A/N: Wooooaaaah, dudes... I'm so sorry for the lack of updates D: I've completely forgotten the plot so the next one shall be the final chapter. Had a few tests, college, projects etc. so it was a tad hard to get this done. Then my word counter decided that no, it wasn't okay for me to open the Internet, and therefore deleted it after I reached 1,500 words, hence this isn't the longest of chapters :/

Arthur was in their room sobbing loudly when Alfred went to him a week later, following a shopping trip. He had panicked naturally, as it was out of character for his husband even when he was drunk. In an instant, he had made his way over to the bed and had cradled the omega in his arms. "Artie, what's wrong?" he asked quietly. Puffy red eyes looked up into questioning blue, a few more tears making their escape and leaving wet trails down his cheeks.

"I'm getting fat and you... y-you won't be attracted to me anymore," the Queen whimpered as he wrapped the measuring tape around his waist in order to demonstrate his point. Thirty eight inches... The King had been sure that it wasn't anywhere near as much a few days earlier, but it still wasn't bad. It was only slightly bigger than his hips anyway, so it wasn't going to make much of a difference. "Y-you're going to hate me, and then you won't want to have litters with me, a-and then everyone else will hate me," he continued before burying his face in the alpha's robes. Realisation soon dawned upon the taller male, and he stroked the soft cheek affectionately.

"Artie, are you pregnant or something?" Bad decision. The omega flipped, his green eyes growing darker. It strongly resembled how women tended to react when told that the dress does in fact make them look fat.

"No I am not bloody pregnant, did you not look at the test that I gave to you!?" he screeched angrily, causing more tears to fall as a direct result of the stress.

"Woah, dude! Calm down! I just meant that the tests don't always work straight away and it takes about a week or two for them to actually be accurate. The pregnancies are quick anyway, but the hormones don't sh-"

"I. Am. Not. Pregnant," Arthur growled through gritted teeth, punctuating each word with a pause and glare. With that, he hopped off the bed and stormed out of the room, leaving his partner to sit awkwardly on his own.

Even so, as he walked down towards his study, curiosity took over him. He had been the youngest of five so he had never actually witnessed a pregnancy, so perhaps sickness was an inessential signal. That was what he had been searching for initially; nausea or morning sickness. He had been prone to sudden fits of sobs since the last time they had mated during his heat, though, which was apparently one of the signs. He had also had urges to go towards one of the rooms in the mating quarters and curl up under the bed with a stuffed teddy. It was definitely out of character for him. Perhaps he was carrying a child. It couldn't possibly be a phantom pregnancy because he wasn't particularly fond of the idea of having a child so young. The curiosity quickly took over him, and he took a detour to the bathroom in order to check. Tests were found, instructions were followed, and he waited patiently for the results. 'Patiently' meaning 'pacing frantically whilst staring at the clock'.

Finally the results came. Arthur's heart skipped a beat as he peered into the sink and saw the answer to his partner's earlier question. It took a moment for the results to sink in, but when it did, he had to check all three of the tests several more times to ensure that it wasn't simply a figment of his imagination. In complete silence he bolted out of the room, making his way quickly towards the bedroom. The door was thrown open, and he let out an irritated sigh upon realising that Alfred wasn't there. He then made his way towards the study in hopes of him being there. Without knocking, he flung the door open again to see his husband half way through writing up a document. Blue eyes flashed up to meet his. "Arthur," he acknowledged quietly, "Is anything wrong?"

"My Sire, please forgive me."

The omega bowed low in apology before approaching his partner and sitting carefully on his lap. "I have discovered something and beg you not to be upset with me. You see..." He hesitated for a moment, "I am in fact carrying your child." The alpha's face dropped for a moment, then he tightly wrapped his arms around the smaller figure as he beamed.

"Yay, we're going to have a baby!" Alfred exclaimed loudly with a triumphant laugh. Arthur sighed softly as he was placed on the desk, whilst his husband ran out of the room and exclaimed it loudly. The yells seemed somewhat over the top, but he knew how much the King wanted to have children. They were young, no doubt, but starting early would make it easier for them to complete the task of filling the kingdom with heirs. Most omegas only conceived a few times in their lives, so it was important to take advantage of the mating in order to have as many as possible. There was always the possibility of either three statuses of fertility, hence it would likely take a while to get an alpha child.

"I'm so happy!" he yelled as he skipped back into the room and held his partner tightly. Arthur smiled and wrapped his arms around the taller male's shoulders as they embraced. The sparkles in the blue eyes further proved the excitement as he was lifted up onto the alpha's waist in order to cuddle closer. "Artie, can I join you when you get the pregnancy stuff and baby stuff and all of those sorts of things?" he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. The response was a soft laugh and a nod as the hug grew tighter. They remained in a tight embrace for several more minutes before allowing tr other to go and continuing twitch their daily business as usual.

The days felt as if they were dragging as soon as they found out about the pregnancy. Arthur couldn't waste time by doing exercise, nor could he stand for long after a few months had passed. It had come to the point where there had been little attraction between him and Alfred, not even chaste kisses. The pregnancy meant that his well-being was way more important than any romance, even if it meant that both were severely dissatisfied. Despite everything, though, it was clear that the alpha would make a good father. He wasn't the most responsible, the best with children or even the most gentle alpha in the kingdom, but he was loving and sweet. Sometimes he didn't know when enough was enough, especially when it came to exercise and food, but he genuinely gave all of the love he possibly could.

Arthur could see it even when he couldn't stand. It was common for omegas to be bed bound during the final stage of pregnancy, yet the Queen was frequently visited, held and carried outside. Despite the lack of intimacy in the relationship during the time where he was unable to move properly himself, he appreciated being held, spoken to and treated in such a gentle way. "You know, they told me why you're so big. Apparently we're likely to be having twins at least, like a proper litter," Alfred said quietly one day as they sat on a bench deep in the garden.

"Ah, so what'll end up happening when the time comes for birth?"

"You likely won't be able to go through natural because you aren't female. It'll be painful and you'll probably end up passing out from blood loss, apparently, but it'll be worth it, right?"

"O-of course," Arthur whispered as he hugged his husband's arm. Even so, the excitement of having a child had suddenly left him with a fear of giving birth, especially for the first time.