrance of the girls' toilets, where I threwup everywhere. My throat felt raw, and dry. Tears welled up in my eyes. Blaine didn't love me. He never did. He didn't care. He just liked playing with me.

They must have sent someone after me, because I heard footsteps echoing in the corridor.

"If you're here to convince me to go back, I'm not. I've been sick." I kept my head down, tears dripping down my face.

"Actually, I'm here to comfort you. What was that?"

Green eyes with flecks of brown looked into mine.

"It's- It's nothing," I gasped.

"That wasn't nothing. You just ran out of Geography, and you know how Mrs Sherton is."

"I was sick," I admitted bleakly. I paused.

"And?" He prompted gently.

"And I thought you didn't love me." I wiped the tears away with my sleeve.

He laughed. I felt outraged. I just told him my biggest fear, and... he laughed. I stood up to go.

"Rach. Of course I love you."
Relief flooded through me.

"I find it ridiculous that you think that. You're clearly the most beautiful girl in the school, the star that shines the brightest. I've always loved you, but before.. People got in the way."

I knew what he meant. Finn and Kurt.

"I broke up with Kurt because I started having feelings for you. I thought I was gay. But-" his brow creased. "What I felt for you wasn't fake. I love you, Rach, and I always, always want to be with you."

I took all this in, in amazement. In all the time I knew Blaine Anderson, I didn't know this Blaine Anderson. The one who loved me all along.

"I love you too, Blaine," I whispered. We shared a kiss, and he laced his fingers with mine.

"You ready to go back?"

I nodded, ready to face the full fury of Miss Sherton. Because whatever would happen, however bad, I had Blaine by my side. And that was better than anyone.

A:N/ Well, thanks to the people who stuck with this story and read all the way through! This was originally going to be a one chapter fanfic that turned into a full-blown story! And I really appreciate reviews! (who doesn't?)